

发布时间:2024-07-05 16:25:02


题:As people rely more and more ontechnology to solve problems, the ability of humans to think for themselveswill surely 这是之前练GRE的ISSUE的一篇文章……都记不得是什么时候写的了,也许有直接用别人的段子的地方……仅供参考吧……Will the ability of human to thinkdeteriorate as a result of reliance on modern technology? The author The more we human beings depend on the high technology which provides uswith convenience and efficiency, the more possible we will too lazy to think onour However, he fails to fully evaluate this And for one thing, theability to think and use of technology are not mutually In fact, thedevelopment of technology makes more possibilities and more space for humanmind to think and I concede that sometimes technology doesimpair the ability to, for example, compute, as we have calculators andcomputers to do those tedious jobs for And because of the GPS, we do not need to remember theroads home and do not have to think about which route will be shorter And sometimes, when we have trouble or, the first thing come up with isnot to find the answer by thinking, but to click the keyboard and just At the same time, the development oftechnology also provides us with new problems and challenges never And the most compelling example will be In China, there is an ancient mythcalled Changebenyue, a story in which a women named Change eat a kind ofmedicine and then flied to the For ancient Chinese, it is a dream thatthought to be never As a result, no one ever think about how to makeit come However, with the development of astronomy, scientists areintrigued by the outer space, and by years of research and hard work, human arefinally able to fly to the The success of reaching the outerspace raises more attention from all over the world, even themigration to the Mars seems more In order to fulfill these tasks,scientists are working on a lot of problems such as discovering more efficientfuel, lighter materials, and a way to cut down the cost which will make thespace ship affordable for common And after Henry Ford made cars in arevolutionary way, the production line, tones of cars sold every year in the As cars become ubiquitous, theproblems The shortage of As the price of gasoline rises every year, the need to find alternative energy is Nuclear energy, and solar energy cars are under When it comes to alternative energy,nuclear energy must be one of the most potential nuclear energy is infinite。 Yet, it can sometimes turn to ahorrible In addition, the efficiency whichtechnology provides can give us more time to think and focus on those reallymatters rather than And there are numerous examples to In sum, the ability to think will not bedeteriorated by the technology, rather, the convenience and efficiency whichtechnology provides will lead to more time to think and offer us with newproblems and challenges to work

As we all kown, we are entering a brand new era full of opportunities and innovations,and great changes have taken place in people's attitude towards some science and technology for example,the topic of the cell phone has aroused more and more public attention,Undoubtedly,which is an dispensable part for the development of society ,has a profound impact on both individuals and There is a good side and a bad side to everything ,it goes saying that cell phone is very famous for people and plays an important in but, it spent so much time on playing games and calling specially both students and young it brings happiness and friends at the cost of falling grades To solve the problem,i hold to the belief that We should try to control your cellphone time


We are well aware of the role of modern transportation in our Not too long ago, people endured great hardship in order to make a long Moving heavy goods from one town to another involved hard Today, we enjoy the convenience of various kinds of vehicles including ships, planes, trains, and automobiles, which allow us to go wherever we choose and make our workload much But modern transportation, along with convenience has brought some With more drivers on the road, there has been an increase in traffic jams and The exhaust from automobiles has added to our air pollution, not to mention additional noise caused by trucks and cars on the Like everything else, modern transportation has more than one Here in China, we look to our government experts to solve these Scientists are working on developing modern fuel that produces less However, we can all help reduce air pollution from automobiles by only driving when it is necessary and using public transportation when

the only thing that i can think of right now air strange huh?




个人的生命如同那薄薄的蝉翼,经不起什么风吹雨打,它是脆弱的,却又无比坚强。造物主创造了人,充满活力的生命来到了这个世界,我们难道不应该珍惜吗? 当我看到一朵鲜花盛开的时候,我为之高兴;可是,当我看着一朵朵花儿慢慢凋谢,不免有些伤感。我的定义中,花开就是生命的开始,花谢就是生命的结束,人的一生中可以看到多少个花开花谢呢?当你看一次时间,时间就悄悄溜走了一次。我不禁感叹一句——生命如此短暂!有一位哲学家说过:人生只有昨天,今天和明天。是的,生命在慢慢的离去,生命不在于长短而是在于是否精彩,把握住每一个瞬间,让生命如同璀璨的星群,发光发亮……是的,生命就是要过得精彩,让我们的人生充满意义是人类永久的追求。随着科技的发展,社会的进步,交通运输日益发达,人们的出行方式也日趋多元化。然而,这一现象的背后,也隐藏着不容忽视的一个重大问题——交通安全问题。 据了解,2006年全国共发生道路交通事故378781起,比上年下降9%。自2000年以来,道路交通事故死亡人数首次回落到9万人以下,共造成89455人死亡,比上年下降4%据公安部有关负责人介绍,其中发生一次死亡10人以上特大交通事故38起,是1991年以来的历史最低点,造成558人死亡,比2005年下降 9%。2006年发生的道路交通事故中,机动车驾驶人交通违法违规导致死亡人数明显下降。共造成76350人死亡,下降2%。其中,因超速行驶、疲劳驾驶、酒后驾驶导致死亡人数分别下降3%、6%和21%。此外,小型客车、重型货车事故导致死亡人数也分别有所下降。 虽然情况已有所改善,但我们仍不能掉以轻心。每年的3月是中小学生安全教育月。也许有同学觉得烦,认为这是老生常谈,根本没什么用。那么,为什么每年的交通事故中,还有那么多的中小学生死伤呢?之所以一遍又一遍重申安全问题,就是为了尽量避免此类事件的发生。生命对于每个人来说都只有一次,因此必须加倍珍惜它、爱护他。 在大城市中,在上下学高峰期,马路上随处可见的是学生们在自行车上搭载人,这是多么危险,大家又想过吗,一个不小心,不注意,一个个鲜活的生命,一个个祖国的未来就这样离去了,这值得吗?不仅如此,没多远就有的斑马线,就是有人对它视而不见,偏偏要拿自己的生命开玩笑,多么的愚昧,多么的无知啊!一个理想的家园是需要每个人的努力,我们应该提高自己的安全意识。一定要阻止交通事故对整个社会的危害,不要再让那惊心触目的场面再出现了, 每个人的生命都是父母给予我们的,它是无比宝贵的。有了生命的存在,才能成就我们一个个五彩的梦。一个人不会有第二次的生命,所以我们应该倍加珍惜。我们是祖国的未来,是未来的建设者和主宰者,为了我们的明天,让我们珍惜生命吧,你愿意吗?“高高兴兴上学去,平平安安回家来”是每个学校老师和学生家长对学生的一个共同心愿。青少年是祖国的花朵,社会主义的接班人,在学好科学文化知识的同时,更应该学习如何保护自己。在交通日益繁忙,生活节奏日益加快的今天,遵守交通规则更是刻不容缓,这样才为我们前进的路上了护栏。遵守交通法规,人人有责。人人遵守交通规则,珍视生命,才能保证社会安定。 中学时代是人生最灿烂的季节,在尽情享受青春的欢乐时,也不要忘了,再美好的时光是需要生命去享受的,拥有健康的生命是拥有一切的前提!

现在,交通已经成为了大家每天必不可少的谈论话题,交通工具也不可避免的成为了让人们谈论的重点。对于“你今天做什吗来的呀?”“车挤不挤呀?”这些话似乎人们已经耳熟能详了。地铁,一种新颖的交通工具也不知不觉地走进了人们的视线。 地铁的最大优点在于它的准时。对于现在的上班一族来说,晚一分钟就有被炒鱿鱼的危险。像公共汽车这样的交通工具,路上堵车都是常有的事,而只一度最短就是10分钟,长了就说不准了。为此,人们又要提前从家里出来半个多小时,能不能准时到达还不说,对身体也是一大损失,而地铁就不同了。他们都很准时,又因为是在地下,而且又都是各自单一的轨道,堵车自然是不可能的了。再加上没有红绿灯,也就大大缩短了时间。刚开学的时候,我都是有爸爸开车送达学校的,每天都要起得很早,可自从坐了地铁之后,时间大大减半,由原来的半个小时缩短到现在的15分钟,而且也不用担心迟到。而且地铁还有它温暖的候车室和可靠地安全性,都是公共汽车所不及的。 地铁开进你的生活了吗?




一、选择自己熟悉的感兴趣的题材写作科技小论文,要自己选题,选出自己感兴趣的、能独立完成的好题材,选择的题材要具有新颖性。选择新颖的好题材意味着科技小论文的写作成功了一半。明确要求,规范格式。严格地说,科技小论文不是“写”出来的,而是科技实践活动的结晶。许多科技小论文在各级评比中落选的原因,是内容和格式不符合要求,或者是数据材料不足。因此,写作科技小论文之前,必须了解科学研究的一般方法和步骤、科技小论文的选题要求、实验数据记录的方法和要求、写作的格式等等。这样才能有计划、有目的、有步骤地开展科学实践活动。此外,一篇好的科技小论文,应该有一定数量的图表和照片等直观说明材料,才能更好的体现真实性,增强说服力。二、科技小论文写作的规范格式科技小论文是科学研究的总结,而不是文学作品。它包括以下内容:1、论文题目:题目要与研究的内容相一致,不能文不对题。题目要求简洁、新颖、吸引读者。研究的题目不能太大,不然无从下手;2、引言:是论文的开场白,简单说明进行该研究的目的或作者是怎样想到要开展这方面研究工作的起因;3、材料和研究方法。要写清考察和观察的对象、实验的材料及材料来源;采用什么研究方法以及具体研究步骤;使用了哪些仪器等,这都要如实交代清楚,以便经得起他人的重复试验;4、结果:是论文的论据部分。除了用文字,还可用表格中的数据,图片,照片,这样具有说服力。数据的真实可靠是实验研究的关键所在。5、讨论:这是论文的论证和论点部分。通过实验得出了什么科学结论,并要在理论的基础上加以说明。论点必须是以科学的研究方法和研究结果为依据,要恰如其分,实事求是。如果脱离实际,故意扩大研究成果,就失去论文的科学性,结果将是一事无成。6、参考文献凡是引用他人的报告、论文等文献中的观点,数据、材料、成果等,都应按本论文中引用先后顺序排列,文中标明参考文献的顺序号或引文作者姓名。每篇参考文献按篇名、作者、文献出处排列。7、附件将不便列入正文的有关资料或图纸、编入其中,它包括有实验部分的详细数据,图谱、图表等。附录里所列材料,可按论文表述顺序编排。三、科技小论文的类型野外考察型、实验操作型、规划设计型、环境观察型、参观访问型、调查研讨型、栽培饲养型四、科技小论文的要求有新意、过程科学规范、材料详实可靠、论述规范合理、结构明晰流畅五、注意事项1、 要亲自动手做2、 在论文中能看出你动手操作和思维的过程3、 要从身边的小事入手,要切合实际,具备可操作性。4、 打开思维,要有创新意识,不要被已有的知识拘束,要学会猜想,并且通过实验去求证。5、 小论文的形式是多种多样的,而且短小精干,不是说写的字数越多就越好,关键要写清楚自己的观点、想法和做法。 (希望对你能有帮助!!!)

关于桥梁伸缩缝的研究一、 桥面伸缩缝的养护 桥面伸缩缝要经常注意养护,使其发挥正常作用。对于锌钢板U形槽伸缩缝要防止杂物嵌入;梳形钢板伸缩缝、梳齿缝和毛勒缝内塞进杂物时要及时清除;钢板伸缩缝缝板在震断时要及时修复;橡胶缝的橡胶老化时要注意修理更换。二、 桥面伸缩缝缺陷的修补与更换 (1)修补前应查明原因,采用行之有效的、与之相适应的修补方法,修补工作要依据缺陷的程度,或部分修补,或部分以至全部更换。 (2)对于锌铁皮伸缩缝,当其软性填料老化脱落时,在充分扫清原缝隙泥土后,重新注入新的填缝料。当铺装层破坏时,要凿除重新铺筑。凿除破损部位要划线切割(或竖凿)。清扫旧料后再铺筑新面层。当采用混凝土浇筑时,要采用快硬水泥并注意新旧接缝要保持平整,对铺筑部分要加以初期养生。 (3)对于钢板伸缩缝,当钢板与角钢焊接破裂时,应清除垢秽后重新焊牢;当梳齿断裂或出现裂缝后,也要采取焊接方法进行修补。排水沟堵塞后应及时予以清除。凑合用把

当代交通科技的发展主要经历了四个阶段:①蒸汽阶段 蒸气阶段为英国产业革命时期,代表性的交通工具为蒸气火车、蒸气轮船等②内燃阶段;柴油机、汽油机等均为内燃机阶段的产物,交通工具有现在的汽车、摩托车、拖拉机等,且大部分的机动车辆的动力都是内燃机。③电气阶段 主要是电磁之间的转化,电动机,发电机是这个时期的代表产物。④自动化阶段:当代的交通科技对社会未来的主要影响:对于当今可持续发展的社会,主要的发展方向应当朝环保节能。电动车等无污染的交通工具必将成为主导


题:As people rely more and more ontechnology to solve problems, the ability of humans to think for themselveswill surely 这是之前练GRE的ISSUE的一篇文章……都记不得是什么时候写的了,也许有直接用别人的段子的地方……仅供参考吧……Will the ability of human to thinkdeteriorate as a result of reliance on modern technology? The author The more we human beings depend on the high technology which provides uswith convenience and efficiency, the more possible we will too lazy to think onour However, he fails to fully evaluate this And for one thing, theability to think and use of technology are not mutually In fact, thedevelopment of technology makes more possibilities and more space for humanmind to think and I concede that sometimes technology doesimpair the ability to, for example, compute, as we have calculators andcomputers to do those tedious jobs for And because of the GPS, we do not need to remember theroads home and do not have to think about which route will be shorter And sometimes, when we have trouble or, the first thing come up with isnot to find the answer by thinking, but to click the keyboard and just At the same time, the development oftechnology also provides us with new problems and challenges never And the most compelling example will be In China, there is an ancient mythcalled Changebenyue, a story in which a women named Change eat a kind ofmedicine and then flied to the For ancient Chinese, it is a dream thatthought to be never As a result, no one ever think about how to makeit come However, with the development of astronomy, scientists areintrigued by the outer space, and by years of research and hard work, human arefinally able to fly to the The success of reaching the outerspace raises more attention from all over the world, even themigration to the Mars seems more In order to fulfill these tasks,scientists are working on a lot of problems such as discovering more efficientfuel, lighter materials, and a way to cut down the cost which will make thespace ship affordable for common And after Henry Ford made cars in arevolutionary way, the production line, tones of cars sold every year in the As cars become ubiquitous, theproblems The shortage of As the price of gasoline rises every year, the need to find alternative energy is Nuclear energy, and solar energy cars are under When it comes to alternative energy,nuclear energy must be one of the most potential nuclear energy is infinite。 Yet, it can sometimes turn to ahorrible In addition, the efficiency whichtechnology provides can give us more time to think and focus on those reallymatters rather than And there are numerous examples to In sum, the ability to think will not bedeteriorated by the technology, rather, the convenience and efficiency whichtechnology provides will lead to more time to think and offer us with newproblems and challenges to work

We are well aware of the role of modern transportation in our Not too long ago, people endured great hardship in order to make a long Moving heavy goods from one town to another involved hard Today, we enjoy the convenience of various kinds of vehicles including ships, planes, trains, and automobiles, which allow us to go wherever we choose and make our workload much But modern transportation, along with convenience has brought some With more drivers on the road, there has been an increase in traffic jams and The exhaust from automobiles has added to our air pollution, not to mention additional noise caused by trucks and cars on the Like everything else, modern transportation has more than one Here in China, we look to our government experts to solve these Scientists are working on developing modern fuel that produces less However, we can all help reduce air pollution from automobiles by only driving when it is necessary and using public transportation when

