

发布时间:2024-09-09 14:47:35


Suzhou is a national point tour city,the cultural object protection unit has 489 totally now,among them national 15,the province class 85,the amount only next to Peking and XAncient city in the Suzhou is located in water net,street according to river and then set up,the land-and-water proceeds together;The building faces water but builds,ex- lane empress river,the special appearance of the formation"small bridge,flowing water

The Suzhou is a national point tour city,the cultural object protection unit has 489 totally now,among them national 15,the province class 85,the amount only next to Peking and XAncient city in the Suzhou is located in water net,street according to river and then set up,the land-and-water proceeds together;The building faces water but builds,ex- lane empress river,the special appearance of the formation"small bridge,flowing water,somebody else"Gather the building,landscape,flowers and trees,carvings,calligraphy and painting is equal to integral whole of Suzhou park is the mankind are civilized of the soul treasure strange,government park with stay a park to be included in four name parks in China,and together net teacher park,wreath show country villa and 沧 wave station,lion wood,skill,park,back to think park's is 9 classic parks,distinguish is taught a section text the organization by United Nations to be included in in 97 December,yearses and November,2000 《inheritance in the world record 》,ancient town together inside,week Chuang,keeping be declaring to be included in cultural inheritance in the world




高中生作文:记叙文 阅读指导 寻找历史的足迹彭益清  继续寻着历史的足迹,去了解苏州,了解苏州的历史,去品味吴中文化,去发现苏州这座古城悠久的历史和灿烂的文化,在古典与现代的交融中感受岁月沧桑下苏州的历史变迁和文化传承。   寻找历史的足迹     “江南好,风景旧曾谙。日出江花红胜火,春来江水绿如蓝。能不忆江南?”白居易的一首《忆江南》,道出了对江南的向往之情,也正是这样,从古至今,江南水乡成为了文人墨客题咏吟唱的向往之地。而一句“上有天堂,下有苏杭”更增添了人们对 “人间天堂”的苏杭的憧憬。从小生活在苏州的我,对这座有着2500多年历史的古城更是有着一份特殊的感情。或漫步在细雨朦胧下的小街小巷,感受岁月的变迁;或穿梭于古城之间,于青砖碧瓦中品味历史的沧桑;或坐在湖边亭中品茗赏曲,体会历史变迁下那源远流长的吴中文化……从这一刻开始寻找历史的足迹——苏州博物馆。苏州博物馆位于苏州古城北部历史保护街区,由世界知名建筑大师贝聿铭设计。作为展示传统苏州和现代苏州文化的标志性建筑,它所散发出的历史人文气息是我一直向往的,于是,为了能更多地了解苏州的历史文化,利用好这次的暑假时间,苏州博物馆成了我的首选。     进入馆内,虽然建筑多以现代几何造型为主,但我却意外地发现馆内同样融入了许多苏州古典园林的元素,错落有致、粉墙黛瓦的江南典型建筑所特有的美在建筑大师贝聿铭的手下展现得淋漓尽致,与周边的拙政园和太平天国忠王府等古建筑和谐融合、相映成趣。   或许,对于苏州这座历史悠久的文化古城而言,无论是走在小巷深处,还是于古城门边、园林之中都散发着历史的气息,但是,苏州博物馆却是体会苏州历史变迁的最佳场所。不仅仅是因为馆内的历史藏品,更多的是因为它于无形中体现的那份历史和现代的交汇,于古典中却又不失现代气息的美总让人置身其中浮想联翩……     苏州博物馆的展厅是按照朝代的顺序从古至今安排的,主展区设有吴地遗珍、吴塔国宝、吴中风雅、吴门书画等四个富有苏州地方特色的系列常设展览。顺着长廊,我可以清晰地感受到苏州历史的变迁——从建城时春秋时期吴国的都城到如今这个繁华又不失古典的城市,我不由地对设计大师贝聿铭爷爷钦佩不已,他的设计让人们自然而然地于博物馆内体会苏州的岁月沧桑。     走过一条走廊,我首先来到了 “吴地遗珍”系列展厅,在“晨光熹微” 场馆里看到了史前陶器和玉器。据讲解介绍:史前陶器主要传承了马家滨文化,崧泽文化和良渚文化,而此年代的“玉礼器”也已有了很高的发展。展品中的玉琮、刻陶文鱼蒌形耳罐和鳖形壶都是留存至今史前陶器、玉器的代表作。我不禁感叹:这是古代人民智慧的结晶!文化的魅力所在原来就源自这里,人们用自己的智慧创造了这些稀有的珍宝,而我们今天在探寻其中历史的同时,其实更多的应该是感受当时人们所付诸的感情。人们总说“一方水土养一方人”,究竟是怎样的文化熏陶让当时的人们能创造出如此精美的艺术品?     “晨光熹微”旁边的场馆是“争伯春秋”,主要是春秋时期出土的青铜器和玉器的展示。这些藏品主要出土于真山吴王墓、严山窖藏吴国王室玉器、虎丘春秋墓和何山东周墓等。人们较为熟悉的有蟠螭三足提梁盂、玉敛葬饰件、铜鼎和玉环。从“争伯春秋”场馆走出,进入 “锦绣江南”场馆。这里主要展示了自汉迄唐的陶瓷青铜器制品。接着参观的是“都会流韵”场馆,里面主要是一些赔葬品,以元娘娘墓、明王锡爵墓随葬品为主。其中元娘娘墓的赔葬品,大部分都保持原样,除了色泽有少许脱落外,依旧能看出当时的富丽之相,特别是用纯金打造的女金冠,更是此场馆的重中之重。     如果要说苏州博物馆给我留下印象最深的是什么,那便要属“吴塔国宝”系列展厅。其中主要分为两部分,一部分是“塔放瑞光”展馆。这一展厅展出的主要是瑞光寺塔的佛教文物。展厅的中央是国家级文物——北宋时期的真珠舍利宝幢。刚一走进展馆,金光夺目的宝幢一下子就吸引住了我。我从未见过如此构思独特、造型优美的宗教艺术品。它呈八角形,是在苏州盘门瑞光塔内第三层上发现的。塔身精雕细刻,上有一条满身缀珠如银鳞的九头龙。刹顶是一颗光彩动人的水晶球,意示“佛光普照”。听导游介绍:整座宝幢综合了当时木雕、描金、玉雕、穿珠以及金银细工等多种工艺技术。采用的珍珠达三万多颗,是一件稀有而珍贵的宗教艺术品,凝聚了许多能工巧匠的智慧与心血。另一部分是“宝藏虎丘”,主要是虎丘云岩寺塔的佛教文物,如秘色瓷莲花碗、石函和楠木经箱等。于导游的讲解介绍中,我发现自己似乎突然明白了这里的文物藏品背后所承载的历史蕴含:它不光光是具有历史研究价值,证明当时社会的历史背景和人们所掌握的制作技艺,同样它是一种文化,它代表着当时历史时期所特有的文化象征,记载着人类文明的历史渊源。     相对前两个展厅, “吴中风雅” 和 “吴门书画”系列展厅的陈列品有所不同。主要是一些明名书斋陈设、瓷器、玉器、竹木牙角器、民俗小摆设、织绣服饰、宋画斋陈设等的主题展示。文房四宝、琴棋书画,一踏入展厅,我便感受到了一股浓厚的古代文化气息。“吴门四家”的书画,彰显着古代贤者的诗意与洒脱;玉雕石刻、陶瓷器皿,无声地述说着古代人民精湛的艺术手法;穿梭于博物馆内的各个展厅,我如同穿越了历史的长河,感受了历史文化的底蕴之深,目睹了古代人民的智慧之高。     走出展厅,我又去参观了与苏州博物馆仅一墙之隔的忠王府。它是太平天国时期所建,至今已经有一百多年了。府中陈列了许多太平天国时期的器物,如武器、令牌、服装、文献等,于宏大气派的帝王豪宅中我感受到了太平天国运动的兴衰起伏。作为中国几千年来农民战争的最高峰,太平天国运动是一次反帝、反封建的农民运动,在广大人民的团结和共同的努力之下沉重地打击了中外反动势力。我想,这一历史性的运动带给我的遐想就是今天我们研究历史文化的重要原因吧!虽然我并没有经历当时的太平天国运动,但是,今天我漫步于忠王府中,从整个官邸的布局安排中我能感受得到当时背景下那个时期的历史;从府中陈列的太平天国时期的器物中我能体会得到一个时期的历史文化。     通过这次的“苏州博物馆之行”,我的感触很多很多。一方面我从史前的陶器玉器到五代十国的书画作品的参观中,了解了它们本身的制作工艺和历史研究价值;同样,我也了解了它们所反映出的当时社会的历史情况、人们所受到的文化熏陶和所处地域苏州的历史人文气息。另一方面我感叹自己对苏州历史和文化知道的太少。虽然我的家乡是苏州,从小我又生活在这片土地上,但是对于苏州详细的历史渊源却知之甚少。苏州作为一个旅游城市,一个有着2500多年悠久历史文化的古城,著名的古典私家园林是全国各地、甚至世界各地的人们都向往游览的地方。“吴中第一名胜”的虎丘,“中国私家园林之最”的拙政园等等数不胜数。但是,我们现在的孩子面对如此博大精深的历史文化却越来越缺乏“去了解”、“去发现”的兴趣。其实,哪怕是博物馆内的一个我们看似很普通的泥碗,其中也记载着一段历史,凝聚着古代人民的智慧与结晶。我想,这应该就是安排这次活动最主要的原因吧!让我们利用暑假的时间更多的去了解苏州,了解它的历史,了解它的文化。只有这样,苏州的历史文化技艺才会一直传承下去。     我很高兴我能参加这次“寻找历史的足迹”的活动!因为我从博物馆文物的陈列中,看到了苏州从建城以来经历的历史变迁,不同的历史时期有不同的文化底蕴,苏州正是在岁月的洗礼下一路走来才形成了今天的美丽!那是古典韵味与现代气息的融合,是一份所有生活在苏州的人都应该珍惜的美!      在今天这个快速发展的社会,人们的生活越来越快节奏,其实有的时候,慢下你的步伐,去细细体味一下曾经逝去的岁月,从历史的兴衰变化中感受城市的变迁,其实你会发现很多这个城市别样的美。而我也会继续寻着历史的足迹,去了解苏州,了解苏州的历史,去品味吴中文化,去发现苏州这座古城悠久的历史和灿烂的文化,在古典与现代的交融中感受岁月沧桑下苏州的历史变迁和文化传承。

强烈建议你去苏州新华书店买一本 Travel round jiangsu 讲述苏州的最多,什么都涵括了~~~

【On the Suzhou Tourism ProductDevelopment Management】In Suzhou, the prospect of major tourism development in the face of the tourist market demand and dissatisfaction with the development of tourism products in Suzhou to explore the advantages and disadvantages of effective measures for the tourism products in Suzhou integration and structural optimization to enhance the image of tourism in Suzhou, In order to enhance the attraction of Suzhou, a tourist destination and make the necessary product development, innovation, and eliminate the drawbacks of the old system, forming a coordinated development of the tourism market, rather than forming a patchwork of low-grade product mix, strong tourism for the city of Suzhou to build a solid building the basis of the

拙政园:The Humble Administrator's Garden (or Zhuozheng Yuan) is one of four great Chinese At 51,950 m�0�5 it is the largest garden in Suzhou and generally considered the finest garden in southern C In 1997, Zhuozheng Yuan, along with other classical gardens of Suzhou was proclaimed a UNESCO World Heritage SThe garden's site was a scholar garden during the Tang Dynasty, and later a monastery garden for the Dahong Temple during the Yuan D In 1513, during the Ming Dynasty reign of Emperor Zhengde, an administrator named Wang Xianchen appropriated the temple and converted it into a private villa with gardens, which were constructed by digging lakes and piling the resultant earth into artificial The garden was designed in collaboration with the renowned Ming artist Wen Zhengming, and was as large as today's garden, with numerous trees and The Wang family sold the garden several years later, and it has changed hands many times The garden was split up in the later Ming dynasty, and it remained neglected until the Qing Dynasty reigns of Emperors Shunzhi and Kangxi, when the garden was extensively rebuilt with major modifications to its earlier During Emperor Qianlong's reign the gardens were again divided into the Shu Yuan (Book of Study Garden) and the Fu Yuan (Restored Garden)Today's garden is only very loosely related to its earliest version, but closely resembles its late Qing appearance, with numerous pavilions and bridges set among a maze of connected pools and It consists of three major parts set about a large lake: the central part (Zhuozheng Yuan), the eastern part (once called Guitianyuanju, Dwelling Upon Return to the Countryside), and a western part (the Supplementary Garden) The house lies in the south of the


1、试论朱里亚-克劳狄王朝时期近卫军与皇帝的关系  2、马尔克与5-9世纪的法兰克社会  3、曼与马尔克的比较研究  4、论林志纯关于中国城邦制与封建制的研究  5、高中历史必修Ⅰ中的公民教育研究  6、白月桥历史教育思想研究  7、苏州市历史中考试卷发展研究(2009-2015)  8、沪台两地最近版本初中历史教材对比研究  9、近年(2010-2015)高考历史选择题量化统计研究  10、江西历史高考选择题的变化走向及其教学策略的研究  11、2011-2015年新课标全国卷1卷历史选择题分析  12、建国初期(1949-1953)中学历史教科书价值取向研究  13、阶级斗争史观的式微对高中历史教材的影响探究  14、高中历史教材静态难度的定量比较研究  15、高中历史教材中历史地图的比较研究  16、中美国家历史课程标准比较研究  17、改革开放以来高中历史教材中世界史体系的演变分析  18、社会转型视野中的罗马帝制研究  19、试论初高中历史教科书与教学的衔接  20、新课程背景下亚非拉史在高中历史教学中现状分析研究  二十个好写的历史论文题目,由学术堂整理提供



美国中学教师史蒂芬·考斯是一个通晓苏州的人。出于对苏州的热爱,他花了将近八年时间,撰写了一本全面讲述苏州历史的英文书——《美丽苏州:中国苏州的社会史和文化史》(“Beautiful Su:A Social and Cultural History of Suzhou,China”),向西方读者讲述这座美丽城市从公元前514年吴王阖闾登基到21世纪的漫长历史。在史蒂芬的笔下,苏州雄立于文字和意象之上:苏州长达2500多年的历史不光记录在典故和古籍里,还凝固在这个城市的城门、古墙、河道、街巷、寺庙、集市和园林中。他向西方读者揭示了苏州在其优美园林和古老习俗之外更重要的存在:儒家思想、亲近自然、多才多艺的文人墨客和他们清高出尘的艺术修养、对国家的忠诚和贡献以及对传统、先祖的尊重。机缘巧合与苏结缘一见钟情立志著书史蒂芬·考斯和苏州的缘分,开始于他在就职的中学里给一个学生社团做指导老师。来自亚洲的学生们不断向他提起中国,引起了他的兴趣。2001年暑假,史蒂芬·考斯跟随旅行团,满怀期待地踏上了中国的土地。北京、上海、香港……这些城市的风土人情让他赞叹不已,但是苏州的美更让他一见钟情。“苏州园林令人着迷,非常美,非常特别。苏州当年规模也小,很适合闲逛,置身它的角角落落来体验这座城市,”史蒂芬回忆道,“这个城市非常有趣。我当时就决定,一定要再来苏州,我想看到更多,想了解苏州更多。”在之后的几年里,每逢暑假,史蒂芬都会来到苏州小住,结识本地的朋友。在苏州住得越久,和苏州人接触得越多,史蒂芬对苏州的兴趣就越浓,他不再满足于看到苏州的美景,而是更想了解苏州的历史和文化。2006年退休之后,他在苏州住了整整6个月,跑遍了苏州的新华书店、外文书店和苏州图书馆。可是,他只找到一些介绍苏州风光的画册图书,上面提供的简单信息完全无法满足史蒂芬想挖掘苏州历史的心。回美国后,史蒂芬继续寻找有关苏州的资料。他努力穷尽图书馆和互联网,找到了很多研究苏州的学术论文。“虽然这些论文研究得很深,也很有趣,让我了解了很多关于苏州的事情,但是这不是我想要的,这些研究都只研究了苏州某个朝代的某个侧面,零零碎碎的。我找不到一本读了就能全面完整地了解苏州的书。于是我想,我还是自己写一本吧,写一本我想买却买不到的书。”史蒂芬说。历六年积累资料易十稿新书问世史蒂芬决定写一本适合普通人看的苏州通史,附带介绍苏州的文化。这位美国大叔不光从美国的图书馆里借阅了一切可借阅的资料,还从亚马逊上购买珍贵的旧书。他花了整整六年的时间,阅读了475本关于苏州的书籍和文献。“这本《美丽苏州》(Beau?tiful Soo)是我找到的最早的一本专门讲苏州的书,是个在中国住了几十年的传教士写的。我很喜欢这本书。我的书也起名字叫《美丽苏州》(‘Beauti?ful Su’),只把苏的拼写方法换成现在的写法,算是向那本1911年出版的书致敬。”“写这本书的时候,最难的就是整理资料。那么多信息、人物和事件,查找起来十分困难。”为了能方便地从庞大的资料库里找到需要的内容,史蒂芬建立了一套条理明晰的系统,按照朝代建立文件夹,把相关的事件和信息分门别类地归纳起来。“资料很多很麻烦,但是写书很有意思。我觉得最有趣的一件事情就是发现曾经的苏州就像巴黎一样,有着当时国内最优秀的学者,出了许多官员;是国内的经济中心和文人最心仪的退隐之地。整整五六百年里,苏州都是全国的时尚中心:服装款式、建筑模式、美食烹饪、音乐戏剧……苏州流行什么,全国都会跟风。直到太平天国攻入了苏州,才造成了上海和苏州地位的互换,并影响至今。”史蒂芬兴致勃勃地说道。经过六年的精心准备,史蒂芬埋首写作近两年,终于于2014年完成了这本著作。经过一个多月的奔波联络,一家专门出版中国相关书籍的美国出版社“中国图书”(China Books)向他伸出了橄榄枝。在出版社的帮助下,史蒂芬又进一步在原稿的基础上进行了修改,经历了10稿修订之后,《美丽苏州:中国苏州的社会史和文化史》于2015年在美国出版发售,2016年其Kindle版在美国亚马逊上推出。跑宣传不畏艰难盼苏州扬名海外


1、试论朱里亚-克劳狄王朝时期近卫军与皇帝的关系  2、马尔克与5-9世纪的法兰克社会  3、曼与马尔克的比较研究  4、论林志纯关于中国城邦制与封建制的研究  5、高中历史必修Ⅰ中的公民教育研究  6、白月桥历史教育思想研究  7、苏州市历史中考试卷发展研究(2009-2015)  8、沪台两地最近版本初中历史教材对比研究  9、近年(2010-2015)高考历史选择题量化统计研究  10、江西历史高考选择题的变化走向及其教学策略的研究  11、2011-2015年新课标全国卷1卷历史选择题分析  12、建国初期(1949-1953)中学历史教科书价值取向研究  13、阶级斗争史观的式微对高中历史教材的影响探究  14、高中历史教材静态难度的定量比较研究  15、高中历史教材中历史地图的比较研究  16、中美国家历史课程标准比较研究  17、改革开放以来高中历史教材中世界史体系的演变分析  18、社会转型视野中的罗马帝制研究  19、试论初高中历史教科书与教学的衔接  20、新课程背景下亚非拉史在高中历史教学中现状分析研究  二十个好写的历史论文题目,由学术堂整理提供

Suzhou, the cradle of Wu Culture, is a city with a history of more than 2,500 years, tracing back to the later Shang D While talking about Suzhou, the old saying mentions it as a “Paradise on the Earth” or the "East Venice of the World”, referring to its natural beauty, classical gardens, bridges and waters, traditional operas and soft dialect The city is well-known to its classical gardens, in which two of them have been listed as the great world heritage Situated in the downstream of Yangtze River Drainage Basin and Yangtze River Delta economic zone, Suzhou has been a national tourist center and has attracted visitors around the Not just for its natural beauty, its splendid history, or its cultural heritage, Suzhou’s economy represents the highest growth and the fastest expansion in the past 5-10 years in the region and in C The city’ GDP has surpassed its any other neighbor cities except Shanghai in the region and more than 80 of the world top 500 corporations listed on the Fortune have set their offices in the suzhou is one of thirteen prefecture cities of Jiangsu and the cities including Changshu, Taicang, Kunshan, Wujiang and Zhangjiagang are under its The flower emblematic of the city is osmanthus and the city tree is camphor Geography, Resources and Climate -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Suzhou is in the lower reaches of the Yangtze River and on the shores of Lake Taihu between north latitude 30°47’ - 32°02’, east longitude 119°55’ - 121°20’ The city borders its great neighbor, Shanghai, on the east, Wuxi on the west, and other three cities of Zhejiang Province on the Dubbed "East Venice of the World” Suzhou is crisscrossed by rivers and Yangtze River, the most spectacular river in the region, flows through the city’s north boundary but the Grand Canal runs down from north to The city has the jurisdiction over the Lake Taihu, being equal to about 2/3 of the proportion of the lake, nestling in its southwest Yangcheng Lake, located in Changsu, attracts hundreds of thousands of travelers, coming each year to enjoy its beauty and aquatic Five county-level cities under Suzhou’s jurisdiction are Zhangjiagang, Changshu, Taicang, Kunshan and Wujiang, nestling in from northeast to southeast of the city in Suzhou is under the influence of East Asia M The city has a mild and humid climate and is easily accessible by water, land and air Seasons are distinct, with usually hot summers and plenty of precipitation throughout the The average annual temperature is close to 20°C Jurisdiction -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Suzhou jurisdiction includes twelve county-level divisions, of which five are districts, five are cities, and two are special industrial The districts are the old urban areas of Suzhou while the five cities are recently designated as county-level districts being considered as suburbs and governed by the Suzhou city The special industrial zones are specifically designated as new investment

在论文写作的时候,选择好论文选题就算成功了一半,能顺利完成论文写作。历史学类专业的论文如何进行选题?英美的人文和历史研究: 从跨文化的角度谈论中国的英语思维和表达方式上的差异, 2在美国垮掉的一代 3,在美国西部牛仔的成功之路 文艺复兴时期的英国文学史上的作用 5跨文化交际中的礼貌和面部 6,中国和西方饮食文化的比较研究 7,西方节日变迁及文化内涵 在电影“喜福会”(我是受西方文化差异在性能) 9,比较研究中国的教育体系和教育的概念和美国 10中文称谓的文化内涵 11希腊神话中的英美文化 12个中国商标英美文化 13,英语习语与西方文化 14,在英美姓氏的起源与文化内涵 15在中国和美国高等教育大众化的。 16日,“阿甘正传”承载的美国青年文化 17日,“阿甘正传”呼唤传统的美国价值观?和回归 18实用主义在美国文化中 19在美国的宗教和政治 20日,“圣经”的文学及其对中国和西方文学评论 需要注意的主题: 1,选择你感兴趣的话题,本文是一项巨大的工程,如果不写我想写什么,相信我,在长期的写作时间,你会很痛苦。 主题不能太大也不能太小,否则不好掌握。 “小角度的大问题”主题的最好的一种。例如,我写的电影“喜福会”,这部电影反映了中美文化差异,分别的想法?婚姻,家庭的教育理念。但我是一个电影作为一个起点,这个角度比较小。说,西方文化差异太多,但我只从电影“喜福会”出发,因此其范围缩小。此外,几个人写了这部电影,所以跟别人一样是不容易的,而不是写老生常谈的话题。 这个主题很容易找到所需的信息,毕竟是本科论文,硕士或博士论文,写作技巧,通常写几百字的文章,突然写几千字,必须是非常困难的。的内容不能是完全的“自己”,所以需要大量的在互联网上,参考书籍,图书馆的感动。因此,最好是找更多的信息参考的主体,不应该有一个参考,不是一个副本,里面的内容可以套用到自己的文章。

学术堂整理了15个好写的论文题目供大家进行参考:  1、民间借贷中的暴力冲突:清代债务命案研究  2、“冠带荣身”与明代国家动员——以正统至天顺年间赈灾助饷为中心  3、皇帝“私”礼与国家公制:“开元后礼”的分期及流变  4、全新世以来浙江地区史前文化对环境变化的响应  5、先秦社会最高权力的变迁及其影响因素  6、出土文献与先秦自然宇宙观重审  7、18世纪中国南北方市场整合程度的比较——利用清代粮价数据的研究  8、逐鹿或天命:汉人眼中的秦亡汉兴  9、明清时期嘉陵江流域水旱灾害时空分布特征  10、秦汉帝国扩张的制约因素及突破口  11、金朝初叶的国都问题——从部族体制向帝制王朝转型中的特殊政治生态  12、清代耕地数据恢复重建方法与实证研究  13、科技考古视野下的商王朝锡料来源与“金道锡行”  14、南宋朝廷与四川地区的文书传递  15、秦军功爵制的经济学分析——兼论秦军功爵制功效何以远超六国


美丽的城市实在太多,不过我最想去的地方就是苏州。听说苏州物华天宝,人杰地灵,被誉为“人间天堂”,素来以山水秀丽、园林典雅而闻名天下,有“江南园林甲天下,苏州园林甲江南”的美称,又因其小桥流水人家的水乡古城特色,而有“东方威尼斯”美誉。苏州自有文字记载以来的历史已有4000多年,公元前514年建城,中国重点风景旅游城市,长三角重要经济中心,江苏省第二大城市。苏州是江苏的经济、对外贸易、工商业和物流中心,也是重要的文化、艺术、教育和交通中心。苏州是江苏人口最多的城市,同时也是全江苏省最南的省辖市。The beauty of the city is really too much, but I want to go to the place is a Heard of suzhou, beautiful, and was praised as "paradise",And because of its small Bridges and lakes of the somebody else old city features, and "Oriental Venice" Suzhou has since recorded history for more than 4000 years,514 BC city, China key scenic tourist city, long triangle important economic center, the second largest city in jiangsu Suzhou is jiangsu economy, foreign trade, industry and commerce and logistics center, is also the important culture, art, education and transportation Suzhou is jiangsu's most populous city, is also the most south cities in jiangsu province。so the sity that i want to go is suzhou!

苏州概括:Suzhou is a city on the lower reaches of the Yangtze River and on the shores of Lake Taihu in the province of Jiangsu, C The city is renowned for its beautiful stone bridges, pagodas, and meticulously designed gardens which have contributed to its status as a great tourist Since the Song Dynasty (960-1279), Suzhou has also been an important centre for China's silk industry and continues to hold that prominent position The city is part of the Yangtze River Delta Suzhou Culture(苏州文化):Chinese opera: Kunqu originates in the Suzhou region, as does the much later Suzhou O Ballad-singing, or Suzhou pingtan, is a local form of storytelling that mixes singing (accompanied by the pipa and sanxian) with portions in spoken Silk Handicrafts: Suzhou embroidery, fans, Chinese musical instruments, scroll mounting, lanterns, mahogany furniture, jade carving, silk tapestry, traditional painting pigments of Jiangenxutang Studio, the New Year's wood-block prints of Taohuawu S Paintings Calligraphic art Cuisine: Yangcheng Lake huge crab Suzhou Silk Hand Embroidery Art Suzhou is the original place of "Jasmine", a song sung by Chinese singers or actresses thousands of times on the occasions of almost every important meetings or Jasmine is also the symbol of Suzhou as well as Tai Hu L Suzhou Gardens: Gardens in Suzhou have an ancient The first garden in Suzhou belonged to the emperor of Wu State in Spring and Autumn Period (BC 600) More than 200 gardens existed in Suzhou between 16th century and 18th Gardens in Suzhou were built according to the style of Chinese P Every view in a garden can be seen as a piece of Chinese Painting and the whole garden is a huge piece of Chinese P At present, the Humble Administrator's Garden, built in 16th, is the largest private garden in S It belonged to by Wang Xianchen, an imperial Suzhou embroidery together with embroidery of Hunan, Sichuan and Guangdong are called as the "Four Famous Embroideries" Suzhou tapestry method is done in fine silks and gold Other art forms found in this area are sculpture, Song brocade, jade and rosewood The Suzhou Museum has a rich collection of relics from many The collection includes revolutionary records, stele carving, folk customs, drama and verse, Suzhou embroidery, silk cloth, gardens, coins and Buddhist artifacts
