

发布时间:2024-07-12 21:40:16


Badminton(羽毛球)---My Favorite S  In fact,I really like For example,football,swimming and so But I like the badminton Just like the badmintom is a part of my I have been playing badminton for more than one year since I graduated from my I always play badminton once a sometimes,twice,especially I remember there are five days I play badminton in one At last,I feel painful all over my I can not believe it a   Actully,badminton is very popular in our We should be proud of the Because badminton is competitive all over the Our country alway gets three or four gloden medals in every oplympic In this sport, there are five golen So,lots of people like this sport--People also like these super stars who always get golden medals in the races just like LinDan ZhangNing and XieXingfang   So do IThe reason is that they not only bring honour to our country but also have a spirit of They take their best for the golden medal especilly in the adversity This spirit inspires us in our daily   I just talk what I am feeling about badminton though I do not play it very I believe mysele I can do it in one It is not a distant   I really hope you join in and like the badminton You can obtain something from it not just your Pls trust me!Do it now!I wait for you!

Badminton is a racquet sport played by either two opposing players (singles) or two opposing pairs (doubles),who take positions on opposite halves of a rectangular court that is divided by a Players score points by striking a shuttlecock with their racquet so that it passes over the net and lands in their opponents' half of the A rally ends once the shuttlecock has struck the ground,and each side may only strike the shuttlecock once before it passes over the The shuttlecock (or shuttle) is a feathered projectile whose unique aerodynamic properties cause it to fly differently from the balls used in most racquet sports; in particular,the feathers create much higher drag,causing the shuttlecock to decelerate more rapidly than a Shuttlecocks have a much higher top speed,when compared to other racquet Because shuttlecock flight is affected by wind,competitive badminton is played Badminton is also played outdoors as a casual recreational activity,often as a garden or beach Since 1992,badminton has been an Olympic sport with five events:men's and women's singles,men's and women's doubles,and mixed doubles,in which each pair consists of a man and a At high levels of play,the sport demands excellent fitness:players require aerobic stamina,agility,strength,speed and It is also a technical sport,requiring good motor coordination and the development of sophisticated racquet movements 羽毛球是一种网拍的一项运动或两种对立的球员(单身)或两种对立对(双打),他们将在相对的半场阵地,是一个矩形法院除以一个网中球员得分显著羽毛球拍,所以它与他们通过在网络上,并降落在对方的半场的表现都是统治性的一旦一个集会结束了地面,羽毛球和各方可能只有一次罢工之前,它通过毡子过网毽子(或巴士)是一个羽毛的弹丸其独特的空气动力方面的性使它飞球用于不同于大多数球拍,尤其是,创造更高的羽毛毽子阻力,造成减速更迅速地超过一个球Shuttlecocks有更高的最高速度,相比其他的球拍因为毽球飞行是受风、有竞争力的羽毛球都是在室内羽毛球也是发挥在外边随便的休闲活动,经常表现为一种花园或海滩上的比赛自1992年以来,羽毛球成为奥运会的体育运动与五项赛事:男子和女子单打、男子和女子双打和混合双打,其中每一组由一个男人和一个女人的故事在高水平的发挥,使体育运动:玩家需要优秀的健身需求有氧耐力、灵活性、力量、速度和精度这也是一种技巧的运动,需要良好的马达协调和发展先进的网拍的动作

Since 1992, badminton has been an Olympic sport with five events: men's and women's singles, men's and women's doubles, and mixed doubles, in which each pair consists of a man and a At high levels of play, the sport demands excellent fitness: players require aerobic stamina, agility, strength, speed and It is also a technical sport, requiring good motor coordination and the development of sophisticated racquet movements

I like to play badminton, playing badminton can make me nervous mind relax, be It can make us keep healthy; can make us happy; we can be more flexible, I love 我很喜欢打羽毛球,因为打羽毛球可以使我紧张的心态放松起来,变得平静。它可以让我们保持健康;可以让我们更快乐;可以让我们更灵活,我喜欢它。


一、参加羽毛球运动的作用: A参加运动并不等于身体就可以得到健康。 B从体育运动中学习在学校中学不到的哲理。 C把在球场上学到的东西灵活地应用到现实生活中,把在现实生活中积累的经验和知识用到球场上。人们现在所从事的各种体育项目,其发展历程都是各种各样的。 进行羽毛球运动所需设施:羽毛球拍2支、羽毛球1个。除此之外仅需一块平坦的地面(土地或水泥地)即可。方便人们进行羽毛球锻炼,在人们的心中受欢迎程度较高。 今天,人们从事体育运动的目的,主要是为了增进身体健康和丰富娱乐生活。然而,体育运动尽管可以增进健康,但如果是过度运动,反而会给身体造成伤害。不少学生就因为过量的运动,造成膝盖、腰。肩、手腕、脚踝等部位受伤。如果年纪轻轻的,就因为运动过量而造成浑身伤病,那就失去了增进健康、丰富娱乐生活的目的了。从事羽毛球运动的目的,由于动机和项目本身的不同而各不相同。但是,其中最基本的可以说是:培养遵纪守法精神。掌握正确的运动技术。追求精神、技术、身体三方面的平衡发展。把比赛、训练中得到的经验运用到实际生活中,同时也把实际生活中学到的知识和经验,应用到体育运动中。在树立自信心的同时,培养团队精神。培养光明正大的作风。体会成功与失败的感觉。参加体育运动的目的或理由,可能还有很多。但是,用最简单的话来说,就是要培养良好运动习惯。良好的运动习惯有助于提高全民的身体素质!





Badminton is a racquet sport played by either two opposing players (singles) or two opposing pairs (doubles),who take positions on opposite halves of a rectangular court that is divided by a Players score points by striking a shuttlecock with their racquet so that it passes over the net and lands in their opponents' half of the A rally ends once the shuttlecock has struck the ground,and each side may only strike the shuttlecock once before it passes over the The shuttlecock (or shuttle) is a feathered projectile whose unique aerodynamic properties cause it to fly differently from the balls used in most racquet sports; in particular,the feathers create much higher drag,causing the shuttlecock to decelerate more rapidly than a Shuttlecocks have a much higher top speed,when compared to other racquet Because shuttlecock flight is affected by wind,competitive badminton is played Badminton is also played outdoors as a casual recreational activity,often as a garden or beach Since 1992,badminton has been an Olympic sport with five events:men's and women's singles,men's and women's doubles,and mixed doubles,in which each pair consists of a man and a At high levels of play,the sport demands excellent fitness:players require aerobic stamina,agility,strength,speed and It is also a technical sport,requiring good motor coordination and the development of sophisticated racquet movements 羽毛球是一种网拍的一项运动或两种对立的球员(单身)或两种对立对(双打),他们将在相对的半场阵地,是一个矩形法院除以一个网中球员得分显著羽毛球拍,所以它与他们通过在网络上,并降落在对方的半场的表现都是统治性的一旦一个集会结束了地面,羽毛球和各方可能只有一次罢工之前,它通过毡子过网毽子(或巴士)是一个羽毛的弹丸其独特的空气动力方面的性使它飞球用于不同于大多数球拍,尤其是,创造更高的羽毛毽子阻力,造成减速更迅速地超过一个球Shuttlecocks有更高的最高速度,相比其他的球拍因为毽球飞行是受风、有竞争力的羽毛球都是在室内羽毛球也是发挥在外边随便的休闲活动,经常表现为一种花园或海滩上的比赛自1992年以来,羽毛球成为奥运会的体育运动与五项赛事:男子和女子单打、男子和女子双打和混合双打,其中每一组由一个男人和一个女人的故事在高水平的发挥,使体育运动:玩家需要优秀的健身需求有氧耐力、灵活性、力量、速度和精度这也是一种技巧的运动,需要良好的马达协调和发展先进的网拍的动作

Badminton(羽毛球)---My Favorite S  In fact,I really like For example,football,swimming and so But I like the badminton Just like the badmintom is a part of my I have been playing badminton for more than one year since I graduated from my I always play badminton once a sometimes,twice,especially I remember there are five days I play badminton in one At last,I feel painful all over my I can not believe it a   Actully,badminton is very popular in our We should be proud of the Because badminton is competitive all over the Our country alway gets three or four gloden medals in every oplympic In this sport, there are five golen So,lots of people like this sport--People also like these super stars who always get golden medals in the races just like LinDan ZhangNing and XieXingfang   So do IThe reason is that they not only bring honour to our country but also have a spirit of They take their best for the golden medal especilly in the adversity This spirit inspires us in our daily   I just talk what I am feeling about badminton though I do not play it very I believe mysele I can do it in one It is not a distant   I really hope you join in and like the badminton You can obtain something from it not just your Pls trust me!Do it now!I wait for you!

Since 1992, badminton has been an Olympic sport with five events: men's and women's singles, men's and women's doubles, and mixed doubles, in which each pair consists of a man and a At high levels of play, the sport demands excellent fitness: players require aerobic stamina, agility, strength, speed and It is also a technical sport, requiring good motor coordination and the development of sophisticated racquet movements

My Favorite sport I'm a I like sports ver much such as:soccer,basketball,tabletennis and so My Favorite sport is I think basketball can help to make us strong,and it can make us My favorite basketball player is Kobe Bryant,he plays for the LA Lakers in NBAMany boys in our class like playing basketball very much,After school we always play basketball on the play Basketball is great fun for me!



浅论如何从专业角度欣赏羽毛球比赛 羽毛球是一项无规律的非周期性运动,这就决定了该项运动具有高度的复杂性和特殊性。表现在技术层面的是击球方法多,技术种类多,技术动作之间的转换快、衔接紧,技术使用的随机性高,变化快,不确定性的因素广泛存在。体现了该项运动的真正魅力。 比赛中,队员之间的技术对抗主要表现在双方如何通过速度、力量、落点和节奏来抑制对方的长处,为自己的进攻寻找机会,创造条件。 从专业角度出发,可以从以下几个方面欣赏比赛,进而丰富和提高个人的羽毛球技术水平。1、技术的使用及其合理性,包括手法运用、步法运用以及手法和步法的协调性。比如手法有:发球的形式(正、反手,网前,高远球、平高球等), 线路落点的变化( 左、右、长、短);步法有并步、单步、交叉步等的使用。 2、所制定的各种战术的运用及其有效性,3、临场应变能力及非常规技术动作的使用 4、比赛风貌或精神 5、新器材的使用 6、裁判的尺度与规则的理解把握呵呵,我要求加分哦

羽毛球身体素质是羽毛球运动训练的重要组成部分,身体素质是提高技术战术的基础,良好的身体素质是运动员承担大负荷训练和激烈比赛的基础,身体训练的过程还是培养运动员坚韧意志品质的过程,科学的身体素质训练方法对延长运动员寿命,防止受伤,增强身体机能,建立全面地的羽毛球身体素质有重要意义。 在讨论中,同学们畅所欲言,各自阐述不同观点、依据,并在戴老师的分析点评中辩真去伪,进一步加深了对羽毛球身体素质训练的认识,从而还提高了我们分析问题和口头表达的能力,为今后的教育实践工作打好基础。 在讨论中,大家都肯定这样一种的观点,认为羽毛球身体训练应围绕羽毛球专项特点来进行。力量是身体素质的基础,羽毛球运动员虽不是强调发展绝对的力量,但应在具备一定绝对力量基础上发展速度力量和力量耐力,使之保证比赛所需要的较强动作发力和长时间的奔跑、蹬、跳、跨以及上肢的连续击球动作。发展速度素质是羽毛球运动训练的核心,它应着重加强反应速度、动作速度(动作频率)和急停、变向、变速的移动速度。随着技术水平的不断提高,拍数增多,比赛时间增长,运动员需要承受在50—90分钟激烈活动的体力要求,速度耐力对羽毛球项目的意义越显重要,其供能形式主要为无氧供能,其中非乳酸型无氧供能占主要地位,并有适当的乳酸性无氧供能。 有同学认为羽毛球运动中,有时几个来回拍数就能击败对方,因此运用的有氧耐力很少,所以不太赞同像4000米、5000米,甚至10000米这样的耐力训练,而是倾向于变速跑等专项素质练习。但是在实践中,一些高水平或实力相当的比赛中,常有多拍回合的长时间对抗,不仅要保证速度,更要有这种持续对抗的能力。而平时训练中,耐力跑其实是提供了完成一般动作的能力,是提高专项耐力的前提条件,改善了身体内部器官机能,为更高的进行专项练习打好基础。 还有同学提出羽毛球身体素质训练方法和内容“创新”的问题,认为,现代羽毛球素质训练方法手段中应该更注重创新意识的培养。应在学习和掌握传统训练方法和手段的基础上,积极进取,勇于创新。但创新并非丢弃传统,不能错误地认为,“传统的”就是不好的,而忽略了对原本正确,行之有效的方法的学习和掌握,如果基础知识掌握的不扎实,谈何创新。所以羽毛球身体素质训练中,既要把握已形成的优良传统,也要用科学的方法在原有的基础上,通过实践真正“创新”。 最后,戴老师对于我们的讨论,给出以下几点启示,使我们在今后的教学训练中更好的理解本专项,运用到羽毛球身体素质训练实际当中,值得我们去思考: 1 如何看待羽毛球运动中体能消耗不均的问题? 同一场羽毛球比赛中,可能会出现双方耗能不均的现象,原因在于很多方面,有可能是身体素质的欠缺,限制技术水平发挥;但也有可能是技术不如对方而比对手更多的消耗体能,最终导致比赛失利。由此看出,体能和技能同样可以影响到比赛结果,要合理分析比赛中出现体能不够到底是哪一方面是主要原因,不可一味的认定就是身体素质的问题,而盲目的进行素质训练,如此,不但不能解决问题,反而适得其反。 2 如何调节训练中各种素质比例的关系? 在实际训练中,队员的条件、身体机能,素质水平都各不相同,每个人具备的身体素质特长也不一样,那么应该如何合理的安排训练,有效提高每个人的水平?一般来说,要因人而异,区别对待,要具体问题具体分析,通过长期观察,形成一套合理的训练体系。 3 羽毛球身体训练中,怎样运用多球练习? 我们说多球练习是身体素质训练有效的方法之一,除了在形式上灵活可控,与实际最相似外,它还有重要的一点,就是羽毛球多球练习要求“神清,气匀,形不散”,是指在练习中有明确的要求和控制,使运动员思想高度集中,击球动作规范,带有目的性的去进行练习,尽量接近比赛动作,这样的练习才可以达到预订的效果,真正有利于身体素质的提高。 “木桶原理”在羽毛球运动中的运用 一个木桶,即使其他木块都很长,但只要有一块短或有漏洞,它还是盛不了更多水的。这个原理是要让大家明白,要全面发展运动员的身体素质,不能有一处短缺,同时我们还要用逆向思维的方式去思考:一个运动员哪怕在其他方面都表现平平,但只要有一个方面突出,那么,这很可能就会带动影响其他各方面,从而成为制胜的关键。这个启示给我们的印象很深,从不同角度考虑问题,常可以得出不同结果。 讨论结束,大家都在不同程度上取得一定收获,羽毛球身体素质训练还有许许多多方法手段,也存在问题和不足,需要我们在前人积累的经验的基础上,通过学习,自身实践,继续发现,深入研究,不断促进我国羽毛球事业的发展。



My Favorite sport I'm a I like sports ver much such as:soccer,basketball,tabletennis and so My Favorite sport is I think basketball can help to make us strong,and it can make us My favorite basketball player is Kobe Bryant,he plays for the LA Lakers in NBAMany boys in our class like playing basketball very much,After school we always play basketball on the play Basketball is great fun for me!

Badminton is a racquet sport played by either two opposing players (singles) or two opposing pairs (doubles), who take positions on opposite halves of a rectangular court that is divided by a Players score points by striking a shuttlecock with their racquet so that it passes over the net and lands in their opponents' half of the A rally ends once the shuttlecock has struck the ground, and each side may only strike the shuttlecock once before it passes over the The shuttlecock (or shuttle) is a feathered projectile whose unique aerodynamic properties cause it to fly differently from the balls used in most racquet sports; in particular, the feathers create much higher drag, causing the shuttlecock to decelerate more rapidly than a Shuttlecocks have a much higher top speed, when compared to other racquet Because shuttlecock flight is affected by wind, competitive badminton is played Badminton is also played outdoors as a casual recreational activity, often as a garden or beach Since 1992, badminton has been an Olympic sport with five events: men's and women's singles, men's and women's doubles, and mixed doubles, in which each pair consists of a man and a At high levels of play, the sport demands excellent fitness: players require aerobic stamina, agility, strength, speed and It is also a technical sport, requiring good motor coordination and the development of sophisticated racquet movements

答:用80字描写喜欢打羽毛球的原因,英文80个词对应中文大概4~6句,首先可以构思对应的中文,然后再着手写英文。其中一个例子如下所示。 I like playing badminton since I was a when I am in a bad mood or feel tired after study, I always ask my classmates to play together to Every time I finish playing with them, my whole spirit becomes So in the future I will insist on playing this sport, It makes me happy and exercise 对应的中文如下。我从小就喜欢打羽毛球,平常学习疲惫时或者心情不好的时候,我总会叫上我的同学一起去打羽毛球,放松心情,每次和他们打完之后,整个人的精神就变好了。所以以后我会坚持这项运动,因为他让我快乐并锻炼我自己。

浅论如何从专业角度欣赏羽毛球比赛 羽毛球是一项无规律的非周期性运动,这就决定了该项运动具有高度的复杂性和特殊性。表现在技术层面的是击球方法多,技术种类多,技术动作之间的转换快、衔接紧,技术使用的随机性高,变化快,不确定性的因素广泛存在。体现了该项运动的真正魅力。 比赛中,队员之间的技术对抗主要表现在双方如何通过速度、力量、落点和节奏来抑制对方的长处,为自己的进攻寻找机会,创造条件。 从专业角度出发,可以从以下几个方面欣赏比赛,进而丰富和提高个人的羽毛球技术水平。1、技术的使用及其合理性,包括手法运用、步法运用以及手法和步法的协调性。比如手法有:发球的形式(正、反手,网前,高远球、平高球等), 线路落点的变化( 左、右、长、短);步法有并步、单步、交叉步等的使用。 2、所制定的各种战术的运用及其有效性,3、临场应变能力及非常规技术动作的使用 4、比赛风貌或精神 5、新器材的使用 6、裁判的尺度与规则的理解把握呵呵,我要求加分哦
