

发布时间:2024-07-11 10:47:22


Electrochemical treatment of simulated industrial paint wastewater in a continuous tubular reactor 电镀工业涂装废水处理 专业词汇太多了 不太好翻译 只能希望你能找到更好的资源了。_ob=ArticleURL&_udi=B6TFJ-4TJ1HT0-3&_user=10&_rdoc=1&_fmt=&_orig=search&_sort=d&view=c&_acct=C000050221&_version=1&_urlVersion=0&_userid=10&md5=c6ce06172dab7dbdfd50f9702654732b


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Advanced Oxidation Technology

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Abstract: sr is the smallest element among alkaline metals which is silvery white soft With the industrial development, sr has more and more important Its metal and alloy are widely applied in electronics, metallurgy, chemical industry etc As one of fission reactor, radioactive strontium product has a long half-life, and therefore and toxicity of searching for a safe and effective, and economic methods to purify wastewater containing Yeast has the ability of heavy metal ions adsorption Yeast cell sites in adsorption, the cell surface with amide groups - NH2 the nitrogen atoms, again with the coordination complexation by the strontium for nuclear sites 2-he adsorption more strontium Twain - 20 (TWEEN - 20) as a kind of nonionic surfactant, the adsorption of yeast for sr can produce Join different concentrations surfactant twain - 20 with concentration in training, centrifugal strontium Take supernatant fluid, AAS Dilution Facts have proved, twain - 20 actually with yeast adsorption strontium really positive Along with the increase of 20 twain concentration of the amount of strontium, yeast adsorption and Keywords: twain - 20; Yeast adsorption; Strontium; Adsorption effect



Abstract: The alkaline-earth metal strontium is the smallest element in abundance for the silver-white soft With industrial development, has become increasingly important role of The metals and alloys are widely used in electronics, metallurgy, chemical and other As one of the reactor fission products, has a longer half-life of radioactive strontium and toxicity, so find a safe, effective and economical way to purify wastewater containing Yeast enriched with heavy metal ions adsorption Adsorption sites in the yeast cell wall, cell wall surface of the-NH2 groups with the amide nitrogen atoms in the complex, then by the nuclear complex of strontium adsorption sites more strontium Tween -20 (TWEEN-20) as a non-ionic surface active agent, the yeast will produce for the adsorption of With different concentrations of Tween -20 in the culture solution with the concentration of strontium, The supernatant was diluted to AAS Facts have proved that the adsorption of yeast Tween -20 strontium really do have a positive With the increasing concentration of Tween -20, the amount of strontium adsorbed yeast also Keywords: Tween -20; yeast adsorption; strontium; adsorption of



