

发布时间:2024-07-13 21:14:58


写作思路:写出野生动物的生存环境,点出要保护野生动物的原因,呼吁人们保护野生动物。正文:It is known to everyone that the unrestrained slaughter of wild animals has diminished the number of some endangered 翻译:大家都知道野生动物的滥杀已使得濒临绝种的动物之数量越来越少。More and more species are being driven to extinction every 翻译:每年有愈来愈多种的动物被赶尽杀绝。It is terrible to think that magnificent animals are being sacrificed to human 翻译:想到这些珍奇的动物沦为人类虚荣心的牺牲品,真是可怕!There are already laws enacted to prevent the importation of rare animals and the products made from their flesh, skin and 翻译:现在已有一些法津的制定以防止进口稀有动物及其肉、皮、骨所制造的产品。These laws must be strictly 翻译:这些法津应予严格执行。Violators of these laws must be severely punished 翻译:违反这些法津的人应予以严厉处分。Moreover, the public must be informed about the natural treasures we stand to lose 翻译:再者,大众均应知道我们可能会失去这些自然宝藏。If we don’t take immediate action, we will be depriving future generations of our most precious 翻译:假如我们不立即采取行动,我们将会剥夺掉未来一代最宝贵的遗产。

facl yao mother Im lolpdjd bsj jxjjnx jsa jq djxjn dbdjdh hd xjdjj hjdjdjewj xjdjjdjw jjdajjs dididieN

Many wild animals are facing the danger of extinction, because the environment that they are living in has changed For example,with the developmet of cities, the using of insecticide and serious pollution, their living areas have become narrowcr and Many of the wild animals, now are confronted with food At the same time, man is killing off species just for getting their fur, skin, horns, teeth and Saving Land for Endangered Animals There is only so much land on the earth, and so what we can do with it is Some people believe that human needs for farmland, housing and industry should come first, while others believe that some land should be set aside for endangered I am of the opinion that we should reserve some land for the world’s animals for the following First, mankind’s need for land is constantly If the demand is not checked in some way, humans will eventually develop all of the earth’s available At that time, mankind will have no more room to grow, and all the wild animals will have disappeared, as well as other valuable Second, humans are able to innovate and can use the land that they already possess in more efficient Animals are unable to do Once their land is taken away from them they will Third and last, endangered animals are an important part of the biodiversity of our If they disappear, we cannot predict what the effect will Therefore, we should treat such animals as a valuable resource to be To sum up, the world’s endangered animals are an important resource and we should protect them by setting aside some land for Although mankind’s need for land continues to grow, people are intelligent and inventive enough to put the land they have to better In this way, we can have enough land for farming, housing and industry, and preserve the biodiversity of the planet at the same 参考译文: 保留土地给濒临绝种的动物 地球上的土地就只有这么多,所以我们可以利用土地的方式有限。 有些人认为人类对于耕地、居住以及工业的需求应该摆在第一位,但是有人则认为,有些土地应该留给濒临绝种的动物。我的看法是,基于下列的理由,我们应该保留一些土地给地球上的动物。 首先,人类对土地的需求在不断增加。如果这些需求不以某种方式来加以抑制,人类最后将会开发完地球上所有可用的土地。到那时候,人类将没有栽种作物的空间,而且全部的野生动物将会和其他宝贵的资源一样消失殆尽。其次,人类可以创新并且以更有效率的方式来使用已经拥有的土地,动物则无法做到这一点。一旦土地被剥夺,它们就会死亡。第三点,也是最后一点,濒临绝种的动物是我们地球上物种多元性的重要组成部分。如果它们消失了,我们无法预测将会造成什么样有影响。因此,我们应该把这些动物视为需要保护的珍贵资源。 From our start in 1961, WWF has worked to protect endangered We're ensuring that the world our children inherit will be home to elephants, tigers, giant pandas, whales and other wildlife species, as well as WWF safeguards hundreds of species around the world, but we focus special attention on our flagship species: giant pandas, tigers, endangered whales and dolphins, rhinos, elephants, marine turtles and great These species not only need special measures and extra protection in order to survive, they also serve as umbrella species: helping them helps numerous other species that live in the same In addition to our flagship animals, we work to protect numerous species in peril around the world that live within our priority Large predators like snow leopards and grizzly bears, migratory species like whooping cranes and songbirds, and a host of other species facing threats also benefit from WWF's conservation Our wildlife trade experts at TRAFFIC work to ensure that trade in wildlife products doesn't harm a species, while also fighting against illegal and unsustainable WWF is known for acting on sound Science leads and guides our strategies and approaches, from the best way to restore tigers in viable, breeding populations to deciding which areas need protection the

Now a lot of animals are in What should we do to help the animals? For example,I will tell them present take about animals and the advantage of Second,I will suggest people to plant more trees so that animals can have a good surroudings and persude people not to cut down Animals are our friends,we shoud strive to protect Will you join me?


To Protect the Wildife,Start with OurselvesProtection of wild animals is the responsibility each of us, animals are friends of human beings, we have to protect We should protect the environment, and more to take care of animals, not destroy wildlife We issued a call to the world, start with yourself!

Many wild animals are facing the danger of extinction, because the environment that they are living in has changed For example,with the developmet of cities, the using of insecticide and serious pollution, their living areas have become narrowcr and Many of the wild animals, now are confronted with food At the same time, man is killing off species just for getting their fur, skin, horns, teeth and Saving Land for Endangered Animals There is only so much land on the earth, and so what we can do with it is Some people believe that human needs for farmland, housing and industry should come first, while others believe that some land should be set aside for endangered I am of the opinion that we should reserve some land for the world’s animals for the following First, mankind’s need for land is constantly If the demand is not checked in some way, humans will eventually develop all of the earth’s available At that time, mankind will have no more room to grow, and all the wild animals will have disappeared, as well as other valuable Second, humans are able to innovate and can use the land that they already possess in more efficient Animals are unable to do Once their land is taken away from them they will Third and last, endangered animals are an important part of the biodiversity of our If they disappear, we cannot predict what the effect will Therefore, we should treat such animals as a valuable resource to be To sum up, the world’s endangered animals are an important resource and we should protect them by setting aside some land for Although mankind’s need for land continues to grow, people are intelligent and inventive enough to put the land they have to better In this way, we can have enough land for farming, housing and industry, and preserve the biodiversity of the planet at the same 参考译文: 保留土地给濒临绝种的动物 地球上的土地就只有这么多,所以我们可以利用土地的方式有限。 有些人认为人类对于耕地、居住以及工业的需求应该摆在第一位,但是有人则认为,有些土地应该留给濒临绝种的动物。我的看法是,基于下列的理由,我们应该保留一些土地给地球上的动物。 首先,人类对土地的需求在不断增加。如果这些需求不以某种方式来加以抑制,人类最后将会开发完地球上所有可用的土地。到那时候,人类将没有栽种作物的空间,而且全部的野生动物将会和其他宝贵的资源一样消失殆尽。其次,人类可以创新并且以更有效率的方式来使用已经拥有的土地,动物则无法做到这一点。一旦土地被剥夺,它们就会死亡。第三点,也是最后一点,濒临绝种的动物是我们地球上物种多元性的重要组成部分。如果它们消失了,我们无法预测将会造成什么样有影响。因此,我们应该把这些动物视为需要保护的珍贵资源。

Many wild animals are facing the danger of extinction, because the environment that they are living in has changed For example, with the developmet of cities, the using of insecticide and serious pollution, their living areas have become narrowcr and Many of the wild animals, now are confronted with food At the same time, man is killing off species just for getting their fur, skin, horns, teeth and In order to protect our resources of ecology, people should realize that the loss of any species is at least the loss of source of knowledge and a source of natural There fore, measures of the following should be taken: pollution standards are made to keepdown poisons; killing off certain rare species is prohibited; national parks should be set up as wild life, Only if we human beings take some drastic measures can wild animals be 保护野生动物 许多野生动物正面临绝种的危险,因为它们生活的环境发生了极大的变化。譬 如,随着城市的发展,杀虫剂的使用和严重的污染,野生动物的生活区域变得越来越狭小。许多野生动物目前正面临着食物方面的危机。同时,为了获取野生动物的毛、皮、角、牙齿和肉,人类正在屠杀野生动物。 为了保护生态资源,人们应当意识到任何物种的缺失,至少意味着知识资源和自然美的缺失。因此,应采取以下措施:制订污染标准以降低有毒物质;严禁杀害某些稀有物种;应建立国家公园作为野生动植物保护区。 我们只有采取一些有力措施,才能保护野生动物。




写作思路:写出野生动物的生存环境,点出要保护野生动物的原因,呼吁人们保护野生动物。正文:It is known to everyone that the unrestrained slaughter of wild animals has diminished the number of some endangered 翻译:大家都知道野生动物的滥杀已使得濒临绝种的动物之数量越来越少。More and more species are being driven to extinction every 翻译:每年有愈来愈多种的动物被赶尽杀绝。It is terrible to think that magnificent animals are being sacrificed to human 翻译:想到这些珍奇的动物沦为人类虚荣心的牺牲品,真是可怕!There are already laws enacted to prevent the importation of rare animals and the products made from their flesh, skin and 翻译:现在已有一些法津的制定以防止进口稀有动物及其肉、皮、骨所制造的产品。These laws must be strictly 翻译:这些法津应予严格执行。Violators of these laws must be severely punished 翻译:违反这些法津的人应予以严厉处分。Moreover, the public must be informed about the natural treasures we stand to lose 翻译:再者,大众均应知道我们可能会失去这些自然宝藏。If we don’t take immediate action, we will be depriving future generations of our most precious 翻译:假如我们不立即采取行动,我们将会剥夺掉未来一代最宝贵的遗产。

facl yao mother Im lolpdjd bsj jxjjnx jsa jq djxjn dbdjdh hd xjdjj hjdjdjewj xjdjjdjw jjdajjs dididieN

Many wild animals are facing the danger of extinction, because the environment that they are living in has changed For example, with the developmet of cities, the using of insecticide and serious pollution, their living areas have become narrowcr and Many of the wild animals, now are confronted with food At the same time, man is killing off species just for getting their fur, skin, horns, teeth and In order to protect our resources of ecology, people should realize that the loss of any species is at least the loss of source of knowledge and a source of natural There fore, measures of the following should be taken: pollution standards are made to keepdown poisons; killing off certain rare species is prohibited; national parks should be set up as wild life, Only if we human beings take some drastic measures can wild animals be 保护野生动物 许多野生动物正面临绝种的危险,因为它们生活的环境发生了极大的变化。譬 如,随着城市的发展,杀虫剂的使用和严重的污染,野生动物的生活区域变得越来越狭小。许多野生动物目前正面临着食物方面的危机。同时,为了获取野生动物的毛、皮、角、牙齿和肉,人类正在屠杀野生动物。 为了保护生态资源,人们应当意识到任何物种的缺失,至少意味着知识资源和自然美的缺失。因此,应采取以下措施:制订污染标准以降低有毒物质;严禁杀害某些稀有物种;应建立国家公园作为野生动植物保护区。 我们只有采取一些有力措施,才能保护野生动物。


With human beings on Earth since then, we continue to evolve at the same time has been hurt those lovely They did not at fault, they are only in accordance with the laws of nature live in But since the existence of mankind , their homes become increasingly Some animals have even become In the extinction of animal, the thylacine is the Thylacine in a long time ago to live in the vast prairie, they have been very happy, Since the arrival of human beings have changed their Due to the large number of human enclosure, livestock grass makes less and less change to many herbivores to move to other This herbivorous animals to eat the wolf bag, there is no They steal human Farmers would hate the wolf from the bag, see a killing one, on this last one wild thylacine was also When people should be aware of extinct thylacine, the protection of the park began last a thylacine, it thylacine only 48 days before the final And 48 days later, the Forever thylacine disappeared from the Earth, the Forever! Of course, not all animals are extinct human killing, some changes in the environment are not suited However, the extinction of some animals, human beings have an unshirkable Since ancient times human beings have been cruel to those animals alone, human deprivation of their right to Now seems to have been aware of the extinction of an animal In order to make money, what people are willing to do so, they sell fur animals, shopping malls, the meat of animals sold to But we can not shirk all responsibility to the heads of traders, consumers also have the responsibility, if there is no consumer demand then the traders will not take the Human beings are still eating wild For example: the If the extinction of the snakes, rats would wantonly breeding, then how do we So each has its biological significance of the existence, they are in the natural law of If a broken food chain, then another will wantonly breeding animals, and even a threat to humanity, we bear in mind the protection of The protection of animals is to protect human beings themselves!With human beings on Earth since then, we continue to evolve at the same time has been hurt those lovely They did not at fault, they are only in accordance with the laws of nature live in But since the existence of mankind , their homes become increasingly Some animals have even become In the extinction of animal, the thylacine is the Thylacine in a long time ago to live in the vast prairie, they have been very happy, Since the arrival of human beings have changed their Due to the large number of human enclosure, livestock grass makes less and less change to many herbivores to move to other This herbivorous animals to eat the wolf bag, there is no They steal human Farmers would hate the wolf from the bag, see a killing one, on this last one wild thylacine was also When people should be aware of extinct thylacine, the protection of the park began last a thylacine, it thylacine only 48 days before the final And 48 days later, the Forever thylacine disappeared from the Earth, the Forever! Of course, not all animals are extinct human killing, some changes in the environment are not suited However, the extinction of some animals, human beings have an unshirkable Since ancient times human beings have been cruel to those animals alone, human deprivation of their right to Now seems to have been aware of the extinction of an animal In order to make money, what people are willing to do so, they sell fur animals, shopping malls, the meat of animals sold to But we can not shirk all responsibility to the heads of traders, consumers also have the responsibility, if there is no consumer demand then the traders will not take the Human beings are still eating wild For example: the If the extinction of the snakes, rats would wantonly breeding, then how do we So each has its biological significance of the existence, they are in the natural law of If a broken food chain, then another will wantonly breeding animals, and even a threat to humanity, we bear in mind the protection of The protection of animals is to protect human beings themselves!

Now a lot of animals are in What should we do to help the animals? For example,I will tell them present take about animals and the advantage of Second,I will suggest people to plant more trees so that animals can have a good surroudings and persude people not to cut down Animals are our friends,we shoud strive to protect Will you join me?

Many wild animals are facing the danger of extinction, because the environment that they are living in has changed For example, with the developmet of cities, the using of insecticide and serious pollution, their living areas have become narrowcr and Many of the wild animals, now are confronted with food At the same time, man is killing off species just for getting their fur, skin, horns, teeth and In order to protect our resources of ecology, people should realize that the loss of any species is at least the loss of source of knowledge and a source of natural There fore, measures of the following should be taken: pollution standards are made to keepdown poisons; killing off certain rare species is prohibited; national parks should be set up as wild life, Only if we human beings take some drastic measures can wild animals be

有些人虽然知道怎样去爱护动物,可是他们只会假惺惺地去教育别人,而自己却照样破坏环境,照样兴致勃勃品尝野味。 就拿印度洋毛里求斯群岛上生活的渡渡鸟来说,由于它身上的肉鲜美无比,所以遭到当时人类的大量捕食,在十七世纪就已告灭绝。但是如果当时人们有动物保护意识的话,就不会造成渡渡鸟的灭绝。还有鲸,鲸不是让你们随意捕杀的,鲸是被杀掉一头就死一头的,不像小鱼小虾那样多,如果我们把鲸杀掉了,那我们的子孙后代,他们不是看不到鲸这种动物吗?现在,有些动物已经灭绝了,鳄鱼虽然凶猛,但人类更凶猛。就是因为有些动物身上的器官具有突出的经济价值,由此成为被人类掠夺利用的对象,成为动物灭绝的主要因素。鳄鱼长着锐利的牙齿,和硕大的食物胃口,我们都说鳄鱼可怕,但鳄鱼更怕人类,在人类的眼中,鳄鱼皮可以制成行李箱,手提包,钱包,鞋等物品,所以鳄鱼,现在已经成为快要灭绝的动物了。


我们要保护野生动物,因为我们保护野生动物,野生动物对我们人类也会很友好。  比如说燕子,燕子能帮我们把田里的害虫吃掉。如果我们人类杀害捕捉它们,它们会吃掉那些常常来搔扰我们的蚊子,让我们更好地生活吗 没有了燕子,我们的周围变得很多害虫,这些害虫对我们人类有很大的坏处呀!  比如说青蛙,青蛙也能帮我们吃田里的害虫,可以说是田里的警察。我们支捕杀他们,一旦没有了青蛙,田里的害虫越来越多,害虫不断地吃菜,难道我们会有美好的丰收吗?  比如说啄木鸟,啄木鸟是森林中的医生,它可以帮我们吃掉树里的害虫,让树恢复健康。我们杀害它们,树木的害虫会越来越多,树木会慢慢地减少。地球上没有树,会发洪水、地震。  比如说猫头鹰,猫头鹰捉田鼠,是对我们人类有好处的,人类却常常捕猎它们。没有猫头鹰,田鼠会增加。田鼠吃的庄稼和菜就更多了,我们人类一样没有好的收成。  所以,我们要保护以上的动物。同时,我们还要保护其他的野生动物!

清明时节 ——洋县朱鹮清明前夕,我和爸爸妈妈一同去了汉中洋县。一路上,到处是春姑娘的足迹:秦岭一过,满眼是黄油油的菜花,翠绿的小草装饰着大地,随风飘摆的柳树婀娜多姿……这次我们是专程前往洋县朱鹮养殖基地,去了解充满神秘色彩的稀世珍禽-朱鹮。在期待中,我们终于来到了洋县朱鹮养殖基。带着激动的心情,我迫不及待地融入到参观的人潮中。朱鹮近在眼前了,我终于看到充满神奇的朱鹮了:它洁白的羽翼上有一些灰色的小斑点,长长的嘴巴上泛着一点红,颈部披着下垂的长柳叶型羽毛,优雅而绅士,或衔着草枝忙碌着,或栖息在枝头养尊处优,还有的安静地卧在巢里……讲解员阿姨把我们带到观望台,一边指着自在的朱鹮,一边讲解着:朱鹮素有东方宝石之称,历史上曾在中国东部、日本、俄罗斯、朝鲜等地有过较广泛的分布,由于环境恶化及受人类活动等因素导致种群数量急剧下降,至本世纪70年代野外已无踪影。我国鸟类学家经多年考察,于1981年5月在陕西省洋县重新发现朱鹮种群,也是世界上仅存的种群。此后我国对朱鹮的保护和科学研究进行了大量工作,并取得显著成果……这时,一只朱鹮腾空一跃,舒展翅膀,飞过了我们的头顶,那丰满的羽翼扇动着、划出一道漂亮的弧线…… “哇!”人群中声声惊叹不绝于耳,又有几只朱鹮展翅飞翔,讲解员这时也不由自主地激动起来:“朱鹮以顽强的生命力与恶劣的环境抗争,从仅剩下的七只,到现在的千余只,和现代人类共同谱写了一曲荡气回肠,共创美好自然的生命之歌。” 这次的旅行给我留下了深刻的印象和感触:1981年,几乎绝望的人类在陕西洋县发现了仅存的7只野生朱鹮。如今,这里已是人类为它们精心挑选的乐园,也是人类为自己留下的一块绿地。希望朱鹮的遭遇能够让更多的人认识到保护生态环境的重要性,但愿越来越多的朱鹮能带给人类绿色与和谐……

大自然与我们密不可分,大自然中的一切更是与我们息息相关。 动物的存在是美好的,他们之间也是有感情的,就像我们人类一样,分离时,它们会伤心、会想念;在一起玩耍时,它们会开心、会欢笑,它们虽然不会说话,但它们心里明白,那种快乐的感觉,是美好的。 动物们自由自在地生存在大自然里,每天过着无忧无虑的生活,而现在人类们却在大量地捕杀野生动物,一旦落入他们手里,后果将不堪设想。设想一下,如果你是一只动物,一不小心落入到人类手里,那你还会有好日子过吗,你又会甘心吗?我想,每只动物都不希望这样。 有的人口口声声说动物是我们的好朋友,我们不能伤害它们,要好好保护它们,可是又有几个人是发自内心,付出了实际行动的呢?所以说,保护动物不仅仅口上说说就行了,更重要的是拿出自己的实际行动来证明自己。 现在,世界上的大量动物已经灭绝了,从这个世界上永远地消失了,这给人们一个极大的的提醒:如果再这样继续捕杀下去的话,要不了多少天,那世界上的动物就可能全部灭绝,这只是时间上的问题。 所以,我呼吁大家,从现在做起,从身边的一点一滴做起,不伤害小动物,不破坏一草一木,保护动物就相当于保护我们自己,保护动物,就要从爱护身边的每一个生灵做起,好好保护大自然中的朋友,让这个世界变得更加美好!

