

发布时间:2024-07-05 10:00:21


Ambient temperature impact on Spontaneous combustion of Iron sulfur compoundsChen long songChemistry and Chemical EngineeringAbstractIn recent years,accidents of refining, storage and transport equipment leak always occur because of sulfur corrosion,and that bring enterprises big economic loss,based on analysis on accident we found,spontaneous combustion of Iron sulfur compounds is the main cause of To make a observation on oxide bias of oxides of iron sulfide product in different ambient temperature 15℃,25℃,50℃,75℃To make a theoretical analysis on the principle of burning oil caused by Iron sulfur compounds form and oxides of iron sulfide product,to make a systematic and deep experimental study on dynamic changes in process of oxidation of iron sulfide product and factos impact on oxide bias of Iron sulfur compounds ,and then link oil processing and storage-transport process in practical situation to make analysis and disscusion on factors impact on oxidation rate ,we draw oxidation temperature curve of sulfide product in differen Experiment facts show:as ambient temperature icreases ,more chemical reaction between Fe2O3 and H2S occur which produce more sulfide product with higher activity,and when surface structure of sulfide product turn more active,sulfide product of Fe2O3 oxide bias will also be Key words :Storage tanks, curing temperature, sulfur compounds iron ,oxide bias

Abstract In recent years, due to corrosion caused by sulfur oil refining, storage and transportation equipment, such as frequent accidents leaked to the business causing huge economic losses, analyze the cause of the accident found that iron sulfur compounds lead to the spontaneous combustion is the main reason for the Study of different ambient temperature 15 ℃, 25 ℃, 50 ℃, 75 ℃ conditions, oxides of iron sulfide oxidation product of On the tank of sulfur compounds of iron sulfide formation and the oxidation product of burning oil for a theoretical analysis of the principle of sulfur oxidation of iron compounds in the dynamic changes of temperature and iron sulfur compounds the impact of certain factors oxidation system Experimental study has also examined in depth, combined with storage and transportation of oil processing and the actual situation in the process of influencing factors on the oxidation rate of the analysis and discussion, mapping products under different conditions sulfide oxidation temperature The experimental results show that: With the ambient temperature increases,More Fe2O3 reacts with H2S to produce more and higher activity of iron compounds of sulfur and iron sulfur compounds the surface structure of the more intense and So that the product of sulfide oxidation of Fe2O3 enhanced


Figuring out whether the cadavers burnt in the fire were dead before the fire or not can be essential to affirm the nature of the fire murders took for many significant evidences have been burnt to ground during the Thus, based on the importance of it, this paper will analyse and introduce to you some of the differences and similarities between the cadaver burnt before and after the fire according to some real


The body in the fire are mostly burning, and the judge is during his lifetime or after death to burn ,which plays an important role in the identification of fire murder Devastating fire, a number of important physical evidence is burned, thus affecting the burned bodies of the nature of death identified, the investigation of cases a certain degree of Therefore, the analysis and understanding of the difference in lifetime burned burned his body after death, and of great significance to the investigation of the This thesis is a case to analyze and describe the similarities and differences of lifetime burned burned his body after I help him to answer撤消修改


您的问题很简单。呵呵。百度知道很高兴帮助您解决您提出的问题。原句:以垃圾焚烧炉为基础,设计测量炉内温度场以及燃烧效率的实验装置,对焚烧炉炉体结构的不足进行分析和改进,优化设计后的垃圾焚烧炉,能够有效地解决炉内温度分布不均匀,燃烧不充分,二燃室供氧不足等问题,并且设计了一套绿色环保的烟气处理系统,实现垃圾资源处理无害化,减量化,资源化,零污染化以及工厂化,响应国家节能减排的号召,为乡镇生活垃圾处理提供一种新途径。翻译:To waste incineration installation as the foundation, the design measurement temperature field and the furnace combustion efficiency experiment device, the shortage of furnace construction of incinerator analysis and improvement, optimal design waste incineration installation, can effectively solve the temperature distribution in the furnace is uneven, combustion is not full, two combustion chamber oxygen, and designed a set of green environmental protection flue gas processing system, make the waste resources processing harmless, reduction, reuse, zero pollution and the factory, the response country for the call of energy conservation and emission reduction, for the town life waste treatment provides a new 最专业的翻译。







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由于我国的石油资源相对匮乏,每年还需大量进口原油,所以对有限的石油资源要倍加珍惜。船用燃料油由重油与轻质馏分油调制而成,是一种发热量大、燃烧性能好、贮存稳定、腐蚀小、使用范围广的优良燃油,是大马力、中、低速船舶柴油机最经济而理想的燃料。为了节约能源我们应充分利用船用燃料油,要尽量降低成本调和出优质的燃料油。通过实验中调和时间、调和质量的相关数据,阐述优化调和方案,节约能耗,降低损失。Because of our country's relative lack of petroleum resources, also need to import crude oil, so limited petroleum resources shall Marine oil from crude oil and lightweight distillate and is a kind of heat, good performance, stable combustion, corrosion and excellent fuel, wide range of speed, which is an ideal is the most economic and ship diesel In order to save energy, we should make full use of Marine oil, and to reduce costs concocted quality of Through the experiment, the quality of mixed mixed data, this scheme optimization, saving energy consumption, mixed reduce losses

Figuring out whether the cadavers burnt in the fire were dead before the fire or not can be essential to affirm the nature of the fire murders took for many significant evidences have been burnt to ground during the Thus, based on the importance of it, this paper will analyse and introduce to you some of the differences and similarities between the cadaver burnt before and after the fire according to some real


Because of our country's relative lack of petroleum resources, also need to import crude oil, so limited petroleum resources shall Marine oil from crude oil and lightweight distillate and is a kind of heat, good performance, stable combustion, corrosion and excellent fuel, wide range of speed, which is an ideal is the most economic and ship diesel In order to save energy, we should make full use of Marine oil, and to reduce costs concocted quality of Through the experiment, the quality of mixed mixed data, this scheme optimization, saving energy consumption, mixed reduce
