

发布时间:2024-09-09 22:29:14


写作思路:明确作文主题,首先从自然灾害和人类对环境的破坏入手,简述环境污染的危害,最后提出建议,对作文进行总结和升华。作文如下:Man and nature are interactive  Looking back along the river of history, we may find that harmony used to exist between people and  At that time nature was pure field to be ploughed, sown and Man respected nature and was one part of It seems that people today are masters of natureg Nature is torn into  While we are disrupting  the order of the natural world, we are the ultimate victims, for nature is seekingits revenge Disappearing forests, drying rivers, polluted soil and worsening climate have punished greedy human  We have taken too much from nature, and given back too Looking forward to the future, when we gain reasoning, when we remember the deep interdependent relationship between people and nature, then nature will be our friend instead of our slave or Sure, people can live in harmony with nature, with commitment, hard work and new 译文如下:人与自然是相互作用的力量。纵观历史长河,我们可以发现,人与自然之间曾经存在着和谐。在那个时候,大自然是一块可以耕种、播种和收获的纯田。人尊重自然,是自然的一部分。看来今天的人都是大自然的主人,自然被撕成了碎片。当我们在破坏自然世界的秩序时,我们是最终的受害者,因为大自然在寻找它的报复森林消失,河流干涸,土壤污染和气候恶化惩罚了贪婪的人类。我们从大自然中获取了太多,又回馈了太多。展望未来,当我们获得推理,当我们记住人与自然之间的深刻相互依存关系时,那么自然将成为我们的朋友,而不是我们的奴隶或仆人。当然,人们可以与自然和谐相处,有责任心,努力工作和新技术。扩展资料:人与自然是生命共同体,人类必须尊重自然、顺应自然、保护自然。坚持节约优先、保护优先、自然恢复为主的方针,形成节约资源和保护环境的空间格局、产业结构、生产方式、生活方式,还自然以宁静、和谐、美丽。参考资料来源:光明日报——坚持人与自然和谐共生

Protecting tropical rain forests requires joint efforts to adjust the economic Developed countries should help these countries develop high-efficiency industries and make them get rid of the situation of over reliance on rain forests for economic development; Strengthen environmental awareness education, make citizens aware of the serious consequences of rainforest destruction and the significance of protecting rainforests, and improve citizens' awareness of environmental protection; Strengthen the management and protection of rainforests and establish nature 保护热带雨林需要大家共同努力,调整经济结构,发达国家要帮助这些国家发展高效益产业,使这些国家摆脱过分依赖雨林发展经济的状况;加强环境意识教育,使公民认识到雨林破坏的严重后果与保护雨林的意义,提高公民的环保意识;加强雨林管理和保护,建立自然保护区。

回答 Man and nature are interactive Looking back along the river of history, we may find that harmony used to exist between people and At that time nature was pure field to be ploughed, sown and Man respected nature and was one part of It seems that people today are masters of natureg Nature is torn into While we are disrupting the order of the natural world, we are the ultimate victims, for nature is seekingits revenge Disappearing forests, drying rivers, polluted soil and worsening climate have punished greedy human We have taken too much from nature, and given back too Looking forward to the future, when we gain reasoning, when we remember the deep interdependent relationship between people and nature,then nature will be our friend instead of our slave or Sure, people can live in harmony with nature, with commitment, hard work and new 亲亲,希望可以帮到你,祝您生活愉快,天天向上,好运天天有

如何保护雨林英语作文带翻译he forest is a valuable wealth of mankind, it will not only provide us with wood and forest products, but also soil and water conservation, water conservation, windbreak and sand play an important style of the protection of agricultural production and improve the rural The fire is the enemy of the forest, it will give people's lives and property caused serious losses, will wreak havoc on the living environment to our production, protection of forest resources is the bounden duty of every Now the majority of the people for personal gain, the forest burned trees is about to become extinct, "You see, the mountains bare treeless land, most of which are to be burned to a fast land farming, it burned to destroy the forests, those people are so hateful! I appeal to:People want to protect the forest, protection forest that the original green, forest also my mother that the original appearance! Let us hand in hand with the protection of 森林是人类的宝贵财富,它不仅为我们提供木材和林产品,而且在保持水土、涵养水源、防风固沙、保护农业生产和改善农村环境等方面发挥着重要作用。火灾是森林的大敌,它会给人们的生命财产造成严重损失,会对我们的生产生活环境造成严重破坏,保护森林资源是每个公民义不容辞的责任。现在大多数人为了个人利益,把森林烧得树木快要灭绝了,“你看,山上光秃秃的没有树的土地,大部分都是为了快速耕种而被烧掉的土地,它烧毁了森林,那些人是如此的可恶!我呼吁:人们要保护森林,保护森林那原始的绿色,还我母亲森林那原始的模样!让我们携手保护森林。


The drawing portrays a tragic scene in which a rabbit is telling a story to her son, with numerous fresh tree stumps surrounding It seems that the tree stumps are lamenting the loss of their paradise as   The picture aims at assailing a serious environmental problem—deforestation, for which several factors are In the first place, no one can ignore the fact that wood is an indispensable raw material for industrial production and daily In the second place, the expanding human population requires more living space, and forests are always the first choice humans decide to As a result, forests have experienced, and are experiencing fatal destruction   Currently, people in increasing numbers come to realize the forests’ fundamental role in sustaining ecological balance, and their damage will result in irreversible harm to the world’s Therefore, urgent and effective measures should be implemented so as to prevent For instance, there are already some steps that have proved useful, say, the establishment of reserves of natural lands, the creation of substitutes of wooden The preservation and restoration of forests is a complex project that calls for more concern from the human   这幅图描绘了一个悲剧的场景:森林中,一只兔子正向幼兔讲述过去的事情,在它们周围到处都是刚被砍掉的大树留下的树桩,而且这些树桩仿佛也在悲叹失去的生活天堂。  这幅漫画的目的在于质问一个严重的森林环境破坏问题,这其中有许多原因。首先,没有人可以忽略这一事实,木材是工业生产和人们生活中不可或缺的一种原材料;其次,不断扩张的人口规模需要更多的生存空间,而森林往往是人类需求的第一个选择。因此,在全世界范围内,森林正在经历致命性的毁灭。  现在,越来越多的人开始意识到森林对于保持生态平衡所起的重要作用,而对森林的破坏将会对全球环境造成不可逆转的影响。因此,我们必须采取紧急和有效的措施来制止这一砍伐森林的趋势。例如,我们已经有一些被证明为有效的措施,如建立自然环境保护区,发明替代木材的产品等。另外,森林的保护和恢复是一项复杂的系统工程,需要全社会对环保问题的共同和全面的关注。

Protection forest Forest and mankind, mankind intimate partners, is an important part of the global ecological If there is no forest land, most biological extinction, the vast majority of water will flow into the ocean; the oxygen in the atmosphere will reduce, carbon dioxide will increase; the temperature can significantly increased, flood and drought disasters occur Forest, but also can improve the air quality, reduce soil loss, water conservation, reduce the harm of sand blown by wind, reduce noise pollution, beautify the environment and so The forest is precious natural resources, is the human to pillar foundation, and was known as the "lungs of the earth" Why the forest to maintain the ecological balance has an important role? First of all, the nature of all need oxygen to sustain life, and forest is a natural oxygen machine, if the forest and other green plants, is destroyed, the biological survival loses In addition, the forest can regulate the temperature, stop acid rain, dust, noise is attenuated, reducing wind, reduce natural Destruction of forest resources to environmental impact is very serious, loss of ecological Caused by high temperature, air quality is bad, also caused the extinction of wild animals Forest fire is the most dangerous enemy is forest, forestry is the most terrible It will give the forest with devastating Forest fire not only burned forest patches, injury in animals, but also reduce the forest regeneration ability -- a fire, the forest may take decades or even centuries to It can cause the poverty of the soil and water conservation function of forest destruction, even lead to ecological Although now the world science in developing rapidly, however, the human in the uniform of forest fires, but still has not been made a great Forest fire, refers to losing control people, free spreading in woodland, forest, the forest ecosystem and the human bring certain harm and loss of forest fire Forest fire is a sudden, devastating natural disasters, handling more The present situation of the forest, a lot of people do not Please see" -- many tractors, bulldozers rumbled, difficult to count the trees down to the The animals were scared away, plots of land were bulldozed flatIt is human behavior? Love forest! Action bar! Deforestation deforestation forest is human folly, then do not do the harm We must protect the existing forest resources! Beware of forest fires happening again!

回答 Makebreathingingreenisfluent,makelandbetweenroottogether!Didyoueattodayforest,(3)forfuturegenerationsleftblueskygreen!4letforeverbluesky,Protectagreenfield,It'severybody'T让呼吸在绿色中流畅,让土地在根系间凝聚!今天你吃了森林,明天沙漠就会吃了你。为子孙后代留下蓝天碧水绿地! 4让天空永远湛蓝,让绿荫拥护家园。保护一片绿地,撑起一片蓝天。5保护树木,人人有责。树林是我们的家园。6保护森林就是保护人类自己


陆川县滩面乡村村民告诉记者,这几年,特别是2009年至2010年,陆川县滩面乡人民政府把 从大冲养猪场起以滩面乡村里的二级公路为界到更古岭屋背止,从二级路看到山岭,水田、坡地等耕地,水流朝二级流转山岭及水田都强迫卖断,占地面积约3千多亩。山名:大冲,直冲,芒窝,蛇形,鬼窝,石牙坑等。其中包括水田,山塘。 2005年起,特别是2009年底至2010年,广西陆川县、滩面乡各级政府,突击加速强迫及蒙骗农民低价征地。原因是广西万象镍铬有限公司等多家冶炼厂要在广西陆川县滩面乡滩面村建造冶炼厂(高排放、高耗能、高污染、毒性强的重金属污染、污染空气及农村环境生态和水源、有毒工种的重金属冶炼厂。严重影响农民生活及身体健康。)。 陆川县滩面乡人民政府低价强征及蒙骗农民的承包土地3000多亩。而且没有经过合理法律的程序。“当时,村干部与乡政府在没有征地公告、公示手续;更没有召开村民会议及没有通知广大外出打工村民,白纸一张,夜里摸到各家各户签名卖水田、坡地和山岭。签名一条给十元人民币。村民没有法律意识、没有谁带头(反对),于是在家的部分人(大部分人已外出打工),这个一签,那个一签,八九个人签下来以后,土地就卖了或被征用了。”更鼓岭15、16、17等队(小组)村民如是说。 记者接到广西陆川县滩面乡滩面村村民频繁投诉,陆川县滩面乡乡长,书记,和滩面村主任,村支书,继续以协议征收土地为名,夜里到河冲,山心,更背,塘华岭等村民小组家里,千方百计、采用蒙骗、威胁、强迫等手段来迫使农民签名,一次性卖断权属农民水田山岭的一宗非法征用土地事件。为了尽可能地接近事实真相,近日,记者赶赴滩面乡滩面村向当地村民了解情况。 乡政府、村委会一手操纵 2005年起,特别是2009年底至2010年。广西万象镍铬有限公司等因为要在陆川县滩面乡滩面村建造冶炼厂。陆川县滩面乡人民政府,加速低价大量强征农民的承包土地3000多亩,而且没有经过合理的程序。在向农民征地之前,没有张贴征地公告,没有召开村民会议,没有通知广大外出务工村民,没有签订土地征用合同。当地政府和村委在村民没有任何准备的情况下,就拿着一张白纸,夜里挨家挨户地让农户签字。当时,村民说,签名一条给十元人民币,这是诱饵。村民不签名者就不搞低保,其中有工作单位的人员就不发工资或者下岗来威胁。村干部甚至以不签则是对抗政府的名义来强迫村民签名。群众没有权力对抗当地政府,只好逆来顺受,敢怒不敢言。 其他村民小组也有这种情况,以致于整个滩面村约3千亩水田、耕地、山岭地卖断(或征用)了,每亩仅仅补偿3千---9千多元。 在滩面村第15、16队,记者发现村民在整个卖地的过程中是一无所知。整个过程都是由乡政府一手包办,他们没拿到相关合同或者协议,也没有拿到相关收据。整个过程村民只是扮演一个最后拿一点点补偿钱的角色。 在记者想请他们拿出一些相关的资料(包括2009年至2010年初的资料)时,他们是一无所有的。村民说: “我们只收到一点点钱,其他一无所知”。好在队长张仕松老人还仅仅保留着一份2005年12月20日《陆川县滩面乡滩面村第十六队村民小组更鼓岭(狐狸坪)土地补偿领取清册》的复印件。记者看到这些复印件上左上角盖着陆川县滩面乡人民政府的公章,右边盖着广西三鑫微铬合金有限公司的公章,公司公章上面还写着“与原件相符,原件存广西三鑫微铬合金有限公司”的字样(该清册里被征收土地的村民户主有:张仕良、张仕平、张仕焕、张祖强、张仕芳、张仕青、张秀礼、张仕新、张祖才、张培桂、张祖彪、张祖冠、张仕权、张秀荣)。 土地补偿金太低 15、16、17队等村民认为政府给付的土地补偿金太低了太低了。按照《陆川县滩面乡滩面村第十六队村民小组更鼓岭(狐狸坪)土地补偿领取清册》这个册子的计算,的土地补偿标准是水田7000元/亩,坡地是5000元/亩,山地是3600元/亩。 广大村民纷纷认为这个补偿标准太低了, 政府官员及村民小组长等从中作了手脚。他们没有拿到应有的补偿。 在《陆川滩面乡疯狂诈骗土地敛财6000万》的网络论坛帖子中,就有村民说根据桂发该法规[2009]52号文件,征用林地每亩价格4699元,按6—10倍计算,最低标准要6*4699=28194元,然而村民仅仅只得到3000--9000元每亩的补偿金。 同时根据《土地管理法》第四十七条规定,征用耕地的补偿费用包括土地补偿费、安置补助费以及地上附着物和青苗的补偿费。土地补偿费、安置补助费分别按被征耕地前三年平均年产值的6至10倍和4至6倍计算,两项费用的总和最高不超过平均年产值的30倍;但是在特殊情况下,国务院根据社会、经济发展水平,可以提高征用耕地的土地补偿费和安置补助费的标准。 失去了赖以生存的土地 村民告诉记者,这几年,特别是2009年至今年,陆川县滩面乡人民政府把 从大冲养猪场起以滩面乡村里的二级公路为界到更古岭屋背止,从二级路看到山岭,水田、坡地等耕地,水流朝二级流转山岭及水田都强迫卖断,占地面积约3千多亩。山名:大冲,直冲,芒窝,蛇形,鬼窝,石牙坑等。其中包括水田,山塘。 受害村民小组:滩头角,老街地,茶山峒,更古岭,樟村,新屋,李屋,梅屋,山心,河冲,更背,塘华岭等村民小组。 据村民反映,当时他们没有什么法律意识,也没有什么知识,都不知道土地法对于土地买卖有什么规定,更不知道土地买卖的补偿标准。而村干部则在土地买断后告诉他们:他们自身的土地永远被卖断(或征用)了,这些土地永远不能再属于他们了。而他们自身也不知道这些土地出让的年限。直到现在看到记者,一些年纪比较大的村民还是情绪很激愤:世代代耕种的土地就这样没了?他们连对这些土地的承包权就这样没了,这让他们难于接受。他们原本以为土地只是转让了使用权而已,过了期限土地又会回到他们手中。而村干部却说土地永久没了,一下子就把世世代代依靠土地维持生计的滩面村村民的梦打碎了。虽然向上一级部门多次反映情况,但都一了了之。 在记者的要求下,张仕松老人带我们去看卖出的土地。我们来到广西万象镍铬有限公司背后1000多亩的山岭和水田。记者发现这些水田耕地已经荒芜了,部分山岭已平整,原来的风貌、水田、坡地、泥土山林(已种上结果的龙眼树、荔枝树等经济果林)已被破坏,自然环境规律、环保、生态景观、森林、水源将被破坏,下大雨还出现滑坡,摧毁了大部分农田。 土地是农民最基本的生产资料和最可靠的生活保障。如何解决好当前的农村土地问题,直接关系到广大农民的切身利益,关系农村改革发展稳定的大局。土地问题理应当引起各级、各部门的高度重视。而广西陆川县滩面乡人民政府、村委为了土地开发、招商引进高污染冶炼厂的利益,如此不顾民生的行为,不按法律规定要求程序征地及征地补偿,已严重损害了滩面乡滩面村广大村民的利益!

We should do anything that we can do to protect forest from being destroyed First we should plant more trees Second we should make laws to warn those who always cut down trees for their personal benefit Third we should turn to some media to make all of people aware of the importance of forest to us Only in this way can we protect

Harmony with the environment is that we live in on Earth, who is a natural son, and not only to natural persons as the conqueror, as we all know, there is only one earth and the mountains on Earth, the Plant human cells, if it damaged, destroyed nature organizations, to the eradication of Therefore, the environment must be linked with social ethics, character education and practice acts as an important element of Everyone must fulfil its responsibilities and obligations to protect the 人与环境是和谐相处的,我们生存在地球上,人是自然之子,而不能仅把人看作自然的征服者,大家都知道,人类只有一个地球,地球上的山山水水、动物。植物是人类的细胞,如果我们把它损坏了,破坏了大自然的组织,等于消灭人类。因此,环境要与社会公德联系起来,与实践行为作为人格教育的一项重要内容来抓。每个人都要履行保护环境的责任和义务。

回答 Makebreathingingreenisfluent,makelandbetweenroottogether!Didyoueattodayforest,(3)forfuturegenerationsleftblueskygreen!4letforeverbluesky,Protectagreenfield,It'severybody'T让呼吸在绿色中流畅,让土地在根系间凝聚!今天你吃了森林,明天沙漠就会吃了你。为子孙后代留下蓝天碧水绿地! 4让天空永远湛蓝,让绿荫拥护家园。保护一片绿地,撑起一片蓝天。5保护树木,人人有责。树林是我们的家园。6保护森林就是保护人类自己


We should do anything that we can do to protect forest from being destroyed First we should plant more trees Second we should make laws to warn those who always cut down trees for their personal benefit Third we should turn to some media to make all of people aware of the importance of forest to us Only in this way can we protect

行类,按照你的要求帮你 好嘛

With the rapid development of china's economic and improvement of people's material living standards,ethics problem is getting Construction of Accountants ' professionalethics is an important part of economic management and accounting, it isfundamental to guarantee the quality of accounting As importantparticipants in economic and accounting information provided by accountants,their level of professional ethics, not only affects the quality of theaccounting information, but also the implementation of China's financial lawsystem, economic order maintenance and the development of our economy,therefore, strengthen the construction of Accountants ' professional ethics, itis imperative to improve the quality of accounting Based on theanalysis of false accounting information and accounting professional ethics inour country on the basis of the reasons for the decline, proposes to strengthenaccounting professional ethics construction, measures to improve the quality ofaccounting informatio


假期计划英语作文带翻译 how i spent my summer vacation summer can be very hot in southern taiwan where the temperature usually goes up to32"c or more。 because of the heat it is a trying experience to go to school or do anythingelse in a place that is not air-conditioned。 also because of this i stay at home most ofthe time during the summer vacation and only occasionally go to the beach to plungemyself into the cool water as a way to keep my body less sticky。 actually i likeswimming and think nothing is more refreshing than a swim。 in the summer vacationthat has just ended i went swimming many times with my classmates and we all had agood time。 this summer vacation, however, was not spent entirely in seeking fun。 asa second-year senior student i had to prepare myself for the college entranceexaminations that were only a year away。 in other words, i must find time to study,too。 so i divided my time between work and play during the summer vacation andderived much benefit from this arrangement。我是如何度过暑假的台湾南部的夏天非常炎热,气温通常会高达32摄氏度甚至更高。由于天气炎热,在没有空调的地方上学或做任何事情都是一种痛苦的经历。也因为这个原因,暑假期间我大部分时间都呆在家里,只是偶尔去海滩,把自己投入凉爽的水中,以此来保持身体不那么粘腻。事实上,我喜欢游泳,我认为没有什么比游泳更令人神清气爽了。在刚刚结束的暑假里,我和同学们去游泳了很多次,我们都玩得很开心。然而,这个暑假并没有完全用来寻找乐趣。作为一名高二学生,我必须为一年后的高考做准备。换句话说,我也必须找时间学习。因此,暑假期间,我把时间分为工作和娱乐两部分,并从这种安排中受益匪浅。

Both forest resources and the environment with its dual biological properties, and has a huge production capacity and become a very important land To Forests not only provide a variety of products that can be materialized, but also to create a beautiful ring Environment, play a strong eco-efficiency, maintain the ecological balance of the earth, constitute the basic human survival and development of S Look at all times, all social progress and development of forest growth and decline, the rise and fall closely related to forestry, forest Forests and forestry is an important symbol of social However, population growth and economic development pressure, so many parts of the forest Lin reduction and If this trend continues, the future more and more specific than today's population today relies less than the Forests, which biodiversity, global climate and life support systems will have a significant impact, severely limiting people Class Therefore, the production function and must be in the forest to find a balance between the protection Forest ecosystems to human Contribution to the class, often used in ecological research, "ecological, social and economic benefits" to However, Because of its complexity and uncertainty of how the valuation of these benefits, has been plagued ecologists and economists Important Can you give forest ecosystems for scientific contribution to mankind's valuation, will have a direct impact on policy at all levels Government decision-making Let ecosystem services from the perspective of the contribution of forests to human Ecosystem functioning and ecosystem services Earth's ecosystem is human survival and development of material base, ecosystem services and the health of these services generated State system itself on the Earth's life support system functions is essential to They directly or indirectly, to improve the human Class benefits, and therefore reflects the total economic value of the part of the Because ecosystem services can not be fully in the market The reflected, or fully productive capital with economic services and compared it in the formulation of policies, they often do not Have seriously enough, will eventually endanger the sustainable development of Based on this understanding, some scholars under the public On the original published studies and some calculations to estimate the 17 communities in 16 categories of ecosystem services, the economic value of existing Value, and thus calculate the value of the entire biosphere For the entire biosphere, the value of its annual Between 16-54 trillion dollars, the average annual value of 33 trillion Because there are some uncertainties, this estimate Is a minimum In contrast, global GDP each year is approximately 18 Life left Support system of services, all economic activities on the planet will cease to In this sense, the planet's ecosystems The total value of the service role of the economy is CONST ANZA and other forest ecosystem services (climate regulation, disturbance regulation, water supply, water regulation, erosion control System, to soil development, nutrient cycling, waste treatment; biological control, food production, raw materials, genetic resources, entertainment Music, culture 14) pricing that provides services to the global forest each year the total value of about 7 trillion US dollars; per hectare About $ 969 (which provides raw materials and food production were $ 138 and $ 43, both of 68% Scholars in China (1999) calculated the 38 major national forest ecosystem services worth about 11,740,100,000 US Yuan / year, of which eco-efficiency value of approximately $ 9,339,000,000 / year, 55% of total value, social value (Here refers to its cultural value) of about 2 billion US dollars / year, 17% of total value, while the economic value of forests around their 38 billion / year, the total value of 28% Shows the maximum value of the forest ecosystem is reflected in the eco-efficiency Benefits, and its value is 92 times the economic Scholars in China (1999) Benefits of Forest results show that the total effective value of forests in Heilongjiang 49,868,700,000 yuan, accounting for the province (1999-1992) average annual output value of 2 billion yuan of 7% Total benefit in the forest , The tangible products (economic) and intangible benefits of the value of products (public) benefit ratio of 1:83 Usually manifested forest forest ecosystem services "intangible product", as opposed to forest resources and other "tangible products Products "is often easily However, these products have been invisible to mention the environmental quality of human life Contribution to the high silence, the survival of human development at all times with the solidarity of forest ecosystem Special Is a huge increase as the world's population, resource crises, environmental degradation, as people on the pursuit of sustainable human development and thirsty Wang, the ecological services of forest ecosystem function is relatively much more important will be reborn as the Inherent fragility of our natural environment, and long-term destruction of forests, leading to the main terrestrial ecosystems as The forest area of less than body, the current forest coverage rate is only 92%, and the uneven distribution; cause of ecological environment has Degradation, soil erosion and natural disasters, serious and Forestry is also a result of the development towards a new Road, its functions by the production of timber oriented to ecological environment protection and construction of the main采纳哦

Protecting tropical rain forests requires joint efforts to adjust the economic Developed countries should help these countries develop high-efficiency industries and make them get rid of the situation of over reliance on rain forests for economic development; Strengthen environmental awareness education, make citizens aware of the serious consequences of rainforest destruction and the significance of protecting rainforests, and improve citizens' awareness of environmental protection; Strengthen the management and protection of rainforests and establish nature 保护热带雨林需要大家共同努力,调整经济结构,发达国家要帮助这些国家发展高效益产业,使这些国家摆脱过分依赖雨林发展经济的状况;加强环境意识教育,使公民认识到雨林破坏的严重后果与保护雨林的意义,提高公民的环保意识;加强雨林管理和保护,建立自然保护区。

Rainforests are being cut and burned from Brazil to Indonesia at such a rate that they If the present rate of deforestation is allowed to continue, the consequences forthe earth will be We shall see a massive upsetting of ecosystems, very largeincreases in soil erosion, increases in flooding and in drought,changes in rainfallpatterns and regional, quite possibly global, changes in We shall also probablylose many rare plant and animal 如果听任现在的热带雨林被毁掉的百分比继续发展下去,给整个地球所带来的后果将是十分严重的。我们将会看到(1)各种生态系统的平衡均遭到大规模的破坏;(2)水土流失现象大规模地增加了; (3)水灾和旱灾大规模增加了;(4) 降雨的方式改变了;(5)地区性的气候改变,甚至完全可能导致全球性气候的改变。我们也许会永远失去很多种珍稀的植物和动物。Plant species are not the only forms of life threatened with extinction in Rare birds and animals that cannot be found anywhere else in the world havebeen disappearing at the rate of one a year since the turn of the 各种植物在热带雨林中并不是受到灭种威胁的的生物。世界上除了热带雨林以外,在其他任何地方都找不到的珍稀鸟类和珍稀动物,在这世纪交替的时候正在以每年消失一种的速度逐渐灭绝。In the face of all these facts, it seems senseless for countries to continuedestroying their However, the problem is not so The countries inwhich the rainforests are located are all quite poor and One of them,Brazil,has a population of 140 million,about half of whom are living in The governments in these countries are usually also too weak to stop largecompanies and powerful individuals from destroying the They have no money,so when the poor whom they cannot feed find work cutting down trees or burning forest land,the governments often have no choice but to turn a blind Moreover,for many ofthese countries,the valuable timber and other resources found in the rainforests arealso a very important source of foreign exchange, which they badly need to pay off theirforeign debts and purchase foreign equipment and other 面对这一切事实,这些国家还在继续毁灭他们的热带雨林,这令人觉得他们简直太麻木不仁了。但是,这个问题并不是很简单的。地处于热带雨林的那些国家都相当贫穷而且人口都相当过剩。热带雨林国家之一,巴西,人口有一亿四千万人。其中约有半数人生活在绝对贫困当中。这些国家的政府通常也都是十分软弱的,以致不能制止一些大公司或有权有势的人毁坏热带雨林的行为。那些国家的政府都没有钱,所以当政府养活不起的那些穷人,找到了砍树或在森林里烧树开荒的工作时,政府别无选择,只好睁一只眼闭一只眼。况且,对这些国家中的有些国家来说,热带雨林中的珍贵木材和其他资源也是他们所急需换取外汇的很重要的资源,以便用来偿还外债和用来购买外国的设备和其他物资。
