

发布时间:2024-07-12 20:41:04


Use of cottonCotton can be made into all kinds of Cotton fabric fast wear-resisting, can wash and iron at high Cotton moisture absorption and moisture fast and The main by-product of cotton has higher use value, as our predecessors "cotton body is treasure" It is the most important fibre crops, it is the important oil crops, is also the high-protein food crops, or textile, chemical raw materials and important strategic goods and Must work hard to improve cotton production, therefore, do a good job in comprehensive utilization, production value, the development of national economy to increase farmers income and to meet the multifaceted

Cotton textiles touch every aspect of our Cotton is a soft fibre that grows around the seeds of the cotton plant The fibre is most often spun into thread and used to make a soft, breathable Cotton is a valuable crop because only about 10% of the raw weight is lost in Once traces of wax, protein, are removed, the remainder is a natural polymer of pure This cellulose is arranged in a way that gives cotton unique properties of strength, durability, and Each fibre is made up of twenty to thirty layers of cellulose coiled in a neat series of natural When the cotton boll (seed case) is opened the fibres dry into flat, twisted, ribbon-like shapes and become kinked together and This interlocked form is ideal for spinning into a fine Cotton has been used to make very fine lightweight cloth in areas with tropical climates for Some authorities claim that it was likely that the Egyptians had cotton as early as 12,000 BC, and they have found evidence of cotton in Mexican caves (cotton cloth and fragments of fibre interwoven with feathers and fur) which dated back to approximately 7,000 years There is archaeological evidence that people in South America and India domesticated independently different species of the cotton plant thousands of years The earliest written reference is to Indian Cotton has been grown in India for more than three thousand years, and it is referred to in the Rig-Veda, written in 1500 BC A thousand years later the great Greek historian Herodotus wrote about Indian cotton: "There are trees which grow wild there, the fruit of which is a wool exceeding in beauty and goodness that of The Indians make their clothes of this tree " By the end of the 16th century BC, cotton had spread to warmer regions in Americas, Africa and EToday, Cotton is produced in many parts of the world, including Europe, Asia, Africa, the Americas and Australia, using cotton plants that have been selectively bred so that each plant grows more For years, cotton clothing, home furnishings and industrial goods have enhanced our quality of life by providing comfort, expression and From towels to T-shirts, from bedding to blue jeans, cotton surrounds us on a daily The cotton industry relies heavily on chemicals such as fertilisers and insecticides, although some farmers are moving towards an organic model of production, and chemical-free organic cotton products are now Historically, one of the most economically destructive pests in cotton production has been the boll Most cotton is harvested mechanically, either by a cotton picker, a machine that removes the cotton from the boll without damaging the cotton plant, or by a cotton stripper which strips the entire boll off the Cotton strippers are generally used in regions where it is too windy to grow picker varieties of cotton and generally used after application of a defoliant or natural defoliation occurring after a Cotton is a perennial crop in the tropics and without defoliation or freezing, the plant will continue to Premium cotton fiber quality is essential to high-tech spinning Technologically advanced equipment requires fiber that spins into consistent, high-strength yarn at speeds unheard of just 15 years As a result, textile mills now can spin nearly 600 pounds of cotton into yarn per spindle each Ten years ago, each spindle only transformed about 200 pounds of 字数多了,最后一段可以删除 ^_^,希望可以帮助你


这里是关于棉纤维的作用、生长环境、详细介绍:  棉纤维概述  锦葵科棉属植物的种籽上被覆的纤维,又称棉花,简称棉。是纺织工业的重要原料。棉纤维制品吸湿和透气性好,柔软而保暖。棉花大多是一年生植物。它是由棉花种子上滋生的表皮细胞发育而成的。棉纤维的生长可以分为伸长期、加厚期和转曲期三个阶段。  棉纤维是我国纺织工业的主要原料,它在纺织纤维中占很重要的地位。我国是世界上的主要产棉国之一,目前,我国的棉花产量已经进入世界前列。我国棉花种植几乎遍布全国。其中以黄河流域和长江流域为主,再加上西北内陆、辽河流域和华南、共五大棉区。  [编辑本段]棉纤维种类  棉花种类很多,目前主要按以下的两钟方法分类。  按棉花的品种分类  (1)细绒棉:又称陆地棉。纤维线密度和长度中等,一般长度为25~35mm,线密度为12~56 dtex(4700~6400公支)左右,强力在5cN左右。我国目前种植的棉花大多属于此类。  (2)长绒棉:又称海岛棉。纤维细而长,一般长度在33mm以上,线密度在54~18dtex(6500~8500公支)左右,强力在5cN以上。它的品质优良,主要用于编制细于10tex的优等棉纱。目前,我国种植较少,除新疆长绒棉以外,进口的主要有埃及棉、苏丹棉等。  此外,还有纤维粗短的粗绒棉,目前已趋淘汰。  按棉花的初加工分类  从棉花中采得的是籽棉,无法直接进行纺织加工,必须先进行初加工,即将籽棉中的棉籽除去,得到皮棉。该初加工又称轧花。籽棉经轧花后,所得皮棉的重量占原来籽棉重量的百分率称衣分率。衣分率一般为30~40%。按初加工方法不同,棉花可分为锯齿棉和皮辊棉。  (1)锯齿棉:采用锯齿轧棉机加工得到的皮棉称锯齿棉。锯齿棉含杂、含短绒少,纤维长度较整齐,产量高。但纤维长度偏短,轧工疵点多。目前,细绒棉大都采用锯齿轧棉。  (2)皮辊棉:采用皮辊棉机加工得到的皮棉称皮辊棉。皮辊棉含杂、含短绒多,纤维长度整齐度差,产量低。但纤维长度操作小,轧工疵点少,但有黄根。皮 轧棉适宜长绒棉、低级棉等。  [编辑本段]棉纤维性质  长度  棉纤维长度是指纤维伸直时两端间的距离,是棉纤维的重要物理性质之一。棉纤维的长度主要由棉花品种、生长条件、初加工等因素决定。棉纤维长度与成纱质量和纺纱工艺关系密切。棉纤维长度长,整齐度好,短绒少,则成纱强力高,条干均匀,纱线表面光洁,毛羽少。  棉纤维的长度是不均匀的,一般用主体长度、品质长度、均匀度、短绒率等指标来表示棉纤维的长度及分布。主体长度是指棉纤维中含量最多的纤维的长度。品质长度是指比主体长度长的那部分纤维的平均长度,它在纺纱工艺中,用来确定罗拉隔距。短绒率是指长度短于某一长度界限的纤维重量占纤维总量的百分率。一般当短绒率超过15%时,成纱强力和条干会明显变差。此外,还有手扯长度、跨距长度等长度指标。  线密度  棉纤维的线密度是指纤维的粗细程度,是棉纤维的重要品质指标之一,它与棉纤维的成熟程度、强力大小密切相关。棉纤维线密度还是决定纺纱特数与成纱品质的主要因素之一,并与织物手感、光泽等有关。纤维较细,则成纱强力高,纱线条干好,可纺较细的纱。  成熟度  棉纤维的成熟度是指纤维细胞壁的加厚程度,即棉纤维生长成熟的程度,它与纤维的各项物理性能密切相关。正常成熟的棉纤维,截面粗、强度高、转曲多、弹性好、有丝光、纤维间抱合力大、成纱强力也高。所以,可以将成熟度看成棉纤维内在质量的一个综合性指标。  强度和弹性  棉纤维的强度是纤维具有纺纱性能和使用价值的必要条件之一,纤维强度高,则成纱强度也高。棉纤维的强度常采用断裂强力和断裂长度表示。细绒棉的强力为5~5cN,断裂长度为21~25km;长绒棉的强力为4~6cN,断裂长度为由于单根棉纤维的强力差异较大,所以一般测定棉束纤维强力,然后再换算成单纤维的强度指标。棉纤维的断裂伸长率为3%~7%,弹性较差。  吸湿性  棉纤维是多孔性物质,且其纤维素大分子上存在许多亲水性基因(—OH),所以其吸湿性较好,一般大气条件下,棉纤维的回潮率可达5%左右。  耐酸碱性  棉纤维耐无机酸能力弱。棉纤维对碱的抵抗能力较大,但会引起横向膨化。可利用稀碱溶液对棉布进行“丝光”。  此外,棉纤维中还夹着杂质和疵点,杂质有泥沙、树叶、铃壳等,疵点有棉结、索丝等。它们即影响纺织的用棉量,也影响加工和纱部质量,所以必须进行检验,严格控制。  [编辑本段]棉型织物的特点  棉型织物是指以棉纱或棉与棉型化纤混纺纱线织成的织品。它具有以下特点:  吸湿性强,缩水率较大,约为4~10%  耐碱不耐酸。棉布对无机酸极不稳定,即使很稀的硫酸也会使其受到破坏,但有机酸作用微弱,几乎不起破坏作用。棉布较耐碱,一般稀碱在常温下对棉布不发生作用,但强碱作用下,棉布强度会下降。常利用20%的烧碱液处理棉布,可得到“丝光”棉布。  耐光性、耐热性一般。在阳光与大气中棉布会缓慢的被氧化,使强力下降。长期高温作用会使棉布遭受破坏,但其耐受125~150℃短暂高温处理。  微生物对棉织物有破坏作用,表现在不耐霉菌。  卫生性:棉纤维是天然纤维,其主要成分是纤维素,还有少量的蜡状物质和含氮物与果胶质。纯棉织物经多方面查验和实践,织品与肌肤接触无任何刺激,无负作用,久穿对人体有益无害,卫生性能良好。  [编辑本段]纯棉织物的品种  纯棉织物由纯棉纱线织成,织物品种繁多,花色各异。它可按染色方式分为原色棉布、染色棉布、印花棉布、色织棉布;也可以按织物组织结构分为平纹布、斜纹布、锻纹布。  (1)原色棉布 没有经过漂白、印染加工处理而具有天然棉纤维的色泽的棉布称为原色棉布。它可根据纱支的粗细分为市布、粗布、细布,它们的特点是:布身厚实、布面平整、结实耐用,缩水率较大。可用做被单布、坯辅料或衬衫衣料。  (2)府绸 府绸是棉布的主要品种,兼有丝绸风格。其质地细而富有光泽,布身柔软爽滑,穿着挺括舒适,用平纹组织织成。府绸组织结构上的特点是:经纱密度比纬纱密度大一倍左右,布身上经纱露出面积多于纬纱,其凸起部分在布面外观形成明显的菱形颗粒,加之其所用纱支质量较高,因此布面纹路清晰、颗粒饱满、光洁紧密。但府绸面料有一大缺点,即用其缝制的服装易出现纵向裂纹,这是因为府绸经、纬密度相差太大,经、纬纱间强度不平衡,造成经向强度大于纬向强度近一倍的结果。  (3)毛蓝布 一般的坯布在染色前都要经过烧毛处理,使布面平整、光洁,而毛蓝布则不然,在染色前无需烧毛,染色后布面保留一层绒毛,故称“毛”蓝布。毛蓝布一般以靘蓝染料染色,染色牢度较好,色泽大方,并有越洗越艳之感。其规格有多种:毛蓝粗布、毛蓝细布等。一般适合作外衣,遍销城乡各地。  (4)素色布、漂白布、印花布这类布由各类白坯布经印染、漂白而成。根据不同色彩分为素色布、漂白布、印花布。  素色布:指单一颜色的棉织物,一般经丝光处理后匹染。  漂白布:由原色坯布经过漂白处理而得到的洁白外观的棉织物,它又可分为丝光布和本光布两种。丝光布表面平整光泽好,手感滑爽;本光布表面光泽暗淡,手感粗糙。漂白布一般用来制作内衣、床单等。  印花布:由纱支较低的白坯布经印花加工而成,有丝光和本光两类。这类布根据印花方式不同,其外观效果也不同,多为正面色泽鲜艳,反面较暗淡。适合制作妇女、儿童服装。  [编辑本段]棉纤维的印染  棉纤维 染色配方:活性染料(高温型)X%;无水硫酸钠50—70a/1;磷酸三钠l~2g/1。  操作要求:在上述染浴中,加入预先溶化好的活性染料及助剂,调节pH=9,升温至70℃保温染色30分钟,加入碳酸钠,使pH=11.5,固色处理30分钟,冷洗、热洗、皂洗、水洗、脱水、烘干。  附:  纯棉织物染整工艺流程  纯棉织物染整工艺流程的选择,主要是根据织物的品种、规格、成品要求等,可分为练漂、染色、印花、整理等。   练漂 天然纤维都含有杂质,在纺织加工过程中又加入了各浆料、油剂和沾染的污物等,这些杂质的存在,既妨碍染整加工的顺利进行,也影响织物的服用性能。练漂的目的是应用化学和物理机械作用,除去织物上的杂质,使织物洁白、柔软,具有良好的渗透性能,以满足服用要求,并为染色、印花、整理提供合格的半制品。  纯棉织物练漂加工的主要过程有:原布准备、烧毛、退浆、煮练、漂白、丝光。 1) 原布准备:原布准备包括原布检验、翻布(分批、分箱、打印)和缝头。原布检验的目的是检查坯布质量,发现问题能及时加以解决。检验内容包括物理指标和外观疵点两项。前者包括原布的长度、幅度、重量、经纬纱线密度和密度、强力等,后者如纺疵、织疵、各种班渍及破损等。通常抽查总量的10%左右。原布检验后,必须将原布分批、分箱,并在布头上打印,标明品种、加工工艺、批号、箱号、发布日期和翻布人代号,以便于管理。为了确保连续成批的加工,必须将原布加以缝接。  2) 烧毛:烧毛的目的在于烧去布面上的绒毛,使布面光洁美观,并防止在染色、印花时因绒毛存在而产生染色不匀及印花疵病。织物烧毛是将织物平幅快速通过高温火焰,或擦过赤热的金属表面,这时布面上存在的绒毛很快升温,并发生燃烧,而布身比较紧密,升温较慢,在未升到着火点时,即已离开了火焰或赤热的金属表面,从而达到烧去绒毛,又不操作织物的目的。  3) 退浆:纺织厂为了顺利的织布,往往对经纱上浆以提高强力和耐磨性。坯布上的浆料即影响织物的吸水性能,还影响染整产品的质量,且会增加染化药品的消耗,故在煮练前应先去除浆料,这个过程叫退浆。棉织物上的浆料可采用碱退浆、酶退浆、酸退浆和氧化剂退浆等方法,将其从织物上退除。碱退浆使浆料膨化,与纤维粘着力下降,经水洗从织物上退除。酶、酸、氧化剂使淀粉降解,在水中溶解度增大,经水洗退除。由于酸、氧化剂对棉纤损伤大,很少单独使用,常与酶退浆、碱退浆联合使用。  4) 煮练:棉纤维生长时,有天然杂质(果胶质、蜡状物质、含氮物质等)一起伴生。棉织物经退浆后,大部分浆料及部分天然杂质已被去除,但还有少量的浆料以及大部分天然杂质还残留在织物上。这些杂质的存在,使绵织布的布面较黄,渗透性差。同时,由于有棉籽壳的存在,大大影响了棉布的外观质量。故需要将织物在高温的浓碱液中进行较长时间的煮练,以去除残留杂质。煮练是利用烧碱和其他煮练助剂与果胶质、蜡状物质、含氮物质、棉籽壳发生化学降解反应或乳化作用、膨化作用等,经水洗后使杂质从织物上退除。  5) 漂白:棉织物经煮练后,由于纤维上还有天然色素存在,其外观不够洁白,用以染色或印花,会影响色泽的鲜艳度。漂白的目的就在于去除色素,赋于织物必要的和稳定的白度,而纤维本身则不受显著的损伤。棉织物常用的漂白方法有次氮酸钠法、双氧水法和亚氯酸钠法。次氯酸钠漂白的漂液PH值为10左右,在常温下进行,设备简单,操作方便、成本低,但对织物强度损伤大,白度较低。双氧水漂白的漂液PH值为10,在高温下进行漂白,漂白织物白度高而稳定,手感好,还能去除浆料及天然杂质。缺点是对设备要求高,成本较高。在适当条件下,与烧碱联合,能使退浆、煮练、漂白一次完成。亚氯酸钠漂白的漂液PH值为4~5,在高温下进行,具有白度好,对纤维损伤小的优点,但漂白时易产生有毒气体,污染环境,腐蚀设备,设备需要特殊的金属材料制成,故在应用上受到一定限制。次氯酸钠和亚氯酸钠漂白后都要进行脱氯,以防织物在存在过程中因残氯存在而受损。  6) 丝光:丝光是指棉织物在室温或低温下,在经纬方向上都受到张力的情况下,用浓的烧碱溶液处理,以改善织物性能的加工过程。棉织物经过丝光后,由于纤维膨化,纤维纵向天然扭转消失,横截面成椭圆形,对光的反向更有规律,因而增进了光泽。纤维无形定区的增加,使染色时染料的上染率增加。取向度的提高,使织物强力增加,同时还有定形作用。丝光后,一定要采用冲吸去碱或蒸箱去碱,或平洗地去碱等方法充分去碱,直至织物呈中性。   染色 染色是借染料与纤维发生物理或化学的结合,或用化学方法在纤维上生成颜料,使整个纺织品具有一定色泽的加工过程。染色是在一定温度、时间、PH值和所需染色助剂等条件下进行的。染色产品应色泽均匀,还需要具有良好的染色牢度。织物的染色方法主要分浸染和轧染。浸染是将织物浸渍于染液中,而使染料逐渐上染织物的方法。它适用于小批量多品种染色。绳状染色、卷染都属于此范畴。轧染是先把织物浸渍于染液中,然后使织物通过轧辊,把染液均匀轧入织物内部,再经汽蒸或热熔等处理的染色方法。它适用于大批量织物的染色。  [编辑本段]棉纤维的鉴别  近来,由于市场上销售的一些纺织品和服装生产厂家对面料成分名称和含量标注不规范,致使不法商人乘机以次充好,以假充真,欺骗消费者。为了帮助消费者准确辨认服装面料的主要真实成分,现介绍一个简易的鉴别方法,鉴别服装面料成分的简易方法是燃烧法。做法是在服装的缝边处抽下一缕包含经纱和纬纱的布纱,用火将其点燃,观察燃烧火焰的状态,闻布纱燃烧后发出的气味,看燃烧后的剩余物,从而判断与服装耐久性标签上标注的面料成分是否相符,以辨别面料成分的真伪。  棉纤维与麻纤维都是刚近火焰即燃,燃烧迅速,火焰呈黄色,冒蓝烟。二者在燃烧散发的气味及烧后灰烬的区别是,棉燃烧发出纸气味,麻燃烧发出草木灰气味;燃烧后,棉有极少粉末灰烬,呈黑或灰色,麻则产生少量灰白色粉末灰烬。  这里是棉纤维的发展史:  墨西哥植棉历史更为悠久。当今占世界棉花总产90%以上的陆地棉棉种都原产于墨西哥,是陆地棉的起源中心.墨西哥被称为“棉花的故乡”。它为世界棉花育种改良提供了丰富多样的种质资源和野生棉品种,被誉为世界棉花天然的大种质基地。现已确定全世界32个棉属野生种中有9个原产于墨西哥。墨西哥的全国棉花研究中心总部设在墨西哥城。它将收集到的19个棉种的 120个野生和半野生类型的标本就种植在该所的棉花种质资源种植园内。墨西哥从80年代开始,国家农业科研单位和私人农场共同签约设立了专门从事彩色棉育种与栽培的研究课题,近年来很有进展,已培育出棕红色、 土黄色、驼色等不同色彩的彩色棉花。据资料记载早在纪元以前,墨西哥的乌雅族和阿西德克族人已经栽培彩色棉花,当西班牙人 16世纪进入墨西哥南部和尤卡坦半岛时,当地植棉业已很发达,岛民将彩色棉纺成土布,做成墨西哥人爱穿的民族服装在集市上销售大受欢迎。  棉花的历史  人类利用棉花已有悠久的历史,早在公元前5000年甚至公元前7000年前,中美洲已开始利用,在南亚次大陆也有5000年历史。我国至少在2000年以前,在广西、云南、新疆等地区已采用棉纤维作纺织原料。起初人们并未认识到它的经济价值。古代著名的阿拉伯旅行家苏莱曼在其《苏莱曼游记》中记述,在今北京地区所见到的棉花,还是在花园里被作为“花”来观赏的。《梁书·高昌传》记载:其地有“草,实如茧,茧中丝如细纩,名为白叠子。”由此可见,现今纺织工业的重要原料棉花,最初是被人当作花、草一类的东西看待的。  棉花传入我国,大约有3条不同的途径。根据植物区系结合史料分析,一般认为棉花是由南北两路向中原传播的。南路最早是印度的亚洲棉,经东南亚传入海南岛和两广地区,据史料记载,至少在秦汉时期,之后传入福建、广东、四川等地区。第二条途径是由印度经缅甸传入云南,时间大约在秦汉时期。第三条途径是非洲棉经西亚传入新疆、河西走廊一带,时间大约在南北朝时期,北路即古籍“西域”,宋元之际,棉花传播到长江和黄河流域广大地区,到13世纪,北路棉花已传到陕西渭水流域。  历史文献和出土文物证明,中国边疆地区各族人民对棉花的种植和利用远比中原早,直到汉代,中原地区的棉纺织品还比较稀奇珍贵。唐宋时期,棉花开始向中原移植。目前中原地区所见到的最早的棉纺织品遗物,是在一座南宋古墓中发现的一条棉线毯。也就是从这时期起,棉布逐渐替代丝绸,成为我国人民主要的服饰材料。元代初年,政府设立了木棉提举司,大规模向人民征收棉布实物,每年多达10万匹,后来又把棉布作为夏税(布、绢、丝、棉)之首,可见棉布已成为主要的纺织衣料。元以后统治这都极力征收棉花棉布,出版植棉技术书籍,劝民植棉。从明代宋应星的《天工开物》中所记载的“棉布寸土皆有”,“织机十室必有”,可知当时植棉和棉纺织已遍布全国。  由于非洲棉和亚洲棉质量不好,产量也低,所以到了清末,我国又陆续从美国引进了陆地棉良种,现在我国种植的全是各国陆地棉及其变种。  本世纪60年代,许多国家相继开展彩色棉的研究、试验,进入90年代,美国率先在改造利用野生彩色棉上取得突破性进展。彩色棉,即自然生长的带有颜色的棉花,因其具有天然色彩,无需印染、漂白等我国工序,不仅避免了染料对水质的污染和织物的危害,也降低了工业成本,因而彩色棉织品成为“绿色环保产品”,“市场未来的宠儿”,越来越受到消费者的青睐。

爱蹬被子爱做梦。记得一次睡梦中,花仙子带我去划船。划着划着下雨啦,把我淋成了落汤鸡,好冷呀!迷迷糊糊中,我仿佛感觉到有谁在为我添衣取暖。我努力睁开朦胧的睡眼,黑暗中一个熟悉的身影站在床边。啊,是妈妈!她轻轻将我蹬在一旁的被子重新盖在我身上,轻拍着我的肩膀,轻抚着我的脸颊,轻声哼唱着熟悉的摇篮曲,陪着我又安然入睡……这一晚,妈妈多次起床为我盖被子,轻手轻脚,细致入微,不厌其烦。那温暖的棉被,暖了我的身,圆了我的梦,却黑了她的眼!  还记得寒冷的冬夜里,妈妈好多次都先钻进我的小被窝,用她的体温帮我暖床、暖被子,搂着我直到我进入温暖、甜蜜的梦乡。妈妈这哪里是在为我暖身呀,分明是在暖我的心!

温暖的花朵 棉花,一种母性的花朵,饱含着阳光的芬芳,从远古一直绽放至今天,历久弥新,长盛不衰,以最宽厚、最柔软的胸膛温暖着人间。 棉花,多么神奇的植物,悄然地站在庄稼与鲜花之间,站在物质的粮食与浪漫的精神之间,像庄稼不是庄稼,似鲜花不是鲜花,却一样被流汗的农民和巧手的母亲珍视着。棉花知道,虽然自己不是庄稼和鲜花,却是大地为人类生长出来的衣裳和棉被,一样有着神圣的使命。千万年来,棉花一直为东方文明编织着一件古老的衣裳,编织着一个温暖的梦。 我猜想,棉花一定是天上下凡的云朵,是太阳派往人间的天使,在人类诞生之前早早等待在那里,等待为我们的祖先披上一件洁白的御寒的衣裳。 而我,关于棉花的所有印象和感恩,都缘于我的母亲。有人说,棉花是母亲心口开出的最圣洁的花朵。 从春到秋,母亲要选几个骄阳似火的丽日,给新棉衣洗太阳浴,再轻轻拍松,然后收进沉香幽幽的樟木箱,一同被收藏起来的还有四季的阳光。到这时,母亲终于可以舒展一下酸疼的手臂,静静地眺望严冬的来临,像一个稻谷满仓的农民,可以安然地迎接漫长的岁月了。 曾经的那些日子,做棉衣仿佛是释放母爱的一种仪式,更是母亲劳作的缩影。只是那时我还不懂,不懂棉花,也不懂母爱,甚至不知道该怎样珍惜棉花一样的母爱。 长大了,我突然之间喜欢上了“温暖”这个词,也从心灵深处渴望被温暖拥抱。 有位朋友说,都市已经告别了棉花时代,其实,他看到的只是棉衣走出了一部分人的生活,却没有发现棉花正离我们越来越近。人类的最高境界是回归本真,当我们从滚滚红尘回到巢穴中,我们疲惫的身躯需要的是放松和安适,就如同走了长长一生的脚,最喜欢布鞋一样。 从远古到未来,在那个圣洁的天使抚慰下,人类度过一个又一个悠长、沉香、甜美的梦境。梦里,那束美丽、温暖的花朵正灿然开放



Use of cottonCotton can be made into all kinds of Cotton fabric fast wear-resisting, can wash and iron at high Cotton moisture absorption and moisture fast and The main by-product of cotton has higher use value, as our predecessors "cotton body is treasure" It is the most important fibre crops, it is the important oil crops, is also the high-protein food crops, or textile, chemical raw materials and important strategic goods and Must work hard to improve cotton production, therefore, do a good job in comprehensive utilization, production value, the development of national economy to increase farmers income and to meet the multifaceted

Cotton textiles touch every aspect of our Cotton is a soft fibre that grows around the seeds of the cotton plant The fibre is most often spun into thread and used to make a soft, breathable Cotton is a valuable crop because only about 10% of the raw weight is lost in Once traces of wax, protein, are removed, the remainder is a natural polymer of pure This cellulose is arranged in a way that gives cotton unique properties of strength, durability, and Each fibre is made up of twenty to thirty layers of cellulose coiled in a neat series of natural When the cotton boll (seed case) is opened the fibres dry into flat, twisted, ribbon-like shapes and become kinked together and This interlocked form is ideal for spinning into a fine Cotton has been used to make very fine lightweight cloth in areas with tropical climates for Some authorities claim that it was likely that the Egyptians had cotton as early as 12,000 BC, and they have found evidence of cotton in Mexican caves (cotton cloth and fragments of fibre interwoven with feathers and fur) which dated back to approximately 7,000 years There is archaeological evidence that people in South America and India domesticated independently different species of the cotton plant thousands of years The earliest written reference is to Indian Cotton has been grown in India for more than three thousand years, and it is referred to in the Rig-Veda, written in 1500 BC A thousand years later the great Greek historian Herodotus wrote about Indian cotton: "There are trees which grow wild there, the fruit of which is a wool exceeding in beauty and goodness that of The Indians make their clothes of this tree " By the end of the 16th century BC, cotton had spread to warmer regions in Americas, Africa and EToday, Cotton is produced in many parts of the world, including Europe, Asia, Africa, the Americas and Australia, using cotton plants that have been selectively bred so that each plant grows more For years, cotton clothing, home furnishings and industrial goods have enhanced our quality of life by providing comfort, expression and From towels to T-shirts, from bedding to blue jeans, cotton surrounds us on a daily The cotton industry relies heavily on chemicals such as fertilisers and insecticides, although some farmers are moving towards an organic model of production, and chemical-free organic cotton products are now Historically, one of the most economically destructive pests in cotton production has been the boll Most cotton is harvested mechanically, either by a cotton picker, a machine that removes the cotton from the boll without damaging the cotton plant, or by a cotton stripper which strips the entire boll off the Cotton strippers are generally used in regions where it is too windy to grow picker varieties of cotton and generally used after application of a defoliant or natural defoliation occurring after a Cotton is a perennial crop in the tropics and without defoliation or freezing, the plant will continue to Premium cotton fiber quality is essential to high-tech spinning Technologically advanced equipment requires fiber that spins into consistent, high-strength yarn at speeds unheard of just 15 years As a result, textile mills now can spin nearly 600 pounds of cotton into yarn per spindle each Ten years ago, each spindle only transformed about 200 pounds of 字数多了,最后一段可以删除 ^_^,希望可以帮助你


Description and technical featuresCotton is a natural fibre of vegetable origin, like linen, jute or Mostly composed of cellulose (a carbohydrate plant substance) and formed by twisted, ribbon-like shaped fibres, cotton is the fruit of a shrubby plant commonly referred to as the "cotton plant" The cotton plant, a variety of plants of the genus Gossypium, belongs to the Malvacae family, which comprises approximately 1,500 species, also including the baobab tree, the bombax or the The plant, growing up to 10 metres high in the wild, has been domesticated to range between 1 to 2 metres under commercial Either herbaceous or ligneous, it thrives in dry tropical and subtropical Whereas by nature the plant is a perennial tree (lasting about 10 years), under extensive cultivation it is mostly grown as an annual The cotton flower has five large petals (showy, white, white-creamy, or even rose in colour), which soon fall off, leaving capsules, or "cotton bolls", having a tick and rigid external The capsule bursts open upon maturity, revealing the seeds and masses of white/creamy and downy Cotton fibres of the Gossypium hirsutum species range from about 2 to 3 centimetres in length, whereas Gossypium barbadense cotton produces long-staple fibres up to 5 centimetres Their surface is finely indented, and they become kinked together and The cotton plant is almost exclusively cultivated for its oleaginous seeds and for the seminal fibres growing from them ( cotton, strictly speaking) In ordinary usage, the term "cotton" also makes reference to fibres that are made into fabric wires suitable for use in the textile Although the cotton plant is native to tropical countries, cotton production is not limited to the Indeed, the emergence of new varieties, as well as advances in cultivation techniques led to the exapansion of its culture within an area straddling from approximately 47 degrees North latitude (Ukraine) to 32 degrees South (Australia) Although cotton is widely planted in both hemispheres, it remains a sun-loving plant highly vulnerable to freezing Cotton is crucially important to several developing Out of the 85 cotton-producing countries in 2005, 80 were developing countries, 28 of which were indexed by the United Nations among the least developed countries (LDCs)


Classification and application of cotton: according to the fiber length and appearance, cotton can be divided into 3 categories: the first category slender fiber (5 to 5 centimeters in length range), shiny, including the excellent quality of sea island cotton, Egyptian cotton and Pima cotton; cotton yield is low, labor, the price is expensive, the main for advanced cloth, cotton yarn and knitted The second category includes general medium length of cotton (a length of about 3 to 3 centimeters); third kinds of fiber short thick cotton (length of about 1 to 5 centimeters) used in the manufacture of carpets, blankets and cheap fabric, or blended with other Cotton is one of the most important crops in the world, high yield, low production Various specifications can be made of cotton Cotton fabric washing and ironing fastness wearable, under high Cotton moisture absorption and removal is fast and The main by-product utilization value of cotton are higher, as they say "cotton body is a treasure" It is not only the most important fiber crop, and also is an important oil crop, also contain high protein food crops, or textile, chemical raw materials and the important strategic Therefore, must make efforts to increase cotton yield, improve utilization, increase yield and output value, to increase farmers income and meet the needs of various aspects of the development of the national 翻译:棉花的分类及用途:根据纤维的长度和外观,棉花可分成3大类:第一类纤维细长(长度在5至5厘米范围内),有光泽,包括品质极佳的海岛棉、埃及棉和皮马棉等;长绒棉产量低,费工多,价格昂贵,主要用于高级布料、棉纱和针织品。第二类包括一般中等长度的棉花(长度约3至3厘米);第三类为纤维粗短的棉花(长度约1至5厘米)用来制造地毯、棉毯和价格低廉的织物,或与其他纤维混纺。棉花是世界上最主要的农作物之一,产量高,生产成本低。棉花能制成各种规格的织物。棉织物坚牢耐磨,能洗涤并在高温下熨烫。棉布吸湿和脱湿快速而使穿着舒适。棉花的主副产品都有较高的利用价值,正如前人所说“棉花全身都是宝”。它既是最重要的纤维作物,又是重要的油料作物,也是含高蛋白的粮食作物,还是纺织、精细化工原料和重要的战略物资。因此,必须努力使棉花增产,搞好综合利用,增产增值,以增加棉农收入和满足国民经济发展多方面的需要。

Description and technical featuresCotton is a natural fibre of vegetable origin, like linen, jute or Mostly composed of cellulose (a carbohydrate plant substance) and formed by twisted, ribbon-like shaped fibres, cotton is the fruit of a shrubby plant commonly referred to as the "cotton plant" The cotton plant, a variety of plants of the genus Gossypium, belongs to the Malvacae family, which comprises approximately 1,500 species, also including the baobab tree, the bombax or the The plant, growing up to 10 metres high in the wild, has been domesticated to range between 1 to 2 metres under commercial Either herbaceous or ligneous, it thrives in dry tropical and subtropical Whereas by nature the plant is a perennial tree (lasting about 10 years), under extensive cultivation it is mostly grown as an annual The cotton flower has five large petals (showy, white, white-creamy, or even rose in colour), which soon fall off, leaving capsules, or "cotton bolls", having a tick and rigid external The capsule bursts open upon maturity, revealing the seeds and masses of white/creamy and downy Cotton fibres of the Gossypium hirsutum species range from about 2 to 3 centimetres in length, whereas Gossypium barbadense cotton produces long-staple fibres up to 5 centimetres Their surface is finely indented, and they become kinked together and The cotton plant is almost exclusively cultivated for its oleaginous seeds and for the seminal fibres growing from them ( cotton, strictly speaking) In ordinary usage, the term "cotton" also makes reference to fibres that are made into fabric wires suitable for use in the textile Although the cotton plant is native to tropical countries, cotton production is not limited to the Indeed, the emergence of new varieties, as well as advances in cultivation techniques led to the exapansion of its culture within an area straddling from approximately 47 degrees North latitude (Ukraine) to 32 degrees South (Australia) Although cotton is widely planted in both hemispheres, it remains a sun-loving plant highly vulnerable to freezing Cotton is crucially important to several developing Out of the 85 cotton-producing countries in 2005, 80 were developing countries, 28 of which were indexed by the United Nations among the least developed countries (LDCs)
