

发布时间:2024-07-03 17:33:09


At present a computer virus has penetrated into every field of information society, so to speak, to the computer system are of great destruction and potential threat, in order to ensure information safety and smooth, so the computer virus prevention measures is Virus is simply introduced in this paper, the characteristics, classification, including virus dissemination way, the specific analysis of some typical virus, such as CIH Detailed tells the story of computer virus detection and removal method of commonly used computer virus scanner and the working principle, as well as individuals on the basis of ensure the safety of computer network, the paper USES a series of computer At present a computer virus has penetrated into every field of information society, so to speak, to the computer system are of great destruction and potential threat, in order to ensure information safety and smooth, so the computer virus prevention measures is Virus is simply introduced in this paper, the characteristics, classification, including virus dissemination way, the specific analysis of some typical virus, such as CIH Detailed tells the story of computer virus detection and removal methods, and on the basis of computer network security, expounds a series of practical measures to computer



计算机病毒Computer Viruses The computer virus is an outcome of the computer overgrowth in the 1980s.The cause of the term "computer virus" is the likeness between the biological virus and the evil program infected with computers.The origin of this term came from an American science fiction“ The Adolescence of P-1“ written by Thomas J Ryan,published in 1977.Human viruses invade a living cell and turn it into a factory for manufacturing However, computer virusesare small They replicate by attaching a copy of themselves to another Once attached to me host Program,the viruses then look for other programs to "infect".In this way, he virus can spread quickly throughout a hard disk or an entire organization when it infects a LAN or a multi-user system. At some point,determined by how the virus was programmed the virus attacks.The timing of the attack can be linked to a number of situations,including a certain time or date, the presence of a particular file,the security privilege level of the user,and the number of times a file is used.Likewise,the mode of attack varies.So-called "benign" viruses might simply display a message,like the one that infected IBM’s main computer system last Christmas with a season's greeting.Malignant viruses are designed to damage the system.The attack is to wipe out data, to delete flies, or to format the hard What Kind of Viruses Are There?There are four main types of viruses: shell, intrusive, operating system and source ode.Shell viruses wrap themselves around a host program and don't modify the original program.Shell programs are easy to write,which is why about half of viruses are of this type. Intrusive viruses Invade an existing program and actually insert a portion of themselves into the host program.Intrusive viruses are hard to write and very difficult to remove without damaging the host Shell and intrusive viruses most commonly attack executable program flies-those with a.corn or.exe extension, although data flies are also at some risk. Operating system viruses work by replacing parts of the operating system with their own logic.It is very difficult to write operating system viruses and these viruses have the ability once booted up, to take total control of your System.FOF example,some operating system viruses have hidden large amounts of attack logic in falsely marked bad disk sectors.Source code viruses are intrusive programs and they are also inserted into a source program such as those written in Pascal prior to the program being complied.There are the least-common viruses because they are not only hard to write,but also have a limited number of hosts compared to the other types.Be Wary of the Second Network Viruses Do you believe it? Network viruses can steal money!So far Internet has become the main channel through which the computer viruses spread.Look,here come the second network computer viruses.Even without "snatching" information from the network your computer can be infected by the second network computer viruses, which are hidden in some machines on the network. Your computer is, so to speak, in danger once being connected to the network to browse. The virus that can steal your money belongs to a kind of the second network It was designed and put in some machines on the network. When your computer is linked to one of these machines,the virus will invade your hard disk and search whether Intuit Quicken, an accounting software, is installed. One of this accounting software's functions is to transfer accounts Once infected, your money will be transferred to an additional account opened by the virus program without anybody knowing it.


Computer VirusA computer virus is a computer program that can copy itself and infect a computer without permission or knowledge of the The original may modify the copies or the copies may modify themselves, as occurs in a metamorphic A virus can only spread from one computer to another when its host is taken to the uninfected computer, for instance by a user sending it over a network or carrying it on a removable medium such as a floppy disk, CD, or USB Additionally, viruses can spread to other computers by infecting files on a network file system or a file system that is accessed by another Viruses are sometimes confused with computer worms and Trojan A worm, however, can spread itself to other computers without needing to be transferred as part of a A Trojan horse is a file that appears harmless until In contrast to viruses, Trojan horses do not insert their code into other computer Many personal computers are now connected to the Internet and to local-area networks, facilitating their Today's viruses may also take advantage of network services such as the World Wide Web, e-mail, and file sharing systems to spread, blurring the line between viruses and Furthermore, some sources use an alternative terminology in which a virus is any form of self-replicating The term comes from the term virus in A computer virus reproduces by making (possibly modified) copies of itself in the computer's memory, storage, or over a This is similar to the way a biological virus Some viruses are programmed to damage the computer by damaging programs, deleting files, or reformatting the hard Others are not designed to do any damage, but simply replicate themselves and perhaps make their presence known by presenting text, video, or audio Even these benign viruses can create problems for the computer They typically take up computer memory used by legitimate As a result, they often cause erratic behavior and can result in system In addition, many viruses are bug-ridden, and these bugs may lead to system crashes and data There are many viruses operating in the general Internet today, and new ones are discovered every





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灰鸽子 病毒Gray is a well-known dove back Compared to the older ice, black, gray pigeon can be said to be the back door of the home are a combination of different The rich and powerful functionality and flexibility of operation, well hidden so that others are to be outshone by the back Client simple and convenient to operate so that the entry of just a beginner can act as When used in legal cases, the gray pigeon is a good remote control However, if some of it to do illegal things, gray pigeons have become very powerful hacking This is like powder, on various occasions, brought Gray dove to the complete presentation may be only a gray pigeon author to make it clear that we are here only for a Gray Pigeon client and server are based on the preparation of D Hackers use of the client to configure a server Can be configured to include information on the type of line (for example, wait for the connection or take the initiative to connect), take the initiative to connect using the public network IP (domain name), a password to connect, the use of the port, the start of the name, the name of the service, the process of hidden ways, the use of the Shell, agents, icons and so Server for the client to connect a variety of ways, making the environment in a variety of network users may be poisoning, including local area network users (Internet through a proxy), the public network and ADSL users to dial-up As the gray dove to intercept the API call, in the normal mode file server and its services are registered to hide, that is to say, even if you set up a "show all hidden files" do not see In addition, the gray-end services doves of the file name can be customized, hand-All this has brought about the detection of certain
However, through careful observation, we found that the detection of gray pigeons still have to follow the From the above analysis we can see that principle to run, regardless of the custom server-side file name is what will normally be installed in the operating system directory in order to generate a "_dll" at the end of the Through this, we can more accurately detect the hand-gray-end services
Due to the normal mode will hide their gray pigeons, so detection of gray pigeons must operate in a safe Into the safe mode is: Start the computer in the Windows system into the start screen, press the F8 key (or in your computer holding down the Ctrl key), in the event of the start-up options menu, select "Safe Mode" Or "Safe M"
1, dove gray as a result of the document itself has hidden attributes, so set Windows to show all Open "My Computer" menu, select "Tools" - "" Folder Options ", click" view "to remove" hide protected operating system files "before the Duigou, and the" hidden files and folders " Select the item "Show hidden files and folders," then click "OK"
2, open the Windows "search files", enter the file name "_dll", the search location to choose the Windows installation directory (for 98/xp default C: / windows, 2k/NT for the C: / Winnt)
3, after a search, we have Windows directory (does not contain a subdirectory), the discovery of a document Game_H
4, according to the analysis of the principle of gray pigeons, we know that if it is gray pigeons Game_HDLL documents, the operating system is installed in the directory will be Gxe and Gdll Open the Windows directory, there are really two documents at the same time there is a record for keyboard operation GameKdll
After a few steps which we operate on the basic of these documents can be gray-end services doves of

Computer VirusA computer virus is a computer program that can copy itself and infect a computer without permission or knowledge of the The original may modify the copies or the copies may modify themselves, as occurs in a metamorphic A virus can only spread from one computer to another when its host is taken to the uninfected computer, for instance by a user sending it over a network or carrying it on a removable medium such as a floppy disk, CD, or USB Additionally, viruses can spread to other computers by infecting files on a network file system or a file system that is accessed by another Viruses are sometimes confused with computer worms and Trojan A worm, however, can spread itself to other computers without needing to be transferred as part of a A Trojan horse is a file that appears harmless until In contrast to viruses, Trojan horses do not insert their code into other computer Many personal computers are now connected to the Internet and to local-area networks, facilitating their Today's viruses may also take advantage of network services such as the World Wide Web, e-mail, and file sharing systems to spread, blurring the line between viruses and Furthermore, some sources use an alternative terminology in which a virus is any form of self-replicating The term comes from the term virus in A computer virus reproduces by making (possibly modified) copies of itself in the computer's memory, storage, or over a This is similar to the way a biological virus Some viruses are programmed to damage the computer by damaging programs, deleting files, or reformatting the hard Others are not designed to do any damage, but simply replicate themselves and perhaps make their presence known by presenting text, video, or audio Even these benign viruses can create problems for the computer They typically take up computer memory used by legitimate As a result, they often cause erratic behavior and can result in system In addition, many viruses are bug-ridden, and these bugs may lead to system crashes and data There are many viruses operating in the general Internet today, and new ones are discovered every

电脑病毒的编年史谁打开了潘多拉的魔盒显然,在巴贝奇的差分机上不存在任何病毒,早期基于电子管的电子计算机,比如说埃利亚特,也不可能有电脑病毒存在。但是Univac 1108,一个很古老的公司,一种很古老的机器,以及IBM360/370机器上,已经有一些可以看成是病毒的程序存在,比如“流浪的野兽” (Pervading Animal) 和 “圣诞树”(Christmas tree),因此,可以认为最早的病毒出现在七十年代初甚至六十年代末,虽然那时候没有任何人称这些程序为病毒。一般意义上的病毒(可以运行在IBM PC机及其兼容机上)一般认为是在1986年左右出现的。从那以后的十五年时间里,出现了大概6万余种病毒,病毒的数量不断增大,和病毒制作的技术也逐步提高,从某种意义上,病毒是所有软件中最先利用操作系统底层功能,以及最先采用了复杂的加密和反跟踪技术的软件之一,病毒技术发展的历史,就是软件技术发展的历史。下面我们将尽可能详细的描述病毒发展历史上的重要事件,以及这些事件的背景。萌芽时期,磁芯大战五十年代末六十年代初,在著名的美国电话电报公司(AT&T)下设的贝尔实验室里,三个年轻的程序员:道格拉斯、维索斯基和罗伯特•莫里斯,在工作之余编制了一个叫“磁芯大战” (core war)的游戏。“磁芯大战”基本的玩法就是想办法通过复制自身来摆脱对方的控制并取得最终的胜利,这可谓病毒的第一个雏形。虽然由于这种自我复制是在一个特定的受控环境下进行的,所以不能认为是真正意义上的病毒,但是这些软件的基本行为和后来的电脑病毒已经非常类似了。六十年代晚期到七十年代早期:这个时候是大型电脑的时代,就是那种占据了几个房间的大家伙。在大型电脑时代,由于开发人员的错误或者是出于恶作剧的目的,一些程序员制作了被称为“兔子”的程序,他们在系统中分裂出替身,占用系统资源,影响正常的工作,但是这些“兔子”很少在系统之间相互拷贝。这个时期,在一种型号的大型电脑—Univax 1108系统上,首次出现了和现代病毒本质上是一样的东西,一个叫做“流浪的野兽”(Pervading Animal)的程序可以将自己附着到其它程序的最后!……………………详情请看参考资料,太多了(字数已经超过了规定,发不上来),非常好的一篇文章,是至今为止,我看到的最全面的一篇关于电脑病毒的文章


Ebola is a kind of rare and terrible virus which can cause humans and primates to be attacked by hemorrhagic It has a high mortality rate,between 50% to 90% Ebola virus is able to steady relatively at room Only remained above 60 ℃ over 30 minutes can we destroy its Further, it can be also killed completely with ultraviolet rays irradiating over 2 Its main cause of death was a stroke, myocardial infarction, hypovolemic shock or multiple organ

Ebola is a kind of rare and terrible virus which can cause humans and primates to be attacked by hemorrhagic It has a high mortality rate,between 50% to 90%Ebola virus is able to steady relatively at room Only remained above 60 ℃ over 30 minutes can we destroy its Further, it can be also killed completely with ultraviolet rays irradiating over 2 Its main cause of death was a stroke, myocardial infarction, hypovolemic shock or multiple organ

电脑病毒的编年史谁打开了潘多拉的魔盒显然,在巴贝奇的差分机上不存在任何病毒,早期基于电子管的电子计算机,比如说埃利亚特,也不可能有电脑病毒存在。但是Univac 1108,一个很古老的公司,一种很古老的机器,以及IBM360/370机器上,已经有一些可以看成是病毒的程序存在,比如“流浪的野兽” (Pervading Animal) 和 “圣诞树”(Christmas tree),因此,可以认为最早的病毒出现在七十年代初甚至六十年代末,虽然那时候没有任何人称这些程序为病毒。一般意义上的病毒(可以运行在IBM PC机及其兼容机上)一般认为是在1986年左右出现的。从那以后的十五年时间里,出现了大概6万余种病毒,病毒的数量不断增大,和病毒制作的技术也逐步提高,从某种意义上,病毒是所有软件中最先利用操作系统底层功能,以及最先采用了复杂的加密和反跟踪技术的软件之一,病毒技术发展的历史,就是软件技术发展的历史。下面我们将尽可能详细的描述病毒发展历史上的重要事件,以及这些事件的背景。萌芽时期,磁芯大战五十年代末六十年代初,在著名的美国电话电报公司(AT&T)下设的贝尔实验室里,三个年轻的程序员:道格拉斯、维索斯基和罗伯特•莫里斯,在工作之余编制了一个叫“磁芯大战” (core war)的游戏。“磁芯大战”基本的玩法就是想办法通过复制自身来摆脱对方的控制并取得最终的胜利,这可谓病毒的第一个雏形。虽然由于这种自我复制是在一个特定的受控环境下进行的,所以不能认为是真正意义上的病毒,但是这些软件的基本行为和后来的电脑病毒已经非常类似了。六十年代晚期到七十年代早期:这个时候是大型电脑的时代,就是那种占据了几个房间的大家伙。在大型电脑时代,由于开发人员的错误或者是出于恶作剧的目的,一些程序员制作了被称为“兔子”的程序,他们在系统中分裂出替身,占用系统资源,影响正常的工作,但是这些“兔子”很少在系统之间相互拷贝。这个时期,在一种型号的大型电脑—Univax 1108系统上,首次出现了和现代病毒本质上是一样的东西,一个叫做“流浪的野兽”(Pervading Animal)的程序可以将自己附着到其它程序的最后!……………………详情请看参考资料,太多了(字数已经超过了规定,发不上来),非常好的一篇文章,是至今为止,我看到的最全面的一篇关于电脑病毒的文章
