

发布时间:2024-07-04 13:03:28


Thai cuisine is the national cuisine of T Blending elements of several Southeast Asian traditions, Thai cooking places emphasis on lightly prepared dishes with strong aromatic The spiciness of Thai cuisine is well As with other Asian cuisines, balance, detail and variety are of great significance to Thai Thai food is known for its balance of three to four fundamental taste senses in each dish or the overall meal: sour, sweet, salty, and As an acknowledged expert of Thai cuisine David Thompson explains in an interview: "Thai food ain't about It's about the juggling of disparate elements to create a harmonious Like a complex musical chord it's got to have a smooth surface but it doesn't matter what's happening Simplicity isn't the dictum here, at Some westerners think it's a jumble of flavours, but to a Thai that's important, it's the complexity they delight "Thai cuisine is more accurately described as four regional cuisines corresponding to the four main regions of the country: Northern, Northeastern (or Isan), Central, and Southern, each cuisine sharing similar foods or foods derived from those of neighboring countries and regions: Burma to the northwest, the Chinese province of Yunnan and Laos to the north, Vietnam and Cambodia to the east and Malaysia to the south of T[citation needed] In addition to these four regional cuisines, there is also the Thai Royal Cuisine which can trace its history back to the cosmopolitan palace cuisine of the Ayutthaya kingdom (1351–1767 CE) Its refinement, cooking techniques and use of ingredients were of great influence to the cuisine of the Central Thai Thai cuisine and the culinary traditions and cuisines of Thailand's neighbors have mutually influenced one another over the course of many Regional variations tend to correlate to neighboring states (often sharing the same cultural background and ethnicity on both sides of the border) as well as climate and Southern Thai curry tend to contain coconut milk and fresh turmeric, while northeastern dishes often include lime The cuisine of Northeastern (or Isan) Thailand is similar to southern Lao cuisine whereas northern Thai cuisine shares many dishes with northern Lao cuisine and the cuisine of Shan state in B Many popular dishes eaten in Thailand were originally Chinese dishes which were introduced to Thailand mainly by the Teochew people who make up the majority of the Thai C Such dishes include chok (rice porridge), kuai-tiao rat na (fried rice-noodles) and khao kha mu (stewed pork with rice) The Chinese also introduced the use of a wok for cooking, the technique of deep-frying and stir-frying dishes, and noodles, oyster sauce and soybean Dishes such as kaeng kari (yellow curry)[3] and kaeng matsaman (massaman curry) are Thai adaptations of dishes originating in the cuisine of India and the cuisine of P

Individual greed and selfishness Individual greed and selfishness has been the basis of the modern Someone think that we must return to the olds, more traditional values of respect for the family and the local community in order to create a better world to live To what extent do you agree or disagree? We are in a selfish world We are so busy looking out for number one, so saturated by our own problems, our own issues and our own little and often petty concerns that we failed to see how all could grow and being benefited by working together as a As far as I am concerned, the reason of the individual greed and selfishness were actually caused by the faster and faster development and more and more competition of the Some people yearn to return to the old and traditional values of respect for the family and the local community in order to create a better world to live According to them , people were more honest and warm-hearted and the manner of traditional treating each other was simple and selfless in the Personally, I do not support this view Even in the past, greed and selfishness existed in our These two factors never disappeared since human have instinctive material needs, individual wants and desires would swell surely with the advances of life and Moreover, old tradition has its own limit and could only adapt for a certain I believe that the key point here is to create a better world is the way of formulating moral criteria and improving the spiritual For example, religions play a significant role in respect for the family and the To sum up, selfishness and greed cannot be avoided and eliminated, because they exist, more or less, in everyone's heart, even sometimes they contribute to the To control them depends on the well basic education from every part of our society, such as family, communities, academic institutions, 可以吗

Philippine cuisine has been influenced by Chinese, Malay, Spanish, Mexican, American, and Indian The staple of Filipino food is rice, usually served with pig, seafood, chicken, and/or native fruits, and the ever-present dipping Filipinos love to eat, and since they're naturally hospitable and gregarious, food is the basis of their social Because the feeling of fulfillment after eating rice, their staple ingredient, is relatively short-lived, they eat three meals a day and two snacks in Filipinos, especially country folk, rise Some will eat a segundo almuerzo (second breakfast) around 10:30, plus a merienda, or mid-afternoon Rural folk eat their main meal at midday, while city dwellers emphasize the evening The diet of poor families is usually rice, fish, vegetables, interspersed with starchy At fiesta time, all families try to eat Since few provincial households own a refrigerator, ingredients are customarily either fresh or Housewives go to the market daily to buy their immediate Leftovers rarely remain after a Extra food is eaten by servants, helpers, and hangers-on, and scraps go to the dog or Food isn't served in courses; people like the complete meal laid out before them so that they can eat simultaneously from all dishes—soup, meat, and vegetables—at Cooks provide condiments, flavorings, and dipping sauces to be used at the diner's Food is eaten with a fork in one hand and a spoon in the other, knives are seldom Rural Filipinos prefer to use their Some upscale native restaurants in Manila serve food this way (kamayan-style)HospitalityA stranger passing Filipinos who are eating will automatically be invited to "come and " It's polite to say you've already If people insist, or if there's an abundance of food such as at a wedding or fiesta, then by all means Don't accept the first It's better to point out how inconvenient it would be for the host, or to make a polite excuse, then wait to see if you're pressed It's the Filipino way, enabling the visitor to gauge whether an invitation is genuine or Travelers should always take into account the reverence Filipinos have for Regular mealtimes are strictly When visiting a home, you'll be offered food and It's polite to wait to be urged to sit at the table or begin If you don't like the food, eat a little and make an excuse rather than reject it Guests leave a little food on the plate to indicate they're

Dominique BDifferences in Food Culture – Traditions & TOdense University,Hansen, B Taste of Southeast A Tucson, AZ: HPBooks, I, Hyman, Gwenda L Cuisines of Southeast Asia: A Culinary Journey Through China,Thailand, Myanmar,J New York, NY: John Wiley & Sons, I, Hallock, Constance M Fun and Festival from East A New York, NY: Friendship Press,


Thai cuisine is the national cuisine of T Blending elements of several Southeast Asian traditions, Thai cooking places emphasis on lightly prepared dishes with strong aromatic The spiciness of Thai cuisine is well As with other Asian cuisines, balance, detail and variety are of great significance to Thai Thai food is known for its balance of three to four fundamental taste senses in each dish or the overall meal: sour, sweet, salty, and As an acknowledged expert of Thai cuisine David Thompson explains in an interview: "Thai food ain't about It's about the juggling of disparate elements to create a harmonious Like a complex musical chord it's got to have a smooth surface but it doesn't matter what's happening Simplicity isn't the dictum here, at Some westerners think it's a jumble of flavours, but to a Thai that's important, it's the complexity they delight "Thai cuisine is more accurately described as four regional cuisines corresponding to the four main regions of the country: Northern, Northeastern (or Isan), Central, and Southern, each cuisine sharing similar foods or foods derived from those of neighboring countries and regions: Burma to the northwest, the Chinese province of Yunnan and Laos to the north, Vietnam and Cambodia to the east and Malaysia to the south of T[citation needed] In addition to these four regional cuisines, there is also the Thai Royal Cuisine which can trace its history back to the cosmopolitan palace cuisine of the Ayutthaya kingdom (1351–1767 CE) Its refinement, cooking techniques and use of ingredients were of great influence to the cuisine of the Central Thai Thai cuisine and the culinary traditions and cuisines of Thailand's neighbors have mutually influenced one another over the course of many Regional variations tend to correlate to neighboring states (often sharing the same cultural background and ethnicity on both sides of the border) as well as climate and Southern Thai curry tend to contain coconut milk and fresh turmeric, while northeastern dishes often include lime The cuisine of Northeastern (or Isan) Thailand is similar to southern Lao cuisine whereas northern Thai cuisine shares many dishes with northern Lao cuisine and the cuisine of Shan state in B Many popular dishes eaten in Thailand were originally Chinese dishes which were introduced to Thailand mainly by the Teochew people who make up the majority of the Thai C Such dishes include chok (rice porridge), kuai-tiao rat na (fried rice-noodles) and khao kha mu (stewed pork with rice) The Chinese also introduced the use of a wok for cooking, the technique of deep-frying and stir-frying dishes, and noodles, oyster sauce and soybean Dishes such as kaeng kari (yellow curry)[3] and kaeng matsaman (massaman curry) are Thai adaptations of dishes originating in the cuisine of India and the cuisine of P

泰国人的饮食习惯与我国南方大同小异。主食以大米为主,辅以面粉,东北部人多习惯吃糯米,饭后喜欢水果和甜食。泰国素以酸辣著名,且一般较肥腻,因此,能吃辣的人吃泰国菜是不用担心的。菜肴上也没有太多禁忌,只是在南部穆斯林地区都吃清真菜,与我国回族人一样。泰国菜所用调料很丰富,有辣椒、虾酱、鱼露、酱油、醋等。泰国华人较多,在一些大城市和旅游地区,都有华人开设的中餐厅,南北风味齐全。  到泰国旅游,品尝海鲜也是重要活动项目之一。泰国南部两面是海,渔业十分发达,热带海鲜品种丰富,物美价廉,而且有些海鲜在我国是少见的。但是吃海鲜不能贪食,特别是吃烤虾、烤鱼和生鱼片、生蚝时要特别小心,一定要用按泰人习惯配制的调料吃,吃海鲜最好能喝点酒、多吃点蒜,以防拉肚子。  地道的泰国菜具有独特的风味,通常选用新鲜的食品原料,菜的味道以辛辣为主,但也有些菜与中国南方菜(如粤菜、潮州菜)的味道相似。主要菜肴有烹饪海鲜、野味、蔬菜和凉拌菜,多有辣味。因菜肴中有一种调料叫"香茅草",有股异味,一般人不能接受,若能吃习惯了,也会喜欢其独特的味道。泰菜中有一道名菜,泰语叫"冬洋宫",中文意为、酸辣虾汤",由鲜虾加上香茅草、野茄子、辣椒、鲜蘑菇等调味品煮制而成,很具泰国菜特色。另一美味菜肴――咖喱海鲜也值得一尝,如咖喱虾、咖喱蟹等,其味与"冬洋宫"不同,每个人都能接受。此外,凉拌菜品种也很多,但它多为生冷菜肴,且有异味,初时可能不习惯,因此,在吃自助餐选择凉拌菜时可先尝后取食。  泰国小吃很多,且物美价廉,全国各地大同小异。较普遍的有盖浇饭、各式包子、各种汤类、甜品等。其中,以中餐馆的小吃最具特色,类似我国广东、香港的早茶食品。泰国的烧烤食品别具风味,如烤鱿鱼香脆可口,越嚼越香;炸香蕉味道独特,香蕉去皮后油炸成咖啡色软条,吃时感到甜中带酸。香竹糯米饭更是芳香清甜,不可不尝。此外还有烤牛肉片、烤鸡胸肉、烤大虾、烤鸡翅,以及鱼、香蕉干、芒果条、榴莲糕等水果、风味小吃等。  泰国人的饮料,一般为咖啡、凉开水或矿泉水,多数还要加冰块,热茶不多。因此到泰国旅行时,不习惯喝凉开水或冰水的游客,可自带茶叶、茶杯,用酒店准备的电热水壶烧水冲茶,如旅馆没有,可请导游设法解决。  到泰国品尝新鲜水果也是乐事,并可以果代水,因泰国盛产水果,一年到头供应的水果十分丰富,其价格比我国香港便宜。泰国较有名的四季水果有:榴莲、山竺、红毛丹、荔枝、龙眼、芒果、菠萝、木瓜等,其中榴莲、山竺、红毛丹最有特色。  马来西亚  马来西亚的饮食与东南亚其他国家的饮食相比,口味更加浓重一些,喜欢放咖喱和辣椒。因为当地气候炎热潮湿,吃一些辛辣的食物,人体排汗会感到爽快些。由于信奉伊斯兰教,所以马来人不吸烟,不吃猪肉、自死物或动物血液。马来人习惯用右手抓饭,进餐前必把手洗干净,用餐时十分卫生和礼节。

英语关于。饮食习惯的 我么, 就是,可以给你的,吧,你几号,需要的,呢 /

Dominique BDifferences in Food Culture – Traditions & TOdense University,Hansen, B Taste of Southeast A Tucson, AZ: HPBooks, I, Hyman, Gwenda L Cuisines of Southeast Asia: A Culinary Journey Through China,Thailand, Myanmar,J New York, NY: John Wiley & Sons, I, Hallock, Constance M Fun and Festival from East A New York, NY: Friendship Press,



国家的历史有长有短,疆域有大有小,实力有强有弱,人口有多有少,民族构成、宗教信仰、政权性质和经济结构也有差异,故而各国的饮食文化是不一样的。 中国饮食文化 在中国传统文化教育中的阴阳五行哲学思想、儒家伦理道德观念、中医营养摄生学说,还有文化艺术成就、饮食审美风尚、民族性格特征诸多因素的影响下,创造出彪炳史册的中国烹饪技艺,形成博大精深的中国饮食文化。 从沿革看,中国饮食文化绵延170多万年,分为生食、熟食、自然烹饪、科学烹饪4个发展阶段,推出6万多种传统菜点、2万多种工业食品、五光十色的筵宴和流光溢彩的风味流派,获得“烹饪王国”的美誉。 从内涵上看,中国饮食文化涉及到食源的开发与利用、食具的运用与创新、食品的生产与消费、餐饮的服务与接待、餐饮业与食品业的经营与管理,以及饮食与国泰民安、饮食与文学艺术、饮食与人生境界的关系等,深厚广博。 从外延看,中国饮食文化可以从时代与技法、地域与经济、民族与宗教、食品与食具、消费与层次、民俗与功能等多种角度进行分类,展示出不同的文化品味,体现出不同的使用价值,异彩纷呈。 从特质看,中国饮食文化突出养助益充的营卫论(素食为主,重视药膳和进补),并且讲究“色、香、味”俱全。五味调和的境界说(风味鲜明,适口者珍,有“舌头菜”之誉),奇正互变的烹调法(厨规为本,灵活变通),畅神怡情的美食观(文质彬彬,寓教于食)等4大属性,有着不同于海外各国饮食文化的天生丽质。 从影响看,中国饮食文化直接影响到日本、蒙古、朝鲜、韩国、泰国、新加坡等国家,是东方饮食文化圈的轴心;与此同时,它还间接影响到欧洲、美洲、非洲和大洋洲,像中国的素食文化、茶文化、酱醋、面食、药膳、陶瓷餐具和大豆等,都惠及全世界数十亿人。 总之,中国饮食文化是一种广视野、深层次、多角度、高品位的悠久区域文化;是中华各族人民在100多万年的生产和生活实践中,在食源开发、食具研制、食品调理、营养保健和饮食审美等方面创造、积累并影响周边国家和世界的物质财富及精神财富。 中国饮食文化特点 中国是文明是国,亦是悠久饮食文化之境地。吾存于世,吃喝二十余年,有所心得有所感悟,现将饮食文化归纳出以下几个特点,望大家见教: 第一,风味多样。由于我国幅员辽阔,地大物博,各地气候、物产、风俗习惯都存在着差异,长期以来,在饮食上也就形成了许多风味。我国一直就有‘南米北面’的说法,口味上有‘南甜北咸东酸西辣’之分,主要是巴蜀、齐鲁、淮扬、粤闽四大风味。 第二,四季有别。一年四季,按季节而吃,是中国烹饪又一大特征。自古以来,我国一直按季节变化来调味、配菜,冬天味醇浓厚,夏天清淡凉爽;冬天多炖焖煨,夏天多凉拌冷冻。 第三,讲究美感。中国的烹饪,不仅技术精湛,而且有讲究菜肴美感的传统,注意食物的色、香、味、形、器的协调一致。对菜肴美感的表现是多方面的,无论是个红萝卜,还是一个白菜心,都可以雕出各种造型,独树一帜,达到色、香、味、形、美的和谐统一,给人以精神和物质高度统一的特殊享受。 第四,注重情趣。我国烹饪很早就注重品味情趣,不仅对饭菜点心的色、香、味有严格的要求,而且对它们的命名、品味的方式、进餐时的节奏、娱乐的穿插等都有一定的要求。中国菜肴的名称可以说出神入化、雅俗共赏。菜肴名称既有根据主、辅、调料及烹调方法的写实命名,也有根据历史掌故、神话传说、名人食趣、菜肴形象来命名的,如‘全家福’、‘将军过桥’、‘狮子头’、‘叫化鸡’、‘龙凤呈祥’、‘鸿门宴’、‘东坡肉’…… 第五,食医结合。我国的烹饪技术,与医疗保健有密切的联系,在几千年前有‘医食同源’和‘药膳同功’的说法,利用食物原料的药用价值,做成各种美味佳肴,达到对某些疾病防治的目的。” 古代的中国人还特别强调进食与宇宙节律协调同步,春夏秋冬、朝夕晦明要吃不同性质的食物,甚至加工烹饪食物也要考虑到季节、气候等因素。这些思想早在先秦就已经形成,在《礼记·月令》就有明确的记载,而且反对颠倒季节,如春“行夏令”“行秋令”“行冬令”必有天殃;当然也反对食用反季节食品,孔子说的“不食不时”,包含有两重意思一是定时吃饭,二是不吃反季节食品,与当代人的意识正相反,有些吃反季节食品是为了摆阔。西汉时,皇宫中便开始用温室种植“葱韭菜茹”,西晋富翁石崇家也有暖棚。这种强调适应宇宙节律的思想意识的确是华夏饮食文化所独有的。这种意识残留到现代的大约仅有节日食俗了(中医中药里也有一些,但未受到重视)。 “阴阳五行”说是传统思想所设定的世界模式,也被认为是宇宙规律。人是“三才”之一,饮食是人类生活所不可少的、制作饮食的烹饪必然也要循此规律。因此,不仅把味道分为五,并产生了“五味”说(其实人能感觉到的“味”不止有五,但二三千年前,能分辨出五种也不算少),而且还削足适履地把为数众多(当时人们已经认识到这一点)的谷物、畜类、蔬菜、水果分别纳入“五谷”“五肉”“五菜”“五果”的固定模式。这使人感到荒诞。更令人惊奇的是还有“凡饮,养阳气也;凡食,养阴气也”(《礼记·郊特牲》)。并认为只有饮和食与天地阴阳互相协调,这样才能“交与神明”,上通于天,从而达到“天人合一”的效果。因此在祭天时要严格遵循阴阳五行之说。这种说法被后来的道教所继承,成为他们饮食理论的一个出发点,如认为吃食物是增加人体阴气的,如“五谷充体而不能益寿”“食气者寿”等,要修炼、要获得阳气就要尽量少吃、最佳境界是不吃,走“辟谷”的境界。 中和之美是中国传统文化的最高的审美理想。“中也者,天下之大本也;和也者,天下之达者也。至中和,天地位焉,万物育焉”(《礼记·中庸》)。什么叫“中”?不能简单地用“中间”来概括它。这个“中”指恰到好处,合乎度。有点像河南话中的那个“中”。“和”也是烹饪概念。《古文尚书·说命》中就有“若作和羹,惟尔盐梅”的名句,意思是要做好羹汤,关键是调和好咸(盐)酸(梅)二味,以此比喻治国。《左传》中晏婴(齐国贤相)也与齐景公谈论过什么是“和”,指出“和”不是“同”,和是要建立不同意见的协调的基础上的。因此中国哲人认为天地万物都在“中和”的状态下找到自己的位置以繁衍发育。这种审美理想建筑在个体与社会、人与自然的和谐统一之上。这种通过调谐而实现“中和之美”的想法是在上古烹调实践与理论的启发和影响下产生的,而反过来又影响了人们的整个的饮食生活,对于追求艺术生活化、生活艺术化的古代文人士大夫,尤其如此。 与“中和”相反的是极端,极端在烹饪上也不被视为正宗,那些“咸过头,辣过头,酸过头”的食品虽然会受到一些身体处在不正常状态下的人们的追捧,但从长远看来它对身体是有害的。社会生活、政治生活中的极端主义其弊更是不可胜言。 如上所述,华夏民族的饮食生活体现了传统文化的特性,尽管有些特性对于现代人来说是不可理解、或者说不太科学(近百年来,“科学”二字在中国几乎成为宗教信仰,它只是衡量一切领域是非的一把尺子,而它本身却不能受到质疑),但饮食生活难道仅仅是“科学”二字所能说尽的吗?如果我们再关注一下“文化”,那么研究中国人的饮食生活不仅是研究中国文化的必要的组成部分,甚至可以成为研究中国文化的一把钥匙。 目前,饮食文化还是个模糊概念。有的研究者笼统地说,它包括吃什么、怎么做、怎么吃这三方面的问题;有的研究者认为饮食文化学孕育出六门科学,即烹调学、食品制造学、食疗学、饮食民俗学、饮食文艺学、食品制造学;有的研究者还主张加上饮食美学、饮食商业学、饮食用具学等等。本人才疏学浅,对于这么多学科未能涉猎。我所理解的饮食文化主要指饮食与人、人群的关系及其所产生的社会意义。所以我在《中国饮食文化史》中虽然也讨论食物、肴馔、食品加工、烹饪、饮食习俗乃至进餐环境、食具、餐具等等,但都围绕着它们与人、人群的关系及其所产生的社会意义等方面加以介绍和评介,至于与人关系不大的纯工艺过程、除了必要的知识介绍外,大多略去,意在突出饮食生活给人们带来的物质上和精神上的双重享受,以及中国饮食文化在这两方面的刻意追求。

东南亚饮食文化:东南亚菜肴多取以天然可食植物为原料,烹调出色、香、味型具佳的菜系。如越南菜则有美容保健菜肴之美称。新马 泰、印尼等国菜肴则多配以当地盛产的丰富的椰子、香茅、肉桂、豆蔻、丁香等香料植物为配料,使其菜肴色味浓郁,风味独特。东南亚各国的饮食文化也因为区域的关系都略有不同,比较重口味,主要以酸,辣,烧烤和煎炸为主,口味较重。 就东南亚本身的社会文化,东南亚有一个非常特别的文化风情就是“娘惹”文化。他们的饮食、服饰、建筑都很有特色。实际上,娘惹文化是六百年前郑和下西洋,将中国文化带去东南亚两种文化相互交流形成的有独特色彩的一种文化。因为当时郑和带去的是中国宫廷文化。而娘惹这种特殊人群也有着独特的饮食文化,它主要是中国菜与东南亚菜式风味的混合体。因此在马来西亚也能吃到很多的娘惹菜,如甜酱猪蹄、煎猪肉片、竹笋炖猪肉等。喜食甜品的人也可以在娘惹菜中找到娘惹特色的甜品。糖水类甜品较为丰富,如龙眼白果莲子糖水、椰汁冰糖木薯糖水等清甜滋润,在娘惹饮食中,也形成了一系列颇具特色的娘惹甜品。以糖水类甜品较为丰富,还有充满浓浓椰香的椰汁黑糯米的娘惹糕点也很有名。娘惹千层糕、娘惹蔗糖椰丝班戟、香蕉椰子布甸、彩虹糕、娘惹松糕和椰丝糯米糕等,都很有娘惹特色。

泰国人的饮食习惯与我国南方大同小异。主食以大米为主,辅以面粉,东北部人多习惯吃糯米,饭后喜欢水果和甜食。泰国素以酸辣著名,且一般较肥腻,因此,能吃辣的人吃泰国菜是不用担心的。菜肴上也没有太多禁忌,只是在南部穆斯林地区都吃清真菜,与我国回族人一样。泰国菜所用调料很丰富,有辣椒、虾酱、鱼露、酱油、醋等。泰国华人较多,在一些大城市和旅游地区,都有华人开设的中餐厅,南北风味齐全。  到泰国旅游,品尝海鲜也是重要活动项目之一。泰国南部两面是海,渔业十分发达,热带海鲜品种丰富,物美价廉,而且有些海鲜在我国是少见的。但是吃海鲜不能贪食,特别是吃烤虾、烤鱼和生鱼片、生蚝时要特别小心,一定要用按泰人习惯配制的调料吃,吃海鲜最好能喝点酒、多吃点蒜,以防拉肚子。  地道的泰国菜具有独特的风味,通常选用新鲜的食品原料,菜的味道以辛辣为主,但也有些菜与中国南方菜(如粤菜、潮州菜)的味道相似。主要菜肴有烹饪海鲜、野味、蔬菜和凉拌菜,多有辣味。因菜肴中有一种调料叫"香茅草",有股异味,一般人不能接受,若能吃习惯了,也会喜欢其独特的味道。泰菜中有一道名菜,泰语叫"冬洋宫",中文意为、酸辣虾汤",由鲜虾加上香茅草、野茄子、辣椒、鲜蘑菇等调味品煮制而成,很具泰国菜特色。另一美味菜肴――咖喱海鲜也值得一尝,如咖喱虾、咖喱蟹等,其味与"冬洋宫"不同,每个人都能接受。此外,凉拌菜品种也很多,但它多为生冷菜肴,且有异味,初时可能不习惯,因此,在吃自助餐选择凉拌菜时可先尝后取食。  泰国小吃很多,且物美价廉,全国各地大同小异。较普遍的有盖浇饭、各式包子、各种汤类、甜品等。其中,以中餐馆的小吃最具特色,类似我国广东、香港的早茶食品。泰国的烧烤食品别具风味,如烤鱿鱼香脆可口,越嚼越香;炸香蕉味道独特,香蕉去皮后油炸成咖啡色软条,吃时感到甜中带酸。香竹糯米饭更是芳香清甜,不可不尝。此外还有烤牛肉片、烤鸡胸肉、烤大虾、烤鸡翅,以及鱼、香蕉干、芒果条、榴莲糕等水果、风味小吃等。  泰国人的饮料,一般为咖啡、凉开水或矿泉水,多数还要加冰块,热茶不多。因此到泰国旅行时,不习惯喝凉开水或冰水的游客,可自带茶叶、茶杯,用酒店准备的电热水壶烧水冲茶,如旅馆没有,可请导游设法解决。  到泰国品尝新鲜水果也是乐事,并可以果代水,因泰国盛产水果,一年到头供应的水果十分丰富,其价格比我国香港便宜。泰国较有名的四季水果有:榴莲、山竺、红毛丹、荔枝、龙眼、芒果、菠萝、木瓜等,其中榴莲、山竺、红毛丹最有特色。  马来西亚  马来西亚的饮食与东南亚其他国家的饮食相比,口味更加浓重一些,喜欢放咖喱和辣椒。因为当地气候炎热潮湿,吃一些辛辣的食物,人体排汗会感到爽快些。由于信奉伊斯兰教,所以马来人不吸烟,不吃猪肉、自死物或动物血液。马来人习惯用右手抓饭,进餐前必把手洗干净,用餐时十分卫生和礼节。


Thai cuisine is the national cuisine of T Blending elements of several Southeast Asian traditions, Thai cooking places emphasis on lightly prepared dishes with strong aromatic The spiciness of Thai cuisine is well As with other Asian cuisines, balance, detail and variety are of great significance to Thai Thai food is known for its balance of three to four fundamental taste senses in each dish or the overall meal: sour, sweet, salty, and As an acknowledged expert of Thai cuisine David Thompson explains in an interview: "Thai food ain't about It's about the juggling of disparate elements to create a harmonious Like a complex musical chord it's got to have a smooth surface but it doesn't matter what's happening Simplicity isn't the dictum here, at Some westerners think it's a jumble of flavours, but to a Thai that's important, it's the complexity they delight "Thai cuisine is more accurately described as four regional cuisines corresponding to the four main regions of the country: Northern, Northeastern (or Isan), Central, and Southern, each cuisine sharing similar foods or foods derived from those of neighboring countries and regions: Burma to the northwest, the Chinese province of Yunnan and Laos to the north, Vietnam and Cambodia to the east and Malaysia to the south of T[citation needed] In addition to these four regional cuisines, there is also the Thai Royal Cuisine which can trace its history back to the cosmopolitan palace cuisine of the Ayutthaya kingdom (1351–1767 CE) Its refinement, cooking techniques and use of ingredients were of great influence to the cuisine of the Central Thai Thai cuisine and the culinary traditions and cuisines of Thailand's neighbors have mutually influenced one another over the course of many Regional variations tend to correlate to neighboring states (often sharing the same cultural background and ethnicity on both sides of the border) as well as climate and Southern Thai curry tend to contain coconut milk and fresh turmeric, while northeastern dishes often include lime The cuisine of Northeastern (or Isan) Thailand is similar to southern Lao cuisine whereas northern Thai cuisine shares many dishes with northern Lao cuisine and the cuisine of Shan state in B Many popular dishes eaten in Thailand were originally Chinese dishes which were introduced to Thailand mainly by the Teochew people who make up the majority of the Thai C Such dishes include chok (rice porridge), kuai-tiao rat na (fried rice-noodles) and khao kha mu (stewed pork with rice) The Chinese also introduced the use of a wok for cooking, the technique of deep-frying and stir-frying dishes, and noodles, oyster sauce and soybean Dishes such as kaeng kari (yellow curry)[3] and kaeng matsaman (massaman curry) are Thai adaptations of dishes originating in the cuisine of India and the cuisine of P

Individual greed and selfishness Individual greed and selfishness has been the basis of the modern Someone think that we must return to the olds, more traditional values of respect for the family and the local community in order to create a better world to live To what extent do you agree or disagree? We are in a selfish world We are so busy looking out for number one, so saturated by our own problems, our own issues and our own little and often petty concerns that we failed to see how all could grow and being benefited by working together as a As far as I am concerned, the reason of the individual greed and selfishness were actually caused by the faster and faster development and more and more competition of the Some people yearn to return to the old and traditional values of respect for the family and the local community in order to create a better world to live According to them , people were more honest and warm-hearted and the manner of traditional treating each other was simple and selfless in the Personally, I do not support this view Even in the past, greed and selfishness existed in our These two factors never disappeared since human have instinctive material needs, individual wants and desires would swell surely with the advances of life and Moreover, old tradition has its own limit and could only adapt for a certain I believe that the key point here is to create a better world is the way of formulating moral criteria and improving the spiritual For example, religions play a significant role in respect for the family and the To sum up, selfishness and greed cannot be avoided and eliminated, because they exist, more or less, in everyone's heart, even sometimes they contribute to the To control them depends on the well basic education from every part of our society, such as family, communities, academic institutions, 可以吗


Dominique BDifferences in Food Culture – Traditions & TOdense University,Hansen, B Taste of Southeast A Tucson, AZ: HPBooks, I, Hyman, Gwenda L Cuisines of Southeast Asia: A Culinary Journey Through China,Thailand, Myanmar,J New York, NY: John Wiley & Sons, I, Hallock, Constance M Fun and Festival from East A New York, NY: Friendship Press,


Thai cuisine is the national cuisine of T Blending elements of several Southeast Asian traditions, Thai cooking places emphasis on lightly prepared dishes with strong aromatic The spiciness of Thai cuisine is well As with other Asian cuisines, balance, detail and variety are of great significance to Thai Thai food is known for its balance of three to four fundamental taste senses in each dish or the overall meal: sour, sweet, salty, and As an acknowledged expert of Thai cuisine David Thompson explains in an interview: "Thai food ain't about It's about the juggling of disparate elements to create a harmonious Like a complex musical chord it's got to have a smooth surface but it doesn't matter what's happening Simplicity isn't the dictum here, at Some westerners think it's a jumble of flavours, but to a Thai that's important, it's the complexity they delight "Thai cuisine is more accurately described as four regional cuisines corresponding to the four main regions of the country: Northern, Northeastern (or Isan), Central, and Southern, each cuisine sharing similar foods or foods derived from those of neighboring countries and regions: Burma to the northwest, the Chinese province of Yunnan and Laos to the north, Vietnam and Cambodia to the east and Malaysia to the south of T[citation needed] In addition to these four regional cuisines, there is also the Thai Royal Cuisine which can trace its history back to the cosmopolitan palace cuisine of the Ayutthaya kingdom (1351–1767 CE) Its refinement, cooking techniques and use of ingredients were of great influence to the cuisine of the Central Thai Thai cuisine and the culinary traditions and cuisines of Thailand's neighbors have mutually influenced one another over the course of many Regional variations tend to correlate to neighboring states (often sharing the same cultural background and ethnicity on both sides of the border) as well as climate and Southern Thai curry tend to contain coconut milk and fresh turmeric, while northeastern dishes often include lime The cuisine of Northeastern (or Isan) Thailand is similar to southern Lao cuisine whereas northern Thai cuisine shares many dishes with northern Lao cuisine and the cuisine of Shan state in B Many popular dishes eaten in Thailand were originally Chinese dishes which were introduced to Thailand mainly by the Teochew people who make up the majority of the Thai C Such dishes include chok (rice porridge), kuai-tiao rat na (fried rice-noodles) and khao kha mu (stewed pork with rice) The Chinese also introduced the use of a wok for cooking, the technique of deep-frying and stir-frying dishes, and noodles, oyster sauce and soybean Dishes such as kaeng kari (yellow curry)[3] and kaeng matsaman (massaman curry) are Thai adaptations of dishes originating in the cuisine of India and the cuisine of P

Individual greed and selfishness Individual greed and selfishness has been the basis of the modern Someone think that we must return to the olds, more traditional values of respect for the family and the local community in order to create a better world to live To what extent do you agree or disagree? We are in a selfish world We are so busy looking out for number one, so saturated by our own problems, our own issues and our own little and often petty concerns that we failed to see how all could grow and being benefited by working together as a As far as I am concerned, the reason of the individual greed and selfishness were actually caused by the faster and faster development and more and more competition of the Some people yearn to return to the old and traditional values of respect for the family and the local community in order to create a better world to live According to them , people were more honest and warm-hearted and the manner of traditional treating each other was simple and selfless in the Personally, I do not support this view Even in the past, greed and selfishness existed in our These two factors never disappeared since human have instinctive material needs, individual wants and desires would swell surely with the advances of life and Moreover, old tradition has its own limit and could only adapt for a certain I believe that the key point here is to create a better world is the way of formulating moral criteria and improving the spiritual For example, religions play a significant role in respect for the family and the To sum up, selfishness and greed cannot be avoided and eliminated, because they exist, more or less, in everyone's heart, even sometimes they contribute to the To control them depends on the well basic education from every part of our society, such as family, communities, academic institutions, 可以吗

我有啊,想要找我。给我联系方式。 我的是全中文的,如果要全英文的,要付费噢。
