

发布时间:2024-07-07 04:03:42


半夜一点,在随身小纸片上写下这些文字,只因为我爱足球。爱足球不需要任何理由。尽管我分不清前锋与中位,叫不出每一支球队的名字。 足球就两个字——热血。日韩交锋,总能让人兴奋不已。在这特殊的战场上,我看到了一群视足球比生命还重要的人类。他们激情飞扬。有多少话语都化做呐喊,足球此刻便没有了国界,因为,足球就是生命!看那些队员在场上拼杀,会止不住激动落泪,只有足球,才能给人如此强烈的生命的震撼! 爱足球,不需要任何理由。尽管我是女生,尽管我分不清南美与欧洲的球风。 阿根廷,智利,巴西……哪一个不是足球王国?上到老人,下到幼童,足球都是他们的伙伴。 我爱巴乔,他是足球的英雄;我爱罗纳尔多,爱他对足球的投入甚至那可爱的龅牙;我爱欧文,爱他的敬业球德;我爱小贝,爱他的英俊潇洒更爱他球场上的叱诧风云。 爱足球,不需要任何理由。尽管中国足球一次次令球迷失望。 我相信,足球迟早会代替乒乓球成为我们的国球。我始终坚信,迟早有一天,足球也会成为全民运动带领我们向前走。 我相信,没有人能拒绝足球的热力激扬,那阳光下草地青葱,当足球有了灵魂,这便是生命,这便是足球! 足球这最具魅力的运动将绽放在神州! 我看中国足球: 外行看热闹,我就说说“热闹“话。看球不能没反思,于是我们小组的几个同志得出以下结论: 1.话说“一个国家的男足水平代表一个国家的素质“,恩,中国男足责任重大,加把劲。而中国教育厅责任更加重大,“素质“如何,全民的才是真正的。 2.中国球迷欠组织性与纪律性,且容易“叛国“。球迷们且慢发火,这球赛不说,球迷在赛时没有足够坚定的意志,离终场还有一段时间就开始痛哭……我们应向邻邦韩国学习,不到比赛终结,球迷都是一副坚定的表情喊“必胜“。作为中国人,我们有责任相信我们的球队,不论胜败都应给他们有利的支持! 由此所反映出的社会意识问题便是——民众原则性不够强,太易妥协。中国加入WTO,WTO也在侵蚀中国,倘若我们原则性不够强,中国在经贸领域的活力与持久力就会大打折扣。比如东北一牙签厂私自将每吨牙签降价100美元这件事所造成的严重后果便是“私利当前,原则靠边“的典型例子。以此为戒,民众原则性有待加强。 3.球员踢球不能很好进入状态。 这确实是个很严重的问题。 球场上没有足够热情与拼命的劲头,技术又如何?气势便差人一截。一日我那小妹问“为什么他们都没别人猛啊?“作为中国队绝对拥护者,我我无言以对。是啊,为什么,我们没有别人拼命的劲头?中国足球太需要生命燃烧的激情!精神上先输,兵家大忌。 而民众的生活状态也与此相似——生活态度不够硬朗,挣扎在颓废与平庸的边缘。人可以平凡但不可以平庸,没有热情的生命会象没有热情的足球一样平淡无味。我们需要热爱,需要激情。 4.普通民众无法充分认识到足球的重要性,国家对足球的重视程度有待提高。 足球可以带动我国出口贸易额的增长,你信吗?中国足球强大了,中国会差到哪里去?足球是我国体育项目中的弱项,尽管有乒乓球,排球,跳水,花样溜冰等为我们争光,但它们的号召力远不及足球。我是说,在世界范围内的号召力。 中国足球在未来几年中可谓商机无限。 看在足球对全世界号召力如此大的份上,国家就给足球更充分的重视吧。怎么说它都会拉动几个经济增长点吧…… 不看僧面看佛面对不?



History of Football 足球运动的历史 Football is the universal language of scores of millions of people around the world, including countless children and Young people play in narrow, urban They play in refugee They play in abandoned swimming In car parks, war zones, on street corners--wherever there are young people, it seems there is Children play football at the launch of the FIFA-UNICEF alliance at United Nations Headquarters in New Y But the sport is more than just a It's a positive It's a way to promote a peaceful approach to conflict It's a tool for wooing a young body away from the lures of drugs, unsafe sex, or It's a way to help ensure that young people grow up healthy, fit and full of self- And, what's more, it's a manifestation of the right to play that the Convention on the Rights of the Child includes as one of the fundamental rights of all 这是World Cup History 世界杯历史(也不错的,可以参考:) -02/htm你尝试一下这几个链接吧: ,1283,1,html


Making Every Day Earth Day Now the earth is in bad For example, in some places, the air and water pollution is so serious that it causes many At the same time, many animals and plants are in danger because of the destruction of their Luckily, we human beings have realized the On April 22nd, millions of people across the world do something good for the Some clean up beaches and water, some pick up rubbish, others give speeches to call on more people to take But can we save the earth only by one day’s work? The future of our planet depends on our What we should do is to make every day Earth D Only by taking good care of it every day can we hope to live in harmony with


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范帕希=范配西=van Persie 不是 Fan Paxi 阿森纳主力前锋,荷兰主力前锋 22岁阿森纳=A 琼瑰--不只是要能翻译啊~~要有点体育常识 ok>?

boys and girls Hello ,everybody I'm really happy to make a speech My favourite sport is

Why——you may wonder——should football be the most popular sport in the world? Because it makes so many people crazy--we can see clearly from the enormous number of football fanswho love football and regard it as their Football, referred to nowadays, originated from Britain and Britain now boasts the best football league in the world-- England Premium L As the most influential league in the world, England Premium League attracts a lot of people including I don't want to discuss more about the league since its success is known throughout the What I am willing to mention is that it changes my life and I think the number of the people who have the same thought as me is As a zealous fan of Manchester United, I love Ruud Van Nistelrooy, Ryan Giggs, Cristiano Ronaldo and all other MU Watching their performance on TV is my happiest time at every I can still remember the European Champion Cup Final in 1999, Manchester United vs Bayern M Basler scored a free kick in the first In the second half, Manchester United tried their best to score a goal but in I was nearly in despair when the score was 0 : 1 in the 90th But in the extra time, Teddy Sheringham and Ole Gunnar Solskjaer scored two excellent Manchester United W This match shocked the world and the wonder match will be my sweet memory Football enriches the life of all the fans but some complain that football has become much more commercialized than before and to some extent football is merely a machine to make In my point of view, this argument cannot be It is true that football is not merely a sport nowadays, it is an I believe and I am sure that football in itself is pure;the football pitch is pure; the fans and spectators are All these, no one could The summer transfer market this year is not When Russian Monopoly, chairman of FC Chelsea Roman Abramovic spent more than 100 million pounds to buy world class football players, many people feel sad, saying that football is just a toy of the I don't quite If football continues to bring happiness to the fans, football is still football FIFA Football World Cup is, by no means, a festival for all football players and As a game which can be compared with the Olympic Games, world cup is held once every four What should be mentioned is that Chinese National Football Team played on the stage of world cup for the first time last Though they lost all 3 matches, as a Chinese, I am proud of They really did their I absolutely trust that the future of Chinese football is FIFA links the world by means of football and sometimes football creates goodwill on the During the match, nation,race, religion, etc are no longer When IRAN and USA football team met in World Cup 98, they played a peaceful match and spread the signal of peace to the You may ask I believe that in the 90 minutes, what occupies their minds is not hatred but the game Football also triggers the national In this aspect, Korean people shock During World Cup 2002, the symbol of South Korea is People, old and young, male and female, wearing red, support their national football This picture spreads throughout the world and Iam deeply No one could give football an accurate What is football? A battle or just a game? A moneymaking machine or just a small trick? No one But one thing is true is It is a magic of the



my favorite sportmy favorite sport is football is a worldwide game, everyone knows it and lots of people like i like it because of following fist, it can fit my when i was youny, i usually got but after i play it, i became strong and seldom be second, i like the feeling of high while playing, sometimes i have to rob the ball, then i need to run i can hear the sound of wind and feel like i am runnning in the i feel so last and the most important is football is my i want to be a football player in the i have to train hard to level up my and i believe one day my dream will come above all is my reasons for my favorite sports- so i like 我最喜欢的运动我最喜欢的运动是足球,足球是一个全球性的运动,几乎每个人都知道这项运动,并且有许多人喜欢它我喜欢足球是因为以下原因第一,足球可以锻炼我的身体,我晓得时候总是生病, 但是我踢上足球以后,我变得强壮了,很少生病第二, 我喜欢那种高速奔跑的感觉,在踢球的过程中,需要抢球的时候,我就要跑快点,这时我能感觉风在耳边呼呼作响感觉棒极了第三,也是最重要的,是因为当一名足球运动员是我的梦想如果要成为职业球员,我需要刻苦努力的训练来提升自己的水平我相信,终有一天我的梦想回成真的



提供一些足球方面的论文题目,供参考。 论足球比赛中的传球技巧 浅谈足球运动员的心理素质培养 浅析高校体育与专业高水平运动员文化素质教育 浅谈足球比赛中的越位战术 论足球裁判员的跑位 足球运动员身体训练 少儿业余足球运动员专项素质训练方法的研究 论民间足球联赛中本科生裁判能力的培养 论足球长传球技术的动作分析与实战应用 论足球比赛中的边路进攻跑位 浅谈青少年足球运动员的非技术因素对其自身的影响 论足球运动员的身体训练及其方法


