

发布时间:2024-07-06 08:06:26


People in different parts of our country have very different ideas about what is good to In our country, for example, people from the south like to eat rice whereas people living in the north prefer bread or The natives of Hunan or Sichuan enjoy hot food while those of Shanghai or Suzhou will choose sweet

My eating hobby Hi,I'm JI have a heathy I usually eat breakfast at seven in the morning I usually eat For lunch ,I usually eat cabbage,potatoes and For dinner,I eat fish,tofu and thanks!

Health is more important than Good health enables us to enjoy our life and achieve what we hope for in our On the contrary, poor health leads to How can we keep healthy Here is some Firstly, it is very important for us to take more fruits and vegetables because they provide vitamins, and we have to keep a balanced So we should avoid food with lots of sugar and fat/which is rich in sugar and Secondly, we'd better exercise every day to make our bodies Besides, we have to avoid too much work Finally, we have to get rid of those bad habits that damage our health, such as drinking and In conclusion, if we stick to the advice given above, we will lead a healthy lifeToday, more and more people are in poor If we want to keep healthy we should healthy First, we should have a balanced Though we may not like eating vegetables, but the vegetables have a lot of They are very good for our Second, we'd better eat regular We need to eat breakfast, lunch, and dinner every Because regular meals throughout the day can give us enough energy to carry out our daily Third, we should get away from fast food, for it may cause a lot of 要采纳我啊


In recent years, as living standards improve, people seeking a more nutritional diet, And food additives in China is still an emerging industry, many consumers the basic knowledge of food additives do not quite understand, it will naturally have some doubts, and even This requires that we continue to adopt a scientific attitude, just to publicize the knowledge of food additives, so that the public be able to correctly recognize and understand the rational use of food additives and job is very In this paper, the concept of food safety from the cut, respectively, on "foodstuffs", "security" has the meaning defined the food safety and food hygiene, food quality The status of China's food safety and food safety has the attributes of its own decision that must be prescribed by law for their regulation, and in the case of China's relevant laws and regulations for the situation, there is still a lot of shortcomings, mainly related to the lack of uniformity in laws and regulations, coordination , multi-law enforcement, regulatory powers and responsibilities On China's food safety system deficiencies in the legal regulations analysis, put forward this paper to solve the problem - improving the relevant laws of China, which is the main purpose of this

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On diet  Although people’s desires are diverse, they all want the same thing for sure, And the easiest way to keep fit, beyond any doubt, is a BALANCED   When twenty years ago everyone talked about how to get stuffed, and meat was considered as a kind of luxury, who could know that by now there would be millions of people called “vegetarian”? Veggies believe that the devoid of meat makes a perfect recipe, as well as protects the animals and That’s absolutely true but, are they sophisticated?  Too much of meat can raise the risk of many “modern” diseases, however, there still lies lots of The basic substance of creatures, as we all know, is the Without it our body can on way function And the most efficient way to take in protein is to eat If you haven’t ever been a too-much-meat-eater, don’t hesitate when you enjoy your favorite dish, of course, with   The other reason why I do not appreciate vegetarianism is that we are not What does that mean? Monks spend most of their days sitting and chanting scriptures over and over again, so energy seems not to be Nevertheless, for most of us, we have to study, to work, to travel a long distance and experience a tired day, and then energy is not Meat provides unparalleled energy, compared to To ask one veggie if they were tired, maybe they would not say so, but they do, in Wanna be athletic? Don’t abandon   As one important segment of the food chain, human being is not Yes, we feel pity to kill animals, but that’s If we devoid meat, the whole food web could be destructed, which is bound to cause a devastating consequence, one we can impossibly   Everything show two sides, when we know the harm of meat-eating, it doesn’t mean that we must cut down the intake, but to equilibrate meat and what I want to say is to BALANCE our



Everyone wants to maintain good health, if you are healthy, then you can do you want to do anything, your family will be full of laughter, your work will be much more You want to have a healthy body? Then try to do the following thing! First, you face daily smile, maintain a good Take part in some sports, such as running,playing It is in a strong Secondly, we must pay attention to our diet, not to drink too much wine, water, every day at least eight cups of water; Deliberately not to lose weight, did you have no health Again, resulting from smoking on your own and other people is not good! To maintain good health let us do Others can take away our money, house, car, or even our clothes and we can But if our health was taken away, we would surely That is why we always try to eat in a healthy way and exercise Living a long life may be a lot easier than you And there are some bad habit we need to get rid of 。  A report suggests 10 steps to a longer and healthier Shun cigarette smoke, separate yourself from Become a nag and tell anyone you know who smokes to    Keep The U S Department of Health and Human Services suggests every adult get at least 150 minutes of moderate aerobic activity a Sessions should be at least 10 minutes    Eat like an A Follow the Mediterranean diet pattern of mostly plant foods, limiting animal protein to fish and poultry, using olive oil as the principal fat and use wine in    Mind your body mass Obesity increases the risk of diabetes 20 times and substantially boosts the risk of developing high blood pressure, heart disease, stroke and    Lift a glass, but only Alcohol's effects become more insidious as women age because the body's water-to-fat ratio declines over the    Don't run up a sleep Medical evidence suggests we need seven to nine hours of sleep daily, but more than 60 percent of women regularly fall short of that Be your own best advocate on health Keep Older women who remain socially active live longer and healthier lives than their solitary counterparts  Avoid Find techniques to reduce stress and its Use supplements Experts agree the best way to get nutrients is through Only calcium and vitamin D, essential in preserving bone density, are recommended And that includes 1,200 mg of calcium and 1,000 mg of

1,2005 Human Development Report 2, China's population lives and a comparative analysis of the quality index 3, giving priority to the development of modernization and population education 4, improve the quality of the population on economic growth have contributed to quantitative research 5, "General index of the quality of the population," the structure of ideas and evaluation 6, China's Sustainable Development Strategy Report 7, population study of the modernization of evaluation index system 8, fuzzy math and economic analysis 9, Science Press 10, Standards Press of China 11, China Statistics Press 12, China Statistical Yearbook 2007 13, China Labor Statistical Yearbook 2007

你说的是西方的饮食资料吗?我这里有一些,不知道有没有用~餐饮产品由于地域特征、气侯环境、风俗习惯等因素的影响,会出现在原料、口味、烹调方法、饮食习惯上的不同程度的差异。正是因为这些差异,餐饮产品具有了强烈的地域性。中西文化之间的差异造就了中西饮食文化的差异,而这种差异来自中西方不同的思维方式和处世哲学。中国人注重“天人合一”,西方人注重“以人为本”。 这里简要从下面三个方面谈谈中西方饮食文化的差异。 一、两种不同的饮食观念 对比注重“味”的中国饮食,西方是一种理性饮食观念。不论食物的色、香、味、形如何,而营养一定要得到保证,讲究一天要摄取多少热量、维生素、蛋白质等等。即便口味千篇一律,也一定要吃下去——因为有营养。这一饮食观念同西方整个哲学体系是相适应的。形而上学是西方哲学的主要特点。西方哲学所研究的对象为事物之理,事物之理常为形上学理,形上学理互相连贯,便结成形上哲学。这一哲学给西方文化带来生机,使之在自然科学上、心理学上、方法论上实现了突飞猛进的发展。但在另一些方面,这种哲学主张大大地起了阻碍作用,如饮食文化。在宴席上,可以讲究餐具,讲究用料,讲究服务,讲究菜之原料的形、色方面的搭配;但不管怎么豪华高档,从洛杉矶到纽约,牛排都只有一种味道,无艺术可言。作为菜肴,鸡就是鸡,牛排就是牛排,纵然有搭配,那也是在盘中进行的,一盘“法式羊排”,一边放土豆泥,旁倚羊排,另一边配煮青豆,加几片番茄便成。色彩上对比鲜明,但在滋味上各种原料互不相干、调和,各是各的味,简单明了。 中国人是很重视“吃”的,“民以食为天”这句谚语就说明我们把吃看得与天一样重要。由于我们这个民族几千年来都处于低下的生产力水平,人们总是吃不饱,所以才会有一种独特的把吃看得重于一切的饮食文化,我想,这大概是出于一种生存需要吧。如果一种文化把吃看成首要的事,那么就会出现两种现象:一方面会把这种吃的功能发挥到极致,不仅维持生存,也利用它维持健康,这也就是”药补不如食补”的文化基础;另一方面,对吃的过份重视,会使人推崇对美味的追求。 在中国的烹调术中,对美味追求几乎达到极致,以至中国人到海外谋生,都以开餐馆为业,成了我们在全世界安身立命的根本!遗憾的是,当我们把追求美味作为第一要求时,我们却忽略了食物最根本的营养价值,我们的很多传统食品都要经过热油炸和长时间的文火饨煮,使菜肴的营养成分受到破坏,许多营养成分都损失在加工过程中了。因而一说到营养问题,实际上就触及到了中国饮食文化的最大弱点。民间有句俗话:“民以食为天,食以味为先”。就是这种对美味的追求,倒使我们忽略了吃饭的真正意义。 中国人在品尝菜肴时,往往会说这盘菜“好吃”,那道菜“不好吃”;然而若要进一步问一下什么叫“好吃”,为什么“好吃”,“好吃”在哪里,恐怕就不容易说清楚了。这说明,中国人对饮食追求的是一种难以言传的“意境”,即使用人们通常所说的“色、香、味、形、器”来把这种“境界”具体化,恐怕仍然是很难涵盖得了的。 中国饮食之所以有其独特的魅力,关键就在于它的味。而美味的产生,在于调和,要使食物的本味,加热以后的熟味,加上配料和辅料的味以及调料的调和之味,交织融合协调在一起,使之互相补充,互助渗透,水乳交融,你中有我,我中有你。中国烹饪讲究的调和之美,是中国烹饪艺术的精要之处。菜点的形和色是外在的东西,而味却是内在的东西,重内在而不刻意修饰外表,重菜肴的味而不过分展露菜肴的形和色,这正是中国美性饮食观的最重要的表现。 在中国,饮食的美性追求显然压倒了理性,这种饮食观与中国传统的哲学思想也是吻合的。作为东方哲学代表的中国哲学,其显著特点是宏观、直观、模糊及不可捉摸。中国菜的制作方法是调和鼎鼐,最终是要调和出一种美好的滋味。这一讲究的就是分寸,就是整体的配合。它包含了中国哲学丰富的辩证法思想,一切以菜的味的美好、谐调为度,度以内的千变万化就决定了中国菜的丰富和富于变化,决定了中国菜菜系的特点乃至每位厨师的特点。 二、中西饮食对象的差异 西方人认为菜肴是充饥的,所以专吃大块肉、整块鸡等“硬菜”。而中国的菜肴是“吃味”的,所以中国烹调在用料上也显出极大的随意性:许多西方人视为弃物的东西,在中国都是极好的原料,外国厨师无法处理的东西,一到中国厨师手里,就可以化腐朽为神奇。足见中国饮食在用料方面的随意性之广博。 据西方的植物学者的调查,中国人吃的菜蔬有600多种,比西方多六倍。实际上,在中国人的菜肴里,素菜是平常食品,荤菜只有在节假日或生活水平较高时,才进入平常的饮食结构,所以自古便有“菜食”之说,菜食在平常的饮食结构中占主导地位。中国人的以植物为主菜,与佛教徒的鼓吹有着千缕万丝的联系。他们视动物为“生灵”,而植物则“无灵”,所以,主张素食主义。 西方人在介绍自己国家的饮食特点时,觉得比中国更重视营养的合理搭配,有较为发达的食品工业,如罐头、快餐等,虽口味千篇一律,但节省时间,且营养良好,故他们国家的人身体普遍比中国人健壮:高个、长腿、宽大的肩、发达的肌肉;而中国人则显得身材瘦小、肩窄腿短、色黄质弱。有人根据中西方饮食对象的明显差异这一特点,把中国人称为植物性格,西方人称为动物性格。 三、饮食方式的不同 中西方的饮食方式有很大不同,这种差异对民族性格也有影响。在中国,任何一个宴席,不管是什么目的,都只会有一种形式,就是大家团团围坐,共享一席。筵席要用圆桌,这就从形式上造成了一种团结、礼貌、共趣的气氛。美味佳肴放在一桌人的中心,它既是一桌人欣赏、品尝的对象,又是一桌人感情交流的媒介物。人们相互敬酒、相互让菜、劝菜,在美好的事物面前,体现了人们之间相互尊重、礼让的美德。虽然从卫生的角度看,这种饮食方式有明显的不足之处,但它符合我们民族“大团圆”的普遍心态,反映了中国古典哲学中“和”这个范畴对后代思想的影响,便于集体的情感交流,因而至今难以改革。 西式饮宴上,食品和酒尽管非常重要,但实际上那是作为陪衬。宴会的核心在于交谊,通过与邻座客人之间的交谈,达到交谊的目的。如果将宴会的交谊性与舞蹈相类比,那么可以说,中式宴席好比是集体舞,而西式宴会好比是男女的交谊舞。由此可见,中式宴会和西式宴会交谊的目的都很明显,只不过中式宴会更多地体现在全席的交谊,而西式宴会多体现于相邻宾客之间的交谊。与中国饮食方式的差异更为明显的是西方流行的自助餐。此法是:将所有食物一一陈列出来,大家各取所需,不必固定在位子上吃,走动自由,这种方式便于个人之间的情感交流,不必将所有的话摆在桌面上,也表现了西方人对个性、对自我的尊重。但各吃各的,互不相扰,缺少了一些中国人聊欢共乐的情调。 所以,归根结底还是感性与理性之间的差异。但是,这种差异似乎在随着科学的发展而变的模糊。越来越多的中国人以不再只注重菜的色、香、味,而更注重它的卫生与营养了。尤其是在经历了非典以后。还有,人们因为越来越繁忙的工作,觉得中餐做起来太麻烦,不如来个汉堡方便等。这样一来在饮食上差异也就不太分明了。



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whatandhowshouldweeattobehealthier?first,second,it'hird,inthisway,we'llbestrongandhealthy,andwe'i'msurewewillallbehealthyoneday! 翻译:健康的饮食对我们来说是重要的在我们的日常生活。能源和食物能给我们帮助我们建立我们的身体。什么,我们应该怎样吃更健康?首先,我们应该有足够的干净的食物每餐。第二,保持饮食平衡很重要。不同种类的食物为我们提供我们每天需要不同的营养。第三,我们应该有规律的吃。这样的话,我们会很健康,我们会在我们的研究中做的很好。我肯定我们都将健康的一天!



My eating hobby Hi,I'm JI have a heathy I usually eat breakfast at seven in the morning I usually eat For lunch ,I usually eat cabbage,potatoes and For dinner,I eat fish,tofu and thanks!

英语关于。饮食习惯的 我么, 就是,可以给你的,吧,你几号,需要的,呢 /

i am吧!hinese fuck

On diet  Although people’s desires are diverse, they all want the same thing for sure, And the easiest way to keep fit, beyond any doubt, is a BALANCED   When twenty years ago everyone talked about how to get stuffed, and meat was considered as a kind of luxury, who could know that by now there would be millions of people called “vegetarian”? Veggies believe that the devoid of meat makes a perfect recipe, as well as protects the animals and That’s absolutely true but, are they sophisticated?  Too much of meat can raise the risk of many “modern” diseases, however, there still lies lots of The basic substance of creatures, as we all know, is the Without it our body can on way function And the most efficient way to take in protein is to eat If you haven’t ever been a too-much-meat-eater, don’t hesitate when you enjoy your favorite dish, of course, with   The other reason why I do not appreciate vegetarianism is that we are not What does that mean? Monks spend most of their days sitting and chanting scriptures over and over again, so energy seems not to be Nevertheless, for most of us, we have to study, to work, to travel a long distance and experience a tired day, and then energy is not Meat provides unparalleled energy, compared to To ask one veggie if they were tired, maybe they would not say so, but they do, in Wanna be athletic? Don’t abandon   As one important segment of the food chain, human being is not Yes, we feel pity to kill animals, but that’s If we devoid meat, the whole food web could be destructed, which is bound to cause a devastating consequence, one we can impossibly   Everything show two sides, when we know the harm of meat-eating, it doesn’t mean that we must cut down the intake, but to equilibrate meat and what I want to say is to BALANCE our
