

发布时间:2024-07-13 06:19:37


The American big almond is nutrition intensity food, but this and many kinds of wraps the big almond to human body beneficial nut fruits food in richly including in the meals textile fiber coarse edible grain outer covering, suits each And this each kind of taste has the soft heart and the brittle heart has two kinds differently to contain filling may supply the choice, therefore may entrust with the new idea which it forms a pair, the bundle sale, will make up in the market this kind of product blank, the market potential is Externally, celebrates the big almond shape outer covering which “the apricot” has you to pass through cures specially to be able to cause the consumer more direct-viewing seeing big What is worth mentioning, celebrates “the apricot” to have your outside wrapping to use may circulate the use flinty paper, while the consumer brought the delicacy health also to do for the environmental protection enterprise has tried Obviously celebrates “the apricot” to have you true leisure health

General 一般概念:junk food 垃圾食品 spicy food 味重食品 good food 美食 organic food 绿色食品/x09fast food 快餐 food shortages 食品短缺 food scares 食品畏惧 food industry 食品工业Vegetables 蔬菜bean 豆 beet 甜菜 broccoli 西兰花 cabbage 白菜 carrot 胡萝卜 celery 芹菜 corn 玉米 cucumber 黄瓜 lettuce 生菜 onion 洋葱 peas 豌豆 pepper 辣椒 potato 马铃薯 pumpkin 南瓜 radish 萝卜 spinach 菠菜 squash 西葫芦 tomato 番茄 turnip 萝卜 Fruit 水果 apple 苹果/x09banana 香蕉 berry 浆果 blueberry 蓝莓 cantaloupe 香瓜 cherry 樱桃 grape 葡萄 grapefruit 葡萄柚 lemon 柠檬 lime 酸橙 melon 甜瓜 orange 橙色 peach 桃 pear 梨 Pineapple 菠萝 plum 梅 prune 李脯 raspberry 树莓 raisin 葡萄干 strawberry 草莓 tangerine 橘 watermelon 西瓜Bread_& Cereal 面包和粮食bread 面包 biscuit 饼干 cold cereal 冷谷物 doughnut 甜甜圈 grain 粮食 muffin 松饼/x09oatmeal 燕麦 pancake 煎饼 rice 水稻 roll 卷 toast 干杯 waffle 华夫Dairy 乳制品butter 黄油 cottage cheese 干酪 cheese 奶酪 ice cream 冰淇淋 cream 奶油 half and half 掺牛奶的奶油/x09margarine 人造黄油 milk 牛奶 skim milk 脱脂牛奶 sour cream 酸奶油 yoghurt 酸奶Spice & Flavoring 香料和调味品cinnamon 肉桂 chili 辣椒 clove 丁香 cocoa 可可 curry 咖喱 ginger 姜 herb 药草/x09honey 蜂蜜 mustard 芥末 nutmeg 肉豆蔻 oregano 牛至 pepper 胡椒 salt 盐 syrup 糖浆 sugar 糖Desserts 甜品brownie 果仁巧克力 cake 蛋糕 cupcake 蛋糕 ice cream 冰淇淋/x09pie 馅饼 cookies 饼干 pudding 布丁 sundae 圣代冰淇淋Beverages 饮料ale 啤酒 beer 啤酒 brandy 白兰地 coffee 咖啡 coke 可乐 juice 果汁 lemonade 柠檬水 liquor 酒/x09punch 宾治 soda 苏打水 soft drink 软饮料 tea 茶 water 水 whiskey 威士忌 wine 葡萄酒Meat 肉bacon 咸猪肉 beef 牛肉 chicken 小鸡 duck 鸭 egg 鸡蛋 fish 鱼/x09hamburger 汉堡 hot dog 热狗 lamb 羊肉 meatball 肉丸 meat loaf 肉面包 pork 猪肉 turkey 火鸡再送你几个:Idiom s & Expressions 成语、表达baker's dozen 13个 baloney 胡扯,鬼话 beef about 抱怨 bring home the bacon 赚钱糊口 corny 多愁善感 cream of the crop 百里挑一,精华 cup of tea 合意的人/事/x09egg on 鼓励 fishy 可疑 not know beans 一窍不通 spill the beans 泄漏秘密 square meal 饱餐 take the cake 居首位,坏到极点 upper crust 最上层,上层社会cry over spilled milk 为打翻的牛奶哭泣,于事无补 have one's cake and eat it 鱼与熊掌不可兼得 proof of the pudding 证明布丁好坏就凭吃 put one's eggs in one basket 把鸡蛋放在一个篮子 sour grapes 得不到葡萄就说葡萄酸

1、daikon英 ['daikən]美 ['daikən]萝卜短语:Daikon Island 大根岛Sengiri Daikon 千切大根例句:I’m trying to become mayor of this place—best crunchy tempeh salad with daikon in 我正在努力成为这个地方的市长——城里最好的松脆的印尼豆豉色拉加大白萝卜。2、Carrot英 ['kærət]美 ['kærət]胡萝卜短语:carrot juice 胡萝卜汁,胡萝卜汁,红萝卜汁Carrot cake 胡萝卜蛋糕,红萝卜蛋糕,甘笋饼例句:All of these types of carrot have been specially 所有这些类型胡萝卜都是经过专门繁殖。3、Spinach英 ['spɪnɪdʒ; -ɪtʃ]美 ['spɪnɪtʃ]菠菜短语:water spinach 空心菜,瓮菜,蕹菜Sautéed Spinach 清炒菠菜,炒菠菜例句:The spinach is shrivelled 菠菜蔫了。4、cucumber英 ['kjuːkʌmbə]美 ['kjʊ,kʌmbɚ]黄瓜短语:Cucumber 黄瓜,大黄瓜,小黄瓜pickled cucumber 酸黄瓜,黄瓜泡菜,腌黄瓜例句:This cucumber plant is 这棵黄瓜爬蔓了。5、Cauliflower英 ['kɒlɪflaʊə]美 ['kɔlɪ'flaʊɚ]花椰菜,菜花短语:cauliflower 菜花,花椰菜,花菜Cauliflower Powder 花椰菜粉例句:Broccoli, cauliflower and cabbage are all part of the Cruciferous vegetable 西兰花、菜花和卷心菜构成整个十字花科蔬菜家族。6、mushroom英 ['mʌʃruːm; -rʊm]美 ['mʌʃrʊm]蘑菇短语:mushroom 蘑菇,蕈类,洋菇Mushroom cloud 蘑菇云,蘑菇云,蘑菇状烟云例句:There are many types of wild 有许多种野生蘑菇。

Abstract: The United States is the largest almond-intensive food nutrition, and the goods will go a long almonds and a variety of useful nuts on human foods rich in dietary fiber wrapped in a shell of coarse grains, suitable for all And tastes of each of the goods have a soft heart and brittle heart of the sandwich, there are two different options, so it can be given to pairs of new ideas, to bundling, the market for such products to make up for gaps, market has great Appearance, the Qing, "apricot" special baking your large almond-shaped shell is more intuitive consumer can see the big It is worth mentioning that more is that IP, "apricot" your use of the outer rigid recycled paper, in the delicious and healthy consumers as well as environmental protection IP can be seen, "apricot" is your true health foods


The American big almond is nutrition intensity food, but this and many kinds of wraps the big almond to human body beneficial nut fruits food in richly including in the meals textile fiber coarse edible grain outer covering, suits each And this each kind of taste has the soft heart and the brittle heart has two kinds differently to contain filling may supply the choice, therefore may entrust with the new idea which it forms a pair, the bundle sale, will make up in the market this kind of product blank, the market potential is Externally, celebrates the big almond shape outer covering which “the apricot” has you to pass through cures specially to be able to cause the consumer more direct-viewing seeing big What is worth mentioning, celebrates “the apricot” to have your outside wrapping to use may circulate the use flinty paper, while the consumer brought the delicacy health also to do for the environmental protection enterprise has tried Obviously celebrates “the apricot” to have you true leisure health



Food Safety In recent years ,more and more people pay attention to the food safety With the improvement of our living standards,people are increasingly concerned about their diet,but the food safety issues turn out frequently,like the Melamine There are several reasons accounting for this Among all the reasons, the preference of factories plays the more important In order to gain more benefits ,many factories ignore the safety of food but use the chemical Bisides, consumer konwledge about food safety lacking lead to the food safety In my opinion,our country should make relevant laws to specificate the food production At the same time ,our consumers should learn more knowledge about food

Abstract: The United States is the largest almond-intensive food nutrition, and the goods will go a long almonds and a variety of useful nuts on human foods rich in dietary fiber wrapped in a shell of coarse grains, suitable for all And tastes of each of the goods have a soft heart and brittle heart of the sandwich, there are two different options, so it can be given to pairs of new ideas, to bundling, the market for such products to make up for gaps, market has great Appearance, the Qing, "apricot" special baking your large almond-shaped shell is more intuitive consumer can see the big It is worth mentioning that more is that IP, "apricot" your use of the outer rigid recycled paper, in the delicious and healthy consumers as well as environmental protection IP can be seen, "apricot" is your true health foods

In terms of the unforgettable food, I would say it is the local delicacy in Guizhou , big stinky tofu , that I introduced to my foreign friend ,which I once took him to a night market ;when we gossiping, we smalled a fit of stink He asked me with inquiring expression, “How can Chinese eat this smelly thing? ” At this time, I heard a street vendor hawing stinky tofu, when I seeing it with my mouth dropping I strongly recommended the appetizing taste of it, urging my friend to enjoy it at the same In the beginning, hardly could he stand the smell of stinky tofu, but after reluctantly tasting a bite of it, he was so amazed that he wanted another “People of Chinese are genius! You can create such formidable specialty! ” he I also took him to try other common snakes in the night

健康饮食金字塔 民以食为天。解决温饱之后,人们对于各种美味中所隐藏的神奇奥妙愈加关注。为了从日常饮食中获取更多的营养,或是改变自身的健康难题,人们开始对食物越来越挑剔、越来越苛求,因为一分一厘的取舍对于我们来说都至关重要,直接影响着人类的健康。 20年前,美国农业部开始根据“美国人饮食指南”建立了日常食物金字塔。今年年初,又推出了新版食物金字塔,纠正了过去的一些疏漏。据悉,金字塔的建造者,包括科学家、营养师、职员、以及顾问。哈佛大学公共健康学院的专家们依靠所获得的最科学的证据,根据食物与健康之间的关系,建立了新的健康饮食金字塔。它修补了美国农业部食物金字塔的基础漏洞,在关于吃什么的问题上,提出了更好的建议。 健康饮食金字塔是建立在每日运动和控制体重的基础之上的,因为这两个因素对人们保持健康来说,十分重要。它们也会影响到人们吃什么和如何吃的问题,以及人们吃的食物又如何影响自身的健康。从健康饮食金字塔的底座往上看,其中包括: 全麦食品(在大部分进餐中) 人体需要碳水化合物提供能量,碳水化合物的最佳来源是全麦,比如燕麦片、粗面面包、以及玄米(也就是糙米)。它们含有麸糠和胚芽,以及富含能量的淀粉。人体消化全麦的时间要比消化白面包这样直接的碳水化合物长,这会使人体的血糖和胰岛素保持在一个合理的水平,并很快会下降。很好地控制血糖和胰岛素水平,能够减少人体的饥饿感,阻止Ⅱ型糖尿病的发生。 植物油。美国人平均每天从脂肪中获取1/3的日需卡路里,所以,把它们放在金字塔的下部是有道理的。注意,这里特别指明的是植物油,并非全部各类脂肪。健康的不饱和脂肪来自橄榄、大豆、玉米、向日葵、花生和其他植物油,以及富含脂肪的鱼类,比如三文鱼等。这些健康的脂肪不仅改善人体胆固醇水平,而且还能有效防止潜在的心脏猝死和心肌梗死


As the saying goes, food is the most important thing for Food safety is very important for Nowadays, there are more and more food safety Many people use bad substitutes for low-cost It scares We are all very worried about buying bad things, and businesses ignore our food safety for their own 翻译:俗话说的好,民以食为天,食品的安全对于人们来说是很重要的。现在的食品安全问题越来越多。很多人为了低价生产而用不好的代替品。这令我们感到很害怕。我们都很担心买到不好的东西,商家为了自己的利益而不顾我们的食品安全。

Food Safety in China With the growing awareness of healthy eating, more and more people now are paying more attention to the importance of healthy diet and an active But at the same time, a growing unrest over food safety in China has caught everyone’s In my opinion ,everyone involved in it should set up a high responsibility for others, law related should be passed and carried Only in this way can we come by a healthy eating and a harmonious 食品安全水平  与日益意识到健康饮食,越来越多的人们现在已经更加注重健康饮食的重要性和积极的生活。但与此同时,越来越多的食品安全事件在中国引起了大家的关注。  在我看来,每个人都参与了应该建立一个高度的责任感对于其他人来说,要通过相关法律和执行。只有用这种方法我们才能得到一个健康的饮食和一个和谐的世界。

As we all known,food safety problems are more and more popular in our country,because more cases about food safety problem have Firstly,As the old saying goes,the food is what matters to the Food plays an important role in people's So food safety influences people's health and Secondly,some producers only think about earning money without thinking about ensuring food hey produce unqualified Thirdly,some food supervisory departpents don't perform their duty This behavior make some producer ignore the safety of If we want to solve problems that is illustrated former,we must call on the supervisory department to manage the food And the producers must paly their Lastly,we hope that there is law that punish illegal In recent years, China’s food industry occurs security issus frequently, which makes people worried and lose Food safety, related to the people’s health, safety and healthy development of economy, is the major issue of national stability and social Since the Sanlu Incident occurred in 2008, the entire society increasingly concerned about food safety It was in this context that the food safety issue was referred to an unprecedented 近几年,中国食品工业经常发生安全问题,这使得人们很担忧并失去了信心。食品安全与人们的健康,安全以及经济的健康发展息息相关,是国家稳定和社会发展的主要问题。自2008年三鹿事件发生以来,全社会对食品安全问题的关注越来越高。正是在这种情况下,食品安全问题被提到了一个空前的水平。There are the following main issues in food security: using poor quality raw materials in the food manufacturing process, adding toxic substances, excessive use of food additives, abusing of chemical additives and so There are many reasons to cause this problem, and regulators, producers and even consumers share The entire society should try effort to avoid food safety 食品安全主要存在以下问题:在生产食品过程使用劣质的原材料,添加有毒物质,过量使用防腐剂,滥用化学添加剂等等。引起这一问题的原因有很多,监管者,生产者甚至是消费者都有责任。全社会应该尽力避免食品安全问题。

From this incident,we can see that there are still more things to be Firstly,the government needs everything possible to ensure the quality of products,particularly the safety of food as this concerns everyone's Secondly,as for the producers,it is very important for them to be morally They should never try to pursue profit or economic growth at the expense of health and life of Thirdly,we consumers must attach importance to the things we eat and develop an awareness of how to protect our legal rights if Only in this way will we be able to build a more secure and harmonious


根据学术堂的了解,英文摘要的内容要求与中文摘要一样,包括研究内容、目的、方法、结果和结论五部分但是,英文有其自身特点,最主要的是中译英时往往造成所占篇幅较长,同样内容的一段文字,若用英文来描述,其占用的版面可能比中文多一倍因此,撰写英文摘要更应注意简洁明了,力争用最短的篇幅提供最主要的信息  具体措施:  1、对所掌握的资料进行精心筛选,不属于上述"四部分"的内容不必写入摘要  2、对属于"五部分"的内容,也应适当取舍,做到简明扼要,不能包罗万象


Abstract: The United States is the largest almond-intensive food nutrition, and the goods will go a long almonds and a variety of useful nuts on human foods rich in dietary fiber wrapped in a shell of coarse grains, suitable for all And tastes of each of the goods have a soft heart and brittle heart of the sandwich, there are two different options, so it can be given to pairs of new ideas, to bundling, the market for such products to make up for gaps, market has great Appearance, the Qing, "apricot" special baking your large almond-shaped shell is more intuitive consumer can see the big It is worth mentioning that more is that IP, "apricot" your use of the outer rigid recycled paper, in the delicious and healthy consumers as well as environmental protection IP can be seen, "apricot" is your true health foods
