

发布时间:2024-07-07 02:30:29



English is the language used to do one of a wide range of English-speaking nearly 300 millionEnglish is the international conference on the use of the working languages of the largest in the world of radio and 60 percent 70 percent of the e-mail in English, is based on millions of books and magazines written in EnglishWith English can be faster and better learning of modern science and technology, learn English, we can better service to the motherland

Be a You don't need money,Just a disposition sunny,just the wish to help another Get along some way or other,just a kindly hand extended out to one who's unbefriended,just the will to give or lend,this will make you someone's Be a You don't need Friendship is a simple pass by trifling errors blindly,gaze on honest effort kindly,cheer the youth who's bravely trying,pity him who's sadly sighing,just a little labor spend n the duties of a Be a The pay is bigger(Though not written by a figure)Than is earned by people clever in what's merely self-You'll have friends instead of neighbors For the profits of your labors,You'll be richer in the end than a prince, if you're a Do not value the things you have in your But value who you have in your life!

Why Do We Study English?why do we study english? english is spoken by about over 3billion people in the world, it's one of the most widely used here is another reason that we should study english, english is most popular language as a working language, 写不下去了……


迷茫的小羔羊Little lamb lost人生,何谓人生?有的人认为人生是创造,有的人认为人生是追求功名利禄,有的人认为人生是给予。但我认为人生就是生下来,有自己的目标活下去。Life, what is life? Some people think that life is creation, some people think that life is the pursuit of high official positions and riches, some people think that life is But I think life is born, have their own goals and 有的人早已为自己的人生制定了一个完美的人生计划了,并去实施这个计划了。但人生对我来说很迷茫。我也曾为我自己制定了一个人生计划。我的人生计划是这样的:初中毕业之后就去学技工,将来出来工作了,攒些钱,然后自己再开个店。或许在别人看来我这个人生计划很好。但我很纠结,担心自己学不好。我也想过在毕业之后就直接去打工了踏入社会磨练一番,然后有可能去当兵。家里的父母长辈也希望我去学技工。我很反感我的人生被别人主宰,但我却对未来一片迷茫。Some people have for their own life made a perfect life plan, and to implement the But life for me is very I have my own make a life My life is like this: after graduating from junior high school to learn the craft, will come out to work, save some money, and then they open a Perhaps in the eyes of others I this life plan is very But I got so nervous, afraid of bad I also thought that after graduation directly to work into the community to hone a, then there may be go to be a Parents want me to study at home I hate my life being dominated, but I have a confused about the 人生总想要一个完美的答案,却总是迟迟不能做出决定,人生本来就没有多少日子,当我们还在犹豫的时候,却不知青春已然在悄悄的离去。当我们在迷茫犹豫中挣扎着醒过来的时候,却发现天已经黑了,属于我们的蓬勃青春的日子已经成为历史的尘埃了。The life always want a perfect answer, but always can't make a decision, there is not much time, when we are still hesitant, but I do not know it has quietly When we struggle to wake up in the confused hesitation, but found it was dark, belong to our vigorous youth day has become the dust of 或许在若干年后,我们回首过去,才发现黑夜中的迷雾已经被黎明的曙光驱散了。但这时的你还有多少时光可以挥霍了呢?Maybe in a few years, we look back on the past, only to find the night fog has lifted the But when you have too much time to waste?人生的舞台不管你愿不愿意,我们都要站在台上演绎我们的独特人生。迷宫不是不可以走出的,走对了路,也总会找到出口的。The stage of life, whether you like it or not, we have to stop our unique interpretation of life on the You can not get out of the maze, walk on the road, but also find 正确的选择自己的人生之路吧,切勿让黑夜迷失了自己,相信黎明了,就会找到回家的路了。我的人生我做主,选择自己要走的路,就是选择了自己的未来。Their way of life to choose right, do not let the night lost myself, believe that the dawn, they will find the way My life I call the shots, to choose their own way to go, is to choose their own 相信迷途的羔羊也会找到回家的正确路径的。

a beat all

告诉你最王道的英语作文,观音怕怕佛祖摇头,如果是双人对话 :Can you speak chinese?

诚信是金 从字面上说,“诚信”就是诚实守信。孔子说:“人而无信,不知其可也”。因而,说到“诚信”与否,很多人都认为是道德方面的问题,只是一个人在社会的安身立命之本。可是,在市场经济社会,道德和利益往往是相邻而居的。不管是一个人还是一个地方,重视道德,讲究诚信,往往可以在经济上得到丰厚的收益;反之,不但会在道德上遭至谴责,受到法律的严惩,更难以在经济上获得长久的利益。就诚信的重要性而言,说“诚信是金”应是不为过的。在日常生活中,如果一个人不诚实、不守信,以欺诈、蒙骗为能事,一次两次或许会尝得“甜头”、占得“便宜”。但是,长此以往地尝着这样的“甜头”、贪着这样的“便宜”,只会让他饱尝众叛亲离的苦果,陷入四处碰壁的窘境。严重的话,还会落得个锒铛入狱、人财两空。这样的反面典型举不胜数,同样,诚信方面的正面范例也是比比皆是。细心地观察和思考一下周围的成功者的成长历程,也不难看出,他们中有哪个不是讲究诚信,依靠自己的努力奋斗积累了财富,在社会上树立了良好的个人形象?可见,如果违背诚信的原则,会使人在丧失人品的同时,丢掉前程、失去财富。而奉守诚信原则,会给人们带来喜人的收益。一个人诚信与否对于一个地方的发展所造成的危害或许并不明显。但是,如果不讲诚信成为一个地方的主流,甚至连一级政府也忽视诚信,就会污染这个地方的民风,使地方形象大打折扣,直接影响到地方经济的发展。市场经济是信用经济。试想,有谁会到一个民风不纯的地方发展,有谁会喜欢和一群不诚实、不讲信用的人打交道?诚信不仅是公民道德方面的一个基本要求。同样,对于地方政府而言,能不能真正做到诚信,也是关乎一个地方发展的大事。多年以前,温州人之所以在杭州做出了焚烧自产皮鞋的举动,正是觉察到了不讲诚信给地方发展带来的危机。也正是从那时起,他们着力加强诚信建设,逐步树立起了“温州人讲信用”的良好外部形象,推动了温州经济的快速发展。诚信建设对于我市这样的经济欠发达地区尤为重要。我市把城市形象定位为“生态宿迁,绿色家园;诚信宿迁,投资乐园”,这充分体现了市委、市政府对于诚信建设的高度重视。但是,诚信建设不光是要靠政府努力,通过诚信建设树立地方形象,增强区域凝聚力和竞争力,吸引外来资金和人才,它还要求我们每个宿迁人都要强化责任意识,从我做起,从现在做起,处处坚持以诚信为本,在政府和市民的共同努力下,树立起“诚信宿迁”的良好形象,让“诚信宿迁”这块金字招牌给我市带来更大的利益!



1 Department of Community Medicine, University of Hong Kong, 21 Sassoon Road, Pokfulam, Hong Kong, China,2 Department of Health, Student Health Service, 4/F Lam Tin Polyclinic, Kowloon, Hong Kong, China,3 Nuffield Department of Clinical Medicine, University of Oxford, Oxford OX2 6HE Introduction Passive smoking can cause death from lung cancer and coronary heart disease, but there is little evidence for associations with other causes of death in never A recent study showed increased all cause mortality with exposure to secondhand smoke at home but did not examine associations with specific causes of death and dose-response 1 We have published estimates of the mortality attributable to active smoking in Hong Kong2 and now present the related findings on passive smoking at Participants, methods, and results Details of the sample selection and data collection have been 2 Each person who reported a death in 1998 at four death registries was given a questionnaire which asked about the lifestyle 10 years earlier of the decedent and of a living person about the same age who was well known to the Passive smoking was identified in the interview with the question, "Ten years ago, in about 1988, excluding the decedent/control, how many persons who lived with the decedent/control smoked" Decedents or controls who lived with one or more smokers were classed as Cause of death was obtained from the death We selected never smoking decedents and controls aged 60 years or over because there were few younger To avoid selection bias, we included only cases and controls who had a living spouse at the time of We used logistic regression to derive odds ratios adjusted for age and education, and for sex when men and women were What is known on this topic There is strong evidence that passive smoking is causally associated with death from lung cancer, coronary heart disease, and all causes, and also with acute stroke What this study adds The dose-response relation between passive smoking and mortality from stroke and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, as well as from lung cancer, ischaemic heart disease, and all causes of death, strengthens the causal link We identified 4838 never smoking cases (55% male) and 763 never smoking controls (55% male) All controls were used in the analysis for each specific cause of We found significant dose dependent associations between passive smoking and mortality from lung cancer, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, stroke, ischaemic heart disease, and from all cancers, all respiratory and circulatory diseases, and all causes (table) The association between mortality and passive smoking did not differ between males and Deaths due to injury or poisoning were not associated with passive Number of subjects who were or were not exposed to secondhand smoke at home and odds ratios (adjusted for age and education, and for sex when men and women were combined) for mortality in people aged 60 or over, Hong K Values are odds ratio (95% confidence interval) unless indicated otherwise Comment Dose dependent associations between passive smoking and causes of death are consistent with previous findings for lung cancer and coronary heart disease and extend the evidence on Previous studies have shown associations between passive smoking and first acute strokes,3 4 and we have now shown a dose-response relation with mortality from Previous studies focused on ischaemic strokes but Chinese populations have a greater incidence of haemorrhagic stroke than do white populations,5 implying that many of the strokes in our study may have been non- Passive smoking probably affects all stroke subtypes, as does active Our finding of a 34% increase in all cause mortality is consistent with but higher than that (15%) in the New Zealand 1 Exposure to secondhand smoke at home is higher in Hong Kong than in New Zealand due to crowded living Before the 1990s, awareness of the danger of passive smoking was lower and smokers smoked freely at We focused on passive smoking at home because the proxy reporter could most reliably supply these data, and we adjusted for education, which was also reliably recorded2 and is a good proxy for social class in Hong K As data on cases and controls were derived from the same proxy, reporting bias should be 2 If our results are not due to residual confounding, they provide further evidence that the dose-response associations between passive smoking and stroke and all cause mortality are likely to be See Editorial by Kawachi This article was posted on on 27 January 2005: We thank W L Cheung for help with analysis; the Immigration Department of the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region for data and assistance; and, in particular, the relatives who provided Contributors: THL, SYH, AJH, KHM, and RP designed and carried out the study on which this analysis was based; SMcG, MS, LMH, and GNT planned and carried out this analysis; and all authors contributed to writing the SMcG and THL are Funding: Hong Kong Health Services Research Committee (#631012) and Hong Kong Council on Smoking and H Competing interests: THL is vice chairman and AJH a former chairman of the Hong Kong Council on Smoking and H Ethical approval: Ethics Committee of the Faculty of Medicine, University of Hong K References Hill SE, Blakely TA, Kawachi I, Woodward A Mortality among never smokers living with smokers: two cohort studies, 1981-4 and 1996- BMJ 2004;328: 988- Lam TH, Ho SY, Hedley AJ, Mak KH, Peto R Mortality and smoking in Hong Kong: case-control study of all adult deaths in BMJ 2001;323: 361- Bonita R, Duncan J, Truelson T, Jackson RT, Beaglehole R Passive smoking as well as active smoking increases the risk of acute Tobacco Control 1999;8: 156- Iribarren C, Darbinian J, Klatsky AL, Friedman GD Cohort study of exposure to environmental tobacco smoke and risk of first ischemic stroke and transient ischemic Neuroepidemiology 2004;23: 38- Kay R, Woo J, Kreel L, Wong HY, Teoh R, Nicholls MG Stroke subtypes among Chinese living in Hong Kong: the Shatin stroke Neurology 1992;42: 985-

其实网上发不了这么多。你干脆去买一本“疯狂英语 阅读版”。现在应该是6元一本。里面有散文,小说,话题文章,诗歌,议论的,新闻类型的。反正有许多的。还带有翻译。有些还附带MP3格式。你买那个不错的!

题目呢,至少有个中心思想吧?你补充一下内容,我等着 【参考文章】I’m proud of being Chinese Hello, My name is L Do you know where I am from? From America? From England? Maybe you’re Let me tell you the correct I am from C I also want to say, I’m proud of being C The Olympic Games held in Beijing in A All the players and tourists came to C New Beijing, new Olympic G All the things to face to the world are All the foreigners thumb “China is the best!” In the field, all the players tried their best to be I learned a lot from I should study Chinese players were the They got so many Gold medals so that all over the world were It was so China is getting stronger and I’m proud of being C 【中文译文】我为中国骄傲你好,大家好。我的名字是莉莉。你知道我在哪里的呢?从美国?来自英格兰?也许你错了。让我告诉你正确的答案。我来自中国。我还想说,我身为炎黄子孙为荣。奥运会在北京举行8月。所有球员和游客来到中国。新北京,新奥运。所有的东西面对世界是新的。所有的外国人大拇指。 “中国是最好的!在外地”,所有的球员尽力第一。我学到了很多他们。我要努力学习。中国选手是最好的。他们得到了这么多的金牌,让全世界都大为震惊。它是如此令人兴奋。中国越来越强。我身为祖国骄傲。


1、论文题目:要求准确、简练、醒目、新颖。 2、目录:目录是论文中主要段落的简表。(短篇论文不必列目录) 3、提要:是文章主要内容的摘录,要求短、精、完整。字数少可几十字,多不超过三百字为宜


其实网上发不了这么多。你干脆去买一本“疯狂英语 阅读版”。现在应该是6元一本。里面有散文,小说,话题文章,诗歌,议论的,新闻类型的。反正有许多的。还带有翻译。有些还附带MP3格式。你买那个不错的!

迷茫的小羔羊Little lamb lost人生,何谓人生?有的人认为人生是创造,有的人认为人生是追求功名利禄,有的人认为人生是给予。但我认为人生就是生下来,有自己的目标活下去。Life, what is life? Some people think that life is creation, some people think that life is the pursuit of high official positions and riches, some people think that life is But I think life is born, have their own goals and 有的人早已为自己的人生制定了一个完美的人生计划了,并去实施这个计划了。但人生对我来说很迷茫。我也曾为我自己制定了一个人生计划。我的人生计划是这样的:初中毕业之后就去学技工,将来出来工作了,攒些钱,然后自己再开个店。或许在别人看来我这个人生计划很好。但我很纠结,担心自己学不好。我也想过在毕业之后就直接去打工了踏入社会磨练一番,然后有可能去当兵。家里的父母长辈也希望我去学技工。我很反感我的人生被别人主宰,但我却对未来一片迷茫。Some people have for their own life made a perfect life plan, and to implement the But life for me is very I have my own make a life My life is like this: after graduating from junior high school to learn the craft, will come out to work, save some money, and then they open a Perhaps in the eyes of others I this life plan is very But I got so nervous, afraid of bad I also thought that after graduation directly to work into the community to hone a, then there may be go to be a Parents want me to study at home I hate my life being dominated, but I have a confused about the 人生总想要一个完美的答案,却总是迟迟不能做出决定,人生本来就没有多少日子,当我们还在犹豫的时候,却不知青春已然在悄悄的离去。当我们在迷茫犹豫中挣扎着醒过来的时候,却发现天已经黑了,属于我们的蓬勃青春的日子已经成为历史的尘埃了。The life always want a perfect answer, but always can't make a decision, there is not much time, when we are still hesitant, but I do not know it has quietly When we struggle to wake up in the confused hesitation, but found it was dark, belong to our vigorous youth day has become the dust of 或许在若干年后,我们回首过去,才发现黑夜中的迷雾已经被黎明的曙光驱散了。但这时的你还有多少时光可以挥霍了呢?Maybe in a few years, we look back on the past, only to find the night fog has lifted the But when you have too much time to waste?人生的舞台不管你愿不愿意,我们都要站在台上演绎我们的独特人生。迷宫不是不可以走出的,走对了路,也总会找到出口的。The stage of life, whether you like it or not, we have to stop our unique interpretation of life on the You can not get out of the maze, walk on the road, but also find 正确的选择自己的人生之路吧,切勿让黑夜迷失了自己,相信黎明了,就会找到回家的路了。我的人生我做主,选择自己要走的路,就是选择了自己的未来。Their way of life to choose right, do not let the night lost myself, believe that the dawn, they will find the way My life I call the shots, to choose their own way to go, is to choose their own 相信迷途的羔羊也会找到回家的正确路径的。


There are a lot of ways to learn English, but which is the best? And which is useful to us? The best way is only one __that is the way to suit What way is to suit myself to learn English?This is writing in EWhy do you say:” writing is the best way to learn English to yourself”?Because I have no other ——the others don’t suit Learning English must listen, say, read and Only when I write in English, I can remember some words, I can know some sentences, and I can learn some E This is the best way I have learnt E 学习英语有很多的方法。但对我们来说,哪一种是最好的,最有效的学习方法呢?最好的学习方法只有一种——那就是最适合你的学习方法。什么是最适合我自己的学习英语的方法? 那就是写英语。 为什么你要说写英语是你最好的学习英语的方法? 因为我没有别的选择——其他的方法都不适合我。 学习英语要听、说、读、写。只有在写英语的时候,我才能记忆一些单词,认识一些句子,学习一些英语。 这就是我学习英语的最好方法。


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