

发布时间:2024-07-05 17:43:58


I went on a trip to Hainan today with my family We went there by After we got off the plane, we went to the beach to see the beautiful sand and swim There were other people there Some people were surfing and some people were diving in the deeper part of the Afterwards we had lunch at a seafood restaurant near the We ate seafood like shrimps and craps, and drank some abalone We all didn't want to go home because the scenery was so beautiful, and there were so many other exciting things to try,but sadly it was time for us to It was definitely an exciting If I have a chance to go there again, i will be more than happy to visit the place

深度发掘文化内涵促进旅游产业可持续发展[摘 要] 旅游产业可持续发展是旅游管理领域内人们关注的中心议题之一。本文在科学发展观的指导下,分析文化在旅游产 业可持续发展中的地位和作用,提出更新认识,深度发掘旅游文化内涵,提升旅游产业素质,从而构筑旅游产业发展 的新优势,实现旅游产业可持续发展。[关键词] 科学发展观;旅游文化;可持续旅游发展近20多年,我国旅游产业随着改革开放的深入得到了迅猛的发展,经过对传统发展观的反思,人们意识到经济增长只是手段,经济发展才是目的,旅游产业可持续发展成为普遍关注的中心议题。党的十六届三中全会提出科学发展观,为旅游业的未来发展指出了一条光明之路。旅游产业落实科学发展观,就必须深度发掘旅游文化内涵,从而构筑旅游业发展的新优势,实现旅游产业全面协调可持续发展。一、文化内涵的阐释现代旅游是在人们的基本生活需求得到满足后,主动追求更高质量的生活方式而出现的一种综合性大众活动,文化要素对旅游活动影响很大。文化的内涵,一直是一个众说纷纭的问题。笔者结合众多学者的观点和理解,总体上对文化的内涵得出以下认识:文化的广泛性。文化是一个大的范畴,包括人类社会历史实践过程中所创造的物质和精神财富的总和。人们对文化多角度、多侧面的研究也正说明文化内容丰富,外延宽广。从不同视角可以把文化进行细分,旅游文化是其中的一个分支。文化的层次性。文化具备特有的层次结构,包括表层的物质文化、核心层的精神文化、中间层的制度文化和中介层的教育文化。所以“物态文化和心态文化互为表里地对立统一于整个旅游活动中。而制度文化和行为文化则是由物态到心态的中间性过渡环节,具有承上启下的不可替代的作用。制度文化是保证服务质量,提高旅游层次,促进旅游业健康发展的必不可少的因素,具有保证方向和指南的意义”。因此,深度发掘旅游文化内涵应当多方位、多层次思考。文化的模糊性。由于文化涵盖面广泛,有学者提出文化天然就是一个模糊的概念,其内容既具体又抽象,“模糊的文化和文化的模糊,使得我们在理解、研究文化时,有时不得不不求甚解”。理解和掌握旅游文化内涵必须分门别类,层层递进。文化的差异性和发展性。文化是历史发展中各地区各民族实践中创造的产物,存在着明显的差异性。当今全球经济一体化的趋势下,文化作为一个不断进行物质和信息交换的动态开放系统,在稳定与发展的对立中不断实现自我保持和自我更新。文化与时俱进的发展进程中,人居于中心地位。要以人为本,客观地看待由旅游人群流动带来的文化交流,旅游客源地与目的地的文化差异并不能说明两地文化孰优孰劣。结合旅游产业理解文化,旅游文化不是旅游与文化的简单叠加,它不仅仅局限在民族传统文化的领域,也不是仅仅关注文化旅游这类文化表征比较明显的旅游形式,而是要将旅游作为一种文化现象,进一步揭示其内在的固有规律,以利于其可持续发展。旅游文化和一般文化形式相同,也包括物质文化、精神文化和制度文化多层次结构体系,“既涉及历史、地理、民族宗教、饮食服务、园林建筑、民俗娱乐与自然景观等旅游客体文化领域;又涉及旅游者自身文化素质、兴趣爱好、行为方式、思想信仰等文化主体领域;更涉及旅游业的服务文化、商品文化、管理文化、导游文化、政策法规等旅游介体文化”。全面而深刻地理解旅游的文化内涵,将使旅游文化建设更具目的性、针对性和实际可操作性。二、文化在旅游产业可持续发展中的地位和作用先进的旅游文化引领旅游产业发展的方向。旅游是文化性很强的经济产业,文化是旅游的灵魂,旅游的文化本质特征必然要求在发展旅游业的过程中优先发展旅游文化,用先进文化引领旅游可持续发展。现代旅游是旅游者为了满足自己的精神文化需要而实施的一种高级消费,旅游者最大的收获就是精神的愉悦和一段回味无穷的美好记忆,所以没有文化就没有旅游,旅游产品和旅游产业的经济性、文化性是统一的。只有充分重视旅游产品的文化性,挖掘其文化内涵,展示文化特色,提高文化品位和文化含量,才能吸引旅游者,才能带来旅游业的蓬勃发展。文化是旅游经济竞争的核心。旅游业的竞争本质上是文化的竞争,文化因素成为旅游经济发展的决定性因素。在旅游活动中,旅游者物质方面的需求是较低级的需求,易于满足;但是其最终目标是精神文化方面的需求,属于高级而复杂的需求,较难于满足。由于各地域、各民族的文化差异性往往为一个地域、一个民族所独有,很难模仿和复制,可比性较低,易于创出自己的特色和品牌,形成发展旅游强有力的竞争能力,文化中所带有的民族和地域的独特信息,往往是不可再生也是不可替代的,突出旅游文化特色形成区域间文化特质,是培植旅游经济核心竞争力的关键。随着旅游开发逐渐向深度发展,文化象一只无形的手支配着旅游经济活动,只有通过文化创新才能保持旅游经济基业长青。文化是旅游产业可持续发展的驱动力。知识经济时代,文化经济一体化是社会发展的内在要求,重视文化因素对经济社会发展的作用是世界性现象。联合国教科文组织在一份报告中强调:实现发展的动力实际上存在于文化之中,文化是发展的摇篮。国际旅游发展的经验显示,旅游业的收益越来越不依靠人数的增加,而来自于多元文化含量的旅游产品和特色旅游服务,旅游与文化交流结合程度愈高、旅游文化因素越多,旅游经济越发达。以北京大观园为例,从160万元《红楼梦》电视连续剧的制景费起家,不断发掘红楼文化,按《红楼梦》小说中的菜谱开发红楼宴、红楼宴舞,靠挖掘文化内涵使得企业发展成为国内旅游企业的知名品牌。在旅游资源走过普遍开发阶段之后,文化成为将旅游业发展引向深入的重要驱动力。文化旅游是旅游产业的发展方向。我国旅游业在近年的迅猛发展,很大程度得益于我国悠久深厚的文化资源。2002年,海外游客对中国最感兴趣的旅游资源调查中,五种游客最感兴趣的旅游资源,文化类型就占了四种,其中对华侨的调查,文物古迹名列第一位。这体现了旅游对文化的依附性以及它本身具有的文化属性,中国独有的历史文化延续性、深厚的民族文化底蕴、繁多的文化资源种类,有利于开发结构完善、选择适应面广的旅游产品,形成优质品牌。目前,文化旅游市场开发方兴未艾,大力发展旅游文化、开发以文化为特色的旅游景点和旅游活动内容,可以满足游客的高层次文化需求,是中国旅游面向国际市场和竞争的必然选择,推进文化旅游的发展,才能使我国由旅游大国成为旅游强国。旅游与文化相互作用。旅游者通过旅行活动,学习了解到旅游目的地的文化,同时也将自己本地区的文化带给了旅游目的地的居民,传播和交流了两地的文化。同时,为了吸引旅游者,旅游目的地也日益重视文化资源的开发和保护,这对于文化的发展无疑有着积极的作用。但是众多人类学家和社会学家的有关研究结果表明,这种旅游者大规模持续来访,对旅游目的地文化影响更多的是消极部分,最明显的是使当地文化不正常的商品化,这类变化对于那些原本以独具特色的文化和地方社会风情民俗为基本的旅游资源吸引旅游者来访的目的地是致命的,它将使这些目的地失去原有吸引力,失去旅游产业持续发展乃至维持其基本生存的基础。三、旅游文化内涵建设促进旅游可持续发展实现旅游产业利益最大化和不断发展,关键在于开发利用各种文化资源,满足人们对旅游产品和服务中的文化需求,在深度挖掘旅游文化内涵的过程中,建立产业良性的内部运行机制和外部发展关系,从而提升产业素质,获得可持续发展。以科学发展观为指导转变旅游发展观念。我国旅游业起步较晚,在特定历史条件下,提出“以旅游养旅游”、“五个一齐上”等发展思路,曾经发挥了积极的作用,使人们对旅游从外事接待到事业再到产业的认识逐渐明晰,一些项目在一定时期内也取得了较好的经济效益,但是这种外延式扩张的粗放型发展,片面追求经济效益,对于旅游目的地的自然资源和社会文化资源造成的破坏难以用经济数字来计量。科学发展观提出以人为本,全面协调可持续发展,要求旅游产业发展从数量型转向质量型和效益型,通过挖掘旅游文化内涵、提升产品附加价值,向深度发展。坚持政府主导全面发挥旅游产业功能。我国现阶段的生产力发展和旅游产业发展水平条件下,形成了政府主导型旅游发展模式,并由此形成的政府主导、市场主体、企业运作、全民参与的产业发展态势,在旅游目的地,旅游投资经营者、游客、当地居民三者之间的利益交织在一起,只有政府才能协调好他们之间的现实矛盾,追求并达到经济效益和社会文化效益的统一,因此,政府管理部门要提高管理的专业化、科学化水平,摒弃短期行为,做先进文化的代表,引导当地旅游产业健康持续发展,并由此全面发挥旅游产业功能。构建旅游企业文化营造和谐旅游环境。随着我国旅游法制建设的逐步健全,促进了旅游市场环境的规范,但是旅游行业恶性竞争、虚假广告、合同欺诈等各种短期行为仍然在侵蚀着旅游经济本不健壮的肌体,严重威胁着旅游产业的长远发展。营造诚信公平的经营环境,改善旅游行业形象,是旅游经营企业必须面对和思考的问题。依法治旅完善旅游法律法规建设,可以一定程度地规范市场秩序,更重要的是依靠旅游经营企业的自律,通过构建旅游经营企业的企业文化倡导诚信守法经营。深度开发旅游资源以品牌促发展。旅游资源开发中的文化内涵开发是差异化竞争的重要手段。旅游文化资源开发利用的核心是文化创意,在分析地方文脉的基础上确定文化的开发方向和主题格调,明确定位围绕主题进行内容组织,进而通过旅游产品加以体现,并不断丰富文化内涵,进行创造性的升级改造。其中,对旅游资源文化主题的感知和把握并经由旅游产品外显是关键,其本质在于对旅游文化资源进行概括、发掘、升华最终凝聚区域特色的个性化精神,然后通过物化、创新,实现更深层次的整合,将文化内涵渗透、表现在旅游产品的各个层面,形成特色品牌,强化旅游吸引力。重视旅游对社会文化的影响做好前瞻性研究。我国旅游产业起步较晚,旅游经济基础比较薄弱,缺乏市场的纵深拓展能力;另一方面,羽翼尚未丰满,恰逢中国加入WTO的巨大变革,刚刚蹒跚学步就面临着信息化和全球化的挑战,客观上使得中国旅游产业不可能亦步亦趋照搬照抄西方发达国家的发展模式。同时,正是由于我国旅游产业发展的历史很短,旅游产业发展的焦点集中在经济领域,加上旅游对社会文化的影响不如它对经济和环境的影响那么直接和易于察觉,往往需要比较长的时间,其结果才逐渐显现出来,可一旦结果显现,其后果也就无可挽回,值得注意的是,我国在这一领域的研究远远落后于旅游对经济和环境影响的问题研究。我们必须重视这个现象并做好前瞻性研究,现阶段研究的内容主要包括旅游接待地区社会文化商品化问题、传统文化衰退问题、民族文化异化问题以及游客带来的文化示范对旅游接待地的文化影响问题等等,从事这些研究的不仅包括旅游工作者,还包括人类学家和社会学家,所以还应当重视做好成果共享和研究成果在实践中的应用推广。加快人才培养夯实旅游产业发展基础。旅游产业链较长,属于劳动力密集型产业,实现旅游可持续发展,必须加快人才培养,提高劳动者素质,充分发挥我国人力资源丰富的优势。长期以来,我国旅游专业教育是置于经济学范畴内的,旅游文化还不是一个独立的学科,对旅游人才文化素质的提高重视不够。而实际上旅游产品设计、资源开发和规划、旅游服务都是基于文化基础上的,但旅游从业人员文化层次偏低,对文化的认知度不够,旅游文化内涵的“白化”环节缺失,无法做到帮助不同文化背景旅游者感悟旅游产品的文化内涵,旅游活动只能停留观光的浅显层面,不能适应现代旅游的发展要求。因此,要加快旅游人才培养,逐步从单纯的生产性投资转向人力资本投资,提高旅游从业人员业务素质,提高他们对所处环境的历史文化、民俗风情的了解程度,既要做好服务员,又要做好讲解员,通过每一位旅游工作者的一言一行给与游客全方位的物质和精神的双重享受,提升旅游文化品位。旅游产业是兼有经济、文化、社会和环境四大功能的产业,但是一味追求经济效益忽视文化及其他功能的现象在很多地方都不同程度地存在,旅游资源的适度开发和永续利用要求提升产业素质,整合文化要素,进行品牌运作。要在科学发展观指导下,研究精神文化,开发物质文化,打造制度文化和管理文化,推进教育文化,由政府以及与旅游产业有关各方参与,深度发掘旅游文化内涵,积极实践,促使旅游产业走向成熟,持续健康发展。参考文献:[1]谢春山旅游文化——中国旅游业参与国际竞争成败的关键[J]北京第二外国语学院学报,2001,(3)[2]安宇,沈山和谐社会的区域文化战略:江苏建设文化大省与发展文化产业研究[M]北京:中国社会科学出版社,[3]林永匡弘扬优秀文化,强化阵地意识[N]中国旅游报,2000-01-[4]李天元中国旅游可持续发展研究[M]天津:南开大学出版社,



The scenic spot name city Lijiang River scenery Guilin Lijiang River is one of world winning side light most beautiful The Lijiang River origin in “the South China first peak” north the cassiabarktree the yuecheng ridge cat mountain, that is Lin Fengmu Xiu, the air is fresh, ecological environment extremely good Upstream the Lijiang River the mainstream calls six cave rivers; South flows to Xing'an County Si Menqian nearby, east accepts the cork river, west receives the rivers, the confluence name dissolves the river; By dissolves the Jiangzhen to collect the spirit Qu, flows after Lingchuan, Guilin, Yangshuo, to Pingle, the long 160 kilometers, calls the Lijiang R Lijiang River both banks mountain peak great tall and straight, the shape great amount, on the pinnacle is much long has the soft and thick bush and the floret, looks by far, if on beautiful woman body On the river bank dike, the blue two jiangs four lake Guilin Lijiang River , peach Huajiang, wooden Long Lake, Gui Hu, the banyan tree lake, the cedar lake say all year long the two jiangs four The cassiabarktree, the cedar, three lake Song Yi have it, wood of Long Lake now originally is a In order to communicate the Lijiang River water course of with in lake, excavates 450,000 sides, is Therefore says wooden Long L The two jiangs four lake scenic areas spread plant the famous tree, the precious flower, the famous grass, makes the banyan fig, the gingko, the deodar cedar, the metasequoia, the Lily magnolia, the palm various gardens, improves ecology of the Guilin center city; Erects famous bridge 19, increases divine and wonderful spirit of the rivers and lakes; Restores, constructs ancient name building, famous tower, the famous pavilion ten thousand square meters, increases the Guilin。Xiangshan, lifelike, fascinating, is called by the people the Guilin scenery the Local the trunk mountain is located peach Huajiang and the Lijiang River afflux place, is one of Guilin famous mountains, the main scenic spot has the water arch, in the elephant eye crag, the Pu virtuous tower, the great peak temple and the temple Taiping Heavenly Kingdom revolution ruins exhibition hall and so The nearby also has the stupa which Sui and Tang dynasties Kaiyuan Temple only During the water arch abutting waterfront, flowings the current of water to pass through, like in the water floats the month, Shan Shichui enters in the water like the trunk potable water Lijiang River, the view extremely is also good, since the Tang Song the reed flute crag Guilin reed flute layers west Guilin the northern suburbs, have been apart from the town center 5 kilometers, is one take tours the grotto primarily, the ornamental scenery rural scenery as the auxiliary scenery scenic spot Reed flute grotto deep 240 meters, tourist itinerary 500 metersIn the hole has the massive wonderful foothills varied, the exquisitely carved stalagmite, the stalactite, the stone column, Shi Man, the stone is colored, dazzling, has composed lion landscapes and so on range rosy-colored clouds at dawn, red silk gauze valuable account, p'anlung sc gd pagoda, virgin forest, crystal palace, M Huaguo, makes the tourist to be eyes cannot take it all in, the like fairyland, by the reputation is “the nature palace of art”From the Tang Dynasty, all previous dynasties all has the tourist trail, present hole memory all previous dynasties mural 77

From 30Jun2009 to 5Jul2009, I spent a nice summer vacation in Sichuan and Y It is my first time travelling in a Excitation was showed almost one week before the Digital camera was ready, baggage was ready, laptop was Happy mood was ready, Everything ready! Go! Friday evening, after work, we had a Pizza supper together, this is my first time to taste this recherche 5:45 pm, it was the time to the Undoubtedly, everybody was As we talked and laughted, suddenlly, we were all shocked at the sight of outside through the window, ohh, no, there was a heavy "That's funny, I've never seen such a traffic on the thruway to " The bus swerved at a What did that mean? A terrible conclusion was flashed on everyone's mind-the driver drove us to the opposite direction to airport just My The time was 6:30pm only 45minutes The air in the bus was We could even hear the click of the The bus rushed to the airport, when it stopped at the entrance to the waiting hall, We clearly heard the second call of our flight through the Everybody made a dash to the check- "May I have your attention please, this is the final call for Flight MU" At this second, we were The gate was closed and the door of the aircraft was shut after the last member of our group stepped into the After I settled down myself and comfortbly sat back, I turned to the other group, I saw the complex emotion on their face with lingering fear and felicitation on successful Maybe it was the first step of our

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去买本lonely planet中国英文版,会对你英文有很大帮助。但有点担心你会不会吃力,而且这本书也不便宜100块左右。或者你去买本英语导游词,30块左右一本。

四川-乐山大佛 旅游论文 没有楼主要的杭州论文,这一篇蛮好的,楼主可以参考下The city of Leshan is less than one hour's ride from the Baoguosi Monastery at the foot of M ELeshan is the home of the Giant Buddha at the conflueence of the Min,Dadu and Qingyi It qualifies as the largest Buddha in a sitting posture in the world You must board a riverboat for the best view of the Giant BThe massive Buddha was carved out of a cliff face more than a thousand years ago, but now it is still well preserved in good shape, with his full and serene The Buddha is the largest Buddha in China,towering to 71m,with his 7m head,and 24m The Buddha's ears are 72m long, insteps 5m broad, and a picnic could be conducted on the nail of his big toe, which is 5m This carving project was begun in Each summer at that time the Min,Dadu and Qingyi rivers flowed As the ghree rivers met,turbu-lent waves strucd each other hard,boats capsized and boatmen There was a Buddhist monkby the name of Haitong in Lingyun Hill,who saw the situation and was determined to carve a giant Buddha out of the cliff face, hoping that the Buddha's presence would subdue the swift currents and protect the boatmen Haitong started travelling along the Changjiang river and other areas in China to collect funds for the gigantic Once an evil official attempted to obtain by force the money collected by HThe monk refused him in strong He said,"I'd rather gouge out my eyes than give a penny to you,"The official shouted in anger,"gouge your eye out now!"Haitong resolutely dug out one of his The monk's behavior in protecting the funding so greatly encouraged sculptors and other construction workers that the carving work went on Unfortunately Haitong died before the completion of his life's work However, this work continued due to the support of the local people as well as Weigao and Zhangchou Jianqing,the local top military The word took up 90 years until 803 when it was Since then the Buddha has watched over the river traffic for more than a thousand years to offset the large number of serious accidents in the Modern Chinese question whether safer boat gravel is due to his presence or to sime later-day As you get close to the Buddha,we can find out some scattered holes im rows around the BThey are remains of so Called the Giant Buddha Pavilion It was a nine-storied building set up during the Tang Dynasty to shelter the BIt was renamed as the Lingyun Pavilion with 13 stories during the Song D Unfortunately it was destroyed by a war during the Ming D Since then the Buddha remains outside in the open The Giant Buddha has lasted over a thousand years, and still survives in good Why? First of all, according to the studies on the ancient construction of the Buddha,the cliff face the Buddha occupies enjoys topographical It is on the southern side of the hill,where verdant trees grow so well as to protect rocks and slope from Secondly although the Buddha seats bordering on the confluence of the three rivers, the immense statue is carved into the cliff face inside the hill,which alleviate the severe damage by wind and water Finally there is a water-drainage system,hidden from The system starts with 1021 fastened hairs, which conect one another at the bace of the bead The end of the hairs inter-links the shoulders,joining the simple-patterned robe pleats carved on the The hairs,shoulders and pleats naturally reveal a complete system that carries away the entire surface water on the body, where the water disappears It is worth making several passes at the BFrom the ferry pier on the island,you climba steep road and through Lingyun Temple to a vantage point for viewing the You can go to the top,opposite the head, and then descend a short zigzag stairway carved into the cliff to the feet for the top,oppoosite the head,and then descend a short zigzag stairway carved into the cliff to the feet for the different perspective A local boat passes by for a frontal view, which reveals two guardians in the cliff side, not visible from land,Wuyou Buddhist Monastery can be reached in 15 minutes by footpath from the Buddha,which is also from the Tang Dynasty with Ming and Qing renovations,Its layout is very similar to the other monasteries as we mentioned Walking along up Wuyou Hill,you can enjoy the quiet and beartiful scenery, The top of Wuyou Hill affords you a vision of an emerald-green tree forest, glazed golden tiles of the monastery roofs and the distant It would be a mistake to thind of Leshan as ome big Buddha, but it is wouth making a trip to Leshan,which will provide you with a pleasant picture made by the ancient Chinese sites and the beautiful nature being combined into a


要将英语口语学标准 重点就是老师教学经验,东南亚口音重 一定要找欧美籍 发音纯正非常重要,一定要多听听比较老师的差异性,避免学出奇怪口音!现今的英语学习讥构是很多好呀 所以记得选择的时候要很慎重!我之前去学的时候特地比较好几家,最后我去了ABC天卞口语,时间安排由我们自己定 在家上课随时可以跟外教学口语 推荐去听下他们的轻松试听课程 货比三家嘛。IwenttoanEnglishSummerCIt'sreallyagoodchancetoimprovemyEIate,lived,Inthemorning,wehadafour-hour-Intheafternoon,sometimeswesawanEnglishmovie,otherwisewelearnedsomeEIntheevening,W这个暑假我去了一个英语夏令营.这真是一个提高我英语的好机会.我和老外,同学们一起吃,住,学习和娱乐有大约三周.早上,我们有四个小时的课.下午,有时我们会看一部英文电影,要不然我们就学一些英语歌曲.晚上,我们是自由活动.我们都很愉快.

I hope to xi,an


四川-乐山大佛 旅游论文 没有楼主要的杭州论文,这一篇蛮好的,楼主可以参考下The city of Leshan is less than one hour's ride from the Baoguosi Monastery at the foot of M ELeshan is the home of the Giant Buddha at the conflueence of the Min,Dadu and Qingyi It qualifies as the largest Buddha in a sitting posture in the world You must board a riverboat for the best view of the Giant BThe massive Buddha was carved out of a cliff face more than a thousand years ago, but now it is still well preserved in good shape, with his full and serene The Buddha is the largest Buddha in China,towering to 71m,with his 7m head,and 24m The Buddha's ears are 72m long, insteps 5m broad, and a picnic could be conducted on the nail of his big toe, which is 5m This carving project was begun in Each summer at that time the Min,Dadu and Qingyi rivers flowed As the ghree rivers met,turbu-lent waves strucd each other hard,boats capsized and boatmen There was a Buddhist monkby the name of Haitong in Lingyun Hill,who saw the situation and was determined to carve a giant Buddha out of the cliff face, hoping that the Buddha's presence would subdue the swift currents and protect the boatmen Haitong started travelling along the Changjiang river and other areas in China to collect funds for the gigantic Once an evil official attempted to obtain by force the money collected by HThe monk refused him in strong He said,"I'd rather gouge out my eyes than give a penny to you,"The official shouted in anger,"gouge your eye out now!"Haitong resolutely dug out one of his The monk's behavior in protecting the funding so greatly encouraged sculptors and other construction workers that the carving work went on Unfortunately Haitong died before the completion of his life's work However, this work continued due to the support of the local people as well as Weigao and Zhangchou Jianqing,the local top military The word took up 90 years until 803 when it was Since then the Buddha has watched over the river traffic for more than a thousand years to offset the large number of serious accidents in the Modern Chinese question whether safer boat gravel is due to his presence or to sime later-day As you get close to the Buddha,we can find out some scattered holes im rows around the BThey are remains of so Called the Giant Buddha Pavilion It was a nine-storied building set up during the Tang Dynasty to shelter the BIt was renamed as the Lingyun Pavilion with 13 stories during the Song D Unfortunately it was destroyed by a war during the Ming D Since then the Buddha remains outside in the open The Giant Buddha has lasted over a thousand years, and still survives in good Why? First of all, according to the studies on the ancient construction of the Buddha,the cliff face the Buddha occupies enjoys topographical It is on the southern side of the hill,where verdant trees grow so well as to protect rocks and slope from Secondly although the Buddha seats bordering on the confluence of the three rivers, the immense statue is carved into the cliff face inside the hill,which alleviate the severe damage by wind and water Finally there is a water-drainage system,hidden from The system starts with 1021 fastened hairs, which conect one another at the bace of the bead The end of the hairs inter-links the shoulders,joining the simple-patterned robe pleats carved on the The hairs,shoulders and pleats naturally reveal a complete system that carries away the entire surface water on the body, where the water disappears It is worth making several passes at the BFrom the ferry pier on the island,you climba steep road and through Lingyun Temple to a vantage point for viewing the You can go to the top,opposite the head, and then descend a short zigzag stairway carved into the cliff to the feet for the top,oppoosite the head,and then descend a short zigzag stairway carved into the cliff to the feet for the different perspective A local boat passes by for a frontal view, which reveals two guardians in the cliff side, not visible from land,Wuyou Buddhist Monastery can be reached in 15 minutes by footpath from the Buddha,which is also from the Tang Dynasty with Ming and Qing renovations,Its layout is very similar to the other monasteries as we mentioned Walking along up Wuyou Hill,you can enjoy the quiet and beartiful scenery, The top of Wuyou Hill affords you a vision of an emerald-green tree forest, glazed golden tiles of the monastery roofs and the distant It would be a mistake to thind of Leshan as ome big Buddha, but it is wouth making a trip to Leshan,which will provide you with a pleasant picture made by the ancient Chinese sites and the beautiful nature being combined into a


I'm traveling to America and would like to go on some   To which cities will you be traveling?  New York City and P  Great! May I suggest the Statue of Liberty tour in NYC and the Liberty Bell tour in Philadelphia?  That sounds Thank Please book those tours for   OK, no And for which dates should I book them?  Please book the Statue of Liberty tour for next Thursday and the Liberty Bell tour for next S  Sure I will do that right

第一,我不要分,第二,我俩是百度好友只是我一个高中生的一点建议这篇文章明显正反都能写,但是外面写污染环境的文章比较多,那样我们的思路也会比较广一些,比其从另一面另辟蹊径,支持环保比较省力。这样的作文一定要用例子来证明你的观点。因为正反都可以论证,没有绝对性,那么只有例子才能让人信服。假如你的例子少,那就要在例子中加入很多的detail,这样一个例子可以写一大段,同时detail将大大增加例子的可信度。假如你的例子多,就用一堆例子,简单进行排比,把读者砸晕。那么我们来看支持环保的例子,你可以举名人实例,也可以举自己的例子,当然也可以自己编自己的例子。比如我这个长假去的西双版纳,本来是一个美丽的地方,其自然风景宜人,国家总理曾亲自提笔美丽的西双版纳。但是正因为西双版纳的美丽,她吸引来了许多游人,致使经济发展,再致使城市的现代化,最后导致其自然风光被人为的城市建设所破坏。城市是发展了,景点也毁了。这样的景点十分珍贵,我不知道是不是世界文化遗产,如果是就更有说服力了。这个例子有个缺点,外国人不知道西双版纳是什么,难以产生共鸣。或许你身边又更好的例子。那么我们再来看支持主张以旅游业发展城市不顾环境的。比如新加坡近年批下政策允许赌场的合法建立,还有之前的妓女合法化,都是为了促进旅游业。那么这个例子就很有说服力。因为有国家认为旅游业更重要,而且这个国家是花园城市新加坡,可见旅游并不一定会破坏国家环境,而经济的发展能给政府带来更多的环保资金。还有一个例子,我这次去的另一个地方,和云南接壤的老挝,其落后无法形容,在比较偏僻的地方,只有茅草房。但是老挝名城琅勃拉邦就不是这样的,那里非常繁华。为什么会这样,因为琅勃拉邦是世界文化遗产,世界各地参观的人很多。老挝人不兴农业,畜牧业,连自己最好的土地都不知道如何利用,琅勃拉邦的繁华应该大部分归功于旅游业。那也就证明了当城市落后的时候,为了迅速改善人民的生活品质,旅游业是必要的。这些例子有些难写,实际上,英语议论文就是要例子的堆积,无论英美。你例子多了,就能拿高分。用句尽量用复合句,因为复合句这个从句修饰个什么,那个插入语修饰个什么,很快一句句子就饱满了,detail就出来了。苹果树 和 我家后面庭院的美丽茂盛结有又大又红的如同少女脸颊一般的红富士的苹果树 是不一样的。效果不一样,细节越多,越能让人信服。即使写不好复合句,没关系,写简单句,复合句写不好别人看不懂,简单句没有这个问题,但是还是要尽量表达出细节的。那么开头怎么写呢?不一定要直接my opinion出来,先分析一下两者,可以采用:这个社会上的现状的是_____样子,但是这个现状有着_____的缺点,那么我认为_____,这样一来,现状就得以改善。结尾就是总结全文,再次表明观点。这样的话,文章结构清晰了。多读报,积累素材是一个写好议论文的好方法,这样再应考时会有东西可写。另外,一旦你想好一个素材了,就一定要查好那个素材要用到的词汇,背景,人名等,这样在考场上,你才能准确表达出你要的意思。一个发明家和托马斯爱迪生这个用钨丝改进了电灯泡的伟大的中世纪发明家是不一样的。那么钨丝怎么写,托马斯爱迪生怎么写,电灯泡怎么写,都要知道。这样,那个例子才会是你的。你可以准备几个普遍用得上的例子~加油加油~我能帮你就那么多最后让你感动下,我2:30写到3:15(凌晨)

I think nearly everyone likes Sometimes we will travel with our friends or families, but sometimes we will travel I believe different ways for traveling will have different And I prefer travelling Travelling alone is more Just imagine, you go to a beautiful place, but you have never gone there before, so you have to deal all the things by It is very adventure, right? In addition, travelling alone can avoid many conflicts that will have when travelling in Last, watching the same scenery by yourself or with many people will have different Therefore, sometimes you can think about traveling It is

要将英语口语学标准 重点就是老师教学经验,东南亚口音重 一定要找欧美籍 发音纯正非常重要,一定要多听听比较老师的差异性,避免学出奇怪口音!现今的英语学习讥构是很多好呀 所以记得选择的时候要很慎重!我之前去学的时候特地比较好几家,最后我去了ABC天卞口语,时间安排由我们自己定 在家上课随时可以跟外教学口语 推荐去听下他们的轻松试听课程 货比三家嘛。IwenttoanEnglishSummerCIt'sreallyagoodchancetoimprovemyEIate,lived,Inthemorning,wehadafour-hour-Intheafternoon,sometimeswesawanEnglishmovie,otherwisewelearnedsomeEIntheevening,W这个暑假我去了一个英语夏令营.这真是一个提高我英语的好机会.我和老外,同学们一起吃,住,学习和娱乐有大约三周.早上,我们有四个小时的课.下午,有时我们会看一部英文电影,要不然我们就学一些英语歌曲.晚上,我们是自由活动.我们都很愉快.
