

发布时间:2024-07-06 15:37:08


Experience is a hard teacher because


Life in the future  As time goes by, there are going to be big changes in our everyday lives in the For example,As time goes by, there are going to be big changes in our everyday For example, when we are hungry, we don't need to cook in a Just take some pills, and everything will be OK When we are free, we can go anywhere by It will be very cheap, just like taking a taxi And of course, if we want to see what is like under the sea, just travel down there in a flying object like UFO Maybe there will be a lot of cities and people living I think it'll be very easy to travel anywhere, not only in our world, but also in space and in the deep 希望采纳!

Click the mouse and through the screen, you have information around the world at your finger It attributes the success to the rapid development of information With the popularity of information technology, it has great influence on our life, bringing us convenience and profound On one hand, one of the most obvious influences is the wild spread of That’s what we call the age of information With the help of information technology, we are capable of searching, transmitting and receiving sound, video, image, data, text and other information through It is like a large data base collecting all kinds of information around the world and therefore we can share all those Actually information technology plays as an extension of our eyes and ears, no matter from home or abroad, we can also be well- In other word, it enables us to know the world without stepping out of our On the other hand, information technology is changing our way for communication and problem In daily life we can chat with our friends online instead of walking out for meeting in If you get cameras, you can see each other’s face as well as hear both parties’ Without face-to-face and personal talking, we are still able to communicate with each other well and keep in Isn’t it convenient? As for work, some can just do it at home or anywhere, as long as they have computer and In this case, time will be more free to enjoy yourself and be with your When encountering problems, it no longer limits in a certain group of Since information technology has connected the whole world and made it a “global village”, it’s possible to put heads together and solve Especially when it comes to global problems such as concerning world peace or human survival, information technology helps us to get involved into it, to discuss problems, collect opinions from different countries and different walks of people then finally find out the best From the discussion above, information technology is of great significance in our It exhibits the development and advance of human At the same time, this human’s achievement is influencing and changing our life day by What we need to do is to make good use of it and make contribution to the world, and of course to human 单击鼠标,通过屏幕,你在你的指尖有全世界的信息。它的成功归因于信息技术的快速发展。随着信息技术的普及,它有很大的影响对我们的生活,让我们方便而深刻的变化。一方面,一个最明显的影响是疯狂地传播信息。这就是我们所说的信息爆炸的时代。在信息技术的帮助下,我们能够搜索、传输和接收声音,视频,图像,通过计算机数据、文本和其他信息。它就像一个大型数据库收集世界各地的各种信息,因此我们可以共享这些资源。实际上信息技术来扩展我们的眼睛和耳朵,无论从国内还是国外,我们也可以消息互通的。换句话说,它使我们能没有走出我们的家了解世界。另一方面,信息技术正在改变我们的方式沟通和解决问题。在日常生活中我们可以在网上和朋友聊天,而不是走出去的会议的人。如果你有摄像头,你可以看到对方的脸和听到双方的声音。没有面对面的交谈和个人,我们仍然能够相互通信,保持联系。这不是方便吗?至于工作,有些可以在家里或任何地方做,只要有电脑和互联网了。在这种情况下,将能够更自由地享受你自己和你的家人时间。当遇到问题时,它不再限制在一个特定的一群人。因为信息技术连接整个世界,一个“地球村”,可以聚在一起商量并解决问题。尤其是对全球有关世界和平和人类生存等问题,信息技术帮助我们参与进去,讨论问题,收集意见来自不同国家和不同行业的人最后找到最好的解决方案。从上面的讨论中,信息技术在我们的生活中具有十分重要的意义。它展现了人类文明的发展和进步。同时,这个人类的成果是影响和改变我们的生活。我们需要做的是好好利用它,使对世界的贡献,当然,为人类自己做贡献。


随着信息化时代的到来,生活变得越来越便捷。With the coming of information age, life becomes more and more  出门在外,只要有一部手机在手就行。Go out, as long as there is a mobile phone in  交通出行可以手机扫码。You can scan the code with your mobile phone when traveling in  购物消费可以手机支付。Shopping expenses can be paid by mobile  买菜可以用APP送货上门。Shopping can be delivered to your home with APP 但同时,也通过网络泄露了个人信息。But at the same time, it also leaked personal information through the 享受信息化带来的便捷时,也需要考虑如何杜绝负面影响的产生。 While enjoying the convenience brought by informatization, we also need to consider how to eliminate the negative 信息时代随着计算机的出现和逐步的普及,信息对整个社会的影响逐步提高到一种绝对重要的地位。信息量、信息传播的速度、信息处理的速度以及应用信息的程度等都以几何级数的方式在增长。人们学习知识、运用知识提出了新的挑战。由于计算机技术和网络技术的应用,人们的学习速度在不断加快,也就是说从数字处理时代到微机时代,到网络化时代,学习速度越来越快,这要求我们的管理模式也要适应新的特点和新的模式。

the bank of Fenhe River

Along with the time development, accessing the net already turned the extremelyuniversal No matter is adult or the child, so long as mentioning thecomputer, all think of But, accessing the internet is advantageous ,but also has I knew very many people access the net, mainly is for playing games, which is very bad for the Therefore, some people believed, the elementary and middle school students lack the self- But,there are many people approving to accessing internet, why? Because internet can provide to the people very First, the network looks like a library, we can look up very many materials easily,and it is quicker than the speed of consulting books; Next, we may read a richer news on-line; In addition, accessing the net also has other functions, for example, E-mail, telephoning on the net and so Actually, accessing the net has its profit and the shortcoming We use it toopen to expand the field of vision, the study knowledge, but must certainly grasp the

Information technology has profoundly changed people's work, life style, to promote people's ideological change, promote scientific and technological progress, accelerate the transformation of the Create a new human civilization in the course of human civilization, the emergence of the text, printing production, not only are the two important milepost in cultural development, but also led the two change education The former makes written language into the past only by means of oral language and action language educational activities, not only expand the content and form of education, but also greatly improve the students' abstract thinking and self-learning ability; the latter makes the printed books, books become the main carrier of culture, thus promoting the popularization of culture and modern "Multimedia" and "information superhighway" has become the two largest technology leverage change the industrial age to the information age, with amazing speed changing the way people work, communication, learning and the way of thinking and way of Widely used information technology promotes people's work efficiency and improved quality of life, people's work and learning methods are also Homes can know everything in the world, people can still work from Some people can work on time from the original point to work from home the doctor, online, online teaching, online learning, online meetings, online shopping, online business, online entertainment has become a new way of The network technology, the application of multimedia technology in teaching, makes people learning content more abundant, more flexible way of E-commerce is the most important aspect of the application of information technology, represents the future direction of development of Due to the emergence and popularization of computer network, the global economic integration, goods, technology, services and other information are in the global scope of the The enterprise or individual, any country as long as the network, can provide an easy job to do, whenever and wherever possible or to obtain information resources to quickly complete the transaction process, thereby reducing transaction cost, obtain the maximum economic Therefore, the electronic trade will play a huge role in promoting the development of the world


能让学生写好作文呢?这不仅是我的心事,也一直是许多师生心中的症结为了写好作文,老师学生不知花了多少心血,倍尝艰辛有人认为多写多练,熟能生巧;有人主张由说到写,降低难度;还有人建议作文要在玩中写,让学生在轻松愉快的氛围中完成等等的确这都不失为作文教学的好方法,也收效不小但是,静心而问,学生感到作文难,没内容可写,难道真是写少了,练少了?是老师指导方法有误?其实并非如此俗话说:“读书破万卷,下笔如有神”;“熟读唐诗三百首,不会作也会吟”,其中悟出了一个深刻的道理,作文来源于丰富的语言积累在新课改中强调,只有语言积累到了一定程度,才可能文思如涌,笔下生花否则纵有千言万语,也很难以有片言只语当然要想写好作文,不仅要充分运用现代信息技术,光有语言积累是远远不够的,还必须有丰富的生活经验那么,我们又该如何开启这把“金钥匙”呢? 一、 要注意生活积累与语言积累并重 语言源于生活,而生活中少不了语言两者相辅相成,如同鱼与水的关系,谁也离不开谁只有在一定的环境里两者相互并重,语文这棵常青树才能枝繁叶茂,作文才能开花结果 1、捕捉学生的谈话 教师要着眼于日常生活,让学生学会积累,提高生活积累的“质量”我认为学生之间的谈话是无拘无束的,他们往往把自己最感兴趣的内容与伙伴交流,这一部分生活积累“量”足“质”纯教师要积极引导学生留意收集师生、生生等课余闲谈的话语,敏锐地发现有新意的思想内容同时在老师、同学的帮助下整理话题,练习写作平时我喜欢在课余与学生谈话,谈他们感兴趣的话题有一次,他们在说咱班的同学,我仔细听“你们说咱班的王明怪不怪?”“你为什么说他怪呢?”“他太怪了,从不玩,总是看书,玩电脑”“平时不说话,可到关键时候,只有他一人在津津乐道,难道你不觉得他怪

Information technology has profoundly changed people's work, life style, to promote people's ideological change, promote scientific and technological progress, accelerate the transformation of the Create a new human civilization in the course of human civilization, the emergence of the text, printing production, not only are the two important milepost in cultural development, but also led the two change education The former makes written language into the past only by means of oral language and action language educational activities, not only expand the content and form of education, but also greatly improve the students' abstract thinking and self-learning ability; the latter makes the printed books, books become the main carrier of culture, thus promoting the popularization of culture and modern "Multimedia" and "information superhighway" has become the two largest technology leverage change the industrial age to the information age, with amazing speed changing the way people work, communication, learning and the way of thinking and way of Widely used information technology promotes people's work efficiency and improved quality of life, people's work and learning methods are also Homes can know everything in the world, people can still work from Some people can work on time from the original point to work from home the doctor, online, online teaching, online learning, online meetings, online shopping, online business, online entertainment has become a new way of The network technology, the application of multimedia technology in teaching, makes people learning content more abundant, more flexible way of E-commerce is the most important aspect of the application of information technology, represents the future direction of development of Due to the emergence and popularization of computer network, the global economic integration, goods, technology, services and other information are in the global scope of the The enterprise or individual, any country as long as the network, can provide an easy job to do, whenever and wherever possible or to obtain information resources to quickly complete the transaction process, thereby reducing transaction cost, obtain the maximum economic Therefore, the electronic trade will play a huge role in promoting the development of the world

Click the mouse and through the screen, you have information around the world at your finger It attributes the success to the rapid development of information With the popularity of information technology, it has great influence on our life, bringing us convenience and profound On one hand, one of the most obvious influences is the wild spread of That’s what we call the age of information With the help of information technology, we are capable of searching, transmitting and receiving sound, video, image, data, text and other information through It is like a large data base collecting all kinds of information around the world and therefore we can share all those Actually information technology plays as an extension of our eyes and ears, no matter from home or abroad, we can also be well- In other word, it enables us to know the world without stepping out of our On the other hand, information technology is changing our way for communication and problem In daily life we can chat with our friends online instead of walking out for meeting in If you get cameras, you can see each other’s face as well as hear both parties’ Without face-to-face and personal talking, we are still able to communicate with each other well and keep in Isn’t it convenient? As for work, some can just do it at home or anywhere, as long as they have computer and In this case, time will be more free to enjoy yourself and be with your When encountering problems, it no longer limits in a certain group of Since information technology has connected the whole world and made it a “global village”, it’s possible to put heads together and solve Especially when it comes to global problems such as concerning world peace or human survival, information technology helps us to get involved into it, to discuss problems, collect opinions from different countries and different walks of people then finally find out the best From the discussion above, information technology is of great significance in our It exhibits the development and advance of human At the same time, this human’s achievement is influencing and changing our life day by What we need to do is to make good use of it and make contribution to the world, and of course to human 单击鼠标,通过屏幕,你在你的指尖有全世界的信息。它的成功归因于信息技术的快速发展。随着信息技术的普及,它有很大的影响对我们的生活,让我们方便而深刻的变化。一方面,一个最明显的影响是疯狂地传播信息。这就是我们所说的信息爆炸的时代。在信息技术的帮助下,我们能够搜索、传输和接收声音,视频,图像,通过计算机数据、文本和其他信息。它就像一个大型数据库收集世界各地的各种信息,因此我们可以共享这些资源。实际上信息技术来扩展我们的眼睛和耳朵,无论从国内还是国外,我们也可以消息互通的。换句话说,它使我们能没有走出我们的家了解世界。另一方面,信息技术正在改变我们的方式沟通和解决问题。在日常生活中我们可以在网上和朋友聊天,而不是走出去的会议的人。如果你有摄像头,你可以看到对方的脸和听到双方的声音。没有面对面的交谈和个人,我们仍然能够相互通信,保持联系。这不是方便吗?至于工作,有些可以在家里或任何地方做,只要有电脑和互联网了。在这种情况下,将能够更自由地享受你自己和你的家人时间。当遇到问题时,它不再限制在一个特定的一群人。因为信息技术连接整个世界,一个“地球村”,可以聚在一起商量并解决问题。尤其是对全球有关世界和平和人类生存等问题,信息技术帮助我们参与进去,讨论问题,收集意见来自不同国家和不同行业的人最后找到最好的解决方案。从上面的讨论中,信息技术在我们的生活中具有十分重要的意义。它展现了人类文明的发展和进步。同时,这个人类的成果是影响和改变我们的生活。我们需要做的是好好利用它,使对世界的贡献,当然,为人类自己做贡献。



When I got settled, the total use of the microwave to do their own things to One day, my father saw me, I am afraid to say that I grew up as a I immediately shaken like a rattle-drum head, you said : "That is not my When I grow up I want to IT (information technology) " Yes, I bought a computer five years ago after his father, I am familiar with it day by Until last year, and I have formed a deep bond with From then on, I want success in the information technology industry to make contributions to the cause of national But my father said I could only do in the field "testing the game," is what the new game, and always let me play with, the report there will be any I think what he said is not their fault, I always play games recently, those who do not have a veteran like F In recent days, I sprouted out of a bad idea : I will be playing the game that the network server to the My account will revise the highest However, I Xiangliaoyouxiang, this is wrong, but was caught by the police network is not When hackers but also need high computer As a member of the IT industry is my ideal, I would like to advance this goal, to improve their computer skills 当我闲得没事时,就总自己用微波炉做点东西吃。一天,爸爸看见我这样,说我长大恐怕是要当厨师了。我立刻把头摇得像拨浪鼓似的,说:“那不是我的理想,我长大想做IT(信息技术)行业。” 没错,自从五年前爸爸给我买来电脑后,我就一天天地熟悉它。到了去年,我已经和它结下了不解之缘。从那时候开始,我就想要在信息技术行业取得成就,为国家计算机事业做出贡献。 可是爸爸说我在这个行业中只能做“游戏测试员”,就是什么游戏新出来,总是先让我玩玩,报告游戏中有什么错误。我觉得他说的没有错,我最近一段时间老是玩游戏,那些FLASH之类的老也不用了。 最近几天,我萌生出了一个不好的想法:将我玩的那个网络游戏的服务器给黑了,将我的账号修改成最高级别。可是,我想了又想,这样做是不对的,而且被网络警察抓到也是不好的。而且当黑客也需要很高的电脑技术的。 成为IT行业的一员是我的理想,所以我要向这个目标前进,提高自己的电脑技术

Click the mouse and through the screen, you have information around the world at your finger It attributes the success to the rapid development of information With the popularity of information technology, it has great influence on our life, bringing us convenience and profound On one hand, one of the most obvious influences is the wild spread of That’s what we call the age of information With the help of information technology, we are capable of searching, transmitting and receiving sound, video, image, data, text and other information through It is like a large data base collecting all kinds of information around the world and therefore we can share all those Actually information technology plays as an extension of our eyes and ears, no matter from home or abroad, we can also be well- In other word, it enables us to know the world without stepping out of our On the other hand, information technology is changing our way for communication and problem In daily life we can chat with our friends online instead of walking out for meeting in If you get cameras, you can see each other’s face as well as hear both parties’ Without face-to-face and personal talking, we are still able to communicate with each other well and keep in Isn’t it convenient? As for work, some can just do it at home or anywhere, as long as they have computer and In this case, time will be more free to enjoy yourself and be with your When encountering problems, it no longer limits in a certain group of Since information technology has connected the whole world and made it a “global village”, it’s possible to put heads together and solve Especially when it comes to global problems such as concerning world peace or human survival, information technology helps us to get involved into it, to discuss problems, collect opinions from different countries and different walks of people then finally find out the best From the discussion above, information technology is of great significance in our It exhibits the development and advance of human At the same time, this human’s achievement is influencing and changing our life day by What we need to do is to make good use of it and make contribution to the world, and of course to human 单击鼠标,通过屏幕,你在你的指尖有全世界的信息。它的成功归因于信息技术的快速发展。随着信息技术的普及,它有很大的影响对我们的生活,让我们方便而深刻的变化。一方面,一个最明显的影响是疯狂地传播信息。这就是我们所说的信息爆炸的时代。在信息技术的帮助下,我们能够搜索、传输和接收声音,视频,图像,通过计算机数据、文本和其他信息。它就像一个大型数据库收集世界各地的各种信息,因此我们可以共享这些资源。实际上信息技术来扩展我们的眼睛和耳朵,无论从国内还是国外,我们也可以消息互通的。换句话说,它使我们能没有走出我们的家了解世界。另一方面,信息技术正在改变我们的方式沟通和解决问题。在日常生活中我们可以在网上和朋友聊天,而不是走出去的会议的人。如果你有摄像头,你可以看到对方的脸和听到双方的声音。没有面对面的交谈和个人,我们仍然能够相互通信,保持联系。这不是方便吗?至于工作,有些可以在家里或任何地方做,只要有电脑和互联网了。在这种情况下,将能够更自由地享受你自己和你的家人时间。当遇到问题时,它不再限制在一个特定的一群人。因为信息技术连接整个世界,一个“地球村”,可以聚在一起商量并解决问题。尤其是对全球有关世界和平和人类生存等问题,信息技术帮助我们参与进去,讨论问题,收集意见来自不同国家和不同行业的人最后找到最好的解决方案。从上面的讨论中,信息技术在我们的生活中具有十分重要的意义。它展现了人类文明的发展和进步。同时,这个人类的成果是影响和改变我们的生活。我们需要做的是好好利用它,使对世界的贡献,当然,为人类自己做贡献。

With the progress of science and technology,people on the mobile phone has not only limited to the phone,send the information so simple,now,intelligent mobile phone has been coming to us,permeate every corner of Intelligent mobile phone is more popular nowadays are so powerful,there is virtual and real life and experience the perfect combination In the letter to upload videos and photos,as for QQ,Skype and other video chat is extremely convenient; map,navigation,bar code recognition goods and price,market price,the subway traffic query,weather forecast and PM5,translation,calculator,unit conversion,visit the news blog to send and receive mail,video,photos or video the recording is more easy and convenient,and these are the powerful function of mobile phone in a corner,and those who master skillful use of mobile phone cannot be mentioned in the same breath,but I have been very satisfied,satisfied the spiritual needs,hope later can more understand the mobile phone,let mobile phone into our common people's daily life,and a sentence fashionable discourse,intelligent mobile phone to change our Chat with friends,to explore in the next few years intelligent mobile phone will have a revolutionary change to and development of,can't


Good Moring, ladies and gentlemen, Today my topic of my speech is the advantages and the disadvantages of In this information age/era, computer is very important in our everyday It definitely make our lives easier in many First of all, it helps us communicate with people all around the world, which means it not only save a lot of time when we have to send a message from one country to another, but also save a large of unnecessary troubles for Secondly, it gives many unemployed people chances to get a We can use computers and the Internet to sell and buy almost anything Last but not least, many wonderful games come along with the advent of And playing computer games is one of the most popular ways to entertain and to So, computers are really good for our human beings in many different However, every coin has two Computers also bring us many It gets across much unhealthy information and causes many But if we can use computer properly, it is still an amazing invention to Therefore, I hope that everyone, especially the young people, like me, can really appreciate the help of computers and make the best use of 很多的,我分次发~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

尊敬的各位领导、老师们大家好!很高兴和大家分享我对信息技术在英语课堂中的理解和实践。新课标基本理念之一就是丰富课程资源,拓展英语学习的渠道。建议我们应根据教和学的需求,创造性地利用和开发现实生活中鲜活的英语学习资源,积极利用音像、广播、电视、书报杂志、网络信息为学生拓展学习和运用英语的渠道。现代信息技术在教学中具有能够感性地展现材料,激发学生的学习兴趣,创设最佳语境,为学生学习提供大量的学习资源等优势,深受我们大家的欢迎。具体到把两者进行整合的做法,我用两个词来概括,那就是拿来和创造。拿来现有的课件加以修改利用。收集素材自己制作开发课程资源。下面我将结合自己的教学实践,谈谈我的运用与体会。一、信息技术的巧妙应用,激发学生的学习兴趣 学习兴趣高低决定了学习效果的好坏,一旦激发了孩子们的学习兴趣,提高他们的注意力,也就唤起了他们的探索精神和求知欲望。而信息技术就是将各种不同的信息,如文字、图像、动画、声音等有机地结合在一起,使抽象的图形、数字,死板的文字、图片,变成赏心悦目的画面,对学生进行多重感官的刺激。达到了激发兴趣,调动学习积极性的目的。就以我在教学Alice in wand land这个故事来说吧。我认为故事内容简单易懂,所以在五(1)班上课时,就采用了以往的教学方法:先自己看书,然后同桌合作,最后完整讲述故事。结果整整一节课,孩子们的兴趣缺缺,不少学生将这篇著名的故事读的一点趣味也没有。课后反思,我意识到尽管是有趣的故事,如果不用课件学生根本感受不到其中的趣味性。于是我在五(3)班上课时改变了方法,对教学光盘上的课件加以修改做成课件。在课堂上播放Flash动画,让他们像看动画片一样地走进故事。当故事进入到Alice想跟随Rabbit探险,却被一扇小小的门挡住了去路的高潮时戛然而止。问题适时抛出:What should she do? 孩子们的好奇心被充分地调动了起来,他们全身心地投入到了故事的学习中来。在整个过程中,我惊奇的发现了两节课明显的区别:阅读兴趣的浓厚和注意力的高度集中。在最后的展示环节,孩子们无论是分角色朗读还是表演故事,都不自觉地模仿flash中说话的语气和神情。“How ”“OH, I’m ” 信息技术教学的形象性、直观性、大容量等特点使英语阅读教学变得生动活泼、直观易懂,有效的克服了传统阅读教学的呆板、单调和枯燥,让学生在生动有趣的情境中感受到阅读所带来的美好!说到讲公开课,我们都会慎重对待,特别是异地教学的难度会更大。怎么才能在短短的几分钟内,拉近与学生的距离,创造一个积极的学习氛围呢?我到河北小学讲《At school》这节课时,就在网上找到了河北小学的相关图片作为教学的素材,加工做成了课件。课前我先播放英文歌曲our school will sunshine,在欢快的音乐声中,出示校园图片,导入新课:Boys and girls, Please look at the Can you tell me what place is it? 在一片惊讶、兴奋的神情中,孩子们回答:“这是我们的学校”。我引导他们用School这个词来回答。接着再问:Today I come here, What do you want to say?就有学生回答“Good morning”“Nice to meet ”还有的就会应用新学的单词说“Welcome to our ”对话继续,我再问 Our school is very Do you like it? 学生们异口同声地说:“Y I like our ”最后,我让他们齐说 We love our school来表达对自己学校的热爱。这样,一张小小的图片既消除师生之间的陌生感,拉近彼此之间的距离,建立了和谐的教学环境;而且激发了他们的学习兴趣,为后面的学习开了一个好头。在我讲My parents这节课时,用的是自己的学生,听课的老师却是陌生的。考虑到四年级的孩子不可避免的有紧张情绪,影响教学效果。于是我想了一个办法,将以前学过的单词和句子编成了一首儿歌,配上在网上找到的合适鼓点做成了Chant。课前几分钟,我在动感十足节奏中,和学生一起大声问答:Read, read , I can What can you do? Swim, swim, I can What can you do? 此时孩子们注意力已经集中到在老师们面前用I can I can I can skate的展示才艺方面。紧张感随之消失。接着我让他们猜一猜“What can I do?”顺利地引入“I’m a teacher”的学习

浅谈初中英语教学的素质教育内容提要:中小学教育是提高民族素质、推动社会全面发展进步的奠基工程,当前中小学教育的核心和关键是实施素质教育。素质教育的提出随时代发展应运而生,体现着鲜明的人文理念,内含着极其丰富的社会、经济、文化发展对教育所提出的普遍性要求。21世纪的社会、经济和文化发展对教育的要求和挑战,则是提出并实施素质教育的更为深刻、更为重要的背景和原因。英语教育是基础教育的一项重要内容,因此,也肩负着实施素质教育的责任。英语教学中实现向素质教育的转变是摆在我们许多英语教师面前的一项重大任务。而如何实现英语教学的向素质教育的转变是这项重大任务的关键环节,本文主要在新课程改革的背景下就如何体现、渗透素质教育提出了相应要求,并就教师本身应具备的素质谈了自己的想法Synopsis :The education of middle and primary schools is the project of laying a foundation that improves nation's quality , promotes the society to progress in an all-round way, implement quality-oriented education in core and key of the education of middle and primary schools at The proposition of quality-oriented education arises at the historic moment with era development, reflect distinct person's unity and coherence in writing are read, include extremely abundant society , economy , culture and develop the demand of universality put forward toward education The society , economy and culture in the 21st century develop the requisition for education and challenge, it is deeper , even more important background and reason of putting forward and implementing quality-oriented education English education is an important content of the basic education, so, shoulder the responsibility for really constructing quality-oriented English teaching it realizes to be in front of a lot of English teachers of us one great task to transition of quality-oriented And how realize English teaching it transforms into quality-oriented education to be the great key link of task, this text puts forward the corresponding demand as to how to reflect , permeate quality-oriented education under the background of the new course reform mainly, and has discussed one's own idea on the teacher's quality that should possess关键字:英语教学 素质教育 教师 转变 观念 要求Key word: English teaching Quality-oriented education Teacher Transition Idea Require正文当今世界,以信息技术为主要标志的科学技术迅猛发展,知识经济全球化正在日益改变着人类的生产和生活方式;以创新知识为基础的知识经济标志着未来世界的一个重要发展方向,这使得知识和人才、民族素质和创新能力越来越成为衡量综合国力的重要标志。社会生活的信息化和经济的全球化,使英语的重要性也日益突出。英语作为最重要的信息载体之一,已成为人类生活各个领域中使用最广泛的语言。我国自从改革开放以来,英语教育规模在不断扩大;然而,英语教育的现状还不能适应我国经济建设和社会发展的需要,与时代发展要求尚存有差距,英语教学的实际状况与社会对英语人才的需求有很大的差距。为此,国家教委颁布了《国家英语课程标准》,全面实施课程改革,以此来促进和推动英语教学从应试教育向素质教育的转变。如何在新课程改革下,使英语教学体现、渗透素质教育,笔者结合实际教学经验认为,首先必须做到以下几点:1、转变教育观念,面向全体学生,实现从应试教育向素质教育的转轨李岚清副总理指出:“实施素质教育要从转变观念抓起,首先是领导的认识,同时还要社会形成共识。”要实现由片面追求升学率向素质教育的转变,其根本在于彻底转变观念。只有政府领导、教育工作者、家长乃至全社会树立起正确的教育观念,实施素质教育才有良好的环境,才可能实现真正的国民教育。没有教育观念和教学思想的更新,再现代化的教育设施,再高学历教师队伍,都不可能创造出面向来1世纪的素质教育。那么,作为英语教师的我们又该更新哪些教育教学观念和思想呢?“素质教育”是针对“应试教育”的弊端提出来的。素质教育是以提高人的素质为目的的教育,它与“应试教育”的主要不同在于教育观、质量观、学生观、教学观的不同, 因此,我们要坚决反对应试教育,毫不犹豫地变应试教育为素质教育,这是深化教育改革的关键。在英语教学中,尤其要改进教学方法,并加强对学生在学法方面的指导,使学生掌握语言学习规律,形成有效的学习策略,养成良好的学习习惯,尽可能创设一个适宜于英语情景交际的语言环境,使学生综合运用语言的能力得到提高,使素质教育落实到日常教学之中。为此,我们首先应转变教育观念:(1).树立正确的教育观、人才观和质量观当前社会片面追求升学率,人们把考试升学几乎变成了衡量、评价教育的唯一手段,因此变片面追求升学率为素质教育已成为当前教育教学改革的核心问题,英语教育教学也不例外。英语教师应明白基础教育以全体国民素质为目标,以面向全体学生、淡化选拔意识、促进学生全面发展为宗旨,以育人为根本,为学生学会做人、学会求知、学会生活、学会健体打下坚实的基础,使学生德智体美劳诸方面得到全面、和谐、统一的发展。(2)采用以学生为主体教学模式斯宾塞曾说过:“在教育中应该尽量鼓励个人发展的过程。应该引导学生自己进行探讨,自己去推论。给他们讲的应该尽量少些,而引导他们去发现的尽量多些。”要把教学过程从“教师一人言”变为“众人言”。只有让学生主动、积极地参与到整个教学过程中,才能充分调动他们的学习积极性,才能提高他们的学习兴趣。同时通过学生的参与,教师可及时掌握学生的实情,从而进行有针对性的教学,更好地做因材施教。
