

发布时间:2024-07-06 19:57:52


i love basketball

给你找了几篇,希望你能满意Basketball 简介: Basketball, the ultimate in team sports(最典型的集体运动), can be played indoors and out, on a court or in the It doesn’t cost a lot to play, it isn’t complicated, and once you know how to play it, you can hang a hoop(设置一个篮圈) just about Starting Out 开始吧! Basketball is a pretty simple game once you know a few After you’ve learned the basic skills, you can walk up to any court and join a spontaneous pickup game(加入自发组织的一场比赛中去) 介绍科比的Kobe Bryant is the youngest child and only son of Joe and Pam B His parents named him after a kind of steak: the famous beef of Kobe, Japan, which they saw on a restaurant At the age of six, Kobe, his parents and two older sisters, Shaya and Sharia, moved to Italy, where his father began playing professional He became accustomed to the lifestyle and became fluent in I At an early age, he learned to play soccer and his favorite team was AC M Bryant once said that if he had stayed in Italy, he would have stuck with soccer and would have tried to become a pro soccer In 1991, the Bryants moved back to the United S A spectacular high school career at Lower Merion High School in the Philadelphia suburb of Lower Merion, brought national While his SAT score of 1080[2] would have ensured his basketball scholarship to various top-tier colleges, the 17-year-old Bryant made the controversial decision to go directly to the NBA 大概就是2:30-3分钟就帮你这么多了呵呵希望你去的好的成绩

Whether intentionally or not, Larry Bird, the Indiana Pacers' president of basketball operations, touched on a real issue when he said the NBA needs a white Maybe the NBA is too hip-hop for its Maybe the urban culture, with its braggadocio and rebellion, is too much for the predominantly older, whiter ticket buyers and "The league is more commercial and it's all based on image, but hip-hop is basically where a lot of the people in the NBA grew up," Denver Nuggets center Marcus Camby "We grew up in the inner city, we grew up on hip-hop Trying to incorporate (hip-hop) into the basketball society, it never really "Some players said they feel this is part of the reason criticism toward the NBA comes so quick and They said they hear all the time how people are tired of the celebrations, the trash talk and the excessive Hip-hop, or the influx of players influenced by it, is either considered responsible for or directly linked to the so-called waywardness of the NBA"I think a lot of people don't really understand hip-hop," said USC professor Todd Boyd, author of "Young, Black, Rich and Famous: The Rise of the NBA, The Hip Hop Invasion and the Transformation of American C""A lot of times, it's stereotyping; stereotyping young black men - which is the majority of people in the NBA"The NBA has certainly taken advantage of hip-hop's presence in the league, unapologetically marketed to the urban Hip-hop-inspired clothing lines such as Fubu, UNK and D'Funked have been licensed to peddle NBA The league even has its own shoe with Reebok-sneakers with the NBA logo on the Once-rare throwback jerseys, a trend catapulted by hip-hop artists, can now be bought anywhere sweat socks are To capitalize off the throwback craze, the NBA created Hardwood Classic Nights, which are games when teams wear their franchise's old school uniforms-a relative fashion show of And the NBA certainly took money from rapper Jay-Z, who was a part of the ownership group that bought the New Jersey Nets, and new Charlotte Bobcats owner Robert Johnson, who founded the cable television BET, the NBC of hip-hop But is hip-hop fine for profit but offensive on the court? The NBA, at times, seems embarrassed by it's relationship with the Several players have been fined for wearing shorts too long (of course, oversized gear is a staple of hip-hop culture) Allen Iverson's tattoos were airbrushed out on the cover of Hoop Magazine, an NBA The league also discouraged hanging on the rim and taunting via technical "It comes down to a generational difference," said Boyd, who overseas the study of race and popular culture in USC's School of Cinema-T"The gate-keepers of the NBA are older and They want to make the league out to be something to fit them instead of taking the league for what it It's not just There are many black people who don't like hip-hop It's a generational People from older generations want to impose their beliefs on the younger "Los Angeles Clippers forward Elton Brand said a mistake is made when hip-hop is affixed just to those who are boisterous and unruly, to those who show-out on the court and get in trouble off He said people need to realize some of the good guys in the league - the Kevin Garnetts, the Derek Fishers, the Richard Hamiltons - also fit under the umbrella of hip-"Hip-hop is not just gangsta rap and party music," Brand "I'm sure they look at someone living a hip-hop lifestyle as someone with braids, tattoos, they smoke They don't see the other guys as hip-"

The main content of my speech is a team, this team is well-known US national basketball team is that the people have called the Dream Team, Dream Team first appearance in the 25th Olympic Games, of course, Dream Team with the emergence of thanks to the help of FIBA 1989, FIBA changes to the original entry rules to allow players to participate in the first international basketball Therefore, the United States Basketball immediately from the NBA in the recruitment of a lot of good players, formed a new US national team, such as Jordan, Bird, Johnson, Drexler, Patrick Ewing, Pippen, Malone , Stockton, Robinson, Barkley, and so The group stage, they have defeated Angola Croatia Germany, Brazil and Spain, also in the knockout in Lithuania beat Puerto Rico, they encountered in the finals of C Eight games, the dream of an averaged 3 points per game Kuangzhuan opponents 8 This is the history of the Olympic basketball These games no shock to the basketball fans throughout the But the Dream Team miracle in the 28th by the end of the Athens Olympics, USA Basketball this session because of security problems have a lot of big-name players did not go to, so that the Olympic Games in the United States in the first three teams Jinhuo, however, Beijing Olympic Games, mvp Kobe Bryant, led the gradual maturity of James, Anthony, Paul, the US team once again stand on the highest podium of the Olympic Games, they proved that they are the real king, the Dream Team will wish Will bring us more exciting


Xiao Ming and Chen played a basketball game yesterday, I went to watch basketball Xiao Ming cast out, dribbling, Chen also don't fiddle, throwing the ball out, did not result Xiao Ming won the basketball game, danced for joy, Chen was All of us to comfort The basketball game yesterday's exciting! 小明和小陈昨天打了一场篮球比赛,我去观看。小明运球投了出去,真准,进了。小陈也不甘示弱,把球投了出去,结果没有进。小明赢了篮球比赛,高兴得手舞足蹈,小陈却哭了。我们大家都安慰他。昨天的篮球比赛真刺激!

MY favorite sports I love Science keeps you alive, but sports make lifeworth Without sports, life is not worth You cannot know how much I love Sport is my life,without sport I would I enjoy sports, football, basketball, and baseball,how terrible would life be without sport? I play sports every second of mylife, when I am eating, I think about When I am sleeping, I dream aboutsports, this is how much I love Let me tell you, this world would be a disaster without sports;it would different for me, for If there are no sports, Lionel Messiand Kobe Bryant will not be known, this would be a disaster! This is how much I love sports and why sports should

Basketball ball is my favourite I always play it with my




去收收篮球历史 规则 copy就行了

篮球运动有一百多年的发展历史,回顾和总结20世纪篮球运动发展的历程,就会深切地感到社会的进步推动了篮球运动的发展;而篮球运动作为一种社会文化现象对于人类社会进步、文化繁荣又有一定的贡献。以奥运会为最高层次的竞技篮球正在向国际化、科学化、商业化和职业化推进;以扩大篮球人口为目标的大众篮球正朝着平民化、普及化、生活化和多样化的方向发展。竞技篮球和大众篮球的相互作用,推动着现代篮球运动发展的进程。本文纵观世界篮球运动的发展历程,对21世纪世界篮球运动发展趋势进行了探讨,并预测未来世界篮球运动将具有以下几个发展趋势。一. 队伍大型化,高大队员速度快,技术全面,位置趋向模糊二. 中国球员对速度的要求及身体对抗要求的不断增加三. 战术的简练性、实效性增强,“人球为主”的攻击性、多变性防守运用更加普遍,贴身防守更加凶狠四. 明星队员的数量将是一个实力的重要标志。五. 中国女篮将继续向男篮风格发展六. 中国教练员水平的作用更加突显七. 中国篮球运动的职业化程度将不断提高综上所述,世界篮球运动总的发展趋势是:技术、战术、身体素质、心理稳定高水平的全面对抗将向更高层次发展,十分重视攻与守的平衡发展;以篮球运动员的选用和训练将更加强调“全面一特长型”;球星的作用将日趋突出;运动员和教练员的文化素质、心理素质、智能结构、实践经验将有一个迅速飞跃;女子篮球趋向男子化风格;职业化程度将不断提高。



球运动是一项以球为竞赛工具,以投篮得分为目的而进行的攻守交替,集体对抗的球类运动项目。经常参加篮球活动,可以使身体得到全面锻炼。篮球活动形式灵活,具有较强的趣味性和竞技性,并容易普及,深受人们喜爱。它对于增强体质、促进身心健康,提高体育活动的参与意识,培养优良品质都具有重要意义。从事篮球运动,有利于提高群体意识,团结合作,顽强拼搏的意志品质和良好的心理素质,而且能够培养我们团结友爱的集体荣誉感,严格的组织纪律性和顽强的意志品质积极拼搏精神。  经过一年的篮球课的学习,我学习到了很多有用的技术与技巧,篮球水平有了很大提高。下面是经过学习,我在篮球方面的一些心得体会:  传球中应注意的问题:  1、 要注意全队的进攻配合,在自己持球的位置要预感到可能发生的进攻配合和机会。  2、 尽量提前观察到每个潜在的接球队员和防守队员的情况。  3、 传球要到位,要会用球领人,尽量做到球到人到,一般情况是把球传到同伴远离防守一侧的位置。  4、 要学会左右手都能传球,往往当防守者注重防强手的时候,利用弱手传球是较为有效的。  5、 传球要及时。  接球中应注意的问题。:  1、 在本队战术要求的范围内,积极移动迎前接球或领前接球,寻找理想的接球角度。  2、 应结合传球队员有要求的信号及明确的传球位置,要能控制较大的接球范围(尤其内线队员)给传球队员安全感。  3、 接球的同时要尽快地与下一步的进攻动作衔接好。  4、 接球的瞬间要利用来球的惯性,使球“粘”在手上。  投篮中应注意的问题:  1、 必须是先清楚自己与投篮的距离和角度。  2、 要判断防守者的情况。  3、 要有突然性,掌握投篮时机。  4、 尽量按照自己习惯的节奏。  5、 应以打篮板投篮为好。  6、 要把注意力集中在投篮的动作和投篮目标上。  7、 坚信能够投中篮。  运球中应注意的问题:  1、 始终将球保持在自己所能控制的范围内  2、 要抬头,随时观察场上情况,要有目的地传球  3、 要远离防守者的手运球。  4、 应学会左右手都能运球。  5、 能传球时尽量不运球。  6、 不要向队员聚集的区域运球,离边线和场角区域远一些。  7、 运球中要掌握好节奏,不仅要有方向的变化,而且应有速度快慢的变化。  8、 运球中没有好的传球机会时不要停止运/球,以免被对方夹击抢掉球或造成5秒违例,尤其紧逼时更是如此。  持球突破时应注意的问题:  1、 运用持球突破时,要与投篮和传球相结合。  2、 对反应快,移动灵活的防守者可多利用假动作,对反应较慢,移动能力稍差的防守者可多用突破的起动突破防守者。  3、 突破前的重心要低而稳。  4、 突破时要敢于帖近防守者,进行合理的身体接触。  防守时应注意的问题:  一般情况下,防守队员应站在对手与球篮之间偏向有球的一侧的位置上,防守者位置和距离必须根据球的转移而及时调整。对离球较近的对手应采用面向对手侧向球的斜步防守。对离球远的对手,经常采用面向球侧向对手的平步防守。防守队员的移动必须抢先于进攻队员之前,使防守具有破坏性和攻击性。  防守中锋的主要原则是尽量减小中锋在限制区下部接球,破坏其与外围队员的联系,对在限制区下部的中锋,必要时应采用绕前防手(身体紧帖中锋身前,两腿下蹲,随时准备跳起打断对方的高吊球),对威胁较大的中锋,依靠个人防守是有困难的,一定要注意协防。  篮球运动具有较强的集体性,它要求参加者必须齐心协力、密切配合、互相帮助,发挥集体的力量,争取比赛的胜利。因此参加者容易形成团结友爱的集体荣誉感、严格的组织性和顽强的意志以及积极拼搏的精神,并能够使参加者相互了解,形成友好的交往和长期的友谊。篮球课程的任务是通过课堂教学和学校课余活动,在教师、学生的参与和教与学相互作用中完成的。作为教与学的内容,课程是教与学活动的中介,相互作用构成了一个完整的教学过程。在这个过程中,学生是学习活动的主体,教师处于主导地位,在教师的引导下,学生积极主动地掌握篮球运动的技能和理论知识。在教学过程之外,学生以篮球知识为手段参与学校课余活动。通过这两种活动开发学生的智力,全面地发展其身体机能和素质,培养他们正确的人生观和良好的道德情操。篮球课程在各级学校体育教学和课余校园文化生活中,已成为增进学生健康的身体教育手段和贯彻德、智、体、美全面素质教育有重要手段之一。因此,要引导学生形成正确的世界观和人生观,寓政治思想教育、道德素质教育和集体主义教育于篮球课程教学过程中。


Dear friends, Hi, This is XXX Do you have the plan for this weekend? I got a good I was wondering if you are willing to play basketball with me this Don't I will make the time that it's comfortable to It sounds exciting, isn't it? I hope you can See you   basketboot sdfsfs dqadad qdwdqwewehjg sqadasd lpsjw grty adadas cwefs! fsdfsf dwdw fwffg zxcdrgs feydfds fsfrscs fwfwdwsf! fdgdxvjfksv fasjfsflsnufes? fsfsdsjd fscsfm fslfms sfaldnja wqrwirqw weqmch dajdkadhaajdikasa? snakdahdagrn fsjfisjhfahl basketboot safscs osfjs

That's all thank you

Amazing!How you can play in a series that goes seven games, and down to the final tense minute at that, and there's still enough energy left to celebrate 他们可以在一个系列赛中打7场,一直坚持到紧张的最后一分钟。神奇的是,他们仍然有足够的精力去疯狂地庆祝胜利。Kobe Bryant can grab a court-length pass, allow the final seconds to tick away, tuck the ball under his armpit and then sprint around the floor, leaving sneaker Ron Artest can go bonkers, as he is often accused of doing, and everyone would consider it a normal Andrew Bynum can go from teammate to teammate, leaping high and giving chest- Didn't he have a damaged knee? D N M科比布莱恩特接得住跨越球场的长传;能够控制住比赛局势,让最后的几秒钟在他的手中一点一点地逝去;能够把球夹在腋窝下,在球场上左冲右突如入无人之境,只留下一串球鞋的印记。阿特斯特疯狂了,不过大家早已习以为常,觉得那是他的正常反应。拜纳姆高高跳起,和队友们一一撞胸庆祝。难道他的膝盖没有受伤?受伤了,只是,此刻,伤痛早已算不得什么。"Caught up in the moment," as Kobe 正如科比所说,“大家都沉醉在这一刻了。”While it wasn't a masterpiece, it was, in the words of coach Phil Jackson, done-"It wasn't well done," he "But it was "虽然,此役并不能堪称经典,但这场战斗用禅师菲尔杰克逊的话来说,就是,都结束了-“打的并不是特别好,”他承认,“但,最终还是拿下来了。”

1891年12月初在美国马萨诸塞州斯普林菲尔德市基督教青年会国际训练学校(后为春田学院),由该校体育教师詹姆斯·奈史密斯博士发明,当年的篮球规则只有13条,奈史密斯博士于1939年去世,终年78岁。他未曾料到,由他创建的篮球项目竟然在二百多个国家流传市面着,而且至今美国篮球还誉满全球。 为了纪念奈史密斯博士发明的篮球的功绩,在春田学院校园内修建了美国篮球名人馆-詹姆斯·奈史密斯纪念馆。 起初,奈史密斯将两只桃篮别钉在键身房内看台的栏杆上,桃篮上沿距离地面04米,用足球作比赛工具,向篮投掷。投球入篮得1分,按得分多少决定胜负。每次投球进篮后,要爬梯子将球取出再重新开始比赛。以后逐步将竹篮改为活底的铁篮,再改为铁圈下面挂网。 到1893年,形成近似现代的篮板、篮圈和篮网。最初的篮球比赛,对上场人数、场地大小,比赛时间均无严格限制。只需双方参加比赛的人数必须相等。比赛开始,双方队员分别站在两端线外,裁判员鸣哨并将球掷向球场中间,双方跑向场内抢球,开始比赛。持球者可以抱着球跑向篮下投篮,首先达到预定分数者为胜。 1892年,奈史密斯制定了13条比赛规则,主要规定是不准持球跑,不准有粗野动作,不准用拳击球,否则即判犯规连续3次犯规判负1分;比赛时间规定为上、下半时,各15分钟;对场地大小也作了规定。上场比赛人数逐步缩减为每队10人、9人、7人,1893年定为每队上场5人。 1904年在第3届奥林匹克运动会上第1次进行了篮球表演赛。1908年美国制定了全国统一的篮球规则,并有移种文字出版,发行于全世界,这样,篮球运动逐渐传遍美洲、欧洲和亚洲,成为世界性运动项目。 1936年第11届奥运会将男子篮球列为正式比赛项目,并统一了世界篮球竞赛规则,此后,到1948年的10多年间,规则曾多次修改,与现行规则有关的重要变化是:将得分后的中圈跳球,改为失分队在后场端线外掷界外球继续比赛;进攻队必须在10秒钟内把球推进到前场;球进前场后不得再回后场;进攻队员不得在"限制区"内停留3秒钟;投篮队员被侵犯时,投中罚球1次,投不中罚球2次等。1952年和1956年第15、16两届奥运会的篮球比赛中,出现了两米以上的多人,国际业余篮球联合会曾两次扩大篮球场地的"限制区"(也叫"3分区");还规定,一个队控制球后,必须在30秒内投篮出手。60年代初有关10秒和球回后场的规定,一度因1960年第17届奥运会后取消了中场线改画边线的中点而中止。1964年第18届奥运会后,又恢复了中场线,这些规定又继续执行。1977年增加了每队满10次犯规后,在防守犯规时罚球两次,防投篮时犯规两罚有1次不中再加罚1次的规定。1981年又将10次犯规后罚球的规定缩减到8次。很明显,人员的变化的技术,战术的发展引起了规则的改变,而规则的改变又促进了人员和技术、战术的进一步发展变化。特别是50年代后期以来,规则的改变对篮球比赛的攻守速度,对运动员的身体、技术、战术以及意志、作风等各方面都不断提出新的更高的要求,促进了篮球技术水平的迅速提高,女子篮球是1976年第21届奥运会上才列为正式比赛项目的。 篮球运动是1896年前后由天津中华基督教青年会传入中国的,随后在北京、上海基督教青年会里也有了此项活动。在1910年的全运会上举行了男子篮球表演赛之后,在全国各大城市的大、中学校的篮球活动逐渐开展起来,其中以天津、北京、上海开展得较好,水平也较高,当时的比赛规则很简单,在球场中间画一个约有1米直径的中圈,中锋队员跳球时一只手必须置于背后腰部,任何一足不得踏出圈外。技术也简单,中圈跳球后,谁接到球就自己运球,超过防守人就投篮。当时只会直线运球前进,传球方法是单、双手胸前传球,跑动投篮是用单手低手上篮,立定投篮无论远近都是用双手腹前低手投篮。1925年前后,进攻和防守的5名运动员,有了较明确的分工,中锋对中锋,后卫对前锋,有人盯人,各自盯住自己的对手。但前锋的职责是只管进攻投篮,不管退守;后卫的职责是只管防守抢截球,不管投篮。前锋和后卫很少全场跑动,只有中锋要攻守兼顾。以后又逐渐改为两后卫1人助攻(活动后卫),1人留守后场(固定后卫),两前锋也变为1人留在前场专管偷袭、快攻,1人退守后场助防。技术动作也有所发展,跑动投篮出现了单手、高手投篮,立定投篮出现了双手胸前投篮,传球出现了单、双手击地传球,运球出现了两手交替运球躲闪防守和超越防守向前推进的技术。规则中增加了罚球区和罚球线,队员犯规4次即被取消比赛资格,犯规罚球可由队长指定任何1个队员主罚。比赛时间分为上、下半时各20分钟,中间休息10分钟。每次投中或罚中后,都在中圈跳球,重新开始比赛。而中国篮球运动水平在1926年以后有了较大提高 。
