

发布时间:2024-07-08 13:41:28


Managing people effectively in extension programmes is a skill that requires constant planning and An extension programme manager can be defined as the person who is vested with formal authority over an organization or one of its sub He or she has status that leads to various interpersonal relations, and from this comes access to Information, in turn, enables the manager to devise strategies, make decisions, and implement action (Mintzberg, 1988) Management is concerned with the optimum attainment of organizational goals and objectives with and through other Extension management organizations are characterized by many strategies, wide spans of control, democracy, and Their management practices cannot be reduced to one standard set of operating guidelines that will work for all organizations However, all managers of professional organizations face the same challenge: to manage one's time, objectives, and resources in order to accomplish tasks and implement ideas (Waldron, 1994) Managers of extension programmes are painfully aware of the need for revision and development of the new skill sets held by today's high If change is not handled correctly, it can be more devastating then ever High performers reflect, discover, assess, and They know that a new focus on connecting the heads, hearts, and hands of people in their organization is Astute managers know what needs to be done but struggle with how to do Quite often they prefer to consider themselves as teachers or communicators rather than This results in under-utilization of the increasing amount of literature on management theory and The root of the problem is They must learn how to motivate others and build an efficient More formally defined, management is the process by which people, technology, job tasks, and other resources are combined and coordinated so as to effectively achieve organizational A process or function is a group of related activities contributing to a larger Management functions are based on a common philosophy and They centre around the following: Developing and clarifying mission, policies, and objectives of the agency or organization Establishing formal and informal organizational structures as a means of delegating authority and sharing responsibilities Setting priorities and reviewing and revising objectives in terms of changing demands Maintaining effective communications within the working group, with other groups, and with the larger community Selecting, motivating, training, and appraising staff Securing funds and managing budgets; evaluating accomplishments and Being accountable to staff, the larger enterprise, and to the community at large (Waldron, 1994b)The management functions listed above can be categorized by using the acronym POSDCORB (Bonoma & Slevin, 1978, from Gulick & Urwick, 1959): · Planning: outlining philosophy, policy, objectives, and resultant things to be accomplished, and the techniques for accomplishment · Organizing: establishing structures and systems through which activities are arranged, defined, and coordinated in terms of some specific objectives · Staffing: fulfilling the personnel function, which includes selecting and training staff and maintaining favourable work conditions · Directing: making decisions, embodying decisions in instructions, and serving as the leader of the enterprise · Coordinating: interrelating the various parts of the work · Reporting: keeping those to whom you are responsible, including both staff and public, informed · Budgeting: making financial plans, maintaining accounting and management control of revenue, and keeping costs in line with objectivesPlanningPlanning is the key management function of any extension It is the process of determining in advance what should be accomplished, when, by whom, how, and at what Regardless of whether it is planning long-term program priorities or planning a two-hour meeting, the planning aspect of management is the major contributor to success and Stated simply, "If you don't know where you are going, then you won't know when you have arrived!" Planning is the process of determining the organization's goals and objectives and making the provisions for their It involves choosing a course of action from available Planning is the process of determining organizational aims, developing premises about the current environment, selecting the course of action, initiating activities required to transform plans into action, and evaluating the The types of planning that managers engage in will depend on their level in the organization and on the size and type of the Generally there are four major types of planning exercises: strategic, tactical, contingency, and Strategic planning involves determining organizational goals and how to achieve This usually occurs at the top management Tactical planning is concerned with implementing the strategic plans and involves middle and lower Contingency planning anticipates possible problems or changes that may occur in the future and prepares to deal with them effectively as they arise (Marshall, 1992) Managerial planning is usually considered as microlevel It helps in combining resources to fulfil the overall objectives of the extension A needs assessment may initiate a need for developing a The planning process begins with the creation of a philosophy that consists of statements describing the values, beliefs, and attitudes of the Its mission statement is a proclamation of its purpose or reason for After the philosophy and mission statements have been established, various goals and objectives are Goals are usually general statements that project what is to be accomplished in the An objective is a concrete statement describing a specific Policies are predetermined guides to decision making; they establish boundaries or limits within which action may be Managers are related to policy formation in two First, they play a crucial role in implementing organizational policies that have been established by higher Second, they create policies within their departments as guides for their own work Procedures outline the series of steps to be followed when carrying out a designed policy or taking a particular course of Rules are used to provide final and definite Usually they are Planning is designing the future, anticipating problems, and imagining In short, planning is essential for anyone who wants to The functions of organizing, leading, staffing, and budgeting are means of carrying out the decisions of Everyone is a planner - a planner of meals, of work time, Of vacations, of Formal planning, however, distinguishes managers from non-managers, effective managers from ineffective Formal planning forces managers to think of the future, to set priorities, to encourage creativity, to articulate clear objectives, and to forecast the future in terms of anticipated problems and political Long-Range Planning Long-range planning is vitally important in that it focuses attention on crucial future issues which are vitally important to the It involves studying societal trends and issues, surveying current and anticipated learners' needs, and being aware of long-term research directions and changes in Many extension workers may think that such management is beyond their level of authority, control, or They may feel that such management is the prerogative of the director, the deputy minister, or the However, while senior levels of management must be involved, those who implement the objectives resulting from long-range planning should also be

Progress in Developing and Implementing Business Enterprise Architectureand Transition Plan:The Army’s enterprise architecture is aligned with the Department’s federated approachto business system We established business area domains in conformance withthe Department’s overall domain Each domain is responsible for developing abusiness system transition plan and a systems architecture that aligns with the Department’sEnterprise Transition Plan and Business Enterprise A Mature architectures have beendeveloped for the financial management and logistics We are adopting the DoD-widehuman resources solution in the form of the Defense Integrated Military Human ResourcesSUnder oversight of the Army’s Chief Information Officer, we implemented a disciplinedportfolio management process that requires each business domain to perform a completeinventory of all business systems within its purview and to register the systems in a single Army-wide According to the Army’s Chief Information Officer, the portfolio managementeffort enabled the Army to reduce the total system inventory by 1,500 systems from 3,200 to1,700 An additional 300 Army-wide business systems have been marked forretirement, pending the development and implementation of modern By adopting the Department’s business domain construct and federated approach tomodernizing business systems; creating business system transition plans; aligning architectureswith the Business Enterprise Architecture; and managing business systems investments through adisciplined portfolio management process, the Army will be able to comply with Section 332 ofthe Fiscal Year 2005 National Defense Authorization A We already have scrutinized morethan 100 major business system modernization efforts and received approval from the DefenseBusiness Systems Management Committee (DBSMC) to continue these importanttransformational The Deputy Under Secretary of the Army is responsible for ensuring effective executionof our enterprise architecture and modernization efforts across all business This seniorofficial also is the Army’s Defense Business Systems Management Committee Governance at the Deputy Under Secretary level enables the Army to implement sustainablebusiness process improvements and to develop compliant business In this context the Army has developed and is implementing a comprehensive financialimprovement and audit readiness plan to guide financial modernization Thisintegrated plan outlines 1,947 specific actions needed to improve financial accountability andreporting, and assigns responsibility for completion of these tasks to 20 organizations within theArmy and DoD We have completed 673 of these tasks with independent verification by theArmy Audit A The Army’s financial improvement plan is a component of the DoDFinancial Improvement and Audit Readiness Plan and the Enterprise Transition PThe Department’s Inspector General reviewed our audit readiness plan and found that theplan sufficiently captures all actions necessary to resolve problems in obtaining an audit The plan provides a foundation to improve accountability and financial reporting within theArmy, and has yielded tangible, sustainable The Inspector General reviewed our auditplan and identified areas needing We have substantially resolved the InspectorGeneral’s concerns, and are currently awaiting their final report, which we expect will reflectfavorably on the efficacy of our The plan provides a foundation to improve accountabilityand financial reporting within the Army, and has yielded tangible, sustainable For example, we anticipate, based on preliminary reports, that the Army Corps ofEngineers will receive a qualified audit opinion of its fiscal year 2006 Civil Works financialstatements when the Inspector General releases its opinion in March Civil Works is alarge financial entity within the Army comprising $9 billion in annual appropriations, $5billion in total assets and $7 billion in total property, plant and The Army Corpsof Engineers has the largest property, plant and equipment asset base of any agency within theExecutive Branch receiving a favorable audit opinion, and is the seventh largest in terms ofannual We have corrected the conditions linked to the qualified opinion of thefiscal year 2006 financial statements, and expect to receive an unqualified opinion for fiscal We continue to implement corrective actions identified in our improvement InNovember 2006 we reported to the Committee the completion of 150 of the plan’s tasks duringfiscal years 2005 and 2006, resulting in improved financial management across the A Withthe successful implementation of the funds control module, we finished an additional 95 tasksduring fiscal year 2007, for a total of 673 tasks completed since the plan’s As a resultof these changes, obligations for $26 billion in annual supply transactions were delivered in realtime, auditable electronic commerce processes were implemented, and accountability of generalequipment and real property was The Army’s financial improvement and audit readiness plan is important to ensuringcompliance with USC USC 2222 prohibits the Department from obligating funds forpreparing, processing or auditing financial statements until the proposed activities are consistentwith the Department’s financial improvement plan, and are likely to provide sustainedimprovements to internal All 1,947 tasks contained in our financial improvement planare designed to provide sustainable improvements when Each action is focused oncorrecting deficient processes and systems, and will result in long-term benefits when completed,including generation of reliable and complete financial management information开发和实施进展企业架构和过渡计划:军队的企业架构是对齐的与部门的联邦的方法业务系统的现代化。我们建立了符合业务领域的领域这个部门的总体产业结构。各个领域是负责开发业务系统过渡计划和系统架构,与部门的效能企业过渡计划和商业企业架构。成熟的建筑被建立了财务管理和物流领域。我们采用DoD-wide人力资源解决方案形式的军事防御综合人力资源系统。在忽略的陆军首席信息官,我们实施了遵守纪律投资组合管理的过程,该过程要求每个执行完整的业务领域所有的业务系统的库存在其权限和登记系统在一个单一的军队——广泛的投资组合。根据军队的首席信息官、有价证券管理等努力让军队来降低整个系统的库存系统从3200年到1500年1700系统。额外的300 Army-wide受过业务系统退休,在开发和实施现代化的替代品。采用部门的业务领域和联邦方法构建现代化的商务系统;创建业务系统过渡计划,调整结构上与商业企业架构、投资管理业务系统通过训练有素的投资组合管理过程,军队将能够符合第332节的在2005财年国防授权法案。我们已经仔细检查超过100的主要业务体系现代化的努力和获得批准的防御商业系统管理委员会(DBSMC)继续这些重要的转换程序。副在陆军大臣负责确保有效地执行我们的企业架构和现代化的努力在所有业务领域。这名高级官方也是陆军防卫商业系统管理委员会的代表。副部长治理水平使军队实施可持续业务流程改进和发展符合商业系统。在这种背景下,军队已经开发并实施综合的金融中心改进和审计准备的计划,以指导金融现代化的活动。这概述了1947年的具体综合方案所需的行动和改善公司的财务责任报告,并指定负责完成这些任务,在20个组织军队和国防部。我们已经完成了673个这样的任务和独立的验证军队审计机构。军队的财务改善计划是美国国防部的一个组成部分金融改进和审计计划和企业转型准备计划。这个部门的检察长回顾了我们准备计划和审计发现捕获所有计划充分必要行动来解决问题,在获得审计意见。该计划将提供一个基础,提高财务报告内的责任军队,并取得了切实的,可持续的结果。回顾了我们的总检察长审核计划,确定区域需要改进。我们有本质上解决了检查员将军的担忧,正在等待他们所作的最后报告,我们期望将反映良好的疗效上我们的计划。该计划将提供一个基础,提高可靠性军队内部的财务报告,并取得了切实的,可持续的结果。例如,我们预期,根据初步报告,军工程师将会收到一个合格的审计意见的2006财年土木工程建设金融中心陈述当检察长释放了它的意见在2008年3月。土木工程是一个大型金融实体组成的军队内部的每年59亿美元的拨款,5美元美元的总资产元,267亿美元的总财产,厂房和设备。这个兵团工程师有最大的财产,厂房和设备资产基地的任何机构内进行行政部门收到良好的审计意见,第七大的条款年度拨款。我们有改正的条件与保留意见2006财政年度财务报表,期待得到一个不合格的观点,因为会计年度2007。我们继续实施纠正措施确定在我们的改进方案。在据报道,2006年11月,我们委员会150年计划完成的任务的期间2005年和2006年财政年度,从而提高财务管理整个军队。与成功的完成资金控制模块,我们结束了额外的95的任务在2007财年,总数为673以来的完成任务计划开始。结果这些变化、义务为每年260亿美元的供应将被用真正的交易时间,电子商务实施审计过程,问责的将军设备和房地产进行了改进。军队的金融改进和审计准备计划是很重要的保障符合USC 2222。USC 2222禁止部门的资金约束准备、处理或审计财务报表,直到该活动是一致的与部门的财务改善计划,并且有可能提供持续改善内部控制。所有1947个任务包含在我们的财务改善计划设计目的是为了提供可持续改善执行。你的每一个动作都集中在纠正流程和系统的缺陷,将导致长远利益完工后,包括代可靠、完整的财务管理信息


新经济的最大特征是人成为最重要的生产要素,人的创造力成为企业核心的发展力,这已经成为新经济时代无可争议的真理。谁拥有最多最强的人才,谁就是市场的胜者;微软、思科、联想、宝钢、武钢、,那一家不是拥有数千名高级技术开发或管理人才。但对于这些企业老总们,最令人头疼的也是人; “IT人员不知道怎么了,你给他高薪甚至股权,他照样跳槽。”这些现象越来越成为我国大部分IT企业面临的普遍问题。笔者经过在上海宝山钢铁集团公司三年工作后,同时自己也作为一个跳槽者,经过和宝钢的人力资源部门招聘人员、被招聘大学生交流以后,发现这个问题其实受到了企业的机制、管理者风格、企业文化、人才的物质、心理需求的变化、薪酬模式、技术快速更新等一系列企业内部管理、外部环境等方面影响而产生变化。我国的企业应该如何确立自己一套可行的人力资源策略呢?在此,不想谈太多的理论,只想将一些实战中总结的经验与大家探讨: 浮躁,可能是目前许多老总们对刚刚毕业的大学生比较普遍的一个看法。有一部分大学生在求职时或刚刚开始工作时,自己还没有为公司作出什么贡献前,就先提出高薪,还要求宽松的工作环境,弹性的工作时间等等一系列要求;而且有一部分大学生频繁地跳槽,有时仅仅为了新公司比现在公司多几百元工资而已;还有一种现象,就是当今的大学毕业生在简历中夸大专业技能,或者编造经历甚至伪造学历;比如说了解某种编程语言就敢说精通、参与过某个项目就说是项目负责人。这些现象,使得老总们认为当今的大学毕业生过于浮躁。但笔者认为,这种现象并不是当今人才的主流;产生这种现象的根本是时代的变迁。新经济时代改变的不仅仅的是经济模式,它还改变着人们选择职业态度和价值观。当今大学生选择职业的态度代表了新经济的价值取向。 经过和很多自己的在宝钢工作的大学生交往,我认为,当今大学生的想法是:首先,人才认为自己的知识就能创造财富,获取薪水是应该和创造财富成正比;第二,人才关心企业的发展前景是否符合职业生涯发展、团队是否融合、企业文化是否接近自己的价值观,所以有必要先了解再下决定,选多几家很有必要。第三,技术更新不断更新给人才带来压力,他们不得不随时充实自己以免被淘汰,为此所付出的学习成本和精神压力应有所回报;第四,年轻就是资本,应该在年轻的时候追求利益最大化,要在40岁前获得可靠的物质保证。第六、以INTERNET为主信息技术的广泛使用,使得人才对人才市场的供需需求、薪酬模式有了大致的了解;同时作为自己的参考;信息的透明化使得人才与企业在商谈待遇等问题上处于知己知彼的平等位置。 企业中的大学生的离职期往往会呈现出“232”的特性。“刚到公司两个星期是一个危险期。员工在新环境下,往往会不熟悉、不适应。如果不给他明确职责角色,很容易造成人员的流失。3个月后是第二个危险期,这时员工对企业已经有了一定的了解,对同等职责的技术人员也有了了,如果在工作范围,薪资回报中不能进行合理的调整,也会形成流失。而两年是一个疲劳期,如果在两年的时间里,员工仍然得不到发展,工作也没有进步和变化,就很容易受到外界的诱惑。”笔者认为要特别注意这三个危险期,“每个企业都有一个人才流动的比率,在这个比率之内的适当流动,会为企业的发展注入新的活力,但是超过这个比率,就会给企业带来很多负面效应,无法形成稳定的企业文化,使企业的团队缺乏凝聚力和战斗力。人心不稳,也会给后来者形成一种不安全的心理。这对企业的发展是非常不利的。” “人才流动是件好事,活水才有生命力嘛,人员流动可带来技术上的交流。但流动一定要有度,否则不但给企业造成损失,对个人的发展也同样会带来不利。” 目前市场上人才流动很快,特别是IT人才,这主要有两大原因。其一,就是人才市场的供需问题。由于目前中国经济的平稳发展以及中国加入WTO后,更多的外国企业直接在中国投资,他们投资的大多都是高新技术企业这样导致该领域的人才需求突然倍增,致使人才供给相对不足,技术人才炙手可热。于是企业争相使出浑身解数来吸引人才,高薪、股票期权、优惠的福利制度…… 企业总是觉得有需要或是在某个职位空缺的时候,才想起招聘人才,这种做法存在于大多数企业,普遍认为这是个很正常的现象;其实人才是不会等到你想找他的时候,他会出现,尤其是抢手的人才,你需要别人更需要。因此,企业由于人才的流失比较大,,加上企业的发展速度也比较大,这样企业必须储备一批人才。因此你的人力资源负责人应该时时刻刻想到招聘人才,以供未来3个月的人才需求。著名的路由器生产商思科(Cisco)和网景公司(Netscape)就时时刻刻通过各种手段招聘储备人才。 珠海很多管理者说起技术人才,真是求才若渴。但一问他们有没有专职的人力资源经理,50%没有;即使有的话,要么是行政副总或者办公室主任兼任,要么是某个助理管,从实质来说,对人力资源这个职位不够重视。其实,人力资源负责人在许多大的公司里是非常重要的职位,他不仅仅是负责招聘、人事管理,而且是制定公司发展战略、进行绩效考核、薪酬设计、培训的实施者。企业认为招聘完了,培训过了,薪酬设计好了,似乎没有人力资源部门什么事了。这忽视了一个很重要的环节,就是激励;人才不但需要物质的激励,更需要精神激励,更通俗的叫做思想工作。技术部门的负责人与人力资源负责人就好象军队中的团长与政委,一个管用人、研发、开拓,一个管关心人、激励士气、缓解冲突和解决矛盾,两者是相辅相成的。人力资源,就是如何利用人力这种资源创造财富。因此请一个优秀的人力资源经理,他一样会象技术开发部门那样去创造财富。 如何招聘到合适的人才?这首先是每一个管理者最头疼的问题,登报、互联网上登广告、参加人才交流会等等都试过了,虽然简历收了一大堆,但真正挑选出的,没几个合适。其实,好的人才就在周围。“人以类聚”,这些人才平常交往最多的肯定还是技术方面的人,或者是过去大学的同学,或者是故友、网友,大家如果话不投机,肯定不会交往。因此,鼓励公司的员工推荐他们认为合适的人才进来,远比招聘来得成效高。这还有几个好处,一个对技术比较了解,容易沟通;二,对人品、性格、经历了解,不会引来那些心术不正、动机不纯之人;三,推荐人本身对公司和被推荐人无形都有一种责任感,可以起到监督作用。华为公司就经常鼓励自己的技术人员、管理人员向公司推荐人才,而且效果显著。当然,用这种方法的企业一定要拥有良好的企业文化,企业有一定的规模,而且管理好,员工与公司的关系比较密切。 招聘必须根据人才类型选择不同的方式: 普通人才找人才市场:通常普通员工、技术性不强、专业要求不高的可以通过人才市场招募到。 中级人才找网络:软硬件工程师、中低级程序员、工程师、项目主管这一类技术性、专业性强的人才最好通过网络;因为这批人最活跃,随时寻找更好的发展机会,他们频繁使用网络。因此对从网络找工作,了解、最新动态有着浓厚的兴趣,而且利用互联网找工作或求职成为时髦。 高级人才找猎头公司:至于真正的高级人才,如总经理一级、技术开发经理、财务总监等管理、技术、财务、市场等核心任务大都是被重用,薪酬待遇可观,事业有成。即使有跳槽的愿望,也不会到流动市场(招聘会、报刊广告)去选择。高级人才大部分会选择高级人才跳槽喜欢通过猎头公司或朋友推荐,可以获得薪金谈判的缓冲。更有些高级技术人才即使才华出众,有时往往人际关系能力较差,难以与人合作。这一切,需要通过猎头公司来协调完成。猎头公司的顾问们都出身于企业的中高级管理层,担任过人力资源经理或相关职位,普遍拥有MBA等学历,经验丰富;他们善于与高级人员打交道,而且有共同的语言,并且能客观分析人才的长处短处,并提供职业生涯规划,巧妙地将人才与企业联姻在一起。优秀猎头公司不仅仅能替你寻找到高级的人才,而且能替你防止你的人才被别的公司挖走,并能设计股票期权,培训你的人才,做你人才的思想工作等等。


企业管理论文范文:企业管理分析摘 要:针对企业在管理中存在的问题,提出了向管理要效益的措施,主要是重视人才,制定适合企业的管理制度,加强企业节能降耗管理,得出适合企业发展现状的管理模式就是最好的管理模式,向管理要效益是企业永恒的主题。   关键词:企业管理;人才;节能降耗;制度      向管理要效益,向管理要效益,这是企业领导经常挂在嘴边的话。其实管理本身并不能产生效益,管理就是保持企业顺畅的运营程序优化资源的工具,管理就是简化手续做到人尽其才物尽其用,减少扯皮堵塞漏洞降低成本开源节流,提高效益这就是管理的本质。      1 管理的关键就在于用人      企业不重视人才,不善用人才,损失最大的不是人才个人,而是企业。因为个人如果不受重用,无法施展才华,完全可以“退而独善其身”,利用贵企业的一切便利条件,充实自己,积累学识、经验、关系、资历和资金,伺机而动,时刻准备另谋高就。而企业却象花高价买了一台多功能大彩电,却只会看几个频道的电视节目,浪费了电视机的其他许多功能一样,花费不少,却未能人尽其用。结果花费了大量财力和精力,却为别的企业源源不断地培养和输送了大量人才。   发自内心地尊重人才、爱护人才,与实用主义地笼络人才、利用人才,完全是两回事。在实用主义的人才政策的笼罩下,人才对企业没有向心力,人人离心离德。企业中常见的轻视管理人才,偏重技术人才、经营人才的现象,也反映了一种实用主义的人才观,这是一种短视、浅薄的人才观。技术要出成果,经营要出效益,整个公司各方面的潜能要调动起来、协调起来并产生最大的合力,还是要靠管理,靠管理人才。   对人才要严格要求,但不等于可以苛求人才。任何人初来乍到,都两眼一抹黑,谁能事事处置得当?领导者给新手安排工作,应当有所交待。否则,任务一交,就把你扔进无边的黑暗之中,让你自己设法从死亡线上挣扎出来。干得好是领导的功劳,干得不好是部下的无能。这不是一种爱护人的态度。这样的领导也太好当了。对于新手,要扶上马,还要送一程。如果新手偶尔做错一件事,就一棍子永远打入冷宫,不复重用,哪里还会有人才?即便老职员,也没有不做错事的。领导者应从爱护出发,加以批评、纠正,不可一味苛求。有才者往往不拘小节,甚至狂放不羁。领导者当以宽厚、幽默之心待之,并加以引导。凡有才者一般也都有脾气,领导者应大度能容。否则只能使人才或逃之夭夭;或韬光隐晦;或变得无所适从,成为蠢才;或变得唯唯诺诺,成为庸才。      2 管理制度要符合企业的现状助力企业的发展      管理制度的作用是硬而不僵活而不乱。环境宽松可以但可以随时监管任何角落,严而不束能任意抽查了解情况。目前多数大型企业采用西方的管理模式,采取严管重罚高薪严管的制度,但是忽略了制度本身的意义是催人奋进的动力,相互协调配合工作的依据而非是束缚人的工具。管理的目的是上下顺畅前后贯通左右衔接,绝不是管住与条块分割及各自为政。但是国内的多数企业管理制度还 很不科学,导致企业的层级管理程序复杂、手续烦琐办事效率低下人浮于事,出现制度压人权力治人争权损人夺利毁人的混乱局面,哪个企业敢说自己的企业不存在这些现象呢?   管理制度是企业所有员工共同遵守的条例,不分资历深浅职务高低必须一视同仁。国内的企业总是说制度面前人人平等,管理出发的宗旨是对事不对人,其实永远都是对人不对事同样的事情,张三可以轻松过关而李四就要严厉处罚。管理制度不应该搞一刀切可以有变通但绝不是因人而“量刑”。应该根据不同的情况采取不同的管理方式,治理国家都采取灵活多变的管理制度,分为中央统一管理制度下的直辖市模式、省级模式、自治区模式、一国两治模式还有计划单列市模式等等,国家如此企业更应该采取灵活的管理模式,例如企业内部员工的管理制度与企业外部管理制度要分开各有差异,我本人认为管理制度要有三种选择,例如完全按照制度执行或者有条件遵循制度与不遵循管理制度,就是说管理制度有三个选择,你只要符合这三个选择都可以视为遵守制度,即为为人性化管理。      3 加强企业节能降耗管理      首先从企业内部入手控制成本降低消耗,以前企业的各个车间及部门领取物资,只要部门领导签字就可以到仓库领取物资,没有了去领用完了再领多数物资的去向不明造成物资的极大浪费。首先是物资的领用不规范,只要有车间主任的签字每天都可以领用,很多物资使用的周期比较长不可能经常更换或者是经常损耗,这其中的奥秘是“损公肥私”。物资的使用情况没有登记管理制度,损耗与破损和使用周期均没有登记造册,根本无从知晓物资真实的使用情况,缺乏必要的监督检查的重要环节造成很多物资的极大浪费,公领私用现象非常普遍。企业的采购部门也是快用完了就去采购周而复始,从来没有人总结与质疑有的物资到底有多少真正用在“公”字上。因为谁也不愿意为了企业的事去树敌得罪人,造成企业的经营管理成本居高不下。让每个车间与部门上报年度费用预算计划,非但没有降低能耗反而大副度提升,纠其原因是物价上涨所致。企业的核心领导让所有的车间主任与部门领导,必须把报表细致到每一个品种的数量必须把费用降下来,否则视为不称职就地免职。这一招非常奏效每个车间与部门都做得非常认真,新管理制度采取谁使用谁申请、谁负责谁受益谁预算的原则,制定科学严谨的预算节约奖超出罚的管理办法,费用管理数据化物资管理明确化品种数量数字化,细致到每一个品种的使用数量,精确到年用量每月用量周用量是多少,科学的预算帮助企业科学合理使用资金,提高资金利用率增加利润。预算管理落实到人谁负责谁申报,谁负责谁担责谁受益的管理方式,费用在原来的基础上下降了30%,因为细致到每月每周每天使用的物资数量,再细致到每个品种的使用数量,超出与节约关系到个人利益车间与部门非常清楚使用数量,自己严格把关杜绝公领私用的弊端,加强机器的保养与维护提高效率,维修破损的零件经过维修保养可继续使用降低成本,延长易损易坏的零部件的使用时间,减少换新的频次降低消耗节约成本,还有原来报废的零部件经过专业人士的维修又发挥了作用,同时优化岗位机构提高劳动效率产品合格率提高到8%,真正做到人尽其才物尽其用优化资源提高效益。严格按照预算执行超出部分扣除部门的奖金,减少负责人的浮动工资收入,车间主任严格把关因为涉及到自己的切身利益。预算计划执行非常成功,部门的奖金超额发放到员工到班组长及车间主任,员工的收入增加了企业的凝聚力强战斗力提升了企业的竞争力提高了。   管理的科学企业可快速发展提高企业的竞争优势,提高品牌的市场占有率及影响力。管理混乱企业就会失去市场失去客户失去消费者,员工人心向背思想涣散企业失去凝聚力很快就会倒下。向管理要效益是完全正确的关键是要根据企业自身的情况,符合自身企业实际情况的、适合企业发展现状的管理模式就是最好的管理模式,所以说向管理要效益是企业永恒的主题。      参考文献   [1]张文昌现代管理学(原理卷)[M]山东人民出版社,   [2]姜杰管理学名著与案例[M]山东人民出版社,   [3]张康之,齐明山一般管理学原理[M]中国人民大学出版社,

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管理学是系统研究管理活动的基本规律和一般方法的科学。管理学是适应现代社会化大生产的需要产生的,它的目的是:研究在现有的条件下,如何通过合理的组织和配置人、财、物等因素,提高生产力的水平。管理学是一门综合性的交叉学科。  管理活动自有人群出现便有之,与此同时管理思想也就逐步产生。事实上,无论是在东方还是在西方,我们均可以找到古代哲人在管理思想方面的精彩论述。而现代管理学的诞生是以泰罗(F .W. Taylor)的名著《科学管理原理》( 1911年)以及法约尔(H.Fayol)的名著《工业管理和一般管理》(1916年)为标志。现代意义上的管理学至今不过经历了80多年。80多年来,管理学有了长足的进步与发展,管理学的研究者、管理学的学习者、管理学方面的著作文献等等均呈指数级数上升,显示了作为一门年轻学科勃勃向上的生机和兴旺发达的景象。然而,管理学仍然需要发展,因为人类将进入21世纪,人类文明需要管理学。  管理学的规定性  管理学的规定性是指管理学这门学科的研究内容。而管理学的规定性又取决于管理学研究对象的规定性,即管理学的研究对象是什么? 哈罗德•孔茨( H Koontz,《管理学》):  ——“本书目的是阐明经营理论和管理科学的基础知识”。换句话说,孔茨认为管理学的研究对象是经营理论和管理科学,或者说管理学就是这两部分的组合。 詹姆斯•H•唐纳利(J. H. Donelly,《管理学基础》):  ——“讨论只与某一待定的(虽然也是相当广泛存在的)事例有关的管理过程。我们将就有限的资源(包括其他人的力量)的管理展开我们的讨论”,即管理学说是研究有限资源的管理。 罗纳德•科斯(新制度经济学的奠基者,《企业的性质》)  —— “经营意味着预测与通过签订新契约,利用价格机制进行操作。管理则恰恰意味着仅仅对价格变化作出反应,并在其控制之下重新安排生产要素。” 罗纳德•科斯教授对经营与管理的界定尽管是从契约、价格应变角度出发,但把握了管理的本质:即经营是与市场打交道,它利用价格机制使自己生产的产品和劳务在市场上获得有利于自己的利益。而管理则是一个组织内部如何用行政命令机制调配组织有限资源而获得最佳配置效率的过程;管理不与市场打交道,尽管它要对市场上价格作一定的反应。 如果按照科斯的定义,那么管理学就应该以这么一个规定性的管理作为研究对象。这样,管理学的研究范围就应该是两大方面:  组织本身包括组织的动力学机制、组织的构造及运行等等;  组织内依靠行政机制运作的各种管理方式方法包括对资源配置的整体性系统方法和针对局部问题的各种职能性方法。  事实上大多数著名的管理学著作和教材,尽管其章节安排、行文方式、观点采纳均有各自的特点,但基本上是围绕着这两个方面展开论述,事实上哈罗德•孔茨和西里尔•奥唐奈的《管理学》也是如此。 管理学的定义:研究和探讨组织及组织内资源配置的构造、过程、方式、方法的学科,是一门应用性理论学科,是管理学科群中最为基础的学科。 对管理学的这么一种规定原本是美国管理学界的看法,其他一些国家如德国、日本的学者们却不这么认为,他们在把管理局限于企业时,认为管理学还应该包括经营这一内容,于是便有了经营学一说,之后在我国便有经营管理学的称法。  管理学的流派及构成  1、管理学的流派  20世纪初诞生的管理学随着理论研究者和实践者的努力,理论与实践均呈现出空前的繁荣,流派叠出,新理论新思想不断产生,人才辈出。哈罗德•孔茨曾写过两篇著名的论文《论管理理论的丛林》(1961年)和《再论管理理论的丛林》(1980年),对1980年前的管理学领域内精彩纷呈的理论、主张等作过一个精辟的归纳与分析。他认为到1980年为上,管理学至少已发展有十几个学派,典型的有:古典学派、行为学派、社会系统学派、决策理论学派、系统管理学派、经验主义学派、权变理论学派、管理科学学派、组织行为学派、社会技术系统学派、经理角色学派、经营管理学派等等。  2、各流派研究的内容这些流派尽管各有自己对管理的看法,各有自己的理论主张,但从内容上来看不超出三大内容:即组织、管理方式以及经营。   科学管理原理代表人物泰罗,本质上可以归结为一种管理方式或方法,因为人的科学工作和协作及对人的激励与效率关系的研究实为发展出相应的管理方式方法而已。   古典组织理论法约尔和韦伯的典型的组织研究成果。   行为科学学派代表人物有梅奥(E.Mayo)、马斯洛(A.H.Maslow)、麦格雷戈(D.MeGregor)、卢因(K.Lewin)以及穆顿(J.S.Mouton)等,他们有的研究人际关系,有的研究人的需求与行为关系,也有的探讨人的本性及相应管理的问题,还有的研究正式组织中非正式组织问题以及双因素模式、管理方式方法等。前者可归结为组织的动力学过程,后者可归结为以人为本的管理方法方式的探讨。  社会系统学派代表人物巴纳德(CI.Barnard),其研究成果不过是从经理人员在组织中的作用角度看组织如何有效运作。  决策理论学派代表人物西蒙(H.A Simon)(1978年诺贝尔经济学奖获得者),认为决策贯彻管理的全过程,管理就是决策,组织就是决策,组织是由作为决策者的个人所组成的系统。然综观其著作,除上述观点为组织方面的外,其余主要是发展了决策的科学方法体系。  权变理论学派、管理科学学派等等研究内容不过是组织及组织内管理的科学方式方法。  经营管理学派是专门研究经营理论及经营中的管理问题。  3、各流派所采用的研究方法从另一个方面来看,20世纪的管理理论学派尽管派别林立,实际上从分析方法来看,每个学派均有那些代表人物习惯的学科分析方法来对管理进行研究。  行为科学学派是用典型的心理学知识、行为分析方法来研究组织、组织中的非正式组织、人际关系;  系统管理学派用系统理论和观点来考察企业组织,分析组织的构造;  经验主义学派代表人物为德鲁克(P.Drucker)、戴尔(E.Dale)等,他们的研究方法是实证的、案例分析性的,对象直接是组织、组织中的管理问题。  管理科学学派数理分析方法  组织行为学派群体心理学分析方法 根据上述分析,狭义的管理学主要由组织研究和管理方法研究两块内容构成;广义一点的管理学则还要加上经营领域的研究,这一领域的研究与经济学相关。这三个方面的演进在过去5O多年中,基本上遵循了下述路径。  3、管理学各流派的演进路径  (l)组织理论研究的演进路径:  古典组织理论(古典理论、20年代)——组织行为学(组织行为、40年代)——组织(社会技术系统60年代)——领导科学(经理角色,7O年代)——组织文化(企业文化80年代)——?(90年代)  (2)管理方式方法研究的演进路径:科学管理理论(泰罗20年代)——行为科学(梅奥30年代)——管理科学理论(伯法50年代)——决策理论(西蒙60年代)——生产管理、信息管理方法(7O-80年代)——?(90年代)  (3)经营理论研究的演进路径:厂商理论(2O年代)——产业组织(贝恩、40年代)——市场学(科特勒60年代)——消费者理论(70年代)——策略学(战略管理)(波特80年代)——?(90年代) 在上述三个方面的演进路径中,90年代管理学的进展均为空白,这并不说明90年代管理学在上述三个方面无进展,而是难以将90年代管理学的进展分类,进而填入上述三个方面的空白之处。不过仍可以一试,  管理方式研究领域哈默(M.Hammer)和钱比(J.Champy)的《企业再造》;  组织理论研究领域彼得•圣吉(P. M.Senge)的《第五项修炼》。  经营管理理论研究领域哈默尔(Gary Hamel)和普拉哈拉德(C.K. Prahalad)的《竞争大未来》、波特(M. E. Porter)的《国家竞争优势》。  21世纪管理学所面临的课题  1、组织的资源由以劳动力、土地、资本为主向转以知识与信息为主传统的资源如劳动力、上地、资本和自然资源支撑了20世纪的发展。但有人说,到21世纪,知识与信息将成为发展的最大资源。假定这一说法成立,现行的资源配置模式是否应该放弃,未来的资源配置模式又应该如何? 90年代风行欧美的组织改造理论与实践,似乎是先知先觉者的先行行为,然而确实有其历史的背景和未来的呼唤。  2.组织的成员由经济人向社会人,自我实现的人转变在物质不甚丰富而又在逐步丰富的20世纪中,大众迫于生计更多地像一个追逐利益的经济人,经济学家们以此构造了他们的理论体系和现实的经济体系,然而在物质甚为丰富、人类生活有了大步提高之后,人们也许开始摆脱经济人的头衔,此时不仅经济体系需要重构,对人们工作努力的驱动源恐怕也需要重构。现在不也有许多管理者在号称进行“以人为本”的管理,似乎在寻找一种未来的范式吗?  3.组织内外环境的变化在不断加速发展的环境变化速度愈来愈快,一些巨大的僵化的组织已不能敏捷地变化自己以适应环境,从而导致衰落乃至消亡。新世纪的到来使得一些肩负组织重托的人不得不为组织的生存与发展而担心,于是便有“第五项修炼”一说,以针对现时组织。然而使组织真正成为有学习能力,有超然思维的有机体又谈何容易。21世纪中有哪些组织能真正成为这样的组织,从而保持不败的地位呢?  4、21世纪人们的伦理将发生全新的变化 20世纪人的心智模式和思维方式是20世纪众多约束因素综合作用下的产物。这些约束因素在21世纪发生变化之后,作为管理的出发者,其价值观念、思维方式等都将发生不可预知的变化。然而,重利不重义的20世纪伦理道德和行为方式应该转为全新的伦理道德和行为方式,以此来构造未来的社会和经济体系。21世纪的管理学将覆盖全新的管理伦理、管理价值观和行为方式。现在开始探讨未来的管理伦理也许会给从今天走入未来的管理者以莫大的帮助。  5、信息爆炸将导致自信息搜索的困难 21世纪是信息的世纪,是信息爆炸的世纪,信息越是充分越是丰富,人们就越难及时搜索到自己所需要的信息,除非有比现今更为有效的信息搜索方法与技术。信息社会中的人就像一艘孤立无援的船独自在大海中寻觅。从所需信息的角度来看,一个个生产者和消费者都是不充分信息的拥有者,如何在他们之间架起沟通的桥梁,可能是21世纪市场营销全新观念和体系的拓展方向,整合抑或是分工?渠道抑或是媒体?  6、组织将在更大的范围内谋求整体而不是局部的利益人类只拥有一个地球,21世纪的人们将更多地体会世界的渺小、地球的可爱,人们将更多地超越自己的国界来思考问题,解决问题;在此意义上,人类是一个整体,他们将没有国界,人类的经济行为将从全球的长远角度来考察。如果说20世纪的那些跨国公司在跨国经营时还仅仅从比较利益、突破市场壁垒、谋求更大利益的角度出发,那么21世纪的跨国企业也许应为全球经济的发展、人类福利的增长而设想,这是否是天方夜谭?  7.组织和人类的可持续发展发展是硬道理,21世纪也要发展。然而 20世纪的人们在发展时竭泽而渔,使资源枯竭、生态环境恶化、物种减少、气候反常等等,这一切给21世纪的发展带来困难,人们不禁要大声地问:人类社会还能持续发展吗?21世纪应该回答这个问题,作为支撑这个社会经济支柱的企业也应有自己的答案。企业首要的是生存,就像人类一样,然后才能有发展。21世纪中企业应以什么方式发展,才能与可持续发展的命题相一致,这应该是未来管理学研究的首要问题。  8、组织内部由分工走向综合即将过去的20世纪是专业化分工大发展的世纪,人类从专业化分工获得了巨大的收益,20世纪的文明可以说是专业化分工的文明。然而分工愈深愈细愈有可能偏离本原要旨,使综合性的问题难以处理和解决,如大至南极上空的臭氧层变薄的问题,小至一个企业拓展新市场的问题。21世纪可能是重返综合的世纪,人类或许可从综合中获得更大的收益,企业或许能在综合中获得新生,管理学或许要创造综合性的理论与方式方法。



企业管理论文范文:企业管理分析摘 要:针对企业在管理中存在的问题,提出了向管理要效益的措施,主要是重视人才,制定适合企业的管理制度,加强企业节能降耗管理,得出适合企业发展现状的管理模式就是最好的管理模式,向管理要效益是企业永恒的主题。   关键词:企业管理;人才;节能降耗;制度      向管理要效益,向管理要效益,这是企业领导经常挂在嘴边的话。其实管理本身并不能产生效益,管理就是保持企业顺畅的运营程序优化资源的工具,管理就是简化手续做到人尽其才物尽其用,减少扯皮堵塞漏洞降低成本开源节流,提高效益这就是管理的本质。      1 管理的关键就在于用人      企业不重视人才,不善用人才,损失最大的不是人才个人,而是企业。因为个人如果不受重用,无法施展才华,完全可以“退而独善其身”,利用贵企业的一切便利条件,充实自己,积累学识、经验、关系、资历和资金,伺机而动,时刻准备另谋高就。而企业却象花高价买了一台多功能大彩电,却只会看几个频道的电视节目,浪费了电视机的其他许多功能一样,花费不少,却未能人尽其用。结果花费了大量财力和精力,却为别的企业源源不断地培养和输送了大量人才。   发自内心地尊重人才、爱护人才,与实用主义地笼络人才、利用人才,完全是两回事。在实用主义的人才政策的笼罩下,人才对企业没有向心力,人人离心离德。企业中常见的轻视管理人才,偏重技术人才、经营人才的现象,也反映了一种实用主义的人才观,这是一种短视、浅薄的人才观。技术要出成果,经营要出效益,整个公司各方面的潜能要调动起来、协调起来并产生最大的合力,还是要靠管理,靠管理人才。   对人才要严格要求,但不等于可以苛求人才。任何人初来乍到,都两眼一抹黑,谁能事事处置得当?领导者给新手安排工作,应当有所交待。否则,任务一交,就把你扔进无边的黑暗之中,让你自己设法从死亡线上挣扎出来。干得好是领导的功劳,干得不好是部下的无能。这不是一种爱护人的态度。这样的领导也太好当了。对于新手,要扶上马,还要送一程。如果新手偶尔做错一件事,就一棍子永远打入冷宫,不复重用,哪里还会有人才?即便老职员,也没有不做错事的。领导者应从爱护出发,加以批评、纠正,不可一味苛求。有才者往往不拘小节,甚至狂放不羁。领导者当以宽厚、幽默之心待之,并加以引导。凡有才者一般也都有脾气,领导者应大度能容。否则只能使人才或逃之夭夭;或韬光隐晦;或变得无所适从,成为蠢才;或变得唯唯诺诺,成为庸才。      2 管理制度要符合企业的现状助力企业的发展      管理制度的作用是硬而不僵活而不乱。环境宽松可以但可以随时监管任何角落,严而不束能任意抽查了解情况。目前多数大型企业采用西方的管理模式,采取严管重罚高薪严管的制度,但是忽略了制度本身的意义是催人奋进的动力,相互协调配合工作的依据而非是束缚人的工具。管理的目的是上下顺畅前后贯通左右衔接,绝不是管住与条块分割及各自为政。但是国内的多数企业管理制度还 很不科学,导致企业的层级管理程序复杂、手续烦琐办事效率低下人浮于事,出现制度压人权力治人争权损人夺利毁人的混乱局面,哪个企业敢说自己的企业不存在这些现象呢?   管理制度是企业所有员工共同遵守的条例,不分资历深浅职务高低必须一视同仁。国内的企业总是说制度面前人人平等,管理出发的宗旨是对事不对人,其实永远都是对人不对事同样的事情,张三可以轻松过关而李四就要严厉处罚。管理制度不应该搞一刀切可以有变通但绝不是因人而“量刑”。应该根据不同的情况采取不同的管理方式,治理国家都采取灵活多变的管理制度,分为中央统一管理制度下的直辖市模式、省级模式、自治区模式、一国两治模式还有计划单列市模式等等,国家如此企业更应该采取灵活的管理模式,例如企业内部员工的管理制度与企业外部管理制度要分开各有差异,我本人认为管理制度要有三种选择,例如完全按照制度执行或者有条件遵循制度与不遵循管理制度,就是说管理制度有三个选择,你只要符合这三个选择都可以视为遵守制度,即为为人性化管理。      3 加强企业节能降耗管理      首先从企业内部入手控制成本降低消耗,以前企业的各个车间及部门领取物资,只要部门领导签字就可以到仓库领取物资,没有了去领用完了再领多数物资的去向不明造成物资的极大浪费。首先是物资的领用不规范,只要有车间主任的签字每天都可以领用,很多物资使用的周期比较长不可能经常更换或者是经常损耗,这其中的奥秘是“损公肥私”。物资的使用情况没有登记管理制度,损耗与破损和使用周期均没有登记造册,根本无从知晓物资真实的使用情况,缺乏必要的监督检查的重要环节造成很多物资的极大浪费,公领私用现象非常普遍。企业的采购部门也是快用完了就去采购周而复始,从来没有人总结与质疑有的物资到底有多少真正用在“公”字上。因为谁也不愿意为了企业的事去树敌得罪人,造成企业的经营管理成本居高不下。让每个车间与部门上报年度费用预算计划,非但没有降低能耗反而大副度提升,纠其原因是物价上涨所致。企业的核心领导让所有的车间主任与部门领导,必须把报表细致到每一个品种的数量必须把费用降下来,否则视为不称职就地免职。这一招非常奏效每个车间与部门都做得非常认真,新管理制度采取谁使用谁申请、谁负责谁受益谁预算的原则,制定科学严谨的预算节约奖超出罚的管理办法,费用管理数据化物资管理明确化品种数量数字化,细致到每一个品种的使用数量,精确到年用量每月用量周用量是多少,科学的预算帮助企业科学合理使用资金,提高资金利用率增加利润。预算管理落实到人谁负责谁申报,谁负责谁担责谁受益的管理方式,费用在原来的基础上下降了30%,因为细致到每月每周每天使用的物资数量,再细致到每个品种的使用数量,超出与节约关系到个人利益车间与部门非常清楚使用数量,自己严格把关杜绝公领私用的弊端,加强机器的保养与维护提高效率,维修破损的零件经过维修保养可继续使用降低成本,延长易损易坏的零部件的使用时间,减少换新的频次降低消耗节约成本,还有原来报废的零部件经过专业人士的维修又发挥了作用,同时优化岗位机构提高劳动效率产品合格率提高到8%,真正做到人尽其才物尽其用优化资源提高效益。严格按照预算执行超出部分扣除部门的奖金,减少负责人的浮动工资收入,车间主任严格把关因为涉及到自己的切身利益。预算计划执行非常成功,部门的奖金超额发放到员工到班组长及车间主任,员工的收入增加了企业的凝聚力强战斗力提升了企业的竞争力提高了。   管理的科学企业可快速发展提高企业的竞争优势,提高品牌的市场占有率及影响力。管理混乱企业就会失去市场失去客户失去消费者,员工人心向背思想涣散企业失去凝聚力很快就会倒下。向管理要效益是完全正确的关键是要根据企业自身的情况,符合自身企业实际情况的、适合企业发展现状的管理模式就是最好的管理模式,所以说向管理要效益是企业永恒的主题。      参考文献   [1]张文昌现代管理学(原理卷)[M]山东人民出版社,   [2]姜杰管理学名著与案例[M]山东人民出版社,   [3]张康之,齐明山一般管理学原理[M]中国人民大学出版社,

摘要:以“人”为本是企业安全管理的需要,也是员工自身安全的需要;实施以“人”为本安全管理达到从“要我安全”到“我要安全”、“我会安全”的转变,实现企业的和谐发展。 关键词:安全管理 以人为本 要我安全 我要安全 我会安全 0 引言 随着经济的发展,新技术、新工艺、新材料的不断出现,不安全因素和对人体有害因素的增加,都给安全管理增加了新的难度。在新形势下如何以“人”为本进行安全管理?怎样才能达到从“要我安全”到“我要安全”、“我会安全”的转变,笔者在此和大家一起探讨。 1 以“人”为本安全管理的意义 1 企业安全管理的需要 随着企业的发展,生产环境不断改变,生产工艺技术的不断改进,过去管用的安全知识、安全经验,在新的条件下就可能变得不再管用,这就需要把学习安全知识、培训安全技能作为一项长期性、经常性、持续性工作来抓,以实现企业的安全生产和可持续发展。以“人”为本管理,就是着眼于“人”,通过提高企业全员的安全素质,减少生产过程中的事故隐患,预防事故的发生,保障企业安全生产。 2 员工自身安全的需要 人是生产过程中最活跃的要素,是安全生产的实践者,也是工伤事故的直接受害者。人人都知道爱惜生命,个个都愿意安全生产,这是全体员工的基本愿望。以“人”为本管理能帮助员工增强安全意识,掌握必要的安全技能,员工能主动遵守规章制度,严格执行操作规程,避免遭受人身伤害,保障自身安全。 2 安全管理的关键因素 1 人是决定因素 人作为企业的一分子,在任何岗位都负有相应的安全责任;但人的性格各有不同,在情绪、爱好和家庭环境等方面也各不相同,而人的工作状态是受心理、思想和技能等众多因素影响的,不可能像控制物的不安全状态那样来控制人的不安全行为,必须通过教育培训等活动使人的思想观念发生从“要我安全”到“我要安全”的转变,并且做到“我会安全”,从而圆满地解决个体差异的问题,把人的内在潜能充分发挥出来,达到安全生产的目的。 2 领导干部是企业安全管理的关键因素 企业领导对本单位的安全生产全面负责,负责建立健全企业的安全生产责任制,组织制定安全生产规章制度和操作规程,保证安全生产投入的有效实施,因此领导干部观念意识是企业安全管理的关键因素。各级领导干部对安全工作的认识和重视与否,对企业安全生产工作的好坏有着密切关系。领导干部通过学习接受相关的安全管理理念和安全管理的基本知识,能够正确地认识生产和安全之间的关系,这样国家的安全生产方针、政策的就能得到贯彻执行,各项安全规章制度得到落实,安全设施的投入得到有效保证,及时消除生产安全事故隐患。领导干部意识到提高员工安全素质是安全工作之“本”,加强企业的安全教育和宣传工作,企业范围内形成人人关心安全的氛围,员工就会被潜移默化,就会自觉参与安全工作,领导能够以身作则,不违章指挥,把安全工作摆到重要议事日程上,这样就能取得安全生产主动权,使企业安全管理工作有新的起色。 3 安全管理人员是安全管理的重要因素 专、兼职安全管理人员的职责是落实国家有关安全生产的法律法规,组织企业内部的安全检查活动,负责日常检查,及时整改各种事故隐患,从事具体的安全管理和组织工作,又是企业安全责任人的左右手和参谋,所以,对安全管理人员的要求比较高,不仅要有较广泛的安全管理知识、较全面的安全技术和组织能力,而且要熟悉国家制定的安全法律法规以及一些强制执行企业标准和行业标准。因此必须对他们进行全面、系统、专门的培训教育。平时加强日常生产管理学习和专业知识培训,还要参加专门的安全管理人员培训班,了解新发布的法规制度,学习安全生产技术和国内外先进的安全生产管理经验,不断提高专业素质和管理技巧;学习应急管理、应急处置的内容和要求,提高现场处理应急事件的能力。能深入现场正确指导基层班组的安全工作,及时发现生产现场存在的事故隐患并及时进行消除,督促教育职工按照安全操作规程进行操作,保障企业安全管理规章制度的落实,提高现场标准化管理水平,使安全管理水平再上新台阶。 4 提高员工安全意识和安全技能是企业安全管理的根本因素 1 重视安全生产的思想教育,提高职工安全意识。首先必须对职工进行安全生产的思想意识教育,包括安全生产的法制教育、道德教育、集体荣誉感教育、责任感教育等。通过培训教育,提高职工安全生产的责任感和自觉性,促使广大职工遵章守纪,认识到不安全生产所造成的严重后果,改变重生产、轻安全的错误认识,克服麻痹思想和侥幸心理,思想上发生从“要我安全”到“我要安全”的转变,自觉杜绝习惯性违章操作行为和冒险蛮干的错误行为。企业可通过厂级、车间级、班组级的三级安全教育,提高职工的安全意识。基层单位在每天生产会安排生产的同时,对工作中需要注意的安全事项也会做出具体的要求,通过不间断的、立体式的安全教育提高职工的安全意识,使广大职工能够自觉地执行安全生产操作规程,这对企业的安全管理有着非常重要的作用。 2 加强职工的安全技术知识教育,提高安全技能。如果企业职工已具备了“我要安全”的思想意识,那怎么做才能够安全呢?那就还要做到“我会安全”,只有让职工掌握各项安全技能才能避免不安全事故的发生。因此,企业建立定期培训、学习制度,按计划对职工进行现场操作技能培训及安全技术知识的培训教育,包括企业的基本生产概况、生产工艺流程及与现场设备的性能和操作注意事项;以及有关电气设备有关知识;安全防护知识;消防制度和知识;个人防护用品的正确使用等。通过多种形式的培训教育,职工在工作中能够做到严格执行安全操作规程,防止“经验”主义或麻痹大意、违章作业等情况的发生,使职工在工作中不仅“我要安全”,而且“我会安全”。 3 对职工进行经常性的安全教育,做到警钟长鸣。企业除了组织专门的安全培训和思想教育外,平时也要不断开展形式多样、生动活泼的安全教育活动,如贴挂安全标语、标志牌,进行知识竞赛、安全演讲,定期放映安全方面的录像片,进行安全板报和宣传栏评比等活动,这样能够寓教于乐,收到事半功倍的效果;利用兄弟单位发生的安全事故进行安全教育,使职工明白事故其实就发生在我们身边,使“安全”两字扎根在职工心里,在平时工作中能自我规范行为,起到自我保护的作用。 3 实施效果 1 能激发全体员工搞好安全生产的积极性和主观能动性 以往企业的安全管理过多采用行政命令,容易使职工产生逆反心理,从而产生副作用。以“人”为本的管理方法以“人”为出发点,注重激发职工的思想共鸣,使全体员工不论领导干部还是职工,不再认为安全生产是安全管理人员的事,与我无关,达到一种人人参与的局面;着重突出一个“人”字,符合人们普遍的心理愿望,尊重职工的主人翁地位,全体员工能积极主动做好安全管理工作。 2 能提高自我和群体的防护意识和能力 以“人”为本着重通过安全培训教育,增强人的安全意识,提高人的安全技能,大幅度提高员工安全认知水平,员工能主动按照岗位操作规程进行操作,杜绝 “三违”现象,在保障安全的前提下去完成工作任务,增强企业的群体安全意识和防护能力。 3 能进一步实现企业的和谐发展 在新形势下实施以“人”为本的安全管理,企业员工在思想上把“要我安全”转变为“我要安全”和“我会







Enterprise Management IncentivesA guide for employees, employers and advisersThis guidance aims to take you through the qualifying requirements for Enterprise Management Incentives (EMIs) It is divided into sections which explain each part of the legislation contained in Schedule 5 Income Tax (Earnings and Pensions) Act Detailed points are covered in a question and answer It also explains some key terms Unless otherwise stated, the statutory references in this guidance are to the Income Tax (Earnings and Pensions) Act 2003, and the abbreviations ITEPA 2003 and Sch 5 have been used Remember that if you grant EMI options you may also have to consider other laws and For example, there may be company law and regulatory requirements to comply Such matters are not covered in this guide so you should consider whether you need to take relevant professional The information contained here is for guidance EMI options must at all times comply with the provisions of Schedule 5 ITEPA What’s in this guidance * What are Enterprise Management Incentives (EMIs)? * How EMIs work * Qualifying companies * What makes an employee eligible? * About the options * Notification of grants of options * Income tax and National Insurance contributions * Capital gains tax * What happens when a company reorganises? * Useful contacts * EMI terms explainedWhat are Enterprise Management Incentives (EMIs)?EMIs are tax advantaged share They are designed to help small, higher risk companies recruit and retain employees who have the skills to help them grow and They are also a way of rewarding employees for taking a risk by investing their time and skills to help small companies achieve their How EMIs workTax advantaged share options with a market value of up to £100,000 may be granted to a qualifying employee of a qualifying company, subject to a total share value of £3 million under EMI options to all The shares must be in an independent trading company that has gross assets of no more than £30 The grant of the option is tax-free and there will normally be no tax or National Insurance contributions (NICs) for the employee to pay when the option is There will normally be no NICs charge for the If the shares are sold at a gain, any capital gains tax (CGT) charge may be reduced because taper relief will normally start from the date that the option is The employer must notify HMRC of an award of EMI options within 92 days of the grant of the Throughout this guidance all references to employer are to the employing How companies qualify for EMIFor companies to qualify they must have maximum gross assets of no more than £30 million; for groups, this applies to the assets of the group as a The company whose shares are the subject of the option must be independent, and the company or group must be Companies carrying on certain trades will not There is more detail on qualifying How options qualify for tax relief under EMIIf an option is to qualify for tax relief: * the option has to be notified to HMRC in time and as required * the company whose shares are under option has to be a qualifying company * the type of share under option has to qualify * the employee has to be eligible * the terms of the option have to What makes an employee eligibleTo qualify for EMI an employee has to be employed by the company whose shares are the subject of the option, or by a An employee must spend at least 25 hours a week working for the company or the If his hours are shorter, he must spend at least 75% of his working time working as an employee for the company or There are more details on employee How EMIs workThis section outlines the main requirements for options to qualify under EMI, they are: * the purpose of the option * the maximum entitlement of the employee and * the overall limit on options to be granted by the The purpose of the optionThe options must be granted for commercial reasons to recruit or retain employees in a company, and not as part of an arrangement one of the main purposes of which is to avoid (Para 4 Sch 5)Can a company cancel existing options and replace them with EMI options?If the option is granted to recruit or retain employees the purpose test is This will depend on the facts and all the Maximum entitlementNo employee may hold unexercised qualifying EMI options with a market value of more than £100, The market value is taken at the date of The value to be used is the unrestricted market value, that is, the value of shares under option without taking into account any restrictions or the risk of forfeitureIf an option granted to an employee causes the £100,000 limit to be exceeded, the excess will not qualify as an EMI Are there limits on the number of qualifying options that an employee may be Granted within a particular period?Y Once an employee has been granted EMI, or EMI and Company Share Option Plan (CSOP) options up to the £100,000 limit, he must wait until 3 years after the last of these options was granted before he can be granted any more EMI qualifying options, even if he has exercised or released some of the He can then be granted further EMI options to the extent that any other EMI or CSOP options then held by him are below the £100,000 (Para 6 Sch 5)How are shares valued for the purposes of the £100,000 limit?The market value of any shares for this purpose is the price they might reasonably be expected to fetch on the open market, free from any restrictions or risk of forfeiture to which they may be If the shares under option are quoted on the London Stock Exchange, the market value is based on the prices on the Stock Exchange’s Daily Official L If shares are not quoted on the London Stock Exchange, the company may offer its own In that case, HMRC may enquire into the Alternatively, the company can ask HMRC Shares and Assets Valuation (SAV) to agree a valuation with them before the option is granted or whenever a valuation is Companies, or advisers, may find this If the exercise of the option is subject to performance conditions will this affect the determination of market value?N Performance conditions are not taken into account when determining the market value of the shares under Is there a limit on the number of employees who may hold EMI options?N Any number of employees may hold EMI options in a company or group, subject to a maximum of £3 million as the total value of shares under EMI option in a Qualifying CompaniesThis section sets out the conditions a company has to meet to qualify for EMI, they are: * independence * having only qualifying subsidiaries (including qualifying property managing subsidiaries after 17 March 2004) * gross assets * trading The requirements that companies have to meet for options to qualify under EMI are similar to the requirements for the Enterprise Investment Scheme, the Corporate Venturing Scheme and Venture Capital T However, both quoted and unquoted companies can qualify for EMIIndependenceA company whose shares are subject to EMI options must not be: * a 51% subsidiary (more than 50% of its ordinary share capital owned by another company), or * controlled by another company (or another company and persons connected with it)Arrangements must not exist which could result in the company becoming a 51% subsidiary or otherwise being (Para 9 Sch 5)Control in this context means the power of one company to ensure that the affairs of another company whose shares are subject to EMI option are conducted in accordance with that company’s This may be through share ownership, voting power, or because of any powers conferred by Articles of Association or other Qualifying subsidiaries (before 17 March 2004)For options granted before 17 March 2004, all of a company’s subsidiaries must be qualifying That is, the company whose shares are subject to EMI options must: * possess, directly or indirectly, at least 75% of the share capital and the voting power of the subsidiary * be entitled to receive at least 75% of the assets of the subsidiary, in the event of a winding up or in any other circumstances, if they were all distributed * be entitled to at least 75% of profits of the subsidiary available for distribution to No other person must be able to control the subsidiary (control having the same meaning as it has for the independence )There must be no arrangements in existence by virtue of which any of these conditions would cease to be If a subsidiary company itself has subsidiaries, shares will not qualify to be used in an EMI option unless all these subsidiaries are also qualifying subsidiaries, as defined Example 1Company A has a 75% shareholding in subsidiary company B, and the same % rights to votes, assets and Company B is therefore a qualifying Company B has a 75% shareholding in subsidiary company C, and the same % rights to votes, assets and Company C it also therefore a qualifying Company A meets the EMI requirements in relation to its Example 2Company X has a 75% shareholding in subsidiary company Y, and the same % rights to votes, assets and Company Y is therefore a qualifying Company X also has a 60% shareholding in subsidiary company Z, and the same % rights to votes, assets and Company Z is not a qualifying Company X therefore fails to meets the EMI requirements, as not all of its subsidiaries are qualifying Qualifying subsidiaries (after 17 March 2004)For options granted on or after 17 March 2004 all of a company’s subsidiaries must be qualifying That is, the company whose shares are subject to EMI options must hold, directly or indirectly, more than 50% of the share capital of the (Para 11(2) Sch 5)No other person must be able to control the subsidiary (control having the same meaning as it has for the independence )There must be no arrangements in existence by virtue of which any of these conditions would cease to be There is a further requirement if the company has subsidiaries that manage Qualifying property managing subsidiariesFor options granted on or after 17 March 2004, a company will not qualify if it has a property managing subsidiary which is not a 90% subsidiary of the (Para 11A(1) Sch 5)A property managing company is one whose business consists wholly or mainly in the holding of managing of land, buildings or interest in To be a qualifying property managing subsidiary, the company whose shares are subject to EMI options must: * possess, directly, at least 90% of the issued share capital and the voting power in the subsidiary * be entitled to receive at least 90% of the assets of the subsidiary, in the event of a winding up or in any other circumstances, if they were all distributed * be entitled to at least 90% of profits of the subsidiary available for distribution to No other person must be able to control the subsidiary (control having the same meaning as it has for the independence )There must be no arrangements in existence by virtue of which any of these conditions would cease to be Gross assetsThe value of the company’s gross assets must not exceed £30 million at the date the EMI option is If the company is a member of a group of companies, the limits are applied to the gross assets of the group as a 由于篇幅有限,网址在这里-new-htm,你可以在那里看到完整。这是一篇关于企业管理的学术性文章。

Managing people effectively in extension programmes is a skill that requires constant planning and An extension programme manager can be defined as the person who is vested with formal authority over an organization or one of its sub He or she has status that leads to various interpersonal relations, and from this comes access to Information, in turn, enables the manager to devise strategies, make decisions, and implement action (Mintzberg, 1988) Management is concerned with the optimum attainment of organizational goals and objectives with and through other Extension management organizations are characterized by many strategies, wide spans of control, democracy, and Their management practices cannot be reduced to one standard set of operating guidelines that will work for all organizations However, all managers of professional organizations face the same challenge: to manage one's time, objectives, and resources in order to accomplish tasks and implement ideas (Waldron, 1994) Managers of extension programmes are painfully aware of the need for revision and development of the new skill sets held by today's high If change is not handled correctly, it can be more devastating then ever High performers reflect, discover, assess, and They know that a new focus on connecting the heads, hearts, and hands of people in their organization is Astute managers know what needs to be done but struggle with how to do Quite often they prefer to consider themselves as teachers or communicators rather than This results in under-utilization of the increasing amount of literature on management theory and The root of the problem is They must learn how to motivate others and build an efficient More formally defined, management is the process by which people, technology, job tasks, and other resources are combined and coordinated so as to effectively achieve organizational A process or function is a group of related activities contributing to a larger Management functions are based on a common philosophy and They centre around the following: Developing and clarifying mission, policies, and objectives of the agency or organization Establishing formal and informal organizational structures as a means of delegating authority and sharing responsibilities Setting priorities and reviewing and revising objectives in terms of changing demands Maintaining effective communications within the working group, with other groups, and with the larger community Selecting, motivating, training, and appraising staff Securing funds and managing budgets; evaluating accomplishments and Being accountable to staff, the larger enterprise, and to the community at large (Waldron, 1994b)The management functions listed above can be categorized by using the acronym POSDCORB (Bonoma & Slevin, 1978, from Gulick & Urwick, 1959): · Planning: outlining philosophy, policy, objectives, and resultant things to be accomplished, and the techniques for accomplishment · Organizing: establishing structures and systems through which activities are arranged, defined, and coordinated in terms of some specific objectives · Staffing: fulfilling the personnel function, which includes selecting and training staff and maintaining favourable work conditions · Directing: making decisions, embodying decisions in instructions, and serving as the leader of the enterprise · Coordinating: interrelating the various parts of the work · Reporting: keeping those to whom you are responsible, including both staff and public, informed · Budgeting: making financial plans, maintaining accounting and management control of revenue, and keeping costs in line with objectivesPlanningPlanning is the key management function of any extension It is the process of determining in advance what should be accomplished, when, by whom, how, and at what Regardless of whether it is planning long-term program priorities or planning a two-hour meeting, the planning aspect of management is the major contributor to success and Stated simply, "If you don't know where you are going, then you won't know when you have arrived!" Planning is the process of determining the organization's goals and objectives and making the provisions for their It involves choosing a course of action from available Planning is the process of determining organizational aims, developing premises about the current environment, selecting the course of action, initiating activities required to transform plans into action, and evaluating the The types of planning that managers engage in will depend on their level in the organization and on the size and type of the Generally there are four major types of planning exercises: strategic, tactical, contingency, and Strategic planning involves determining organizational goals and how to achieve This usually occurs at the top management Tactical planning is concerned with implementing the strategic plans and involves middle and lower Contingency planning anticipates possible problems or changes that may occur in the future and prepares to deal with them effectively as they arise (Marshall, 1992) Managerial planning is usually considered as microlevel It helps in combining resources to fulfil the overall objectives of the extension A needs assessment may initiate a need for developing a The planning process begins with the creation of a philosophy that consists of statements describing the values, beliefs, and attitudes of the Its mission statement is a proclamation of its purpose or reason for After the philosophy and mission statements have been established, various goals and objectives are Goals are usually general statements that project what is to be accomplished in the An objective is a concrete statement describing a specific Policies are predetermined guides to decision making; they establish boundaries or limits within which action may be Managers are related to policy formation in two First, they play a crucial role in implementing organizational policies that have been established by higher Second, they create policies within their departments as guides for their own work Procedures outline the series of steps to be followed when carrying out a designed policy or taking a particular course of Rules are used to provide final and definite Usually they are Planning is designing the future, anticipating problems, and imagining In short, planning is essential for anyone who wants to The functions of organizing, leading, staffing, and budgeting are means of carrying out the decisions of Everyone is a planner - a planner of meals, of work time, Of vacations, of Formal planning, however, distinguishes managers from non-managers, effective managers from ineffective Formal planning forces managers to think of the future, to set priorities, to encourage creativity, to articulate clear objectives, and to forecast the future in terms of anticipated problems and political Long-Range Planning Long-range planning is vitally important in that it focuses attention on crucial future issues which are vitally important to the It involves studying societal trends and issues, surveying current and anticipated learners' needs, and being aware of long-term research directions and changes in Many extension workers may think that such management is beyond their level of authority, control, or They may feel that such management is the prerogative of the director, the deputy minister, or the However, while senior levels of management must be involved, those who implement the objectives resulting from long-range planning should also be

您好: 在企业经营活动中,物流是渗透到各项经营活动之中的活动。物流成本就是用金额评价物流活动的实际情况。现代物流成本是指从原材料供应开始一直囊括到将商品送达到消费者手上所发生的全部物流费用。由于物流成本没有被列入企业的财务会计制度,制造企业习惯将物流费用计入产品成本,商业企业则把物流费用与商品流通费用混在一起。因此,无论是制造企业还是商业企业,不仅难以按照物流成本的内涵完整地计算出物流成本,而且连已经被生产领域或流通领域分割开来的物流成本,也不能单独真实地计算并反映出来。 无论是企业物流还是物流企业,如何对自身物流资源进行优化配置,如何实施管理和决策,以期用最小的成本带来最大的效益,都是它们所面临的最重要问题之一。物流被看作是制造企业最后的也是最有希望降低成本、提高效益的环节。 企业物流总成本 对物流成本进行分类可以向管理者提供更多对决策产生影响的细节问题,但企业的物流活动是按照功能的不同来组织进行的,如订单处理、运输等,而且大多数企业采用帐户划分成本,物流成本无法单独列示,因此,划分物流成本任务艰巨。 企业物流成本是指企业进行采购、销售、生产等与物流相关活动的成本总和。物流总成本是企业管理物流运作的重要指标,如何在不降低服务水平的前提下,降低物流总成本是企业的一项经营目标。 运输成本:运输成本是指企业对原材料在制品以及成品的所有运输活动所造成的费用,包括直接运输费用和管理费用。为降低物流总成本需要严格控制在运输方面的开支,加强对运输的经济核算。 存货持有成本:一般来说,存货可以占到制造商资产的20%以上。存货持有成本有些概念区分模糊,难以确定,所以,目前许多公司只是以当前的银行利率乘以存货价值再加上其它一些费用,作为存货持有成本。实际上,存货持有成本包括存货资金占用成本、存货服务成本、存货风险成本和调价损失等。 仓储成本:大多数仓储成本不随存货水平变动而变动,而是随存储地点的多少而变。仓储成本包括仓库租金、仓库折旧、设备折旧、装卸费用、货物包装材料费用和管理费等。 批量成本:批量成本包括生产准备成本、物料搬运成本、计划安排和加速作业成本以及因转产导致生产能力丧失等。 缺货损失:缺货成本是指由于不能满足客户订单或需求所造成的销售利润损失。 订单处理及信息成本:订单处理是指从客户下订单开始到客户收到货物为止,这一过程中所有单据处理活动,与订单处理相关活动的费用属于订单处理费用。IT成本指与物流管理运作有关的IT方面的成本。包括软件折旧、系统维护及管理费用等。 采购成本:采购成本指与采购原材料部件相关的物流费用。包括采购订单费用、采购计划制订人员的管理费用、采购人员管理费用等。 其它管理费用:其它管理费用包括与物流管理及运作相关人员的管理费用。 单项物流活动成本降低必将导致其它部分成本增加,处理不当,甚至有可能导致总成本的上升。物流总成本分析是进行一体化物流管理的关键,运用总成本分析法可以有效管理和实现真正意义上的降低成本。 物流总成本是企业管理物流运作的主要指标,但物流总成本本身并不能反映企业的物流运作好坏。通过物流总成本的统计分析,使企业可以从全局的角度了解自身的物流运作现状,明确目前关键的瓶颈问题以及突破口,提出解决的方法,以提高企业整体的运作绩效。 物流成本管理与控制 企业经营的一个重要目标是以最小的投入换取最大的收益。而实现这一目标的最好途径是成本管理,物流成本的控制是对成本限额进行预算,将实际成本与目标成本限额加以比较,纠正存在的差异,提高物流活动的经济效益。 一般地对物流成本加以控制可采用生产率标准、标准成本和预算检验物流绩效等方法。战略成本管理是一种全面性与可行性相结合的管理技术,使企业在产品企划与设计阶段就关注到将要制造的产品成本是多少,战略成本管理最关键的因素是目标成本。 作业基准成本法(Activity-Based Costing,简称ABC法)就是一种战略成本管理方法,作业基准成本法由RCooper与RSKaplan在20世纪80年代末提出,所谓ABC法,是按照各项作业消耗资源的多少把成本费用分摊到作业,再按照各产品发生的作业多少把成本分摊到产品。利用ABC法可以改进优化作业链,减少作业消耗,提高作业质量,并在整个作业生命周期内进行战略成本管理。 作业基准成本法不但是一种较为先进的成本计算方法,通过作业成本管理对企业战略成本进行管理,为物流实施流程再造、业绩评价等提供成本信息,也为企业进一步改进成本控制和战略性规划与决策提供了更为有利的依据和标准。 通过对企业物流成本的分析,降低物流成本的基本途径有以下几种: 通过效率化的配送来降低物流成本企业实现效率化的配送,减少运输次数,提高装载率及合理安排配车计划,选择最佳的运送手段,从而降低配送成本。 利用物流外包降低企业物流成本,降低投资成本企业把物流外包给专业化的第三方物流公司,可以缩短商品在途时间,减少商品周转过程的费用和损失。有条件的企业可以采用第三方物流公司直供上线,实现零库存,降低成本。 借助现代化的信息管理系统控制和降低物流成本在传统的手工管理模式下,企业的成本控制受诸多因素的影响,往往不易也不可能实现各个环节的最优控制。企业采用信息系统一方面可使各种物流作业或业务处理能准确,迅速的进行;另一方面通过信息系统的数据汇总,进行预测分析,可控制物流成本发生的可能性。 加强企业职工的成本管理意识把降低成本的工作从物流管理部门扩展到企业的各个部门,并从产品开发、生产、销售全生命周期中,进行物流成本管理,使企业员工具有长期发展的“战略性成本意识”。 对商品流通的全过程实现供应链管理使由生产企业、第三方物流企业、销售企业、消费者组成的供应链的整体化和系统化,实现物流一体化,使整个供应链利益最大化,从而有效降低企业物流成本。 恕我不才,只能找到一篇论文了!深感歉意!Hello: In the business activities of enterprises, the logistics is infiltrated into various business activities of the Logistics cost is to use the amount of the logistics activities of the evaluation of the actual Modern logistics cost refers to the supply of raw materials from the beginning has been to include delivery of goods will reach consumers in the hands of all logistics The logistics cost was not included in the financial accounting system, manufacturers will be used to charge the cost of logistics product cost and commercial enterprises put the cost of the commodity distribution and logistics costs Therefore, whether it is manufacturing enterprises or commercial enterprises, in accordance with not only difficult to complete the connotation of logistics costs to calculate logistics costs, and even the production area or have been separated from the circulation areas of logistics costs, we can not separate true calculated and Whether the enterprise logistics or logistics enterprises, the logistics of its own to optimize the allocation of resources, and how to implement the management and decision-making, with a view to using the least possible cost and to maximize the benefits they are facing one of the most important Logistics be seen as a manufacturing enterprise is the last best hope to reduce costs and improve efficiency Total cost of logistics enterprises The logistics costs can be classified managers to provide more decision-making on the details of the impact, but the logistics enterprises in accordance with the functional activities to the different organizations, such as order processing, and transportation, and accounts of the majority of enterprises to adopt cost , logistics costs can not be shown separately, therefore, the logistics costs of the task is Business Logistics refers to the cost of procurement, sales, production and logistics costs related activities Logistics is the total cost of the logistics operation of the enterprise management an important indicator of how not to reduce the level of services under the premise of reducing the total cost of logistics enterprises is a business Transport costs: transportation costs refers to the raw materials and finished products in all transport costs caused by the activities, including direct transport costs and management To reduce the total cost of logistics need to strictly control the expenditure in the transport, the transport of strengthening economic Inventory holding costs: Generally speaking, the stock can be accounted for manufacturers of more than 20% of Inventory holding costs of some fuzzy concept of distinction, it is difficult to determine, therefore, present many companies only to the current bank interest rate multiplied by the value of inventory with a number of other costs, as inventory holding In fact, inventory holding costs, including the amount of funds used inventory costs, inventory costs, inventory costs and the risk of price adjustment Warehousing costs: Most warehousing costs do not change with the change in inventory levels, but with the number of storage locations and Warehouse storage costs include rent, storage depreciation, equipment depreciation, cost of loading and unloading of goods packaging materials costs and management Volume Cost: Volume costs include production preparation costs, material handling costs, and accelerate plans for operating costs and loss of productivity because of changing products, such as Out losses: out because it is not cost refers to meet customer orders or demand caused by the sale of loss of Order processing and information costs: Order processing is under orders from customers start to the customer's receipt of the goods so far this process all receipts processing, order processing and related activities of the cost of order processing IT costs and logistics management refers to the operation of the cost of IT Including software depreciation, maintenance, and management Procurement costs: that the procurement cost components associated with the procurement of raw materials logistics Including the cost of purchase orders, procurement planning for the management of costs, procurement management, and so Other management costs: Other costs include management and logistics management and operation of relevant personnel management Single logistics activities will inevitably lead to lower costs of the rest of the cost increase, handled properly, it could even lead to the increase in the total The total cost of logistics for integrated logistics management is the key to use of the total cost analysis can be effective management and real sense of the lower Logistics is the total cost of operation of the logistics business management major indicators, but the total cost of logistics itself and does not reflect the quality of logistics The total cost of logistics through statistical analysis, so that enterprises can understand from the perspective of overall situation of their own logistics operation status quo, clearly present the key bottlenecks, as well as the breakthrough point, to propose solutions approach to improve the business performance of the overall Logistics Cost Management and Control Business is an important goal for the smallest investment income for the And the realization of this goal is the best way of managing the cost, logistics cost control is to limit the cost budget, the actual cost will limit with the target cost comparison, the difference between correct and improve the economic benefits of logistics Generally cost of the logistics can be controlled productivity standards, standard cost and budget performance test methods such as Strategic Cost Management is a comprehensive and feasibility of combining the management of technology, so that enterprises in the product planning and design stage will be to create concern that the cost of products, strategic cost management is the most crucial factor target Operating cost base (Activity-Based Costing, or ABC) is a strategic cost management, operating cost method from the baseline and RSKaplan R Cooper in the 20th century to the late 1980s, the so-called ABC method, in accordance with the Operating How many of the consumption of resources allocated to the cost of operations, in accordance with the product to the number of operations to the cost-sharing ABC method can be improved by optimizing operating chain, reduce operating consumption, improve quality of operations, and throughout the operating life cycle of strategic cost To benchmark the cost method is not only the cost of a more advanced method of calculating operating costs through strategic cost management for enterprise management, logistics for the implementation of process reengineering, performance evaluation to provide cost information, as well as enterprises to further improve cost control and strategic planning decision-making and a more favorable basis and Based on the analysis of enterprise logistics costs, reduce logistics costs of basic channels as follows: Through efficiency of the distribution companies to reduce logistics costs of the distribution of efficiency, reduce the number of transport, improving loading rate and reasonable arrangement with plans to choose the best means of transportation, thereby reducing distribution Logistics Outsourcing of logistics enterprises reduce costs, lower cost of the investment companies to outsource logistics to specialized third-party logistics companies, can shorten the transit time of goods and reduce the cost of goods turnover and Qualified enterprises can use third-party logistics companies直供on line to achieve zero inventory, and reduce With the modernization of information management systems to control and reduce logistics cost management in the traditional manual mode, the corporate cost control by many factors, not often can not be realized all aspects of the optimal On the one hand, enterprises will adopt various information systems logistics operations or business can accurately handle, expeditious conduct of the other through the information system of data collection, forecasting analysis, logistics costs can be controlled the Strengthen the management of enterprise workers awareness of the cost of the work to reduce costs from the expansion of the logistics management of the various departments and enterprises, and product development, production and sale of the entire life cycle, logistics cost management, and enable employees with long-term development "strategy Cost " On the whole process of realization of the commodities, supply chain management to the production enterprises, third-party logistics enterprises, and sales enterprise, consumer composed of the whole supply chain and systematized, and achieve logistics integration, the entire supply chain maximum benefits, thereby effectively reducing the cost of logistics I am afraid I Fucai, only to find a thesis! Very sorry!
