

发布时间:2024-07-08 10:56:52


OK,The piano is used popularly today and also quitely enjoyed by It is one kind of musical instruments As every know,there are many famous people played piano in the world like Ludwig van Beethoven,he has many English songs,for example:lost good things/love has it all/proud of you and so I think you will like Musics which are played by piano can make people feel happy and have a good mood,Do you like it ?I'm sure most of people like Now you know piano is quite a good thing as what I (自己写的,可能还有些语法错误啦参考一下咯~)

Practice and how to study piano Set aside regular hours for practice and let nothing interfere with Young persons that attend school ought to practice from one to two hours daily according to their state of Amateurs, not attending school should spend not less than from two to three hours in daily practice, while those who aspire for artistic perfection should devote at least five to six hours to the daily study of their As a rule one fourth of this time should be devoted to technical studies, one fourth to reviewing, and one-half to the study of the new Other divisions of time may be more profitable to individual pupils, and if so, the teacher no doubt will make the needed It is not necessary that the fourth part of the time to be devoted to the study of exercises, should be used continuously or Pupils when devoting say a half hour to technical studies may divide it into two portions of fifteen minutes However, in no case should the time to be given to each branch of the lesson be Piano practice tips Every person loses through the day many minutes that are spent in idle These, says a celebrated teacher, a diligent pupil may utilize on the piano, thereby gaining daily an extra quarter or half hour of Never practice when weary in body or No good is to be derived from it; to the contrary it if almost sure to prove detrimental to the pupil's Do not clandestinely play It is a dishonest practice that is sure to injure This nibbling, so to speak, on many things, or this ambitious playing of pieces that are too difficult for the pupil, is sure to be productive of evil We cannot enjoin enough upon pupils the necessity of reviewing; the benefits to be derived therefore are Other tips about how to study piano Many pupils never have more than one piece they can play, simply because they lay the old ones aside, as soon as a new one has been A piece once mastered is of value, like so much property It has cost so much time and labor, and for this reason, if for none other, it ought to be Most pupils are satisfied with having learned to play the notes of a piece correctly, and indulgent teachers but too often allow them to stop After a pupil has learned to play the notes of a piece correctly, then begins the real study, that of playing it with By constant reviewing the pupil gains more and more the mastery over all technical difficulties and thus he is enabled also to play with more freedom and Finally, we would sum up our advice to pupils by enjoining them to be faithful, diligent, punctual, polite, and cheerful to their After doing all this they can afford to let the results take care of

Hello,I'm My hobby is playing the I often play it for about 3 hours a And i like playing the I always show it to my parents ,teachers and They always claps for a long time after i play the That makes me very So i love playing the 希望能采纳!!!!

Hi,I'm a Do you want to know me?Ok,let me tell about I like playing the Piano can make me I play the piano every Every day ,I back home do my homework and then I play the I once had a lot about Piano Competition AThis is my What abut you?(中文翻译:大家好,我是一个学生,你想了解我么?好,那么让我告诉你。我喜欢弹钢琴,它可以让我快乐,我每天弹钢琴。每一天,我回到家里做我的功课,然后我弹钢琴。我曾经有很多关于钢琴比赛奖项。这是我的爱好。你呢?)


OK,The piano is used popularly today and also quitely enjoyed by It is one kind of musical instruments As every know,there are many famous people played piano in the world like Ludwig van Beethoven,he has many English songs,for example:lost good things/love has it all/proud of you and so I think you will like Musics which are played by piano can make people feel happy and have a good mood,Do you like it ?I'm sure most of people like Now you know piano is quite a good thing as what I (自己写的,可能还有些语法错误啦参考一下咯~)

Practice and how to study piano Set aside regular hours for practice and let nothing interfere with Young persons that attend school ought to practice from one to two hours daily according to their state of Amateurs, not attending school should spend not less than from two to three hours in daily practice, while those who aspire for artistic perfection should devote at least five to six hours to the daily study of their As a rule one fourth of this time should be devoted to technical studies, one fourth to reviewing, and one-half to the study of the new Other divisions of time may be more profitable to individual pupils, and if so, the teacher no doubt will make the needed It is not necessary that the fourth part of the time to be devoted to the study of exercises, should be used continuously or Pupils when devoting say a half hour to technical studies may divide it into two portions of fifteen minutes However, in no case should the time to be given to each branch of the lesson be Piano practice tips Every person loses through the day many minutes that are spent in idle These, says a celebrated teacher, a diligent pupil may utilize on the piano, thereby gaining daily an extra quarter or half hour of Never practice when weary in body or No good is to be derived from it; to the contrary it if almost sure to prove detrimental to the pupil's Do not clandestinely play It is a dishonest practice that is sure to injure This nibbling, so to speak, on many things, or this ambitious playing of pieces that are too difficult for the pupil, is sure to be productive of evil We cannot enjoin enough upon pupils the necessity of reviewing; the benefits to be derived therefore are Other tips about how to study piano Many pupils never have more than one piece they can play, simply because they lay the old ones aside, as soon as a new one has been A piece once mastered is of value, like so much property It has cost so much time and labor, and for this reason, if for none other, it ought to be Most pupils are satisfied with having learned to play the notes of a piece correctly, and indulgent teachers but too often allow them to stop After a pupil has learned to play the notes of a piece correctly, then begins the real study, that of playing it with By constant reviewing the pupil gains more and more the mastery over all technical difficulties and thus he is enabled also to play with more freedom and Finally, we would sum up our advice to pupils by enjoining them to be faithful, diligent, punctual, polite, and cheerful to their After doing all this they can afford to let the results take care of

The piano as the king of Musical Instruments, after three hundred years, its evolution and development of artistic performance achieved high realm, piano accompaniment is separated from which a special kind of independent academic The 18th century later, with the Musical Instruments of pop, piano accompaniment is widely used in vocal music art in other styles, piano accompaniment is not generally in the sense of "TuoQiang protect tone," but as a unique artistic form in vocal music occupies an important Overview of our country middle and primary school textbooks of years sing just with accompaniment spectrum is rare, is almost entirely single Facing the ChanSheng department songs can be found everywhere, many music teachers teaching material to spontaneously impromptu accompaniment offers form, creatively made every song have multi-tone accompaniment But as to the present music teachers' basic primary impromptu accompaniment offers, it seems, the situation is not For now in singing piano accompaniment situation, vocal piano accompaniment ability the enhancement become particularly In this paper, only singing from the piano as the accompaniment of Angle, through instruments of vocal piano accompanist to remove adjustable basic quality (technical mastery, piano touching clavier processing, solo part playing skills as well as to the comprehension of the pieces) and piano accompanist and the singer cooperation (piano accompaniment and singing breathing coordination, piano accompanist and the singer cooperation process) two aspects to talk about in vocal music, piano accompaniment perfect correspondence with the Keywords: piano accompaniment vocal music basic quality perfect correspondence


I love playing the piano because when I hear the beautiful sounds of piano I feel I stared learning since I was eight,it has been five years Although sometime I meet difficults,I never give up and try my best to deal the Today I still keep learning playing the I practice hard everyday and have lesson every SIn my eyes ,palying the piano is not only a habbit,but also a way to I learned a lot while I was I hope you will enjoy it

Say to the hobby, everyone relish, I have no exception, my hobby is playing the Music is a kind of my feelings, whenever I plays piano, all of the worries vanished, a joy from the bottom of the waves of passion in my mind, it makes me deeply intoxicated, brain constantly with the music of the strength of the change of circumstances When I go downtown elementary school art center, think only when signing up music will bring me happiness, anger, sadness and When the first touch the piano, I can't wait to learn with the Although beginning is hard but I also insisted down and not give up, when I started to learn YinXie finished etudes preparation examination first-level repertoire, I very happy, also determined to learn the piano, it must make this wonderful music to accompany me a wonderful Now I am ready to YinXie level exam piano, everybody says I have to music, so I must make more aroused the real 说到爱好,人人都津津乐道,我也不例外,我的爱好是弹钢琴。我对音乐有一种说不出的感觉,每当我弹起钢琴时,所有的烦恼都烟消云散,一股快乐的海浪般的激情从心底涌上我的心头,它让我深深地陶醉了,脑中不断随这音乐强弱的变化浮现出各种情形。当我到市中心小学艺术中心报名时,便觉得只有音乐才会给我带来喜、怒、哀、乐。当第一次触摸钢琴时,我迫不及待地跟老师学了起来。尽管开头很难很难但我也坚持下了并没有半途而废,当我练完了练习曲准备开始学音协考级第一级的曲目时,我十分高兴,同时也下定了决心一定要吧钢琴学好,让这美妙的音乐陪我度过美好的时光。现在我正准备参加钢琴三级音协考试的时候,每个人都说我对音乐情有独钟,这样更加激起我一定要做出真实的行动来


CheEr concerning Nineveh piano piano practice in the value of etudesAbstract: an excellent pianist, and have the skills and skill and profound understanding of With the increase of the piano, also etudes, and CheEr is Austrian composer and pianist, is famous in his piano piano etudes the study status is Based on the analysis of his piano etudes, let us perceive him to learn of his music and the importance of Keywords: CheEr Nineveh, Etudes, Learn the piano



当然这也不能片面的理解为只能在和声变换的地方更换踏板,如吴祖强的《水草舞》的引子部分8个小节,但只换了1次和声,如果只换一次踏板的话,就会声音获得过多的泛音而变得浑浊,这是极其错误的。 2.节奏的需要 节奏影响着乐曲所要表达的情绪,而为传递乐曲的情绪所服务的踏板在使用时必须基于节奏的需要来考虑。往往是为加强节奏的效果而使用节奏性的直踏板法。 3.作品风格 作品的风格可以说最应当要注意的一点,在你选择踏板的使用的时候如果你不考虑作品的风格那将是致命的错误。因为每一首钢琴音乐作品均有其特定的风格,而同时期的作品也有其叫明显的共性风格特征。 在演奏巴赫的作品的时候对于巴赫的音乐作品,许多演奏家持有这样一种观点:巴赫的那些作品诞生的年代还没有右踏板的出现。在演奏中如果使用踏板,将影响作品的原始风貌。但不知是否有人考虑过在巴赫创作这些乐曲的年代同样没有现代钢琴的出现,那些作品是为羽管键琴和古钢琴所创作的。可见,我们在现代钢琴上演奏巴赫的作品就已经破坏了巴赫作品的原始风貌。 在巴赫作品中如何使用踏板的问题上菲鲁奇奥·布索尼的这段话可以给我们一些启示“踏板在巴赫的钢琴作品中是需要的,在钢琴作品中使用踏板而有听不出来,才是唯一正确的方法。有关这一点,我们指的是用踏板来连接两个依次进行的单音或和弦,为强调一个悬留音,为延续一个单声部,等等;一种处理方式其中并不显出具体的踏板效果……在任何地方只要可能,尽量用手而不是用踏板来延续一些音。”由于巴洛克时期和19世纪的声音概念不同,19世纪喜欢主要为密集的洪亮度、音型的融合和延续长的低音持续音而使用踏板,但巴洛克时期是具有对位的声部清晰,并且每个声部有对比性奏法的观念的时期,因此在弹巴赫的作品时不能将作品的踏板处理为19世纪时期的那种方式,应当要: (1) 不要把踏板踩得太深,以免产生太强的泛音; (2) 不要把踏板踩得太长,根据线条而不是根据和声使用踏板,多换踏板,保持声部清晰 如在下面巴赫的《平均律钢琴曲第一集》《降b小调前奏曲》的这段乐曲中就是用右踏板帮助在重复音中做到连音连接。 巴赫的作品在结尾处的尾奏部分往往使用的是一种完满终止,即K →Ⅳ→Ⅴ →Ⅰ这种极具有宗教色彩的结尾很大程度上是在模仿宏伟的“全奏的风琴”效果,如果不踩踏板就无法在现代钢琴上表现出这种效果。如下例是巴赫的《平均律钢琴曲第一集》《升C大调赋格》的结尾部分。 在演奏古典乐派海顿、莫扎特的作品的时候,由于在他们的音乐中,织体的清晰度、句法和奏法决不能搞得含糊不清。如同在钢琴上弹奏巴赫一样,在莫扎特或海顿中使用踏板必须觉察不出来。在使用时要注意 (1)在设计踏板使用时,应该首先不用踏板学习音乐,所有的奏法单独用手指完成,以后可以为了音色而少量的增加一些踏板,或为使一个难于应付的连奏变得更为容易而短时间的使用; (2)在快板乐章中,尤其在快速音群时,不使用延音踏板,而使用颤音踏板; (3)在中速或慢速的乐曲中,为增加共鸣,加强乐曲的连贯与和声的丰满可使用延音踏板。 由于贝多芬是要求踏板的使用达到可以感觉的程度的第一位著名的作曲家,在演奏贝多芬的作品时,有贝多芬亲自标明使用踏板的地方,必须要按照标记去做。在下面一些地方可以使用踏板: (1) 为保持逐渐的均匀的渐强和渐弱,可以使用踏板; (2) 为有助于演奏legato,增强乐句的连贯,可以使用踏板; (3) 为使音响更丰富饱满; (4) 为获得色彩性效果; (5) 为加强力度对比; (6) 为连接个乐章而使用踏板。 同时我们应当认识到,虽然贝多芬的作品中大量的出现了使用踏板的标记,但是他所做的标记是为他所知道的钢琴写作,而不是为了今天的乐器,特别是更少的传送力量,以及音域之间更大的区别的问题,会不时的影响踏板的使用,这时对贝多芬的踏板使用方法做适当的修改以适应现代乐器,但要注意的是有关气氛朦胧的原来概念应该保持下来。`另外一方面有迹象表明贝多芬使用踏板比他所标记的要多,但这不应作为可以毫无选择的使用踏板,或不去了解贝多芬最希望踏板为他的音乐做些什么的一种许可。 4 钢琴踏板的运用--我的毕业论文 到了浪漫派的肖邦,舒曼,李斯特的钢琴作品中,踏板的运用得到了极大的发展,他们极大的发掘了钢琴音色变化的可能性。作为音色变化的重要手段之一的踏板的使用也更复杂更精细。尤其是李斯特,在他的许多钢琴作品中见到的暗指的踏板效果以及明确的踏板标记,这表明他具备了一种远远走在他时代前面的对踏板用法的理解。至少在他的晚年,他用了切分或连音踏板,一种当时认为先进的技术,在现今已被普遍使用和讲授。 李斯特的写作一般要求踏板的丰满、充足的使用,特别当需要它作为长持续音的一个支持时。在他为声乐和其他乐器的作品的钢琴改编曲中,踏板被大量的或几乎经常的使用。在所有长的旋律音上使用踏板,特别是那些在高音区的,即使它们没有被下面的和声材料所支持。 李斯特和贝多芬以及舒曼这样的作曲家一样,在踏板标记上经常指示一个特殊效果,而不是普通任凭演奏者自行处理可以做到的一个习惯用法。任何数目的这种特殊效果都可以被找到,它们有许多反应了明确的诗意的、形象化或甚至哲学的思想。 在印象主义的德彪西、拉威尔的钢琴作品中,虽然在他们作品的乐谱中几乎完全没有踏板指示,所存在的为数极少的几个也往往是粗略和模糊的,但是在他们的作品中不能想象倘若不使用踏板,印象主义的神奇和美丽将如何去表现。印象主义音乐的流畅、充满水分,润泽的声音,以及连贯的、斑斓的、变化的色彩只有在准确的使用踏板的基础上才能得以实现。因此,需要我们谨慎而敏感的使用踏板。 综上所述,我们应该知道,对于踏板使用的说明,一千句话都比不上一次演奏。踏板是任何钢琴演奏中极具个性的部分,没有两个演奏者会用完全相同的方法去使用踏板,而同一个演奏家也不会在每次演奏中用同样的踏板法,然而每人在演奏当时都能同样具有说服力。这种灵活性可由多种因素来解释。诸如速度、力度、声音、奏法、声部的平衡、作品的风格和时代、音乐厅、乐器等这样一些多种多样的可变因素,甚至还有演奏者当时的情绪,也时常会影响踏板使用方法的选择。写下来的踏板使用方法指示,不管它们是如何仔细地被标记的,甚至是作曲家提供的,也往往需要演奏者的修改。因此“只有耳朵本身,才永远是艺术性演奏的最终指导,而不是一套印出来的指示。”    每个曲子有不同的要求,这就必须学会用自己的耳朵去听!因为由于踏板是一种性质的技巧,想完全学到运用的每一个细节,和老师们用得一样,是不可能的,唯一永远的老师只能是自己的耳朵,经过老师的指导和训练,要使自己的耳朵能够敏锐地察觉到踩在踏板上的脚或大或小的动作所引起的声音的任何反应。想象出将要弹奏的音响效果,并指示脚的动作,以实现希望的音响。

《我的初恋 》 我以前也写过关于钢琴的作文 ,挺雷人的 ,一开始把让老师以为我描写的是一个男孩儿,到了文章最后再点明我的初恋—钢琴

