

发布时间:2024-07-07 03:48:51


Time being spent at a university is a most worthwhile period in a young person's This is a time when a student begins to form his or her ideas about life in Attending classes and studying in the library keep a student busy and provide him or her with access to valuable information, adding to his or her knowledge Campus life can also be rich and Most universities offer a variety of extracurricular activities such as sports events, contests, and other social gatherings, enabling the students to experience relief fi'om study and Students often form lifelong friendships through the varied experiences of university During the time a student spends at university, he not only develops his intellectual ahilites,he also develops social skills as well as knowledge and wisdom necessary for choosing a future By learning how to balance intense study and recreation, a student will be well prepared for the challenges of future

What is an accounting? accounting is a business language, it must be reflected by the current economic reality content business, the reality of economic issues how to display and description is true about important issues, there are views “ accounting is in money as the main unit of measure to voucher on the basis of special techniques, a principal economic activities for a comprehensive, integrated, continuous, checking and supervision, and regularly to provide accounting information in an economic and administrative ”If we put it out with a simpler name called, it is: “ accounting is an economic management activities ”, a little clearer: ” “ accounting is active, it has a unity, All things considered, the accounting is more than a To learn accounting, you have to master the science of learning is to learn the key to this course: to grasp the basic concepts of accounting, the basic The basic method, basic Note three contact: to note that various economic links between the to note that the links between the accounts, pay attention to accounting methods between contact:III handling three to deal with the relationship between the full and focal to deal with a good understanding and to deal with the relationship between the self-study and face to faceWhat is the future of accounting? as I'm concerned, the accounting future is today's hard I'm not going to predict the future, but I have to work hard in today's working environment in the future will continue to change, and the employment situation will also be aggravating, and upward mobility and competition is bound to be eliminated and accounting this post and talents who are falling behind isMy mother is an old accounting, she once told me: “ not in accordance with the accounting rules and regulations, is not a qualified accountant; just press the accounting rules and regulations, is not a qualified accountant; protection of interests of substance over form; enforcement system in the form of the substance is more important than; to deal with all complicated things the best way to capture the essence, simplify ” This is our accounting working environment with easy-to-just a short walk away, look at our how to do Now that half a semester of study, my understanding of accounting and one step further and take it to the financial statements:Financial statements also called external financial statements, is transactions'effect for banjiachi transactions'effect financial position and operating in the financial statements,The financial statements reflect company period operating results and financial position of the change in the financial statements are available from six ways to discover problems or A look at the income statement of income and this year, compared to last year revenue growth falls within a reasonable The second of Three long-term investment is Four look at other students'payment is Five for any related party transactions,Six at the cash flow statement is to reflect the movement of funds, cash injection and look for the causes and



My school我的学校My school is very The playground is There are some big trees and flowers in the Some children are playing in I love my 我的学校很美,操场很大,操场上有许多大树和花,许多孩子在操场上玩。我爱我的学校。

hen I was in primary school,I used to go school at 8: But while I went to middle school, I need to get up earlier than Because my teacher asked me to go to school at7: After going to school, my classmates and I need to do a lot of reading before our first class is Another important difference is I need to learn physics and chemistry These two courses are really very hard for But I believe,"No pain, no gain"I can learn it as good as my



我喜欢夏天。在夏天,天气是非常热和晴朗的,我可以穿背心和短裙,我也能吃冰激凌,我还可以在海里游泳,那是多么美好的事啊!I love In summer, the weather is very hot and sunny, I can wear my vest and skirt, and I can eat ice cream, I can swim in the sea, it is how good thing ah!春天非常美丽,我能去放风筝,我也能种花和种树,不过有时会下雨,那么,我就不能去外面玩了。Spring is very beautiful, I can fly a kite, I can plant some flowers and trees, but sometimes it will rain, so, I can't go out to 秋天是凉爽的,也是果实成熟的时候,我能和爸爸妈妈一起去旅游和野餐,或者去爬山。Autumn is cool, is ripe, I can and my parents to travel and picnic together, or go 冬天是非常寒冷的,我要穿很多厚厚的棉衣。下雪的时候,我可以和表弟玩雪和滑冰。Winter is very cold, I will wear a thick When it snows, I can play with snow and ice skating and 我喜欢所有的季节,它们非常美丽,而且我能做很多有趣的事。I love all the seasons, they're very beautiful, and I can do many interesting

college educationMy journey to college is such a long way; however, it is best to speak of it and consider of it right now since colege education is my everything It is the key to determine wheither my future career is bright right before my eyes, or The experiences you go through in college will shape you into becoming a successful person that can benefit from society The experiences you through in chollege will shape you into becoming your ideal future or the oppotiste of your ideal If you decide to make friends with people whom have poor educations whom goof around in parties all the Chances are you are going to have a very poor future that you can never look at it and regret about it If your decision is to make friends with hardworkers and well educated people , then chances are your bright future is planted right in front of your eyes before you know If you do not think about the friend clan you want to be involved in right You are probably going to struggle through all four years of college by doing stupid affaires, make poor decisions and probably be isolated from all the friends you could have made if you think about your decision right nowThe bright future is in everyone's hand in every Everyone can change their future if eveyrone grasp their tigtly and venture / avoid the bad circumstances one may Chances are your viviant future is right here in front of you! Look around you right now, observe everyone who is around Consider about the type of clan you want to be in Voila ! You are way ahead and way better than what you think you will

My favourite person If I'm a small flower ,my family will be a garden for me to I love my family There are three people in my family I love my mother best Because my mother is the hardest person in my family She is kind She cooks delicious food for us everyday Most of the housework is done by her She usually help me in my homework My family will be incomplete unless my mother live with us So my favourite person is my mother

I like winter I like winte, It's windy and Because I can skate and make a I wear sweater and jacket which season do you like best 我喜欢冬天 我喜欢冬天,它是冷的和凉爽因为我可以溜冰和堆雪人,我可 以穿毛衣和夹克你最喜欢什么季节



Do you like When I saw this question at first sight,I tend to say "no"Because I held a bias that accounting is everything to do with dull numbers ang boring But I changed my mind after learning my accouting I found that accounting is a kind of It has its own What's more,it is a widely used All sorts of companies,large or small,need Accounting makes firm operation more effient,supervision more accurate,investment more It's no doubt that accounting is of great I like 你喜欢会计吗?当我咋看到这个问题时,更倾向于说“不喜欢”。因为我一直对会计怀有一种成见认为会计就是和枯燥乏味的数字数据打交道。但我在我学习了会计课程后,改变了我的想法。我发现会计是一门科学,有它自己的规律法则。另外,会计是一种用途广泛的技能,各种企业,无论大小,都需要会计。会计使企业经营更有效,监管更准确,投资更理性。毫无疑问,会计至关重要。我喜欢会计。


What is the accounting? For many years the popular saying, accounting is accounting, scores and Ancient China "accounting" arising out of the Western Zhou Dynasty, mainly referring to the activities of the income and expenditure records, inspection and In the Qing Dynasty scholar Jiao Xun "Mencius justice", a book on the "will" and "dollars" for the general explained: "it is sporadic in terms of the total cost-effective it will," it is necessary to carry out the accounting for the individual accounts, individual accounts should be integrated, comprehensive accounting Accounting concept: Accounting is the currency as a major units of measurement, using a series of specialized method, the economic activities of enterprises continuous, systematic, comprehensive and integrated accounting and oversight and based on this analysis of economic activity, forecast and control to improve the economy the effectiveness of a management From an accounting definition, we can see that: Accounting first is an economic It wants to use the economic process measurement standards as the main currency continuous, systematic, comprehensive, integrated Economic calculation refers to people's economic resources (human, material and financial resources), the Economic Relations (equivalent exchange, ownership, distribution, credit, settlement, ) and economic process (input, output, income, cost, efficiency, ) conducted by the calculating the number of S Economic calculation includes both static phenomenon on the economy's stock of the situation, including the situation of the period of dynamic flow, including both pre-calculated plan, but also after the actual Accounting is a typical example of economic calculation, calculation of economic calculation in addition to accounting, which includes statistical computing and business Accounting is an economic information It would a company dispersed into the business activities of a group of objective data, providing the company's performance, problems, and enterprise funds, labor, ownership, income, costs, profits, debt, debt, and other Provide relevant information to the relevant department advisory services, anyone can provide information through accounting enterprises understand the basic situation, and as the basis for its Clearly, the accounting is to provide financial information-based economy information systems, business is the licensing of a points, thus accounting has been called "corporate " Accounting is an economic In the non-commodity economy, accounting directly for property and materials management in commodity economy, because of commodity production and exchange of commodities, economic activity in the property and materials are a form of value performance, accounting is used form of value the management of the property and If accounting is an information system, and mainly focused on corporate and external information users, then that is an economic management accounting activities was mainly within the enterprises, History and reality, the accounting is social production develops to a certain stage of the product development and production is to meet the needs of the management, especially with the development of the commodity economy and the emergence of competition in the market through demand management on the economy activities strict control and At the same time, the content and form of accounting constantly improve and change, from a purely accounting, scores, mainly for accounting operations, external submit accounting statements, as in prior operating forecasts, decision-making, on the matter of economic activities control and supervision, in hindsight, Clearly, accounting whether past, present or future, it is people's economic management


先帮你翻这些,明天有空接着翻。 Accounting in the modern time Modern accounting is the commodity economy With the further development of Chinese reform and opening up , accounting reform must keep pace with the economic reform Implementation of accounting pattern's significant changes is in order to promote the overall development of the work and do better work for the development of the socialist market Modern accounting is based on the true business transactions and get more focused on the value Modern accounting is not only providing accounting information,but also carrying on the value management which is a management of the economic And it must be act in accordance with five basic principles which including authenticity,consistency,continuity ,systematicity ,With the development of the social economic,the development of the accounting has changed rapidly and presented some new
