

发布时间:2024-07-04 18:20:09


Western cross-cultural communication often appear in the cultural conflict Cross-cultural communication in the Central and Western appears in the culture there are many kinds of conflicts, and here we have only listed the more common of 1 privacy conflict China's concept of privacy has been relatively weak, and that the individual should be vested in the collective, with the stress unity, fraternity, mutual concern, therefore often very willing to understand other people's mixed, the other side is also willing to frankly相告 And the only way to show how care about each other when the other side real friends to Westerners, by contrast, they are very focus on privacy, and emphasize personal space, a strong sense of personal, not too many others to mention their own affairs, even more reluctant to let others Even more are close friends, they would talk Enough is Therefore, in both Chinese and Western on the issue of privacy often conflicts, such as: China's first meeting will often asked each other's age, marital status, children, occupation, income and even in the eyes of the Chinese people is an act of courtesy, but in the West think that the eyes of these issues a violation of their 2 hours of the conflict Western concept of time is very, very cherish their time in life tend to advance on the time made careful arrangements and plans, and develop a good habit of flying In the West, to visit someone, prior notice or agreement, and indicate the purpose of visit, time and place, the business will be conducted China's people are more accustomed to the time of the countries in the use of time is very arbitrary, as Westerners generally not as strict accordance with the plan, sometimes even met with others may be just a temporary decision or early half only hours, flying in the punctuality extent, the less stringent, a few minutes late is very common And the reason is a pretext for the sale, any traffic jam ah, what is happening at home from the provisional body can not ah, and so This area vary greatly with Westerners, Westerners are often able to meet this, it is difficult to However, the Chinese people have taken for granted, do not feel there is any 3 courtesy of the phrase conflict China has always been a more traditional areas of the China also has been modest attention in communication with the people, emphasizes "Belcher own statue," see this as a virtue, which is a rich Chinese cultural heritage, courtesy We commend the people, we tend to a self-criticism to show modest and This is particularly prominent in the name, such as on their own to others will be introduced his wife: "This is Jianna!" My son will be "Quanzi" and said that he is "I" and so But others call it is a light put words: your father's parents are Liantang, and the other is the son of the son, and so Them to as a courtesy, a courtesy, others under their own In particular, by praise or recognition, the Chinese people always like this sentence: "Where where your winning! When not afraid!" On the contrary, the Western countries have no such cultural practices, when they are praised, the Association is pleased to say "Thank you" acceptance of other people's Initial contact with the Chinese people may also think that this is a narcissism what? Westerners call expression and the Chinese seem to the contrary, the more intimate relationship, the more accustomed am having its Traveled around the United States in the "Family album USA," the grandson Robbie see Grandpa, called the "Voice of Grandpa," Grandpa immediately corrected to "Call me Malcolm" appears briefly Duida, yet they Jiesunlia to narrow the gap between the In the eyes of Chinese people, this is kind of great disrespect is absolutely not The difference between Chinese and Western cultures, we believe that the West is too self-confident, without modesty, and when Westerners have heard that the Chinese people to deny others their own tribute or hear their denial of their own achievements, even when their criticism of worthless , would be very surprised that the Chinese people

American culture The main content of American culture is the emphasize on individuals' value, the pursue of democracy and freedom, the promotion of deploitation(开拓, 经营) and competition and the need of realistic and Its core is individualism: self first, personal need first, pursue of individual benefit and enjoyment, emphasize on achieving individual value by self-strive and self- This type of intentionally build up of personality and pursue customized individualism has its pros and cons, it gives incentives to people and make them exert on their potential and wisdom and as a result accelerate the development of the entire race and nation; on the other hand it is difficult to keep good relationship among people if everyone is egocentric thus make the entire society lack of American citizens emphasize on achievements and respect They have great sense in their hearts to praise success and Personal achievements are one of those with the highest value in Americans Americans have very strong senses of Success is the pursuit of most Americans, it is their attractive future and the incentives for moving They believe that one's personal value is equivalent to his achievements in his Some high achievers in their career such as entrepreneurs, scientists, artists and all kinds of super starts became modern The process and result of how they strived have become the frame of reference of social cul ture value and the real life text book for parents to educate their American society has great movements within These movements are shown in two aspects: movements amongst locations and movements inside the The United States are relatively more open and have more Developed transport and the tradition of adventure and sporty makes a lot of American migrate from countryside to cities, from downtown to uptown; and from north to the southern sunny land, from one city to

写作思路:首先提出跨文化交流的意义,提出跨文化交流的重要性,写到跨文化交流的解决办法与做法。跨文化交际是指将跨文化、商务、交际三个要素结合在一起, 进而演变成一个全新的文化领域。在当前的商务活动中, 跨文化交际通常包括跨文化的商务交际礼仪及商务人员的跨文化交际能力等, 其中商务人员的跨文化交际能力直接会影响到国际商务活动的开展, 面对的当前在国际商务中存在的跨文化交际问题需要国家有针对性的培养商务人员的跨文化商务交际能力, 保障商务活动的顺利开展。1、 跨文化交际在国际商务中的重要性国际商务是指在整个世界范围内的各种贸易交流的总和, 随着经济全球化趋势的不断加强以及国际市场的不断完善, 国际商务活动的开展在促进世界范围内经济共同发展上起到了巨大的作用。而且国际商务活动的开展给不同文化背景的国家和人们都提供了交流平台, 这种跨文化交流在实施过程中又进一步的促进了全国范围内的经济发展, 使其现代企业能够突破国内市场的桎梏, 继而在国际市场的舞台上大显身手, 实现自身企业的规模化发展以及可持续发展。同时, 现代企业在跨文化交流过程中也需要从同文化背景下的人们思想观念和行为方式出发, 全面提高跨文化交际能力, 为国际商务活动的开展奠定基础。国际商务跨文化交际问题与解决建议2、 在国际商务中存在的跨文化交际问题2。1、 跨文化交际中的语言差异问题。在国际商务的跨文化交际中, 各国之间的文化差异就是交际过程中面临的最大问题, 其中语言是国家文化的代表, 也是文化得以继续传承的重要载体, 其在跨文化交际中还承担着实现人们交流的重要功能, 可以说, 国际商务中的任何一项活动得到开展都需要语言作为依托, 同样, 语言的差异存在的交际问题也是当前跨文化交际中存在的最重要的问题。以中文和英文为例, 虽然在国际商务中翻译可以为交易双方提供方便, 但是中文的表达往往会比较委婉, 翻译并不能就中文所表达出的内涵意义进行分析, 相反的英文就会比较直接简单, 这就使得双方在交流过程中往往只会了解字面意思, 容易使双方对彼此表达的意思产生误解, 从而影响跨文化商务交际的顺利进行。2。2、 跨文化交际中的思维方式差异问题。思维方式是人们看待事物的角度、方式和方法的总和, 决定着人们思考问题的根本方法, 而在国际商务的跨文化交际中, 思维方式往往会直接影响交易者的行为方式。由于东、西方文化的差异较大, 其思维方式也存在较大的差异, 以中国为代表的东方文化主要是以形象思维为主体, 注重综合思维, 尤其喜欢迂回的方式, 而西方国家会比较注重分析思维, 偏向理性、逻辑和实证, 因而东方思维会偏向模糊, 西方则是偏向精确, 以上思维方式的差异会使得国际商务的开展存在交易上的阻碍。2。3、 跨文化交际中的价值观念差异问题。价值观念的不同会影响人们对同一商品的价值判断, 这也是影响国际商务活动的重要因素, 而且价值观念的不同使得交易双方极易在针对商品价值的制定以及合同的签订上出现分歧, 影响下一步的商务合作。2。4 、跨文化交际中的习俗差异问题。风俗习惯的差异不仅存在于各国之间, 同一国中也会因风俗习惯产生争议。而在国家上午中的跨文化交际中, 风俗习惯的不同极有可能会引发交易矛盾, 影响商务活动的开展, 不利于跨文化交际的顺利开展。3、 解决国际商务跨文化交际问题的建议在国际商务中, 各国之间由于政治背景、文化背景、经济背景等方面存在的差异导致跨文化交际出现各种各样的问题, 尤其是现代企业要想在国际市场上占据有利地位就必须要提高自身的跨文化交际能力, 商务人员的跨文化交际是国际商务活动开展得基础, 因而需要企业有针对性的培养商务人员的跨文化商务交际能力, 保障企业的国际商务活动顺利开展。3。1 、培养商务人员对不同国家文化的理解能力。国际商务中的跨文化交际问题无一例外都是因为国家所具备的不同文化, 因而在对上午人员的培养过程中首先就是要培养其对不同国家文化的理解能力, 使其能够理解并接受不同国家文化的差异。因而在培养过程中需要商务人员对不同的文化现象、模式及不同国家的文化差异有一定的观察力和理解力, 要求商务人员能熟练掌握不同国家的生活习俗、思维模式及社会价值观等。以便商务人员在国家商务的跨文化交际中能够根据不同国家不同地区的其文化背景适当的调节交际方法, 从而从实际出发去分析并解决问题。3。2、 提高商务人员对跨文化交际问题的解决能力。当出现跨文化交际问题时, 如果能够及时有效的解决问题也有可能力挽狂澜、扭转战局, 因而还需要提高商务人员对跨文化交际问题的解决能力。这就需要商务人员具有较好的应变能力, 根据实际情况采用妥协、竞争、回避等方法, 审时度势, 确保际商务跨文化交际能顺利的进行, 促进商务合作和交易。结语:综上所述, 跨文化交际是当前积极融入国际市场得重要手段, 在国际商务中所出现得跨文化交际问题在一定程度上阻碍了国际商务活动的开展, 不利于世界经济范围内的共同发展, 因此我国现代企业需要认清形势, 加大投入, 有针对性的提高商务人员的跨文化交际能力, 以便促进国际商务的顺利开展, 实现企业自身的可持续发展。


写作思路:首先提出跨文化交流的意义,提出跨文化交流的重要性,写到跨文化交流的解决办法与做法。跨文化交际是指将跨文化、商务、交际三个要素结合在一起, 进而演变成一个全新的文化领域。在当前的商务活动中, 跨文化交际通常包括跨文化的商务交际礼仪及商务人员的跨文化交际能力等, 其中商务人员的跨文化交际能力直接会影响到国际商务活动的开展, 面对的当前在国际商务中存在的跨文化交际问题需要国家有针对性的培养商务人员的跨文化商务交际能力, 保障商务活动的顺利开展。1、 跨文化交际在国际商务中的重要性国际商务是指在整个世界范围内的各种贸易交流的总和, 随着经济全球化趋势的不断加强以及国际市场的不断完善, 国际商务活动的开展在促进世界范围内经济共同发展上起到了巨大的作用。而且国际商务活动的开展给不同文化背景的国家和人们都提供了交流平台, 这种跨文化交流在实施过程中又进一步的促进了全国范围内的经济发展, 使其现代企业能够突破国内市场的桎梏, 继而在国际市场的舞台上大显身手, 实现自身企业的规模化发展以及可持续发展。同时, 现代企业在跨文化交流过程中也需要从同文化背景下的人们思想观念和行为方式出发, 全面提高跨文化交际能力, 为国际商务活动的开展奠定基础。国际商务跨文化交际问题与解决建议2、 在国际商务中存在的跨文化交际问题2。1、 跨文化交际中的语言差异问题。在国际商务的跨文化交际中, 各国之间的文化差异就是交际过程中面临的最大问题, 其中语言是国家文化的代表, 也是文化得以继续传承的重要载体, 其在跨文化交际中还承担着实现人们交流的重要功能, 可以说, 国际商务中的任何一项活动得到开展都需要语言作为依托, 同样, 语言的差异存在的交际问题也是当前跨文化交际中存在的最重要的问题。以中文和英文为例, 虽然在国际商务中翻译可以为交易双方提供方便, 但是中文的表达往往会比较委婉, 翻译并不能就中文所表达出的内涵意义进行分析, 相反的英文就会比较直接简单, 这就使得双方在交流过程中往往只会了解字面意思, 容易使双方对彼此表达的意思产生误解, 从而影响跨文化商务交际的顺利进行。2。2、 跨文化交际中的思维方式差异问题。思维方式是人们看待事物的角度、方式和方法的总和, 决定着人们思考问题的根本方法, 而在国际商务的跨文化交际中, 思维方式往往会直接影响交易者的行为方式。由于东、西方文化的差异较大, 其思维方式也存在较大的差异, 以中国为代表的东方文化主要是以形象思维为主体, 注重综合思维, 尤其喜欢迂回的方式, 而西方国家会比较注重分析思维, 偏向理性、逻辑和实证, 因而东方思维会偏向模糊, 西方则是偏向精确, 以上思维方式的差异会使得国际商务的开展存在交易上的阻碍。2。3、 跨文化交际中的价值观念差异问题。价值观念的不同会影响人们对同一商品的价值判断, 这也是影响国际商务活动的重要因素, 而且价值观念的不同使得交易双方极易在针对商品价值的制定以及合同的签订上出现分歧, 影响下一步的商务合作。2。4 、跨文化交际中的习俗差异问题。风俗习惯的差异不仅存在于各国之间, 同一国中也会因风俗习惯产生争议。而在国家上午中的跨文化交际中, 风俗习惯的不同极有可能会引发交易矛盾, 影响商务活动的开展, 不利于跨文化交际的顺利开展。3、 解决国际商务跨文化交际问题的建议在国际商务中, 各国之间由于政治背景、文化背景、经济背景等方面存在的差异导致跨文化交际出现各种各样的问题, 尤其是现代企业要想在国际市场上占据有利地位就必须要提高自身的跨文化交际能力, 商务人员的跨文化交际是国际商务活动开展得基础, 因而需要企业有针对性的培养商务人员的跨文化商务交际能力, 保障企业的国际商务活动顺利开展。3。1 、培养商务人员对不同国家文化的理解能力。国际商务中的跨文化交际问题无一例外都是因为国家所具备的不同文化, 因而在对上午人员的培养过程中首先就是要培养其对不同国家文化的理解能力, 使其能够理解并接受不同国家文化的差异。因而在培养过程中需要商务人员对不同的文化现象、模式及不同国家的文化差异有一定的观察力和理解力, 要求商务人员能熟练掌握不同国家的生活习俗、思维模式及社会价值观等。以便商务人员在国家商务的跨文化交际中能够根据不同国家不同地区的其文化背景适当的调节交际方法, 从而从实际出发去分析并解决问题。3。2、 提高商务人员对跨文化交际问题的解决能力。当出现跨文化交际问题时, 如果能够及时有效的解决问题也有可能力挽狂澜、扭转战局, 因而还需要提高商务人员对跨文化交际问题的解决能力。这就需要商务人员具有较好的应变能力, 根据实际情况采用妥协、竞争、回避等方法, 审时度势, 确保际商务跨文化交际能顺利的进行, 促进商务合作和交易。结语:综上所述, 跨文化交际是当前积极融入国际市场得重要手段, 在国际商务中所出现得跨文化交际问题在一定程度上阻碍了国际商务活动的开展, 不利于世界经济范围内的共同发展, 因此我国现代企业需要认清形势, 加大投入, 有针对性的提高商务人员的跨文化交际能力, 以便促进国际商务的顺利开展, 实现企业自身的可持续发展。

With the further development of globalization, exchanges between countries are getting closer and In order to overcome these obstacles, people from different cultural backgrounds will inevitably encounter As an English majors, we must improve our own cultural literacy and learn cross-cultural communication in

American culture The main content of American culture is the emphasize on individuals' value, the pursue of democracy and freedom, the promotion of deploitation(开拓, 经营) and competition and the need of realistic and Its core is individualism: self first, personal need first, pursue of individual benefit and enjoyment, emphasize on achieving individual value by self-strive and self- This type of intentionally build up of personality and pursue customized individualism has its pros and cons, it gives incentives to people and make them exert on their potential and wisdom and as a result accelerate the development of the entire race and nation; on the other hand it is difficult to keep good relationship among people if everyone is egocentric thus make the entire society lack of American citizens emphasize on achievements and respect They have great sense in their hearts to praise success and Personal achievements are one of those with the highest value in Americans Americans have very strong senses of Success is the pursuit of most Americans, it is their attractive future and the incentives for moving They believe that one's personal value is equivalent to his achievements in his Some high achievers in their career such as entrepreneurs, scientists, artists and all kinds of super starts became modern The process and result of how they strived have become the frame of reference of social cul ture value and the real life text book for parents to educate their American society has great movements within These movements are shown in two aspects: movements amongst locations and movements inside the The United States are relatively more open and have more Developed transport and the tradition of adventure and sporty makes a lot of American migrate from countryside to cities, from downtown to uptown; and from north to the southern sunny land, from one city to


一下是比较好写的论文题目,希望能帮助你! 论商务英语与文化的关系 论商务英语广告语言的特征与表达3 试论商务英语交际中的文化因素 论沟通语言在商务英语谈判中的作用与功能 试论中西文化习惯在商务英语谈判中的作用 论文化差异对商务英语谈判的影响 论 商务英语翻译中的不对等性8 论撰写商务英语信函的礼貌原则 论商务英语写作中的语气分析10 论商务合同英语的文体特征分析 论礼貌与商务英语信函中礼貌的表现 论商务英语中的委婉表达及其翻译 论商标名称的翻译与策略 论产品中文商标的翻译英语商务传真话语类型分析初探1 论外贸英语函电的语言特点2 论商务场合中的汉英跨文化交际3 论商标英译中的“信”4 论商标英译中的“雅”5 论商务英语信函及翻译特点6 论模糊语言在商务英语写作中的运用7 论商务英语翻译中的”忠实”与”变通”8 论商务英语合同及其翻译特点9 论英语俚语的汉译10 论英语委婉语的差异和翻译对策



Western cross-cultural communication often appear in the cultural conflict Cross-cultural communication in the Central and Western appears in the culture there are many kinds of conflicts, and here we have only listed the more common of 1 privacy conflict China's concept of privacy has been relatively weak, and that the individual should be vested in the collective, with the stress unity, fraternity, mutual concern, therefore often very willing to understand other people's mixed, the other side is also willing to frankly相告 And the only way to show how care about each other when the other side real friends to Westerners, by contrast, they are very focus on privacy, and emphasize personal space, a strong sense of personal, not too many others to mention their own affairs, even more reluctant to let others Even more are close friends, they would talk Enough is Therefore, in both Chinese and Western on the issue of privacy often conflicts, such as: China's first meeting will often asked each other's age, marital status, children, occupation, income and even in the eyes of the Chinese people is an act of courtesy, but in the West think that the eyes of these issues a violation of their 2 hours of the conflict Western concept of time is very, very cherish their time in life tend to advance on the time made careful arrangements and plans, and develop a good habit of flying In the West, to visit someone, prior notice or agreement, and indicate the purpose of visit, time and place, the business will be conducted China's people are more accustomed to the time of the countries in the use of time is very arbitrary, as Westerners generally not as strict accordance with the plan, sometimes even met with others may be just a temporary decision or early half only hours, flying in the punctuality extent, the less stringent, a few minutes late is very common And the reason is a pretext for the sale, any traffic jam ah, what is happening at home from the provisional body can not ah, and so This area vary greatly with Westerners, Westerners are often able to meet this, it is difficult to However, the Chinese people have taken for granted, do not feel there is any 3 courtesy of the phrase conflict China has always been a more traditional areas of the China also has been modest attention in communication with the people, emphasizes "Belcher own statue," see this as a virtue, which is a rich Chinese cultural heritage, courtesy We commend the people, we tend to a self-criticism to show modest and This is particularly prominent in the name, such as on their own to others will be introduced his wife: "This is Jianna!" My son will be "Quanzi" and said that he is "I" and so But others call it is a light put words: your father's parents are Liantang, and the other is the son of the son, and so Them to as a courtesy, a courtesy, others under their own In particular, by praise or recognition, the Chinese people always like this sentence: "Where where your winning! When not afraid!" On the contrary, the Western countries have no such cultural practices, when they are praised, the Association is pleased to say "Thank you" acceptance of other people's Initial contact with the Chinese people may also think that this is a narcissism what? Westerners call expression and the Chinese seem to the contrary, the more intimate relationship, the more accustomed am having its Traveled around the United States in the "Family album USA," the grandson Robbie see Grandpa, called the "Voice of Grandpa," Grandpa immediately corrected to "Call me Malcolm" appears briefly Duida, yet they Jiesunlia to narrow the gap between the In the eyes of Chinese people, this is kind of great disrespect is absolutely not The difference between Chinese and Western cultures, we believe that the West is too self-confident, without modesty, and when Westerners have heard that the Chinese people to deny others their own tribute or hear their denial of their own achievements, even when their criticism of worthless , would be very surprised that the Chinese people


TheculturedifferencesbetweentheEastandWest东方和西方间的不同文化 Asweknow,therearesomanydifferencesbetweencultureoftheEastandWestthatI(众说周知,东方和西方间在不同方面有许多我难以列举的不同之处。) ItisnodoubtthatitisatraditiontousechopsticksforCButpeopleinATAmericanschoosetoeatbeefsteak,bread,andsalad,whileChinesepeoplechoosenoodles,(无疑中国人用筷子是一种传统。但是美国人更喜欢叉子和小刀这不同的结果建立在她们对食物的喜好上。美国人选择吃牛肉片,面包和沙拉然而中国人选择吃面条,薄烤饼和米饭。 Inmyopinion,thestudyinATInaaddition,therateofgoingtoschool,thesalaryofteaching,andthejobofgruduatesarequitedifferent,IthinkthatCIalsoexpecttobeoneday,theWestgivemorecheers (在我看来,在美国学习会更有趣。老师们注重培养学生们对现实生活的理解能力。而且,去学校的上学率,教学的工资和毕业后的工作也大不相同。我认为中国政府应该尽更大的努力改善教育系统。我也期望有一天,西方能给中国更多的鼓励。

Chinese and Western Culture Comparison What are the major differences between chinese and western culture? I'll list down a few differences: West: Western culture is based on individualism rather than on mass (collectivism) For instance, in the US, you always talk about individual rights, instead of placing the whole society above your own This is clearly different in China where a country, society or family are placed above your own Western culture is adventurous and exploration Westerners like to discover new things, invention and expand For instance, bungee jumping is considered adventurous and common in western culture, but you will probably find no-one doing such a thing in C Western culture is based on science, which attempts to resolve people and nature's West uses law to resolve people and people's You can never find 'law' well-established in C For 2000 years, China is a land that's based on human relationship rather than West uses 'god' and religion to resolve human and spiritualism In case of problems with your own self, you just pray to A culture that expands and develop Chinese Culture: A culture based on masses (collectivism) People placed country and family above your own A culture that is based on humanism and people To resolve the relationship betwen man and nature, the chinese attempts to fuse the human and 'heaven' as (天人和一) To resolve people and people's relationship, chinese uses ethics and tolerance (中恕之道) To resolve human and spiritualism, chinese emphasizes internal cultivation (修身养性) A focus on balance and By 'mean', it means 'middle way' You don't go into Peace is always

如下:My dream is to study abroad in the I amalways that kind of life can come true 我的梦想是以后可以去留学。我总是希望那样的生活能早日成真。But, before I realize my dream, I have to do 但是,在实现梦想之前,我得做一些准备工作。I think the most important thing I need to do first is to adapt the life 我想我首先需要做的是适应那里的生活。It is said that there is a big difference between the eastern and western 据说东西方文化是有差异的。英文作文写作技巧:一、用词的丰富性1、简单词升级为高级词写作中,一些很基础的、常见的较口语化的简单词,可以找到很多与其对应的同义词、近义词,选择其中比较书面的高级词来替换。例1:problem “问题”,是我们从小用到大的相对比较简单的词,但是可以选择其比较书面化的近义词issue,obstacle,difficulty,dilemma等来替换。例2:disadvantage“不利条件,缺点”,是相对比较基础、常用的简单词,但是可以选择其比较难一点的近义词shortcoming,weakness,drawback,deficiency等来替换。二、单词升级为短语写作中的一些单词,可以采取与其意义相近的短语来替换。例1:exist“存在”,这一个单词,可以选择其意思相近的短语come existence,come being等来替换。例2:think“认为,主张”,这一个单词,可以选择其意思相近的短语from my personal perspective,as far as I am concerned,from my point of view,when it comes to me,for my part等来替换。
